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Your opinion on biowares handling of pvp.


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scaling health for lower levels doesn't compensate for abilities.


scoring system in the 3 match types is very broke and promotes selfish/solo game play.


consecutive CC's on players is total fail.


class balance is no where near where it should be for this type of pvp.


not having any options for joining is not cool.


being able to go from 10-50 by only pvping is laughable....

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in pvp with level 50 only players its great


in pvp with useless level <50 players its fun to kill them in 3 hits, but annoying that they dont know how to pass the ball.


Once the ability delay is fixed I will be perfectly happy with this game though, I have no issues with class balance and the way they are addressing the battlemaster bags in 1.1 is the perfect way to do it.

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Adding 50 brackets will fix most of the whining. and I am FINE with premades, hell, if I had a good guild knowing I would win everything, Id do it too. Everyone who disagrees ... should get some friends.


I do think bioware isn't giving the players enough info though. I barely see them post on the forums and that's how massive complaining starts, people forming their own ideas based on hot air.

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all classes need fix some need nerf other need boost we need more wz and arenas!


pvpers will be bored at 1-3 weeks from now


and if u want to describe the pvp its easy knock back // CC at 80% of time

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No major issues IMO. It's fun, relatively well balanced and well-paced.


I don't understand the people who complain about CC. I play a gunslinger and a guardian and have no issues with CC on either. I rarely find myself locked in a full duration CC and never get stun locked from 100 to 0 unless I'm greatly outnumbered in which case there's no problem with it.


My one gripe is that the commendation system promotes farming over objective based play. Other than that I think most people are just huge whiners who can't stand not face rolling everyone and should just go play a single player game if they want to feel like the hero.

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Lol - Gave up on there being any real PvP in this game about 4-5 months ago when I found out they had put Expertise on pvp gear rather than come up with (or use other already proven) a better way to offer PvP reward/incentives/differentiate from PvE.


Instead I have settled into enjoying KOTOR 3 online.

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The PvP was designed very poorly and I mean the design of warzones, World PvP, the rewards and things like that.


The 3 warzones themselves arent that bad, but with the exception of Huttball are not at all innovative.


I have some complaints about the combat system, but its ok in general. What really kills the combat is unresponsivess, bugs and things that arent really part of the combat system but directly impact it in an adverse way.


Their CC and immunity system doesnt really bother me, but I think they did a bad job with it. CC is always an issue where you are never going to make everyone happy. I think it was a bad idea to try and create some new system here, especially one that makes you question if you really understand how it works or if its just buggy.


There is no combat log.


I would give it a 6/10 overall.

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I think they did a fantastic job, I think a lot of people are just retarded and have no real idea what they want and they don't realize what they are asking for is unrealistic. I also think that Bioware has a fantastic SKELETON that they can add on too, and plan on doing so, as you can see from their constant community updates.
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CC is nothing in tor, every single class has CC, as well as learning how to fight others means CC becomes all but irrelevant. You have not seen CC till you play DAOC classic :) Most of you guys farm BG's I bet, so why would you care? when you get your allotted points just for going into a BG. who cares if you win or lose....


As for world pvp, I don't think I have ever died because of CC yet. an I have about 200 kills, an god knows how many deaths lol

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I think they did a fantastic job, I think a lot of people are just retarded and have no real idea what they want and they don't realize what they are asking for is unrealistic. I also think that Bioware has a fantastic SKELETON that they can add on too, and plan on doing so, as you can see from their constant community updates.


World PvP repeatable quests have points as the mission objectives instead of player kills.


The only reason to do World PvP at all is if you really prefer it to instanced PvP, The rewards are much worse.


Level 50s in endgame gear are put up against level 10s.


I am wondering where this fantastic job you are talking about is. They did almost nothing new and just did worse copies of PvP thats been done in other games.


You talk about them having a "Skeleton" as if they have something that other games dont, which isnt true. Sure they can update and make changes, just like any other game can. The thing you have to consider is that these flaws in design are so major it shouldnt inspire much hope that they will some how be able to make good design choices now that the game is out.


I think you are way off on people not knowing what they want. There is just so many things that should be different that they dont want to list them all.


The one thing I will say they did well is making the warzones very objective based. If thats your thing I think they did a very good job with that. I know some people prefer death match type scenarios more though.

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well the only thing they have done right so far is give lvl 50's there own bracket which i love bioware for doing <3



now they have got to fix the buggy spawn barrier

nerf operatives and scoundrels

nerf bounty hunters and troopers

make pvp gear actualy worth useing in pvp for all lvl's

give us the option to what warzone we wish to que for

fix entering a warzone to get kicked to the character select screen

add more warzones like capture the flag or as its star wars the holocron or something :p

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well the only thing they have done right so far is give lvl 50's there own bracket which i love bioware for doing <3



now they have got to fix the buggy spawn barrier

nerf operatives and scoundrels

nerf bounty hunters and troopers

make pvp gear actualy worth useing in pvp for all lvl's

give us the option to what warzone we wish to que for

fix entering a warzone to get kicked to the character select screen

add more warzones like capture the flag or as its star wars the holocron or something :p


They havent done that yet.


Im sure they knew exactly what they were doing though. It a terrible idea to have an endgame character matched against some who could be doing PvP for their first time.


The reason for this was probably because they knew a handfull of people would rush to 50. Without those Warzones populate with lower level characters it would have been undeniably obvious how much this game is lacking in end game PvP content.


The rest of your points are trivial and should be very low on their list of priorities. Your nerf cries should be ignored.

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I don't like SWTOR PvP. The skill cap is too low. Gear and level makes too big of a difference. Success is more about coordination than understanding your class or spectacular individual play. Too many powers that crowd control seem to have secondary root and slow effects. Crowd control is overall too prevalent. Classes feel too homogenized. Too many defensive cooldowns. Combat is too much about attrition.


It feels too much like guys just beating up on guys until the first guy dies, usually the healer and then everything else just falls apart for the other team after that. I guess some people like the feeling of beating on a wall until all the defense cooldowns have been popped and expended but it's not really what I like in PvP. It feels like those cooldowns on are way too short a timer all things considered.

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World PvP repeatable quests have points as the mission objectives instead of player kills.


The only reason to do World PvP at all is if you really prefer it to instanced PvP, The rewards are much worse.


They already stated Ilum and Smugglers den are far from complete and they have significant changes coming to both.


Level 50s in endgame gear are put up against level 10s.


They already stated level 50 PvP will be gated off by the end of the month.


This was also one of the best things to ever happen for the launch of a game. Yes there is this awkward 2 weeks where there are a lot of level 50s NOW, but in the first couple of weeks allowing level 50s to get in with lower levels made it so you could get to 50 and still be able to PvP. And the bolster buff worked incredibly well up until the level 50s got PvP gear.


I am wondering where this fantastic job you are talking about is. They did almost nothing new and just did worse copies of PvP thats been done in other games.


They did what other games did but did it better, that's all I wanted. The PvP is smooth and straight forward. World PvP is fun when it happens and Warzones are always there.


You talk about them having a "Skeleton" as if they have something that other games dont, which isnt true. Sure they can update and make changes, just like any other game can. The thing you have to consider is that these flaws in design are so major it shouldnt inspire much hope that they will some how be able to make good design choices now that the game is out.


What flaws in design do you see? I see no flaws in design. Badge systems give everyone a clear progression path in PvP. They haven't made bad design choices yet so it should be easy enough to make good ones going forward.


I think you are way off on people not knowing what they want. There is just so many things that should be different that they dont want to list them all.


That's pretty much what I meant. You can't please everyone. For most people this type of PvP is perfect, for a lot of people the game they want will NEVER be made because it is such a small niche market that it's not worth it to make.


The one thing I will say they did well is making the warzones very objective based. If thats your thing I think they did a very good job with that. I know some people prefer death match type scenarios more though.


If you prefer TDM go play an FPS.

Edited by Elaithe
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My pvp shadow is level 25 - pvp rank 25


Warzones are not my bag..im doing them because i have too


I so wanted to roll sithside but i prefer to be the underdog so went republic


I can cope with op classes - cc - being outnumbered 5 to 1 - being undergeared and getting my arse kicked by 50's.. i try my best and do what i can.. taking points/guarding some dps and disruption.


BUT please please BW gimme a world pvp zone at 50 worth going to.. make it a place people want to fight with rewards for fighting. Id go there just for lolz but many wont. Hell if it was good enough id live there.


Give faction benefits.. random loot drops (gear/commendations/pets/cookies) capture and control points that spawn a chest after say holding for a certain time. Make it unprofitable to simply 'trade' with the opposition.


Just give us fighters a fighting chance over something worth fighting for.


The day the call goes out and we jump on ts.. organise a revolution,, and guerilla tactic the goddam emo crowd with their gear and numbers.. the cookies will be on me.


Sadly however i doubt this will come to pass and i will have to look elsewhere.



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