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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Level 25 Legacy - Where's my reward?


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hey guysssssss


it has nothing to do with the fact that this person has grinded out 25 levels of legacy and everything to do with the fact that bioware put out an incomplete system


I think it would be more accurate to say: Incomplete game.


So many bugs that were reported during Alpha and Beta testing, but still nothing was done, and no extensive PvP and Flashpoint/Operations testing were done (or so it seems with the multiple bugs)


OT: Congratulations on the lvl 25 LEgacy lvl :) i also think that it is very bad game-design.

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Joking and flaming aside I would like to know what we are going to get when the Legacy comes in.


We have been told it will be epic and some great things are planned. Yet I get the feeling it will be a disappointment cause after the waiting and reading new character creation options and abilities it will end up being more scars though I can't imagine where they will go.


Or will it be something worth it so it turns mains into Alts and everyone is re-creating.

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It's not. Bioware will have to apply rewards for level 100, 150, 200 legacy. I could -easily- hit level 100 legacy (playing as I am now) in 54 days. Hell I could play double the time and get it in 28 days. That's why it's broken. I can get a large advantage over anyone and render the system useless because of how easy it is to level.


Gain a large advantage?? You don't even know what the rewards are yet so how do you realise you'll get one. An example of what you could get at level 25 is a non combat pet.


Stop complaining about a system that hasn't been full implemented and you have no clue as to what it does.

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hey guysssssss


it has nothing to do with the fact that this person has grinded out 25 levels of legacy and everything to do with the fact that bioware put out an incomplete system

Incorrect, they just didn't put out the system and we already knew this months before the games release.

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  • 3 weeks later...
i really wouldn't see a problem if it did stuff like unlocked crystal colors, different playable races, new space ship skins, and **** that really doesn't mean jack **** to game play. it will probably be a bunch of silly skills with some super useful one as the highest level though sadly.
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hey guysssssss


it has nothing to do with the fact that this person has grinded out 25 levels of legacy and everything to do with the fact that bioware put out an incomplete system


Um, not to sound rude or anything, but this is an MMORPG. There is no such thing as a "Complete" System.

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I'd rather the legacy system be disabled because when it goes live, I'm going to have a large advantage over everyone because of my legacy level.


PS: for level 25 legacy I'd like all my alts to start with the title "Servent of Clarissa" [main char name]


You want all your titles misspelled? You can't change them, you know.


Also, I think you're putting a lot of stock in this Legacy System. You don't even know what kind of rewards you'll be getting. Maybe at legacy level 25 you gain access to a new skin color of Twi'lek.

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GUYS! i just did something no one cares about, however, since i have no one in my life to tell of my achivements, i must isntead tell you all about it!.


and there is my problem, i WANT you all to know, BUT - if i allow you to know, that i myself WANT you to know, you will all mock me.




i will attempt to disguise my bragging with a pathetic little plan involving "complaining" about the very system that allowed me to gain the achivement in the first place, which will allow me to brag without any of you EVER knowing that is infact what i am doing!



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Um, not to sound rude or anything, but this is an MMORPG. There is no such thing as a "Complete" System.


No, An MMO will never be bug-free.. But it's game mechanics can someday be complete. BW did a dick move by implementing a mechanic in the game that isn't finished..


You can't benefit from it, no use for it, it's just.. there.


See the difference between the current legacy system and Soa bugging on Hard Mode EV?

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No, An MMO will never be bug-free.. But it's game mechanics can someday be complete. BW did a dick move by implementing a mechanic in the game that isn't finished..


You can't benefit from it, no use for it, it's just.. there.


See the difference between the current legacy system and Soa bugging on Hard Mode EV?


Then why does it bother you so much? If you can't use it or do anything about it, why complain? It's there as the base of a future feature - would it make you happier if it wasn't in-game at all?

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No, An MMO will never be bug-free.. But it's game mechanics can someday be complete. BW did a dick move by implementing a mechanic in the game that isn't finished.


If the mechanics are ever completed, the game will die.


And implementing new systems in stages is done all the time. The legacy XP is great compared to the alternatives.

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Entitlement = wanting something halted/removed (of which I'd lose a lot of time) so it's easier to achieve balance.




The fact of the matter is, your paying for a game, then saying it's terrible, you don't like it, and you have problems with it. Your the one who's getting screwed here, no matter how "awesome" you think you are at this game. When they tell you straight up that the system won't be released for sometime, it's your own fault if you spend that much time grinding it. Who's to say the rewards won't be social clothing items, cooldowns on noncombat actions, and other such useless items as it comes to your characters skill?

And another point i'd like to make, this is a STORY, and ill say it again, STORY, based MMO. Come to terms with that. PVP and FLashpoints are and added bonus to the lore and expierence. So your entire arguement, has essentially made you look like a fool in my eyes, and obviously the eyes of many more. Good luck to you, and hopefully you come to terms with the fact that wether you think it or not, your not the best ;)

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hey OP... since it doesn't do anything... why are you even paying attention to it? being that there is 0 impact by this system at the moment... why do you care if the counter is there? Seriously...


maybe if they had called it an ALL character activity tracker it wouldn't have bothered you as much?


If someone handed you a wallet and said sometime down the road I am going to put 10k cash in there, I bet you would complain that you have to carry the wallet....




btw you can turn off the legacy exp bar display in preferences, maybe that will resolve your concerns?

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cran's not trying to impress you, he's trying to point out that an incomplete feature was released explicitly for the purpose of grinding and that it'll come back to bite BW on the *** when they finally do release legacy features because people like him will have already grinded(ground?) it out to level 25
it'll bite them less than if they added after people had leveled all their toons to 50 and weren't leveling anymore...
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When legacy comes out, i believe its supposed to be a specialized ability tree for you "family"


what it will look like, i have no idea


I believe it will also give your toons account or server (not sure since legacy only works per server) special abilities that I believe are useful for leveling.


The problem is going to be is that many players are already going to have the toons overleveled to what the legecy gifts will help.


Right now basically the only thing to do in this game is level alts. Whats the point in leveling alts now so that the leegacy will help you with leveling alts later. But the only way to really get legacy is to level.


Again this is something that should have been released at launch and by releasing it in march say will actually benifit someone who hasnt started playing the game more than someone who has been here the entire time.

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All I'm getting from this is the following:


"The promise of upcoming new content and a suprise at the end of the day isn't enough for me. I went and ground this out so I could brag on the forums that I did so and I want my special talents that give me an I-WIN button and fluff my imaginary video game fame and respect NOW...GIMME IT NAO SO I CAN LORD IT OVER THOSE WITHOUT 15 HUORS PER DAY TO GRIND THIS OUT LIKE I DID!!!"

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