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SWTOR total sales passed 2 million copies!


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Well, if they're going to charge exactly the same fee as the competition, then they should really offer everything the competition is offering. I would be more sympathetic for Bioware regarding end-game complaints if they were only charging $9.99 a month with the promise to add more features along with an increase in subscription costs once those features were delivered, but that's not the route they went.


Same thing was said about WoW, about Everquest, about DAoC, Asheron's call etc. etc. etc.


Might be by the same people. ;p

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They like this game and are upset about alot of bugs that bring it down?


Logical fallacies help no one. stop it.


This is true enough, but the problem is MOST, not all, of the negative post do NOT offer CONSTRUCTIVE CRITICISM. It is just a bunch of people telling everyone how much they hate the game and they are quitting because it is so horrible.


Painting those posts as offering suggestions to make the game better is a big stretch from 90% of what most of the negative posts on this forum bring to the table.

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And yet there was only 98 people at the Republic fleet and 32 on Alderaan 20 minutes ago...so I cry fowl...or do you actually think they are going to need to sell 20 million copies for there to be a few 100 on each planet?


Most people don't hang out in fleets, it is not wow. People are out playing the game not twiddling their thumbs waiting for queues to pop.

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Great for them, the problem is they have to fix all these shotty bugs or those 2 million sales wont mean jack when subs fall off.


The real indicator of MMO success is how well they retain subs in the next 6 months. If they keep even half of those subs they are a success though... even a quarter of them actually.


So heres hoping they will use that money and expidite these major bugs in the game lol. After all they have made upwards of half a billion dollars in the course of a month lol.


And they are fixing these bugs , thats what these patch days that people are complaining about are for, somethings can't be fixed in 5 minutes or 5 weeks for that matter.


It involves a few things


1) A little patience and understanding because these things sometimes take time to find and fix


2) That we report a bug rather then exploit it to our favor and then complain about getting our hands caught in the cookie jar.

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Swtor total global sales has reached 2,042,877 copies! In pc games, RPG category: it is ranked number 4 best selling RPG of all time following Diablo, wow cataclysm and wow. Also, swtor has won the first place on global top seller chart(Dec 24th) It is a huge success! Congratulation to swtor team and fans!




Well see what the numbers look like after 90 days. Like most, I thought this was the greatest thing since sliced bread until I got into my 40's and realized this is just a glorified OSPG (online single player game)


I'm re-downloading lotro right now.


I'll give this game another whirl in a year but its got a lot of ground to cover if they plan on any kind of significant retention.

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1) A little patience and understanding because these things sometimes take time to find and fix


Which is why you have a beta. You dont need to have patience and understanding when you buy a game only to have end up being a paid beta.

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I love coming into threads that shows SWTOR's massive success. You will see people try so hard to spin it negatively, so funny to watch.


What's even more funny to me is that most of them have no clue how to compose a compelling argument that doesn't depend on l33tspeak.


Don't get me wrong, there are constructive criticisms made on this forum and the game does need improvement -- it's just hard to find them because they are buried under mountains of wowneckbeard rage.

Edited by KippTabor
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Which is why you have a beta. You dont need to have patience and understanding when you buy a game only to have end up being a paid beta.


Its not feasible to find every bug possible with the limited amount of people that beta test. Same thing with exploits, when you have 2 million people playing they will obviously find more bugs and ways to cheat the system then the 1000 or so closed beta testors ever could.

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Bugs? What forums are you reading? People are crying about not having a dungeon finder option or not having enough non-human races, or not having enough content to do at 50, or not being able to customize the UI. Those are not bugs my friend. I don't see one post on the 1st page of the general forums about bugs.


Logical fallacy much?


You're right, those are just features that should have been released in this alpha-state game which will ultimately lead to its downfall. Oh, and the fact that this terrible game uses the awful Hero Engine. It was doomed from the get-go.

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The first 90 days will determine the success of this game. There are LOTS of bugs, game-play and balance issues, and (lack of) content.


So far they seem to be moving in the right direction with the frequent patches.


Here's to hoping we have a WoW alternative that isn't dumbed down, spoon-fed, and made for 12 year old ADD Modern Warfare gamers.



Titles rated T (Teen) have content that may be suitable for ages 13 and older. Titles in this category may contain violence, suggestive themes, crude humor, minimal blood, simulated gambling, and/or infrequent use of strong language.

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these flamers are so desperate, you even had to flame this thread? Really? It's like you're angry because the game is selling, settle down little children.


Really, who cares how many copies it sold, it only means they spent a lot on advertising and the franchise has a large following to begin with. Him telling me how many copies swtor sold is irrelevant when it really comes down to individual preference.

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these flamers are so desperate, you even had to flame this thread? Really? It's like you're angry because the game is selling, settle down little children.


Some people want this game to fail so badly that they will seriously cry when they'll finally understand that it won't.


There may be 50 addicted trolls in this forum, and they think they have "biiiig numberz" bumping each other up. Then when you look in game, you see tons of people having fun.


When you look at more neutral (and statistically relevant) environments, like twitter, the #swtor hashtag gets about a message every five second that goes from the positive to the enthusiastic.


ALL the reviews go from the positive to the stellar.


They don't even realize how few and isolated they are.

Edited by Abriael
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Really, who cares how many copies it sold, it only means they spent a lot on advertising and the franchise has a large following to begin with. Him telling me how many copies swtor sold is irrelevant when it really comes down to individual preference.


So he's not allowed to post that the game sold 2 million copies:confused:



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Some people want this game to fail so badly that they will seriously cry when they'll finally understand that it won't.


There may be 50 addicted trolls in this forum, and they think they have "biiiig numberz" bumping each other up. Then when you look in game, you see tons of people having fun.


When you look at more neutral (and statistically relevant) environments, like twitter, the #swtor hashtag gets about a message every five second that goes from the positive to the enthusiastic.


ALL the reviews go from the positive to the stellar.


They don't even realize how few and isolated they are.


You just described WoW-haters.

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Swtor total global sales has reached 2,042,877 copies! In pc games, RPG category: it is ranked number 4 best selling RPG of all time following Diablo, wow cataclysm and wow. Also, swtor has won the first place on global top seller chart(Dec 24th) It is a huge success! Congratulation to swtor team and fans!





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How are they guessing? They can count the number of people who have put codes in.



Global Total (Extrapolated): 2,042,877


There are 1.7 million confirmed sales. The other 300k are a guess. An educated guess but still a guess. That is was I was getting at.




ALL the reviews go from the positive to the stellar.




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