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Everything posted by KippTabor

  1. Having this issue on my cyborg trooper. I don't think it's refunding the mats either, when it cancels the crafting mission upon dismount, nor is it giving me the crafted item.
  2. Same here. Can't log into Red Eclipse and probably the other servers as well.
  3. That opinion piece pretty much sums up how I feel about the current state of MMOs. In the end, does it matter whose fault it is? The devs, the hard-cores, the casuals? Maybe it's a bit of all-of-the-above? The reality is that it is happening, and unless we collectively start demanding something different, we will only have ourselves to blame.
  4. Post number 9 in that thread in your sig pretty much says it all.
  5. It threw me for a loop for a minute when I logged in earlier, LOL. I was asking myself why the heck all these ultra-Star Wars geeks were arguing with each other in threads about George Lucas. Then I realized that I was in the wrong subforum.
  6. Hope you have your anti-WoW fanboi flame retardant suit on!
  7. Yep, it will be fine despite what the cool kids say. When faced with anything that may prove them wrong, they just move the goalposts. Really similar to how conspiracy theorists behave and I don't think that it's healthy behavior, but to each their own, I suppose...
  8. Thanks for the unsolicited (and probably false) life story. I don't believe you. Deal with it.
  9. Too bad that GW2 won't have a forums. I'd love to ridicule these kids when they QQ about GW2 as well. Because you know they will.
  10. I'm sure you can provide source material for your wild claims? Lawl.
  11. Nah. I think that the same handful of QQers will be over on GW2 crying that it ruined their lives. Seen it happen to every MMO since the console kids decided that PC gaming was their next frontier. (A year or two into WoW's lifespan).
  12. You wouldn't know "truth" if it bit you on the hindquarters.
  13. Speaking for myself, I only rip on people who are definitely not complaining constructively. OP - those over-the-top QQers who behave as if this game is ruining their lives are the ones you should be upset with. The mountain of rage this handful generates ends up burying the constructive feedback and creates an us vs. them situation.
  14. Maybe you can sell them a mind-control device so they can force the cool kids to roll Republic? I've played both sides, since beta, and the storylines are similar. In fact, I've seen some rants on this forum about how some people think they are too similar and that it's all just recycled (and some of it is). In the end, it comes down to the WoW generation - they all want to play the bad guys. Not much a dev company can do about that.
  15. Bioware didn't hold a gun to the heads of those who just had to roll Sith for the cool factor. The community has no one to blame but themselves for that.
  16. Even STO made it over a year. People claiming this game won't make it a year are just waving their e-peens. Disagree with their faux-crystal ball predictions and they call you a fanboi, every time. It's a meta-game to them because truth be told -- there is no game out there today that will satisfy them because pretending to be dissatisfied, disaffected, and post-modern is all the rage currently. Wash, rinse, repeat. A really redundant loop.
  17. Oh yes! You tell them! You teach them a lesson! You are powerful! I am in AWE!
  19. Aww, did I touch a nerve? MY RL situation is just fine, son, which is why I am not on a forum taking out my anger on a game developer. Thanks for your concern! I don't have any problem with complaints and have voiced a few myself - it's just those complaints that sound like a poodle who just had a gross of bottle-rockets launched from its rear-end that I LAUGH at. Sorry if my post hit a bit too close to home for you comfort level, but I'll stick with my opinion, if you don't mind.
  20. They've dog-piled every game since WoW. It's the never-ending e-peen contest. If you claim to be "above" a game, you can convince yourself that you're of the cool kids (which is just a way to mask the real issue - personal insecurity/unhappiness). I'm guessing the average age of many of the cool-kids is rather low, just judging by the broken grammar, the noobish writing styles, the liberal use of unsubstantiated absolutes, and the wild leaps of logic that people who have been out in the world for a while avoid, because they've discovered that in the adult world, "I DO WHAT I WANT!" doesn't get you very far.
  21. First of all, let's quit pretending that posting raging rants in the general section is constructive feedback. If the Ranty McTrollerson types really cared about anything but getting attention, they would be posting their suggestions in the appropriate forum. But there's not enough of an audience there, amirite? I've seen a TON of constructive feedback threads that weren't closed. They just tend to get buried fast because the concern troll threads are more appealing. Nobody wants to listen to mouth-breathers taking out their inner unhappiness on a game... except other unhappy people.
  22. Yeppers. Most of these kids have no idea how dev houses are structured, which is made abundantly clear by the BS "solutions" they come up with off the top of their heads.
  23. Don't say I never did anything for you. Pay attention to the dates in the results. http://www.google.com/search?sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8&q=warcraft+loot+lag+bug#pq=warcraft+loot+lag+bug+fixed&hl=en&sugexp=pfwl&cp=21&gs_id=1f&xhr=t&q=warcraft+loot+lag+bug&pf=p&sclient=psy-ab&pbx=1&oq=warcraft+loot+lag+bug&aq=f&aqi=&aql=&gs_sm=&gs_upl=&bav=on.2,or.r_gc.r_pw.r_qf.,cf.osb&fp=3c548063d0144762&biw=1392&bih=729 So, again, is Blizzard "incompetent"?
  24. Of course you "don't". How convenient. I played WoW from CB until about 14 months ago. If you are unaware of the loot/vendor lag issues that Blizz has dealt with over the years, starting in beta, you are either fibbing for the sake of your silly argument or didn't play.
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