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What Determines SWTOR's Failure?


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The Asian market is close to 75% of WoW's subscriber base and it makes about as much as the NA European markets. Do a little research and see that comparing apples to apples this game is already as successful as any other MMO in the respective markets it covers.


Might want to do a little research. Blizz gets 6% of its WOW revenue from Asia. A whopping 6%.

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SWTOR fails for me because I simply can't force myself to repeat Warzones and Flashpoints a month after the game has been released. I have levelled all the characters that interest me and have no desire to repeat 90% of the same quests on another. The levelling is way too fast for my comfort, death is only a minor inconvenience, credits flow like water from a well, and when the story is finished there is nothing that makes me want to jump back in. It was a blast for a month but now I just want something more. I would do it all over again except that I wouldn't have bought a month beyond the free month that comes with it. I expect to cancel my sub in a few weeks.


I feel the exact same way as you do, mate. I unsubbed about a week ago...couldnt bring myself to log in, no matter how hard I tried... when a game comes to that, its time to move on. :)


And WoW is different? Ever since LFD, what you just wrote has been the exact same explanation for everyone who has quit WoW since then. You really expected to be humored 24/7 in an MMO? Get a grip dude...


Actually, I am one of those people who pays and therefore EXPECTS to be humored or thrilled in an MMO 24/7. Why the f*beep* do you think we pay to play the game? For the FUN of playing it!

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Thanks - am looking it up! If I can remember how to read!


Point about your summary though - speculation is speculation. I gotta question though...been looking out my window...


Will the sun rise tomorrow?


I worry about it sometimes....stupid huh?





I actually have it on good authority that the sun will rise tomorrow. Until 21 December, then it will rise in the West! That's why the Mayan calendar ended, they had to account for the change in the rotation of the Earth.

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How am I destroying this game? People making stupid fanboish comments need to be brought back to reality. Saying this game will be more popular than WOW in a year is dumb, and I hate WOW for the most part. This game is not nearly good enough to compete with WOW at any serious level.


And people making doom and gloom comments need to be brought back to reality. WoW is losing popularity at an unspeakable rate even before SWTOR launched. This game is 10 times as fun for me as WoW just based on the fact you actually have to play it. In WoW you can stand in 1 spot and raid, pvp, run dungeons and not ever have to move to do those things. If this game even remotely tries to move in that direction it will be the end of SWTOR for me. Yes it has flaws but for people to just outright say its a horrible game and its dying, just because you don't like it, is not a valid argument either. So fanboy or end of worlder are not much different in my eyes. I'm a realist and reality says this game will only grow in popularity because the issues it has are all correctable for the vast majority of users, don't believe me? Just read the i quit threads.

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Simple minded people will say simple minded things whiles using irrelevant false points to support their claims even if they themselves do not even support their claims. Anything that does not cater to their little worlds and meet every single stipulation of their requirement will be a failure. Nothing will ever change this mentality. It is a product of American Society and why we as a nation are a laughing stock in the global community. Simple mind people (mostly 15 yos who are upset that the fact SWTOR does not redefine their social perspectives) saying simple minded things...


Until we wipe teh slate clean and start from zero, from the beginning, this is the way our cultural standards will always be....




I never knew $15 was that big of a deal until I starting going on to MMO game forums and realized for a child who does not have a job, a recurring charge of $15 is a lot.

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It should also be mentioned that no MMO can build a player base of 6 - 8 or 10 million at launch.


Do you think WoW popped with 11 million players on day 1?


Building a strong community takes time. It took wow a year or two to become the kind of MMO's not 2 months.


Let's look at ToR in a year or two and than we will see if it failed or not.


Despite the issues the game as now, and the many doomsayers here (Which is actually a good sign mind you, because they are still here) it's too soon to say if the game will fail or not.


After GW2, and WoW's new panda invasion launch will have a better picture on ToR's fate.

Edited by Alianar
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I don't care if games fail according to other people, as long as I like to play them. The only really failure in games for me was APB. They stopped the game suddenly while I still had a subscription going and I didn't get any money back. I felt like they never gave the entertainment I had payed for. Most other games that are mentioned here as failure still exist and there are still people playing them.
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Might want to do a little research. Blizz gets 6% of its WOW revenue from Asia. A whopping 6%.


That is my point the game with nearly twice as many subs makes as much or less from Asia. They made close to 350 million last year from Asia, it did include the release of WOTLK however, that is a little more than 6% i believe but you have a valid point, NA/EU is where the money is at.

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Tabula rasa, failhammer, rofllotro, this conan thing.


They all failed their expectations. And they failed hard.


But most of them are still going.


Failure is closing down, shutting shop and burning the building to the ground to claim insurance.


If it's still going it hasn't failed.


Argue all you like but if a game still has players then it can't be considered a failure.

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Tabula rasa, failhammer, rofllotro, this conan thing.


They all failed their expectations. And they failed hard.


But I think all of those, with the exception of Tabula Rasa, are still there and able to be played without turning to private servers or anything. And I'd imagine they're making money - I mean, would you want to work without getting paid?


Still, they didn't do amazingly well, but they're still alive and kicking.

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The only actual failure in the MMO market was Matrix.


Every other MMO is still pretty much alive and kicking.


What a horrible, steaming pile of dog ***** that was. Makes it even worse because the Matrix has such potential as an MMO.


Edit: The above poster mentions Tabula Rasa. Another load of dumpster slime. The there's Global Agenda. I had to douse my PC with napalm after uninstalling it just to make sure it was gone.

Edited by DarthWomprat
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Never hear/read anything about The Old Republic.


Watch friends play it. Still don't care.


Friend buys 2 copies (one for me one for lady friend) with 2 months subscription for each.


Have zero expectations. Enjoy immensely. Play non-stop with lady friend and irl bros.


Most likely resub because have disposable income and not poor.



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Well the major issue with people complaining about SWTOR failing is because they don't have the patience for SWTOR to develop into a better game. WoW began 8 years ago and back then 90% of the things that made it fun today did not exist not to mention when WoW started there were a lot of bugs and glitches as well.


You just need patience for SWTOR to develop into a better game. After all if you can tolerate playing 8 years of WoW beginning from when it just officially launched then you can tolerate giving SWTOR time to develop as well.

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I see post about "repeating the same quest" the same "warzones"



Awww, you mean a month after launch SWTOR dosnt have 50 different Warzones??? Doesn't have endless content and endless expansions? Please, use that excuse somewhere else. Name ONE game that doesn't force you to repeat EVERY SINGLE QUEST when you re-roll a toon? At least SWTOR offers a short quick individual class quests that breaks up the repetitiveness of common quest...


Face it, the only reason you dislike this game is because it didnt live up to YOUR expectations...

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It should also be mentioned that no MMO can build a player base of 6 - 8 or 10 million at launch.


Do you think WoW popped with 11 million players on day 1?


Building a strong community takes time. It took wow a year or two to become the kind of MMO's not 2 months.


Let's look at ToR in a year or two and than we will see if it failed or not.


Despite the issues the game as now, and the many doomsayers here (Which is actually a good sign mind you, because they are still here) it's too soon to say if the game will fail or not.


After GW2, and WoW's new panda invasion launch will have a better picture on ToR's fate.


WoW has been the only MMORPG to grow past 6 months.


Every single MMORPG since WoW has done this:

-Large influx of new players for that new car smell

-3 months in 50% of the launch population has left

-6 months to a year 70%+ of the launch population has left

-server mergers

-no growing player base


With this model is seems the larger launch population you have more subs you will have in the long run. This is the model all companies are using. It's an awful model.


I see post about "repeating the same quest" the same "warzones"



Awww, you mean a month after launch SWTOR dosnt have 50 different Warzones??? Doesn't have endless content and endless expansions? Please, use that excuse somewhere else. Name ONE game that doesn't force you to repeat EVERY SINGLE QUEST when you re-roll a toon? At least SWTOR offers a short quick individual class quests that breaks up the repetitiveness of common quest...


Face it, the only reason you dislike this game is because it didnt live up to YOUR expectations...



True. Then again most of us set the bar at level that you can at least trip over.

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Never hear/read anything about The Old Republic.


Watch friends play it. Still don't care.


Friend buys 2 copies (one for me one for lady friend) with 2 months subscription for each.


Have zero expectations. Enjoy immensely. Play non-stop with lady friend and irl bros.


Most likely resub because have disposable income and not poor.




Really, you never heard of SWTOR before?


Dude, Spike TV has been running TOR commercials non-stop since Dec 20. You can not go onto a Game Site without seeing something about the TOR. But hey, you have teh right mentality! As long as you do not expect the game to redefine your life, you will enjoy it. To bad many others do not have the same approach to playing video games.

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They copied the wrong game. They should have made SWG 2 and marketed WoW in space. That way maybe they could have tricked the checkers playing WoW crowd into playing chess. Who knows maybe the challenge and complexity might not have been a complete turn off.
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There are too many reasons why it fails for me to list, but to put it simply, to me it fails because there are too many crucial things wrong to continue paying $15 for it.


It's as simple as that. The game is fun, but the fun only lasts temporarily. And in an MMO that is not a good thing.


yup pretty much what this guy says, **** needed to be in beta for at least another year but EA just shoved it out the door

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I think people have some valid concerns, but they don't know how to properly present them so they don't come off as self-entitled, impatient, infantile whining.


This is one of the smoother "AAA Class" MMO launches in recent history. The game shipped feature-complete from the perspective of what you need to play all the way to endgame, and play well. Most of the features people are claiming as "required" are largely quality of life improvements that are nice to have, but nowhere near "required".


The game is receiving international coverage, near-universal acclaim outside these forums, and repeated promises of the developer making strides in the direction of long-term commitment, which is all I need. In conjunction with the fact that this game is still fun for me, this game is fine. I stop playing once a game isn't fun any longer, and I don't require indignant posts on a forum to notify everyone else of it: most of those players are on different servers, or different factions, and don't care if I leave or stay. I haven't touched WoW more than three or four times since early access for TOR started. Why? Because it isn't as fun for me.


I think this game is doing just fine. I think most of the raging posts are nerd hyperbole by hormone-saturated tweens and teenagers who haven't learned restraint yet. There are issues that need fixing, yes. I'm not denying it. I'm just denying their dire predictions of doom.

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They copied the wrong game. They should have made SWG 2 and marketed WoW in space. That way maybe they could have tricked the checkers playing WoW crowd into playing chess. Who knows maybe the challenge and complexity might not have been a complete turn off.


Stop bringing up SWG just because you had every 5pc heroic set and you were #&$^ because you had a batca tank (pre-RLS)....PVP in SWG for the first 7 years consisted of standing around Resutuss and praying a Red dot appeared so you and your 20 fellow faction members could go get that quick 154 GCW points. SWG was my first MMO and I played it from start to finish (well not from the begining because Bush thought it would be in my best interest to go vacation in Iraq back in 2003). During the final year - the introduction of Amos Flight, the game was repetitive and outside of teh fact i knew the game would soon be gone, I had no (ZERO) desire to log in.


No matter the combat prof, every single quest was the same from start to finish. Outside of crafting, there was nothing about the game that was interesting since 2005.



Outside of crafting and Ents, SWTOR destroys SWG on every single level....

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yup pretty much what this guy says, **** needed to be in beta for at least another year but EA just shoved it out the door


It would have been if the endless sea of babies did not come on this site and beg for the game to be released regardless of its shape. BW tried to take its time, but the general gaming community got all upset because of the launch push backs....


dont blame BW or EA, blame yourself and the others who cried to have the game released..

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There are too many reasons why it fails for me to list, but to put it simply, to me it fails because there are too many crucial things wrong to continue paying $15 for it.


It's as simple as that. The game is fun, but the fun only lasts temporarily. And in an MMO that is not a good thing.


See in bold/italic/underline as to why there are so many saying the game fails. It is personal opinion that some posts like to claim is fact.


Truth is, it may have failed for them personally, but that does not mean the game itself is a failure. Try convincing them of that, though. Good luck.

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