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Everything posted by Alianar

  1. Not trying to compare the two games here, but when someone compares ToR's updates and EvE's i do have to face palm him. Free or not, EvE's updates had no interesting updates since Incarna (or "walking in stations" as it was called at the time) because they were putting so much ressources into incarna. The final product of incarna is just a big slap in the face. The other problem is CCP's let's milk money policy. You may be aware that there was a PDF file that silped from CCP's director and got live streamed on the net. In this file is clearly give a MANUAL on how to milk more money while doing less. Microtransactions are a very good proof of it. You might not have to pay for the game, but it doesn't change that CCP has little to no respect to it's customer now and that's been going on for 3 years. Let's face it, they are turning EvE into a cow and now focusing on Dust.
  2. Right..... i guess this never happened : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FmfxZfPFVTA&feature=related Incarna was under dev for 3 years. Promised to allow us to walk in stations. Instead, we are locked in a tiny little room, with NOTHING to beside looking at your reflection in a mirror and sit on a couch. Oh but yes, incarna did introduces Ingame Microtransaction. You so you have to pay 10 real dollars to buy a pair of pants for your toon, that will... again... do nothing at all. But yeah, you right EvE's updates are flawless...
  3. Pas vraiment qu'avec le compagnon, seulement en utilisant la compétence spéciale héroïque utilisable qu'avec le compagnon. Du point de vu de l'immersion, je ne vois pas le problème. Cela fait après parti du système d’héritage. Il est important de noter que le pouvoir dépend de ton parent. Un agent a le force chock si son parent est un guerrier sith. Il est donc logique de penser que même un agent imperial peut-etre sensible a la force dans des moments critiques compte tenue du lien de parenté. Luck skywalker a bien utilisé des blasters avant de devenir un Jedi. Pour ce qui est de l'utilité au niveau 50, je suis d'accord. Mais BW a justifier la chose : éviter de briser l’équilibre entre les classes. Y a des gens qui ne veulent pas reroll, ce qui implique qu'ils n'auront pas de pouvoir d’héritage. Rendre le pouvoir d’héritage accessible en pvp et pve HL désavantagerait sérieusement ces joueurs. Il est donc logique que ces pouvoir soit un boost pour leveler son alt et rien de plus.
  4. merci pour le commentaire constructif Je n'ai pas pris Crash pour la simple raison que c'est du gaspillage je pense. Tu as un stun de 2 secondes, mais ça ne change pas grand chose. Avec l'effet de surprise les cibles vont rarement réagir dans ce laps de temps de toute façon. Ça boost la resolve bar de ta cible et je préfére utiliser Étranglement et revers de main le plus possible. Deux secondes c est un peu court même pour un point de talent. A 4 secondes j'aurai pris sans hésiter. J'avoue que unstoppable est fat mais j’apprécie beaucoup Crushing blow. Même si l'effet secondaire du fracas armure ne s'applique pas en pvp c'est tout de meme un coup qui pique pas mal. Je l’apprécie pour les dégâts de base, mais j'ai peut-être tord Unstoppable est tres fat, mais comme annoncé dans mon guide je suis très patient avec mes force charges. J'attends que l'ennemi attaque un allié pour me lancer afin d'optimiser l’absorption de dégâts sur celui-ci. Les 4 secondes de réductions de dégâts ne s’applique donc qu'au partage des dégâts en général. Mais je dois avouer qu'il y a des situations ou je regrette de ne pas l'avoir. De mon point de vu, être tank en pvp c'est réduire les dégâts subit bien repartir/réduire les dégâts infligé par l'ennemi si tu as focus la garde et les taunts n'ont aucune utilité d'ou ma politique du wait/trouve un allié qui a besoin d'aide/charge.
  5. Un petit guide pour ceux qui seraient intéressés a jouer un tank en PvP. En l'absence d'un combat log, il m'est difficile de donner des statistiques, mais j'en fait appel a votre bon sens pour les lignes qui vont suivre : La dite spe : http://www.torhead.com/skill-calc#101frhfzRbouRZhMRZM.1 Ce que cette spe vous offre : - Un bon dps de support - Beaucoup de stuns et cc contre les cibles uniques - De pouvoir survivre a un burst dps. - De gagner 8-9 médailles ( a condition de gérer un minimum ) Les désavantages : - Le dps ne sera pas votre fort - Cette spe requiert une bonne team Soyons clair! Si votre concept du pvp est de farm des kills dans votre coin, cette spe n'est pas pour vous. Si vous voulez jouer un rôle majeur dans la victoire de votre équipe (surtout dans Huttball), alors elle vous offre beaucoup de talents utiles avec un bon petit dps en bonus. bref, ceci n'est pas une spe pour les loups solitaires. Ce que cette spe requiert : - Du stuff Vindic (dps). Inutile de vous acharner sur la survie de votre perso, l'expertise et vos quelques talents de survie suffiront amplement. Autant prendre un stuff dps pour augmenter vos dégâts. (Exception faite de la off-hand, depuis la 1.1 le boulcier est pris en compte en PvP. Prenez donc un bouclier et non un catalyseur) - De ne pas foncer aveuglement dans le tas. Votre but n'est pas d'avoir 4 ennemis sur vous, mais de réduire les dégâts subits sur vos coéquipiers. Choisissez vos cibles (a attaquer et a défendre). - De comprendre l'importance de talents comme revers de main et étreinte de force pour immobiliser vos victimes. Comment jouer cette spe : Certe, vous ne ferez pas autant de dps qu'un maraudeur ou un spe vengeance/rage. Cela dévalorise votre choix pour autant? Pas nécessairement! L'avantage de jouer un immortel ne se limite pas a vos capacités de survie. Vous disposez également de deux talents qui feront la joie de vos alliés et le malheur de vos ennemis. Étranglement sans canalisation et revers de main. En effet, contrairement a vos deux collèges guerriers, un immortel n'a aucun problème a clouer un ennemi sur place tout en étant en mesure de le dps. Saccage par exemple, n'est pas réputé pour être utile en pvp compte tenue du fait qu'il faut caster et rester sur place (ce qui difficile pour un cac en PvP). Pour un immortel cependant, saccage est tout a fait utilisable pendant un étranglement ou un revers de main. Je ne serai trop insister sur l'importance de ces deux talents. Ils vous permettent de garder une cible sur place ce qui sera TRÈS apprécié par vos collègues au CAC, de rendre un healer ennemi inutile en utilisant ce cycle : Interupt - Étranglement - Revers de main - Interupt, et de ralentir de façon significative un porteur de balle ennemi. D'un point de vue DPS, votre gros avantage est de pouvoir dps tout en gardant une cible stun. Ce qui n'est négligeable du tout, surtout en PvP. le deuxième point : Votre survie et celle vos compagnons. Vous serez tenté de charger dans un tas d'ennemi et de claquer vos talents de survie. Cela peut être jouissif, mais comprenez bien que cette stratégie ne vous mènera pas bien loin. Résistez a la tentation .Votre rôle, après tout, est protéger les autres, pas de prouver que vous pouvez tenir 5 secondes de plus contre a 5 contre 1. Pour bien "tanker" en PvP vous devez adopter certains principes : 1) Apprendre a fuir au bon moment. Vous faire tuer n’accomplira rien. Vous êtes un tank, mais cela n'implique pas de vous sacrifier inutilement! A 2 contre 6 vous n'aurez aucune chance de sauver ami. Si vous avez l'occasion de faire une interception sur un autre allié pour sauver votre peau, faite le! Vous aurez abandonner votre frère d'arme a une mort certaine, mais vos talent pourront en sauver d'autres. 2) Ne pas hésiter a changer de cible pour "garde" et utiliser taunt le plus possible. Soyez attentif a ce qui vous entoure, ne placer pas votre "garde" sans réfléchir. Choisissez bien : un porteur de balle, un healer, ou tout simplement une personne qui se fait focus. Ce point nous amène a : 3) Garder une certain distance au début et a être patient. Ce point est très important!Ne soyez pas le premier a charger. Généralement, un pack ennemi focusera la premier cible a porté. Si vous êtes focus d’entré de jeu, vos taunts ne serviront a rien. Attendez que vos alliés engagent le combat, identifiez la cible a protéger et le healer ennemi a Interupt/cc. Puis chargez et lancez vos taunts/stuns et dps. Le pack ennemi prendra du temps avant de ce rendre compte que leur dégâts sont considérablement réduits et que leur healer ne suit pas. Un groupe organisé vous localisera et passera le focus sur vous. Tout tank que vous êtes, vous ne survivrez pas longtemps face a un tel nombre. Pas de panique! Faites un intercept sur un allié qui hors de la zone de combat (Dps distance ou healer). Le pack ennemi aura alors un choix a faire : vous suivre (perte de dps) ou changer de cible. Dans le deuxième cas vous pouvez revenir au combat directement avec la charge. Cette tactique est extrêmement efficace car elle extrêmement agacent pour vos ennemis. Les teams moins expérimentées céderont a la confusion et a la panique. C'est dans ce genre de scenario qu'un immortel brillera de plus belle. Conclusion : Jouer un Guerrier Immortel n'est pas pour tout le monde. Si vous voulez voir une pluie de 5k de dégâts sur votre écran, alors il vaut mieux choisir la spe rage. Mais la spe immortel a le mérite de faire de vous un emmerdeur de première. Avoir un immortel dans un group PvP est un avantage. Vous serez utile et apprécié, a condition de suivre les quelques principes énoncer plus haut. Si vous foncez dans le tas sans réfléchir, vous n’êtes qu'une éponge qu'il vaudrait mieux remplacer par du dps. Ceci conclu donc mon petit guide de la spe immortel en PvP. Ce n'est pas une bible a suivre a la lettre, et je suis certain que vous aurez des remarques légitimes a partager. Je pense cependant que cela aidera ceux qui hésitent encore a suivre ce chemin pour pvp.
  6. This and that's the problem with the immortal tree for PvE. Keeping aggro is DOABLE while Powertech's and sins can old it while drinking a cup of tea. Immotal tree seriously lacks dps, even for tank tree. Still works extremly well when it comes to take damage and it does have some nice CC's. So if you are going to play immortal prepare to be a damage sponge and nothing else.
  7. This If you intend to do operation in HM and NM (I am not talking about normal because it's easly farmed) you will pay a lot on repairs. Sometimes my daylies don't even cover for my repairs. Granted, getting credits in the games isn't that hard, but the repair costs of Rakata level gear is just way to high. Hopefull the crafting fix in 1.2 will allow us to actually make money through our professions.
  8. In 1.2 all mods from purple items drops in raid can be extracted. Set bonuses are also transferable. The changes in armor crafting in 1.2 will allow you to crit EMPTY orange armors. if anything, this will allow you to change your look. You won't be forced to grind anything. Just go raiding with, loot comps or have comps gathered in you guild bank. Find a guild mate that can craft the said item, and let him worry about. What grinding is there in that reallY? This change will bring back the games economy to a decent level and will make the community stronger as you will need some friends to get what you need. it's a big tumbs up for BW if you ask me.
  9. Had the same with Kira on my Jedi knight and it actually happened after i popped level 25. Which made me think that it might be related to a new stance. And that was actually it. Switched back to the other stance and everything was fine again. Since Jaesa becomes a companion at level 31-32 you get this stance from the start. Try to change her stance, and see if it goes away. Worked for me on Kira so it should work for Jaesa too.
  10. I'll even stay for 1.3 and 1.4. If those don't work i'll pause untill 2.0. If 2.0 sucks than i'll end it there. Coming from someone who digitaly downloaded the regular edition 2 weeks after release.
  11. They can fail, but they can still make it happen. The starwars IP will buy BW some time. Regardless of most Doomsayers, population in the game is still solid (Just too many servers, i hope they start merging some). The game as still a solid core, and it can grow to something great. As i said, i do find the current end-game to be "BASIC" and it has a lot of bugs. But i'll wait for 1.2, 1.3 , 1.4, 2.0 before i judge it as a fail or success. It has to potential to be the next big MMo. Take a break a few months and come back or be patient.
  12. For other games yes. For an MMo, i disagree. Once you reach End-game, you will most likely repeat the same things again and again. Sure you might have fun for a month but after a while you will grow bored. Loots are usually a good way to keep you motivated. When you have a fresh 50 fully T2 geared after a week... it makes t1 a worthless companion gear. I am OK with giving access of the end-game to all players, even super casual ones. I am not ok with the insane instant gratification this game offers.
  13. I think that you are being a bit too dramatic here. I agree with most of what you say, but it's just too early to call it a fail. Sure the content at this point is rather basic if you take away to voice acting and story, but it's still decent enough to keep me going for a few months. I ll give BW 3 months to see what they can come up with. I agree that in it's current state peope will eventually grow borred of it. But if they manage to add cool stuff in 1.3 and 1.4 i am sure that players will be entretained untill 2.0 comes out. That being said, i agree that they issues that need to be adressed quickly. One thing you said that i really agree with is the effort VS reward non-sense. BUT, that something they can correct in the futur. The guild summit they had recently should point them in the right direction.
  14. I don't thing he is. It all the depends of the class you play and what companion you have available at that time. When you are a merc BH that can keep a boss away, dealing crazy dps, and have a first companion that is an outstanding healer. It's easy. Play a JK that does not have a very burstly dps, not much cc or bump to reduce damage, and Kira that will most likely die 10-20 seconds once the fight starts. Not so easy. Basicly it all comes down to one thing : your companion. After level 25=30 you have a few companion to choose from so it get's better.
  15. Some may call OP a noob or a troll. I think he is not. Boss encounters are easier for some classes while some classes have REALLY hard boss encounters. Playing a bounty hunter : It mind numbing easy. H2+ have all been done solo. Player a Jedi knight is not so easy : The boss who pretended to be Kira's brother and tried to bring her back to the emperor. Seriously you actually have to either die many times to find out the strat on your own or read the strat on the net. You have to use you kick and Force stasis well or you will die regardless of your gear. All and all, i think that there is big lack of balance when it comes to story mode bosses depending on what class you play. That being said, i managed to clean everything on my own even with my JK. I only died more often with my JK than i did with my BH because i actually had to elaborate a strategy to overcome my boss. While it was frustrating at times, i prefered thr difficulty of playing a Jedi knight. Made the boss wins much all the more satisfying.
  16. Just farming PvP. I cleaned all the operations with different diffculties and i am half Columi/Rakata geared. And guess what, i done this as a pick-up in other guilds. Dropping system is not working well in this game and honestly boss fights in operation are way too easy. You'll get a greater challenge going to HM flashpoints like False emperor or Directive 7. Operations are farmed to quickly. An operation should take 2 days to clean. Not 2 hours. Gearing up Columi is also way too fast! it is a T2 set afterall. I like some of the boss fight's designs but honestly operations are just way to easy and short. Let's hope that the guild summit will give BW some feedback about this so that they can correct it at 1.3
  17. End-game is there but it has a few problems : - PVE / Operations / Normal mode : Honestly, it's super easy. But i actually like the idea. Gives casual gamers the opportunity to enjoy the full game content. It should be a bit more challenging though. You can even build a fully pick-up raid and clean the operation. It is a bit too easy even for a casual gamer - PVE / Operations / Hard mode : Makes things more interesting but it's still very easy to clean. A pickup group couldn't clean it up, but a very casual guild could. Even in hard mode, there is no "wall" boss that stops your operation for several days untill you get the strategy right. It's mostly a gear check (one that can qucky solved by FP columi farming) and not a skill check. It only take a week after you cleaned the operation in normal mode to start cleaning the HM. Again, it's this isn't HM, it's the real normal mode - PVE / Operations / nightmare mode : Yep it's a bit harder and it dosn't reward you with better loots than the Hard mode. Why bother? 2 operation 2 months after launch is a reasonable PvE End-game content, but the fact that you get geared up so quickly and easaly and that operation don't pose a real challenge makes it short lasting appeal.
  18. What i am saying is, fixing one thing dosn't and shouldn't stop you from fixing an other thing. I run a foundry and trust me when i say that we have to deal with this kind of scenario ALL THE TIME. Sure, i could put my 48 man power on that broken impeller... But seriously what good will it do? 10 man are really concerned about this problem, while the 38 other workers should be doing something else. Plus, you might think that more man power on one problem = faster solving right? And you are very wrong. The more people you'll put on it, the more they will argue on what we should do. In the end it causes more talking than solving. Instead... Put the "necessary" team on the issue and assign other duties to the rest of the team. You're talking as if you know exactly what happens behind BW's walls and claim that they don't evaluate priorities properly. The fact is, you have no idea of what's going on there. As in my foundry, my client will complain about the broken impeller not being fixed yet, while a new pump for an other client is being shipped. What he dosn't know is that we are working around the clock to fix it and it is in fact my number 1 priority. But guess what, some problems need more time to solve than others and i would be an idiot to shut down my production of "less trivial" products because of it.
  19. I honestly don't mind Orbital station. After all... there is 0 loading time when you take the shuttle to the planet. What i do mind however ; - No speeders allowed in the said stations - No ship hangar. I like looking at my ship as i go back to it. The door thing is just lame.
  20. Op, when you run a shop and you have two broken products that need fixing : Product A can be fixed right away because it's an easy fix but only 10% of your customers will be happy about it. Product B has a problem that you havn't figured out yet but it affects 70% of your customers. As the shop owner, what is your best course of action? You get two guys to kickly fix product A while 6 other guys try to figure out product B. Product A customers are happy, while product B customers enrage because they think that you, the shop owner, don't care about product B. You are the product B customer.
  21. I think it is. Or maybe my definition of sandbox isn't accurate. To me a sandbox world is when you can look at mountain and say "Hey, i wonder what's up there" and just jump from rock to rock to get there and enjoy the view. That's something you can do in ToR, but you can't do it in AoC, FF11, and GW 1 (Corridors and invisible walls force you on a single path) Sure, the planets aren't directly connected to each other. You have to take you're ship, load screen, and choose a planet, load screen again. But each planet is big enough to be a sandbox of it's own. That's what i feel about it anyway. I hate the loading times in this game but once i am on a planet i don't have any and i can spend hours or days on that same planet.
  22. The whole game isn't a sand box, but the planet have a sandboxy design. If planets are just a corridor in this game, it sure dosn't feel like it.
  23. Yeah i also feel like this game was rushed to it's release. Guess EA's marketing advisor is to blame for that (though it was a good date indeed). Still i think that an other 4-5 months would have been enough to add the little things it still needs and of course correct the bugs mostly present in operation, pvp, and FP's.
  24. Well to be fair, it's better than in most MMo's. But i agree. It actually feels weird that as a Sith Warrior my story takes me to the exact location my BH went before and in the same order mind you But honestly leveling an alt is not as frustrating as in some other MMo's. In ToR's case i log on my main, do my dailies or FP/operation. Before going to bed i do my Ship daylies and some pvp and i have leveled up from 17 to 35 Just like this. Only doing story quests when i had to appropriate level. Works for me anyway, at least i don't have to go through all those quest over again and i can just have fun with space missions.
  25. And one very little thing : - Mute emotes : For all the voice acting in this game, couldn't they come up with some Crying, lol, angry sounds ? I am just teasing Bioware
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