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An example of how unpolished endgame is

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Exactly. Mistakes like the one in my screenshot indicate that raids haven't been tested at all, even internally. That's worrying.




I never skipped a single scene.


Then you didn't get much sleep and/or worked or hung out with your family for the Holiday. I don't mean to be harsh I'd guess the number of players at 50 doing the OP's prior to the New Years weekend was very low for the above reasons.


I'm not defending Bioware but what did you expect? However you played you rushed to 50 and rushed into OP's which are only a small slice of this game.

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Correct me if I'm wrong, but doesn't a Wow expansions usually launch with two battle grounds about half dozen end game five persons, a 10 person, and a raid. And they're all pretty much polished? Does a single wow expansion have more end game then this game?


This whole "WoW didn't launch with it, it will get better soon." thing is going to kill this game. WoW didn't have to compete with WoW when it launched, and what recent history has show is if your competing in the WoW space you need to have a balanced and finished end game or you will quickly disappear.


If Warhammer taught EA any thing it should have taught them that they need to start development by getting the end game issues worked out first. Build your war zones and your classes and Pvp until it's balanced and fun. Then build your end game raids and dungeons. Make sure they are challenging and fun.


Once that's done you know you have classes that are remotely balanced with mechanics that work for end game content and PvP, and then you can design the rest of the game around them.

Edited by ObiQuixote
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In WoW, Captain Placeholder, ftw !!


Although, he was ADDED to the Live game for a few patch cycles due to the popularity of the NPC on the test realm


Actually, he was added in because the boat from Menethil to Auberdine was broken and would randomly drop players in the middle of the ocean.

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Compared to some bugs that were present in other games (for example, at one point wipes to Ragnaros crashed the server), these are really pretty tame. They seem more like general annoyances, and less game-breaking bugs.
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This is a good point. The endgame being unpolished is just the cherry on the top for a lot of players.


If you want to be one of those crusading guilds that clears content as a first, you end up dealing with bugs. It's the price you pay for being the first to do something.


Your other option is to not strive like that and wait for some other guild to do it and bug report it and get it fixed and then go in and do it later when it's been fixed.

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Actually, he was added in because the boat from Menethil to Auberdine was broken and would randomly drop players in the middle of the ocean.


Even better you ended up with the boat in StoneTalon mountain , good times.

WOW wasn't bug free but that's long ago.


It's now 2012 you can expect them to either not release the bosses or well make sure they aren't broken.

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According to this thread, if you're level 50, you rushed & you're an idiot. I also like that fact that alot of these people who call others "idiots" don't have the best of grammar.


Please answer me this, when is it acceptable for someone to reach endgame in this game?

Can we agree on a certain date? By reading some peoples drivel on these forums, if they're not 50, then anyone who is must have "rushed". Some people have more time on their hands than others. Shock, horror.


If it wasn't for people like the OP playing endgame, then who knows when these issues will be fixed? The fact that the OP took their time to post a very good post with details as to what is wrong then only get insulted & flamed by these 'cool kids' who think they know better sums it all up, really.


Thank you OP for bringing these issue to light & i hope Bioware can look at this thread & see what they need to fix.

Edited by SnakeBites
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Even better you ended up with the boat in StoneTalon mountain , good times.

WOW wasn't bug free but that's long ago.


It's now 2012 you can expect them to either not release the bosses or well make sure they aren't broken.


I remember one time ending up in Stonetalon Mountains, but the Undercity guards, vendors, everything was all there. It was the most surreal experience ever.


Still, you can't expect everything to be bug free. Yes, they should adjust the spawn point of the boss, and probably will, but code frequently interacts in strage ways. Just take a look at this video from 2009, featuring a very amusing bug with Death Grip:

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Games have bugs. They get fixed. Yes they could have held off but the thing is an MMO constantly develops, bugs come and go with every build, at some point it has to be released.


You are ahead of the curve, majority of the player base is in 20-40 bracket at the moment, bioware has a bit of breathing room until the majority hits these places. Does it suck to be part of the fast leveling crowed? Probably but there is little point to whining about it, just report the bugs and move on, do something else, experience a different story etc.

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I remember one time ending up in Stonetalon Mountains, but the Undercity guards, vendors, everything was all there. It was the most surreal experience ever.


Still, you can't expect everything to be bug free. Yes, they should adjust the spawn point of the boss, and probably will, but code frequently interacts in strage ways. Just take a look at this video from 2009, featuring a very amusing bug with Death Grip:


Haha nice bug.

So far most bugs in SWTOR have been more annoying than fun.

Crash bugs, loot not dropping and ghcat not working.


Still looking for some crazy stuff in SWTOR.

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Seriously. The game has been out officially, for how long now, 12 days? How do you think WoW was at the very start? They cant flood a new game with everything at the very start. In 2 months time this will be an even greater game then it is now.

So back to WoW now, off you go, good riddance.

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Please answer me this, when is it acceptable for someone to reach endgame in this game?


It's really very simple. If you want to be one of the "first" to do something, you get to the end-game first and organize first and start killing raid targets first.


Unfortunately that means you're going to encounter bugs. Because the testing process for a game to launch focuses far more on making sure the introductory portion of the game is both flush and playable. Since that's the largest demographic.



So if you want to be first, it is perfectly acceptable for you to be 50 right now. And doing those nightmare encounters.


BUT, you're going to have to also be bug reporting.


If you want to not have to deal with the bugs then you take a second path. You hold off. You wait. You wait for the "first" group to finish the content. Bug report it. AND get the development team to fix and fine tune it.


Then you go in and do it.


This is how games in this genre work. It's how they worked in 1998. It's how they work in 2012.


Adjust your playstyle accordingly.

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TL;DR at the bottom.


Look at the mobs' names. Boss Beast 1. It's funny, and to some it may seem silly. But it does have one big, although subtle meaning: It shows that this part of the game — hard mode Karagga's Palace — was likely not tested once. Bioware didn't even test the raid once to notice that the mobs have to be renamed to "Ugly Dog" before going live.


Then there's the fact that the boss itself seems unpolished. It has what is supposedly a cone AOE, only it randomly hits people behind him.


It also has a problem with how it spawns. It spawns in the middle of the room, which is where players load into when they click on the door to his room. That, combined with his cone AOE, can lead to some random deaths just because Bioware did not notice or could not take the time to reposition the boss's spawn. This can be fixed by resetting the entire instance, but then players have to clear the raid's trash packs again.


The problem is it's just not this raid that is bugged. There are bugs and serious flaws elsewhere. In the Eternity Vault raid the third boss — the puzzle boss — randomly breaks. Same thing with the fourth boss — the 1V1 x8 or x16 boss. Then flashpoints, especially hard-mode flashpoints, are constantly overtuned, badly designed (requiring a knockback when a good amount of groups may not have a class with a knockback), or flat-out broken and buggy. Loot randomly doesn't work in both raids and flashpoints. Raids and flashpoints randomly have to be reset after wipes because players can't zone in, forcing the raid or group to clear trash all over again.


In the PVP front queues randomly break for literally hours on end. Ilum has no incentive for actual conflict. Thanks to player exploits Outlaw's Den has lost the only incentive it used to have outside of very rare chest spawns: great crafting mats in a small space. Some people can't even PVP due to serious FPS issues that have nothing to do with bad computers.


Then there's the gameplay and UI problems, like ability delay, which is sometimes intentional; the lack of UI modification; and the total lack of target of target (huge deal).


I know, I know. Most people are not at endgame. That is completely accurate, and I can understand the position.


Here is the problem: This is the kind of stuff that gives bad word of mouth, especially when it's all put together. There isn't a single aspect of the endgame that isn't unpolished or bugged, and that puts a bad taste in top players' mouths. If the top guilds and players are complaining about the game being a buggy mess at endgame that only discourages the casual, low-level players from working up. After all, why would they level up and work up to what is essentially a buggy mess?


TL;DR: I'm here for the long haul, Bioware, but at this rate I can't guarantee even my guilds or friends will be. If these bugs in every aspect of endgame aren't fixed before the end of the month I don't see the top guilds renewing, and that bad publicty can trickle down to the masses.




im not renewing. already removed my billing info.

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Honestly, how much time would it take for a programmer to open a file and change the names of these mobs? 5 minutes?

From 15 minutes to a couple of hours, depending on how intrincated the IA scripts are, how the locations are defined and how many thousands of lines needs to be tested.

Plus a good bunch of hours to actively test the 'boss' modification.


It's pretty obvious BW was under a mandate to ship the game before Christmas.

It's pretty obvious publishing the game 2 weeks before christmas will give it a boost on sells.

Profit, population, and attention.

Will you be THAT MUCH STUPID not to publish it before christmas?

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Seriously. The game has been out officially, for how long now, 12 days? How do you think WoW was at the very start? They cant flood a new game with everything at the very start. In 2 months time this will be an even greater game then it is now.

So back to WoW now, off you go, good riddance.


I absolutely LOVE quotes like this. If everybody who decides they can't deal with these bugs leaves, who the hell will you be playing with??


You're gonna be ************ and moaning that your server's empty in about, oh, 18 days?

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