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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×


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Posts posted by FerkWork

  1. Lana Beniko woke with heavy lids,

    So normal day for her?

    They weren't looking for his mask, they were looking for his helmet :D

    If she was rich she could have just bought it on the GTN and saved herself the trouble :p


    Jokes aside an excellent piece again. I'm loving these background pieces. Query: Could we get one of these stories tying into the Ravagers Op? I felt like it was one of those episodes where at the end nothing really changes there's no epilogue and it's never mentioned again. I would love that.

    Thanks again.

  2. Nope, Jonmaddog solo clear 12/02 lvl 55




    No I mean the one where you have to fight HK and Revan... I mean the one where he disappears at the end..Ugh I give up... :p

    (To OP: I mean it's from las boss on ToS HM)

    Actually person above is probable the closest in line to acquiring it :)

  3. And then you ask why tanks/healers don't queue.


    One Sentinel got killed today in KDY because everyone was just "hurry up we don't have whole day". Do you even understand what that does to healer. Seeing dps going down and you can't help. I did warn about my bad healing at the beginning. Almost got kicked because of that.


    Dang you beat me to it! :p

  4. depends from which pov.


    unbearably slow tanks are a bigger problem than overzealous dps in my opinion. and if someone else agrees with me in the grp then...*poof* byebye tank.


    And we wonder why tanks and heals don't quue for FPs :rolleyes:


    If the DPS is pulling this poop and trying tank usually the healer whispers me saying this person needs to go and we remove him and only after I told them to stop and they didn't respond.

    Side note: Have only been kicked once for Cademiue at lv 20 because they wanted a gear piece for the other DPS of same role but that was a while ago. Now, my gear is usually better than theirs so are my achievs. :D

  5. saying regs dont matter seems odd to me. its a video game, nothing really matters at all. what we do for fun can vary, and can also be affected by others regardless of how seriously you take things.


    comparing regs and ranked seems odd given that they are totally different game types. gear matters in both and while wins/losses arent tracked and there's no trophy handed out at the end, you can still have fun trying to win and competing against other teams.


    8v8 in minigames or 4v4 in area fotm class battles are different beasts. its no different than trying to win in a public server game on bf4 or cod...sure its less serious than competitive clan matches but that doesnt mean people arent trying to win the mini-game...as meaningless as it may be.


    as for a vote feature being abused...not really a concern. you can already vote people out of flashpoints, wzs should be no different if a majority of players would rather they not be there. its a multiplayer game after all. just because you pay a sub, that doesnt force other players to want to have to deal with you.


    While my response was sort of simplistic I believe you missed my point. Yes you can have fun in both. However for losing a match in regs there is no penalty for losing. No ELO no rewards at the end. Also, regs is mostly 8v8 objectives where gear is less important than trying to do the objectives. I've seen peps regardless of gear trying to have a duel of the fates in mids on huttball. Ranked it does matter as your performance is in 4v4 death match where your performance affects my ability to win a prize. Comparing regs to ranked is comparing apples to oranges. People who are dedicated to PvP dont care if they lose a reg match. No big deal, are we going to kicak everyone cause we didn't win the previous match? You can't win them all. I accept that and lee playing as one match is trivial and just fun. If I'm not having fun I leave. Simple as that. I see you aren't consider about abuse, if such feature would be implemented I would lock the person who took regs seriously. I play ranked to win. Regs for fun. If your a reg star whose épéen is so huge that you can't take a loss in regs then only queue with premades or due ranked. As an avid PvPer who enjoys a good match I find your reasons invalid. Yes it's a game but I don't need drama and épéen reg stars throwing hisy fit vote kicks. And yes I'm geared and know how to play. As in Ranked. To quote my favorite fleet chat line, "QUE RANKED SCRUBS" :)

  6. I only kick players who wipe several times on same thing and don't respond in chat. I care less about gear then peeps standing in stupid as long as the gear is not to under level. Especially if they are rocking old set bonus. Actually I despise the most are the comm gear heroes of 192 no set bonus and high endurance like at least beat up the loot piñata Sparky for implants or get the old dread forged gear or anything with balanced stats. Heck just get the better enhancements of 186 that you can craft... But even then I don't kick them. I kick people who think they know everything and don't listen over the newbie who actually tries to learn and listens.
  7. i guarantee you that if i saw a player such as yourself in 192/198 gear on the opposing team, you'd do far from fine.


    identifying people that can be quickly dispatched in regs is pretty important and in 192s i would probably kill you in under 5 seconds.


    >In regs is Pretty important

    > regs important




    Cause regs is srs bsns. Who cares there's no ELO in un ranked if your maxed in gear you don't need the comms and I usually lose a match because people play deathmatch in huttball rather then try to score. Anyways peopel would just en up kicking people they dislike and if you bring a group of 4 you can easily make it happen. Doesn't have to be an issue of skill but you just don't like them or think it's funny to do. To OP: stop being a reg star and go to some ranked. That's where gear matters and if it was about ranked then your complaint is legit but until then stop complaining.

  8. Was in a pug run of Ravagers 16 SM. Alright done this before and I'm tanking so it should be fine. Wait this is the good part. The other tank and has 2 other guilders in it. They seem fine but the tank has an ego the size of the pyramids. Asks if anyone has done this before, I say yeah duh and link the achievement including a HM of first boss to end any discussion. First boss goes fine, but the guy is being really arrogant. On the trash pull before bar pirates trash pull of lag and fun I tell them I will grab pirates so we can Los them. What does he do? He runs ahead of me and doesn't come out so his other guilders run in. I'm like fine you ignore me you can take them all. One does before the rest of the group moves in and I decide to help out. On Bulo, he asks me if I done this fight and I'm thinking you got short term memory brah? Alrighty, then everyone explains to everyone (This statement is correct) what to do. We pull I get barrel and grab pirates into circle however his guildy who's it circle thought it was alright to stand in it so he stood in it and died removing the circle. I have no choice but to go back to boss to keep 2nd highest threat. We wipe. Complains that I didn't bring pirates to volley even after telling him what happened and having 3 people confirm it. We pull again and he clearly isn't keeping Aggro well. We are then able to down him despite him dying twice. We get to Torque, and this guy is just pissing me off and trying to tell me how to to tank when I have far greater experience/gear/awareness than his arrogant butt does. On Torque he keeps dying to floor vents but keeps typing in chat that I didn't taunt off him when he gets Sick of You debuff. I'm clearly and agains try to tell me how to do the fight lol. I then snap and tell him to stop telling me how to tank and focus on your guy who keeps dying. He gets mad and says then why don't you do it super tank. So troll brain comes on and I'm done with him. He stills keeps dying from fire vents. I leave and had won the roll on the helmet on Bulo. Was cash. Later say him spamming hours later in gen chat for a tank for third boss still so I post that he only tanks with super tanks :)


    Remember kids, arrogance is your downfall and learn to play your character first before you tell others how to play theirs especially if they are better than you :D



  9. - Preordered

    - Played until April 2012

    - Played randomly until Summer 2013

    - Resub in Oct/Nov 2013 and have been playing ever since


    Why did I stop playing? Because I couldn't beat lvl24 elite in JK story.

    Problem? I didn't use anything that interrupts and I was clicker.

    When I returned I deleted all of my other characters and only left my main.

    I tried JK again. Same "problem". I leveled Shadow to level 50 and while I was doing that I slowly moved away from clicking and started to use mouse for moving and found few good keybinds for abilities.

    Nowadays I only click few abilities like Rocket Boost, mounts etc.


    While interrupts are important , I disagree about your implications that clicking is bad for everyone. While key binding may be good for you, I feel much more confident clicking and felt key binding didn't feel right for me. As for difficulty, I've clicked through all ops including NiM and never felt at a disadvantage. Maybe there is one on some scale but I couldn't tell. But anyways this topic.


    If OP is not troll (Likely with the classic opening I used to play this game now bow peons), well this gave me a greater laugh than the thread about Lord Mundo in KDY taking to long. At least about the new OPs people had a few gripes.

    But OP you aren't telling us which part or where isn't soloable. I've done all class sides for Imps and the only mission that was difficult wasn't even a class quest but the Voss Sel-Makor but only because I didn't know how to use my DCD's and interrupts at the time. Just because you played other MMO's and played this a while ago doesn't mean that you know everything, that is arrogancs.

    But again if troll go back under your bridge.

  10. Hello, so the first time I experienced it I dismissed it as whatevs but having happening again I would like to ask if this a bug and happened to others, (it's only happened twice and only in the last month)


    On the Ancient Hypergate map I was in mid on the sides to prevent LOS and grapple while waiting for the other team to take cover and ambush them or knock back with others. My back is against the wall and clearly in a soon as a open up I die not from enemy fire but the pylon fire (0 dmg from Pylon). No one else near me dies. The other time I was mid as well and standing on the centerpiece and no enemies nearby and was right on top of a teamate who didn't die. Has this happened to anyone else? It doesn't seem like its intended and wonder if I'm clipping some environment making the game think I'm outside when I'm not.


    Just wanted to share and ask.



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