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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×


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Posts posted by FerkWork

  1. Hi!


    I'm sure this has been already suggested by a couple of people, but I'd like to push it a bit. Some may not see the importance of it, but I'd still like an option to hide my achievements from others.


    1) Not everyone needs to know about my chars and my progress


    2) Privacy


    More importantly is that some people (me included) are actually being stalked by people tracking achievements. Reports for harrassment doesn't do anything and I doubt it will. I don't see a reason why we are forced to share that stuff with everyone instead of toggling it on and off?


    Anyways that's my suggestion.


    Best wishes.


    People achievement stalk others? There are strange people in this game...

  2. Taken from another post I wrote (as you can tell I like collecting stuff :) )


    ...I would love to see more vanity rewards and collecting. I'm perplexed that many of the items that you can collect in tactical can't be collected in HM. I would love to see this: All HM bonus bosses guaranteed deco drop that drops in tactical version (Korriban Statue of Ancient Slave for example) All HM bosses in Manaan should drop a research data and relics for KI and AoT. While some may not like collecting vanity items, I for one would run them more often to get decos. Heck throw in the pets as well. HM fps imho should be for fun challenge than gearing and what other way would be fun than have fun things to collect. But that's my 2cents and others might disagree.


    Thoughts and Opinions? I find it weird and a maybe make people more likely to queue up.

  3. Make it so the boss resets when you leave the platform.

    You fixed "Depths of Manaan," now fix this.

    I don't like it when people insist on cheating and not playing it the way it was intended.


    Cheesing and Cheating are 2 different things. By extension of your logic using hydraulic overrides in the Revan fight to negate certain mechanics before the patch fix would be cheating. Also it's not like these HM fps have anything valuable to make me want to run them. Throw in some decos and maybe I will do them more than once a week. (And yes I've cleared all of them the non cheese way)

  4. Because the good book (of Kephess) says thou shall not tank or heal on the Sabbath as it is forbidden.

    But I always find it amusing when people want to blame each group for the failure. To reflect this since I play all rolls, When I heal if Temple pulls then I don't heal here tell her to l2p and stopping being an ugly DPS and take out sexy Vector as he's a mlg pro. I do the same with Quinn and Broonmark on my DPS and always blame Skadge on my PT tank. #Skadgeisascrub

  5. As probable mentioned, If you're having a difficulty with first boss in BH there is ways to cheese it just like Tython. This boss will probable be toned down either with hp of adds or enrage timer to bring it on line with the others bosses. 2nd boss is slightly difficult for healers (I can see them toning down Jos execute but nothing else) but is doable if DPS are moving and focusing fire one of them preferable Jos, thus giving range an advantage especially sorcs specced with healing bubble, Third boss is the same as tactical really. BoR besides bonus boss is pretty much a cake walk once you figure out the mechanics (One shotted all bosses on first try of a pug run). IMHO HM Fps are below SM ops in pecking order and should reflect that in difficulty as they can be run without lockout all day long.


    Therefore, rewards since I get my gear from ops or comms( rolling PT tank need my deceiver implants :p ) and most end game raiders do, I would love to see more vanity rewards and collecting. I'm perplexed that many of the items that you can collect in tactical can't be collected in HM. I would love to see this: All HM bonus bosses guaranteed deco drop that drops in tactical version (Korriban Statue of Ancient Slave for example) All HM bosses in Manaan should drop a research data and relics for KI and AoT. While some may not like collecting vanity items, I for one would run them more often to get decos. Heck throw in the pets as well. HM fps imho should be for fun challenge than gearing and what other way would be fun than have fun things to collect. But that's my 2cents and others might disagree.


    As for "elitists", OP, I second Joran. Ignore them, many people talk a good talk in this game but usually come up short compared to the good players that have a good attitude and learned how to play. Funny thing is they love to tell even us experienced players what to do even when we know more than these bad apples. Practice and learning is what makes a good player not being demeaning to others and a bad team player.

    If you're on JC I'm always down to help you down these FPS.

    (Apologies for spelling and grammar, typing on phone)

  6. Hello, I heaven't recently played SWTOR and i noticed that certain packs are no longer in the cartel market

    the one that drops Revan Gear, aka Contraband Packs

    will they make a return? do packs do that with the recent updates?


    That was like the second pack lol. But yes they return for limited times. For now you can get Revan second pair of clothes from the these Shadow packs as the original are at the cleaners :)

  7. If I knew they could do it without breaking the game then I would say sure fine whatever. However knowing their track record, If they made it optional I can see BW somehow breaking the game somewhere else by implementing it. Optional Double Xp? Well sorcs can now fly and Underlurker cross is now a circle. And Everyone else gets 50X xp after doing a hutball match. And somehow it would still bugged out and not be optional :p
  8. Weren't Story Mode operations designed so that people can see the story? Isn't that what Bioware has stated many many times that they want people to see the story? Right now, these ops are not filling that function. I don't know if it's to many mechanics, alot of unavoidable damage, the almost having to have a dedicated ranged group to complete them. I don't know, but what I do know is, they are not fun at all.


    Regardless of how difficult I think it is (which to me they aren't) that might explain why everyone I see is wearing 186/192 com gear and no op gear... (minus for a few 198 chest piece but I digress :p)

    But we shall see as more ops and new gear levels are added to the game.

  9. Gaurd goes on the healer. Period, if you're having to gaurd a DPS they're a sh***ty DPS. If you pull aaggro unintentionally as a DPS you ease DPS. Doesn't matter if the tank sucks or not. Let them regain control. They can take more punishment than you and them getting hit requires the healer to heal less. Healer is more important than a DPS always. Healer goes down you all die. Healer gets attacked and their health drops too much, they have to spam themselves and can't heal anyone else. Then one guy dies. Then the tank dies. Then you all die. Seen it a million times. This guy seems like the type of person I was writing in the original post.


    When people ask me to guard a healer instead of a DPS because they are "more important"

  10. I was reading my codexs (They are fun to read :)) yesterday and somehow got to Commandant Iven's (Ivan? Sorry if spelling it wrong) Codex. In his bio if I remember correctly, he was originally from the Slave pens on Ziost. Then at the end of the Shadow of Revan he is captured by the joint forces. Thinking this over what if the Ziost storyline starts with info gleaned from the Commandant's interrogation and digs more into the background of Ivan/Iven and the nature of Ziost? Just speculation. May sound dumb but it made some sense at the time :)
  11. A Kephess mount

    Leaking information about the next Cartel pack is prohibited :p


    A mount of Blaster that says, "HERE COMES THE BOSS" when you get on it.


    On a random note The first time I did this boss I died because I was so distracted at the hilarity of his voice. Oh you done it now! :)


    10/10 laughed wayyyyy too hard

    Off topic: your Return of Kephess PvP thread is my favorite thread and is saved for a good laugh about the strange nature of SWTOR PvP "balance" :)


    On topic: Following the tradition of walkers in 3.0 maybe they will have a

    Sword Squadron mount. What about deco wise? Miniature airship from Coritanni would be cool as a centerpiece.

  12. Since these eventually will be released in NiM and to be a little light-hearted, I was wondering what the top raiders would like to see drop in these upcoming versions vanity wise? Mounts, weapons, decos, whatevs. Go crazy. Let your imagination run wild :)



    *Torque: His Wrench as a legacy main hand like Corrupter Blade. ( Who wouldn't want to swing that around heck even add fire to edges) :p

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