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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×


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Posts posted by FerkWork

  1. I really hope it's going to be viable for PvP still, but it sure as hell is significantly less viable for HM raiding than before because of the current DPS requirement for last two bosses. Raid groups would like to have more efficient classes after the patch. I wish they'd just implement separated PvP/PvE specs or tunes for skills.


    This all the way.


    Lightening'a high parsing number were reliant on FS imho which masked the fact that it's single target isn't that good. That's ok as a burst spec as long as single target isn't nerfed and should be slightly buffed in my opinion. But the major issue I see is that the sustained class, in this case Madness, which is usually the one taken for endgame PVE is in no way competive then that is a problem. Same is true for Pyro for PT now.

  2. Thanks for the info everyone. My question was intended as my guild normally raids in 8s so was wondering for that. Also I have never done these bosses before and only from gleaming info off the old Dulfy guide. Now too get the ball rolling on that. Too bad they don't have more secrect boss quest lines like this one in the game. Reminds me of older video games with secret bosses and levels.


    My bad Jerba, I was thinking of your vid but couldn't remember if it was 2 or 3 when I wrote it. Corrected now.

  3. Sounds good to me. Legacy perk unlock whatever. I just now want it to happen so when the day comes those opposed just squirm lol.


    Go play that SWG Emu if you want some grind Also, funny how they go on about PvP but I don't see that person on the leaderboards ;)

  4. Aren't most supporters of 12xXP asking for it to be a Legacy perk? How does that impact new players again?


    And come on lol, the games future?! In what way? If you're concerned about the games future, maybe try asking the Devs for some content...don't put the blame for the games failure on my shoulders for not creating alts I have no desire to grind.


    Making it a legacy perk is what I want as its a nice reward for all that leveling.

    Also to the other anti 12xp (as in 2 people vs everyone else) go back to EQ and grind it like a true warrior :D

  5. its not directed at those that play alts. but how it impacts everyone. especially new players. they will find out how quick it is to lvl up and really not spend enough time learning the ins and outs of their class. give it time and they will catch up to the rest of us.


    we see it a lot in PvP. new players that really have no idea about what their own class is capable of, their own weaknesses and how to counter attacks. with time they will get it but there are those that give up and move on to something else. be that pve or an entirely different game.


    those of us that are against the x12 XP boost are looking at a larger picture than ourselves and our gameplay. we honestly don't care how your time in game impacts us. but when there are many new players that don't know much about the game at max level, then it becomes our issue. we are trying to convince you and others that support x12 XP boost to understand our side of the discussion.


    its funny, the supporters of no x12XP boost are looking out for the games future whereas the x12XP supporters just want their alts leveled up asap without any thought in what they are asking for.


    the supporters of no x12 XP boost understand your side of the discussion and have tried to reveal faults in your debate. a small portion of the x12XP boost supporters do understand this while the majority have already made up their mind and call us names. LoL it cracks me up when I read through this entire thread and every post.


    its a discussion about keeping SWTOR going as is for the long term VS. x12 XP me, elite me, x12 XP me, x12 XP me, story missions, x12 XP me, end game sucks, more content, x12 XP me, x12 XP me


    you do realize SWTOR is one of the fastest level up MMOs out there.

    we even have sources displaying how quick you can level up in SWTOR, but gamebreaker isn't valid? wheres your proof and sources on that? :mon_trap:


    Are you deaf or do you just ignore everything. Third time, levelin teaches you jack squat about playing a class endgame! You keep whining that all the noobs are due to 12xp. Where have you been? Let me tell a story, I was in an ops with a self proclaimed grinder who went up against master and blaster. I ask if he knows how to play, response I've been playing this toon for2 years I'm not a newb I have played the old fashion way since launch and know my class from questing. Want to know what happens next? He can't hold aggro the whole time and he forces me to tank both at the same time. I kicked him and replaced with a friend who power leveled a toon during 12xp in 8hours. We easily finish the ops. Moral of the story, stop repeating this nonsense that we got to grind to learn or the newbs will ruin us. No stop. All your points are made out of ignorance. Maybe that was you I kicked? :rolleyes:

  6. Either my coffee hasn't kicked in yet or Paradigm was removed from the list completely.


    It's up there.


    Also, for some reason I don't know why but I feel like on JC aren't reporting their kills for whatever reason (not my concern but it's their prerogative. But after doing some achievement stalking (it's a fun pastime don't judge :p) I can say there I have seen at least 2 people from different guilds with at least 8/10

    Tova Nex



    Don't know how when or who they killed it with but yeah just wanted to throw that out there.

  7. As a tank, my dps has remained consistent since the removal so I don't know why people like ability bloat. Now get rid of Missile Blast or make it do something as that is truly the most worthless attack past lv 10.
  8. Play smarter, not harder... as has already been explained regarding the Rishi Datacrons.


    And no, they should not be the only ones bound, none of them should be. It has to be all or none, and right now it's none (as it should be and as far as we know how it will stay), cuz if you do one then that opens the door for even more entitlement threads.


    Cause if they did then no one would ask you for help with Datacrons as your sig suggest? :)


    Also suggesting it take skill not grind to get datacrons. Lol I'm pretty sure the OP would demolish you (and me) in some PvP which takes real skill. It's the same thing with those who are opposed to 12xp and any convenience in a form of entertainment. Again grind isn't skill. Just because you will be put out of business (lol) in the Datacron guide area doesn't mean the end of the world.

  9. The new Ops were still so so buggy 3 months after being added that they had to cancel their special event...what word would you use for that?




    The reason it was cancelled was that one bug with Coritanni and that only affected time as going out and back in fixed it. Lurker has been fine for a while and it could be cheesed anyways with PTs. Other than that there were no bugs in other fights which prevented players from beating them. I've been in many a pug run where the cry of bug has gone up when in fact it was L2P issue. None of the fights have HM mechanics bleeding into them like what happened with Draxus. I'm tired of people blaming bugs for wipes when it's usually a player mistake. I haven't had Coritanni bug out in a few weeks and Lurker has worked for me with no issue for over a month (If in doubt just jump to update your position)

  10. So ...


    Everyone wants to get to endgame REAL FAST so they can do the same 2 operations over and over again?


    *scratches head*


    For me yes. There's 2 new ops with 2 modes. Plus previous Ops NiM. And I can play them with 3 tanks! Pew pew. Not to mention HM fps and other stuff. Why do I want to go through Alderaan which sky rockets my lag just to see a story I've seen a million times. Boring I will pass. Anyways it would be hilarious if they put in 12xp just to see what the people against it will do lol. Stage grind sit ins, block trainers. Chant in gen chat. Threaten those who use it. From the way they are acting I wouldn't be surprised :D

  11. My favorite are those who when I ask do you have any questions before pull don't then proceed to do the opposite of what was called for and kill the raid. They don't say anything until kicked and whisper its just a game. Yes it's a game and you are wasting my fun time. :)
  12. I am one of those "L2P scrub" people and I will remain that way. When I tell a tank, you need to face the boss away from us, and he sits there jacking it to Miley Cyrus photos instead of moving at all, then I get angry and lash out. MMORPGS are not some new fad that just showed up, they have been around for 15+ years. Most tanking mechanics are the same throughout all games, hold agro on boss, keep others safe from it. 101 classwork right there, and people cannot even grasp that concept.


    So yeah, don't join a FP with me if you have no idea how to play your class, I will rant and cuss you out so you rage quit. IDGAF


    Yeah what a bunch of scrubs! I can jack it while tanking.... And no one ever knows....


  13. I wanted to ask this question here since the people who are posting are way more knowledgeable about parsing than I am.


    I'm forming a nightmare content group for the old stuff starting at TfB, and ending up on Dread Palace. I know my guild has dps across the spectrum, and wanted to give dps players a baseline for performance so we all enjoy not banging our heads against walls due to not enough damage. I was thinking of setting the bar at 2.7 on a dummy as a qualification to join the group. Is that too high? Too low? Just right?


    Eh I don't know about it for the content with the DPS squish (pre 3.0 I know for DF and DP it was something like 3.0-3.5k DPS. However in com gear 186 you can get at least 3.6k DPS doing the a average rotation on a dummy. Also, DPS on a dummy is a far different thing as some bosses require target switching and loss of uptime on a boss due to mechanics. So I would say aim for at least 3.5k DPS as while that maybe high for TFB it will allow people to have a goal to attain at the very least in doing better in old and new content.

  14. The correct answer is blame the tank cause you can't help From trying to chase master down as a Melee and get roasted. Wait what were we talking about?:mad:


    Serious note, I am nice to new players and those unfamiliar with a fight. Who I am not friendly with are the arrogant people who try to tell you how to do something when you have seen the instance more than them. Dont micromanage if you can't play your own toon. The funny thing is those people who do that don't help out people who want to learn the fights and instead whine and complain.


    I help those who ask not try and control freak micranage as I hate when people try to do that with me. Try it and I will bite your knee caps off :p

  15. I do not enjoy them anymore.

    I guess that's because i spend too much time there in the past and now they are boring content for me.

    But yes i can understand that people that has never been there before can have lot of fun with it.

    At least some bosses are still good for learning how to do some mechanics properly


    PD: Being healer doesnt help too as now its very low healing demanding


    I guess so. I've only started playing this game right before strongholds came out and only started raiding a few months afterwords. We could have downed it if we pressed on but it was getting late and people were tired.

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