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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×


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Posts posted by FerkWork

  1. Hi. I'm not trolling. I'm a Founder. I care about the game. I've called them on the phone, and they said to post this concern here, as they mine it for ideas.


    I'm doing what they said was right.


    My thinking is that if most people want to play dps, and this is a subscription-for-fun game, then it would encourage people to play if they made more dps slots in GF.


    And even if Set Bonus gear is better than Ultimate Com gear, I prefer to work with the UCs. We all play the game our own way. It's what I pay for. :)

    You know you can rip the token pieces armoring(this contains set bonus) mods and enhancement out of the shells and put them on any shell you want. Heck they can be transferred by legacy. That's nice you want to play that way but your only gimping yourself. If you like to play at sub par level then go ahead but please don't join runs with that gear.

  2. It appears it a was a strange hiccup that knocked people off. All servers appear to up and running properly. Please try to log in once again. We will continue to monitor.






    Ah good to know. Thought it was my internet acting up again.

  3. Depends which one you run I think?


    Heads and offhands drop in abundance in korriban incursion. BiS enhancements* for dps and heal, yes. BiS for tanks is easy to get so thats a non issue.


    Ah interesting... It was 3 Tython Runs I did btw with Belt for Bonus and Bracers for Last Boss. What drops could be fixed for the FP. Belt and Bracers Tyrhon and Head and Offhand for Korriban. Interesting will have to run more to verify this

  4. Never said anything about particular pieces, you could not get BiS 192 enhancements pre this patch. So its most definitely better than before. Could have clarified its enhancements only, but then again thats the most important part of the BiS'ing process because the return is better than bising mods


    True but it's not BiS gear as you stated above. The mod is lettered and same as comm one. The DPS and Heals Enhancement is BiS. Tank enhancement is mid (Bastion etc). I was pointed out that I've only seen the belt and bracers drop in HM FPs so far, others might have difference. But the thing is a Mk-2 Belt and Bracer has the same stats as the comm Mk-1

  5. Eh people will hardly kick a tank unless they want to wait.

    Also get a guild a do runs in there. Joining a guild is literally the easiest thing to do.

    As a test yesterday on a new toon to prove this theory I went to fleet and typed in "New player looking for casual guild to run fps". Got 2 whispers and a ninja within 15 seconds. We then did a few fps. So this is what you should do. Never rely on pugs.

  6. we can invite players to WZs? Pugs? sure we can leave both as needed but people remember who leaves thus on those occasions when an invite is used, we could be passed up.

    Then make group yourself or kick the baddies. This is why I run mostly in guild save for easy content or with other good guilds/players

    we shouldn't be forced to leave a group if the group leader invites the inexperienced. we shouldn't be exempt from invites if we are known for leaving groups due to these inexperienced players. Then tell them no baddies plus you only invite for puging ops. GF dont give you choice. Or just carry. I do it all the time.


    not all are inexperienced but x12 XP boost will bring more high level players that are inexperienced into end game content.

    If 12xp was for lv 50 Legacy then not a problem. Window lickers are the ones who grind for solo and never read a dang guide cause its so easy, we keep saying this but you ignore it


    I wouldn't say they are afraid of it. that's just laughable.


    the supporters of x12 XP that have posted in the last couple of days and new to this thread, haven't added anything that hasn't been brought up in previous posts.

    Its like the same argument for don't bring back rare cosmetics. God forbid some people have something I don't like

    x12 XP boost is a quick fix for those that want to go through the story missions again. while others want to use it to level up FotM characters asap. while still others complain about lack of end game content. holding your hand so you can level up quickly will not solve content issues in the future of SWTOR. it will actually make it worse since there will be a larger supply of end game content players getting bored with the same old stuff over and over again. sure BW will bring us more content, but once you go through it, you will be wanting more and complaining.

    Do you even PvP brah? FOTM usually don't know how to play as they don' read the guides and just think they can be OP. Then they get slaughtered in Ranked for being a scrub


    slow down the leveling process, there is already a lot of content that is bypassed.

    low level crew skills will hurt in the long run. less players seeking new gear for their new lowbie levels. once you have a few crafters and legacy gear, why buy mats and gear when you can craft 1 set for each AC??

    I've seen all the content. I say speed it up. I only do the low level fp for achievios and then solo at 60. If your trying to make us social at low level with window lickers then please no. Anyways many like me only play at the endgame or like endgame. I'm not leveling a sin tank to play social hour with scrubs at lowbie. I'm making a toon so I can have all 3 tanks for Ops as certain tanks do better in certain HM fights. Again guides beat grind. Also, newbeis will still buy. I never buy my gear at any level. I use loot armor for leveling and save comms for end game

    I do this already. multiple alts, using legacy gear to level up on toons and their companions. its all DPS gear while companions all use cunning or strength. a purple set will last 8-10 levels real easily. I have lvl 10, 20, 30, 40, 50 sets in legacy gear for alts and companions just waiting to be used when I feel like logging onto a lowbie. I have 18 alts on 1 server alone dedicated as mules and crew skill whores. I'm not running out of mats, plenty of credits to go around, enough sets of end game gear for heals/dps or tank/dps as required for War Zones or Operations. when BW raised the caps and gear, it took less than a week to min/max the gear for WZ and Ops (heals/dps and tank/dps sets).And here you are speeding up the leveling process and destroying low level sales on armor just like I'm doing.


    the game is easy, the operations are easy, the wz are easy. Its the inexperienced players in these groups that make it frustrating. giving the community x12 XP boost doesn't improve game play long term. its a temporary fix for a handful of players that will impact the game long term. x12 XP doesn't impact my game play. I still do my thing and make adjustments as needed for those inexperienced. those of us that are against x12 XP are actually looking out for the future of the game and its community. while most of the x12 XP supporters are just wanting it for their personal gain with end game content and FotM fast lanes. only a small portion of those want story mission uninterrupted.

    Leveling is easy. Ranked WZ and HM/NIM OPs are fun challenges. The window lickers are mostly graudates of KDY Academy grind. You're fear mongering at the end with little proof.I will tell you why I want 12xp as honestly I can be: I play at endgame, I care less about leveling which is boring if you seen story and doesn't teach you anything. I read the good Dulfy guides and do low level ops then move to higher ones pretty quickly. For me endgame is where its at. Making me level isn't going to make me socialize if you more or make me a better player. These arguments are silly. 12xp would be fine. And for the story people let them play for the story uniterrupted. Get off their back.


    TLDR: 12xp for LV 50 Legacy Unlock.

    What needs to be implemented: At LV 50, 55, and 60 you have to pass a Raptus type test for your class. Until you pass you can't queue for that levels OPs and HM FP's.

  7. I second Jerba. I have all 3 major ones (Teamspeak, Vent, and Mumble) installed just in case. Outside of guild run, I will get in if they request it. It's not just an elitist thing though, as many new guilds pug a spot or two and want people to be in to have everyone on the same page. Several times you end up being the one explaining to them over voice boss strats. For most pug runs of SM outside of the new ops on JC there isn't voice. And less are using it for the new ones as people memorize the mechanics.


    On a similar note, I really wished that this game had a built in voice chat as I do find it annoying sometimes to find the voice program they use and type in the info.


    Random note: I remember being explained all 9 waves of Draxus HM over TS. It took longer than the fight :p . Imagine if it was typed lol nope.



    Slightly off topic: I'm curious about the TS Monopoly thing in Germany. Is it just because preference or something else why only TS is preferred?

  8. Just because you would find it difficult to figure out, doesn't mean everyone does - the mechanics aren't nearly as difficult to learn as you seem to think they are. If you're afraid of playing with people who are either bad players or new to the game, don't invite anyone you don't know to your groups.


    This many times over

  9. I will never use the SENTINEL in a ranked warzone

    I can tell you that is a correct statement but for very different reasons.


    As stated above and I stated earlier leveling teaches you nothing about playing a class.

    Want to know how to actually play your class? Read the Dulfy guide and practice your rotation. Congratulations your now better than most of the mouth breathers in Regs and Group finder. Even if they leveled the normal way.

    Proof: My Sorc was leveled during 12xp and can parse over 4k. My PT tank same and I use for progression HM and classic Nightmare content. I am a decent healer on my samely leveled OP. I'm leveling a Sin tank at the moment. It will probable be better than most sin tanks after I do my advice.

    Joining the 12xp train choo choo.

  10. Got another one:


    I did a Ravagers run with my OP healer yesterday. Now normal but I'm not really a good healer or thought I was. I usually have problems with energy consumption and wasted heals. But I put my mind to it and started to carefully watch the damage output and even predict a few attacks and was able to keep the group alive. Even got complimented for my heals lol.

  11. The Classic Token vendors on the fleets (Gav Daragon/Ziost Shadow) only trade Champion/Battlemaster tokens for warzone commendations. They don't seem to offer a trade for PvE tokens anymore, though.


    Is this a bug/oversight or an intended change?


    It was removed at 3.0. It is intended with the phasing out of the classic comms there was nothing to trade it for now as the comms no longer existed in game.

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