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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×


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Posts posted by FerkWork

  1. The old re-usable stims were a noob trap.


    Anytime you were doing content where a stim was actually needed, you should have been using a blue due to its superior stats. Thus, you should only have used the reusable on content where a stim wasn't necessary, thus giving you a profession based advantage on trivial content (faster dailies, etc).


    This itself isn't a bad thing, however:


    People, mainly those who didn't know any better, or were cheap/lazy/didn't care enough - used their reusable in situations when they should have been using blues. Thus they were hurting their entire group by playing sub-optimally. Now this is fixed and the purple is the proper stim to use for the proper level of content.


    What we lose out on is a specific type of stim that should have only been used to speed up trivial content where a stim wasn't even needed anyways. Not a massive loss.


    This especially the last line. From a raiding perspective having a higher stat stim last 8 hours of gameplay is very beneficial for Progression raiders as it means more time of the best stuff. I remember when stuck on difficult content I had to change stims twice or three times. And forget about ranked PvP where any stat advantage is a plus. I'm not sure why anyone needs stims outside of Ops (You don't even need stims for SM) and ranked PvP so this is better for us. Anything that a weaker resusable stim was used for was not necessary and face roll easy. Even soloing the Oricon Heroic stim was not required. If you need a stim for anything outside of these then you have bigger problems that a small stat increase won't small.


    TLDR: The new system benefits raiders and pvpers more. Everyone else doesn't need a stim.

    Also applies for adrenals as well.

  2. Since leveling doesn't really teach you how to play well (You can go to 50 without choosing a AC) in difficult situations for end game content combined with KDY academy, the 12xp IMHO really didn't bring down skill level as much as the lack of difficult content in the leveling process does. As a raider and a pugger when I'm bored, having 12XP didn't really make more bad players as those players have been here since the beginning. Whether they make it a thing or not is up to BW and whether it will make them more money or not.


    TLDR: Baddies gonna bad regardless of 12 XP due to face roll leveling and It will only be implemented if it makes BW more money.

  3. Can't tell if sarcasm above but if you enjoy this game there always ways to improve, also remember we all sucked at one point (I wore tank armor on my mara cause I thought some shield would be nice before I got an explanation :p) for class guides and guides in general Dulfy.com is the best.


    I've never done the pub side and never fought this guy and assume it's pub. Since I know nothing of this fight and don't want to make some presumptions and pub players please correct me if im wrong (Only got 1 pub toon) but is this a mirror fight of the Jedi on Imp side. If so either the group wasn't burning fast enough or Pub side might be imbalanced. I say that not knowing the fight and hearing complaints of certain fp bosses for pub side being much harder than the Imp ones.


    I do have a LV 15 shadow so I will queue her for KDY and try to get this boss. Will report back once done to see if it does take 9 minutes as the OP states.

  4. When we were bored with wiping on Ravagers/ToS HM, we did S&V NiM for a few weeks and were able to get all the survival and timerun achievements that we missed when we did it during progression 1.5 years ago.


    SnV is one of my favorite Ops and I will one day find peeps to do it on NiM (that and TFB). That and the timed achievement titles. I don't think I've ever been in a SnV even on SM that hasn't gone for under 2 hours :p


    Funny, I had a similar story with this being my first MMO and doing the ole EV. I was lv 54 and wanted to do one and never did it before so I joined a group (Just saw EV in it didn't understand all the other jargon)and was like dang how these people have 30k health. Told them it was my first time doing an Ops. Also it was NiM so when I first time I saw the timer come up I was thought we have that lot long to finish or we die. After running around crazily on my Mara at the first boss and spending the next fight dead for most of it we get to third boss and and timer says 1:30 left and I blurted in chat that we got to hurry or we will die. Got many laughs and "u serious brah?" Until someone explained to me that's not the case. On last boss they forgot to tell me to run back so I die on the first platform collapse. But it was fun.

    Side note: On my first SnV someone said there was a datacron in the sarlaac so the guilloble me jumped down and everyone was groaning and saying something's not right with him. I think I've gone a long way from that (July 2014 :) )


    Another note: I was really confused on lingo. When people kept typing in Bio in chat I thought they had some studying to do or something :p Eventually I googled it.

  5. After 2 years of being vg tank now with the new guild I have to be dps. Last week I just got 4th token piece and finally I started to getting used to dpsing (around 3k, was 1.8k when I was asked to actually care about dps).


    We are still having hard times with HM Bulo but at first try(3 weeks ago) it was 86% hp remain, now we are at 46%


    Thats awesome keep going!

  6. Clarification: While I originally intended this to be about literal progression of any kind (That's a lie I may have been drinking while writing this thread :p) It is can also be about personal accomplishments of parsing higher learning another class better (One day I will roll a sniper *Pun intended*), getting better at a phase during a fight, Or anything that improved your progression as a player (Still probable not making sense but YOLO :p)




  7. Hello,


    So finally reaching a point of getting to min maxed level (for 192) with 6 piece set bonus of 192 (Offhand, Implants, and Earpiece are 198), I was wondering how viable is my PT in PVE Progression. I followed closely to Milas guide as it seemed sensible.


    So here are my stats. Please offer any suggestions comments criticism as I would like feedback if I darned goofed somewhere.




  8. Glad this is back on top but anyways I have two:


    I was late to the game and missed among other things DF and DP NiM. My old guild was more interested in doing Conquest and Ranked PvP at the time so we never did it. Fast forward a week ago my new guild is doing a NiM DF run and I was like sweet never did it before but what the heck. Read the guides watched the videos. Got in it was a blast despite being confused half the time. The guildes who ran it were all rusty but we went 3/5 before getting tired. To me it was so much fun to finally get down some old content I had never done.


    The other one was finally parsing more than 4k in a fight (On Bulo) besides Malaphar on my Lightening Sorc and only playing it since 3.0 launched (Switched it from heals). But still got to practice more. :D


    But keep the posts coming! I enjoy reading them all. :)

  9. For me, difficulty is part of the story and immersion. It doesn't make sense to have this ancient dark-side filled being done in by a few blasts from a cannon and some pebbles. In a true storyline the creature would be ****** and a threat. Not a thing that just flops over to a few people.


    When have adds been NOT in story mode? Sure, tune them down by all means. But HM/NiM only? really?


    I agree 100%. Why would 2 walkers not being raining death on mere people. I enjoy the adventure of being a part of the story and this is why "difficulty " is needed. If it wasn't I and others would be very bored having only HM to enjoy fun.


    Side note: I'm sad only Torque Coritanni and Ruuger only got a codex entry, I wish I could know more about the other bosses.

  10. I keep seeing this where people say it was more enjoyable before 3.0 and the ops were easier... how long previous to the release of 3.0 are you talking? 3 months? 6? A year? Because if you aren't comparing this to April 2013, you are making an invalid comparison.


    People had difficulty with the mechanics of both the ops and the hm flashpoints that released at that time. Less issues with TFB because that was rescaled to 55 otherwise 2.0 would have released with only one operation and 4 hm flashpoints.


    If you joined at a later date than the 2.0 release you probably didn't experience it or maybe there was so much time over geared that those memories faded. Please remember that the minimum requirement for df sm was 156 gear at a time when most people were in full underworld rating gear, probably commendation gear but that was much more useful in 2.0.


    If you go back in these forums you will probably find some old threads about how people were requiring pugs to have 30k hp to pug sm S&V. The funny thing about that is... you had to already have the drops from S&V and TFB to get to that hp level (arkanian gear).


    The content needs to be harder so the content doesn't get stale quickly, df and dp were out for 14 months before 3.0 released and commendation gear at that point was 180 rating, FOUR gear levels above that required for the operations themselves.



    This +1

  11. Problem is that before 3.0 i was able to complete and have fun in all FP and OP's.

    They was fun and challenging (reasonable challenging).

    Now we have huge pack of insane mechanics.

    Does it provide challenge? Of course!

    Does it provide fun? For those who stack common sense in their builds maybe.

    But facerollers were abandoned.


    Again i have to make travel in time.


    Was HM FP cakewalks before 3.0?

    Hell yeah they was.

    They was opportunity to auto pilot (and don't give me that crap about hard please).

    They was FACEROLL.

    People actually Fell asleep or solo'ed the freaking FPs, instead of PLAYING them.

    Or that is what you calling "fun"? When the Ops and Hms actually so easy I could watch a movie while tanking Tyrans?


    And who judge about whiners and players seeking fun?


    Don't make me laugh.

    Im a whiny player.

    My favorite roles are facerolling and QQ, becouse they fun.

    Did that in all HM FP (and not one time believe me).


    But follow your logic im a whiner and QQ'er simply becouse i can't handle this dont stand in stupid and DPS mechanics in Blood Hunt or Battle of Rishi (im not talking about Tython first boss becouse its can be cheesed.

    Of course you can say that IM QQ'er. But do you really think that im the only one who whines about those FP?


    There's people who think that new content is balanced.

    But they perefer to stay out from forums, becouse they know - they will never be heard.

    They will be called elitists and everything else.



    Don't worry they are going to do the nerf them to the ground in the upcoming patch. It's sad.

    But you only discussed HM FP's tell me how what you said is relevant to those SM ops. They are fun and easy once you get the hang of the mechanics and what to expect.

  12. LOL Hydraulics on Revan equates to 5-7 GCDS of damage for the entire third floor. Saber Reflects on Floor Vents equates to 600k damage in a similar time frame. They are not in any way equitable. Additionally, yes, Underlurker should absolutely not have Sonic Rebound trivialize cross mechanic. If you're using Oil Slick on Rage Storm, or if you need to use it on Rage Storm to kill the boss, then you have bigger problems.


    Also, I'm sick of the stupid "PT Tanks are the best" line of thinking. It's lazy. PT tanks, outside of that 5-7 GCDs we talked about are the worst tanks for the damage profile of Revan. Juggs and Sins are better TANKS for the fight. Sins and Juggs are better on Master Blaster. Sins and Juggs are better TANKS for Coratanni. PTs are gods on: Revanite Commanders, Underlurker, Sword Squadron. Sins are god on: Bulo, Blaster Master, Coratanni, and great for Revan. Juggs: Sword Squadron, Underlurker, Blaster Master, Torque (even after the changes I'd rather have a jugg)


    This change does not in any way wildly swing balance away from juggs. I know many tanks that are top tier that will still play their Jugg over anything else.


    I've seen these wild twitch streams where guilds think that they are somehow using a non-optimal tank comp on Blaster Master if they don't use PTs or Vanguards. True story: from a mitigation standpoint, PTs are HORRIBLE on Blaster Master HM. Juggs are better, and Sins completely trivialize the fight.




    I never said PT tanks are the best or ever claim that (I main a PT tank). Yes 6-7 GCDs were a way smaller issue than floor vent reflect. And I apologize if you take offense for using that as example but using an example that highlight the principIe, I could find several other ones as well.But to me it doesn't matter if one is bigger than the other, it is still having unintended effect of making certain classes have a distinct "negating mechanic abilities" no matter if one is not as big as the other. 6-7 GCDs may be small but it's 6-7 other classes did not have which again is my point (Which it was why it was patched) even if PTs are bad for the fight. Same as oil slick giving more uptime on the boss that isn't available for others. IMHO, It's the principle of classes having a ability that negates mechanics no matter how trivial which I dislike. Yes certain classes would always be better in fights but it should not overshadow other comps or negate any mechanic.

  13. This is was necessary and obviously coming to prevent one class having a clear superiority in a fight and in doing so trivializing the content. Same with Revan and Hyrdaulic overdrives. One of these two is bad enough by itself but both is clearly ridiculous. I wonder if they will now tinker with Lurker where PTs certain advantages with Oil Slick/Riot Gas on Rage Storm and Sonic rebound on cross which in itself negates certain mechanics (I don't know if they work on HM). To me no class should have a clear superiority in a fight or trivialize content.
  14. Simple analogy:

    You sign up for a race, the fee allows you to participate. Does that entitle them to make the track shorter because you refuse to push on and rather QQ about how it's unfair. No. What's really killing the game is QQrs who want to get everything done now and make it all about the rewards rather than reward of entertainment. I care more about joy of downing Revan than winning the mainhand. It's about the fun not the rewards of being able to face roll and carry so you can get your coms.

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