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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×


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Posts posted by FerkWork

  1. If there are any guilds that specializes in "quick hit" short missions like flashpoints, i don't know of them. That's what would fix the Original Poster's problem.


    All you'd need to start one is one tank who has a bunch of tank alts. He could do the weekly on every tank alt he has, no problem.


    Except that this bait as it contains all the things to make people rage:

    1) Comm gear hero

    2) DPS

    3) Raids to hard


    5) Raging and not responding


    It's almost if OP wants to get a rise out of us... A rustling of jimmies perhaps. Or trying to paint anyone who thinks there should be readjustment with the Ops and HMs as idiotic as them. This thread should be ignored. Move along Nothing to see here but a troll post.

  2. I am fairly sure the OP is being sarcastic. :p


    Sarcasm what is this nonsense??? No one is sarcastic about SWTOR, this game is SRS BSNS. Don't bring your logic and reason here witch. :D


    Anyways, Gree is now being replace by Kephess Week. Enjoy all of your favorite lizard.

  3. If people are getting one shot by load lifter + barrel they really don't know how to use defensive cooldowns. You should NEVER take damage from purple/blue circles as well. This is simply a L2P issue, there's no sense in complaining about your uncoordinated group. Healers need to respond quickly to damage and everyone needs to be able to predict damage. Know where the load lifters are going at all times, which tank has adds/carts, when scatter blaster is going to happen. The more you actually try to learn the mechanics and where and when damage comes from the better off you'll be.


    For new groups you can also experiment with 3 heals to get a hang of all the damage, but 2 healers is more than enough if everyone is using cooldowns well.


    While that is correct thing to do, there is no need to insult him or his group as it does seem frustrating at times and we have all been stuck in ruts before and not looking at it clear-headed.

    OP: It takes a while to get used to these fights so I would reccomend recording some of your fights and watch them to see where things are happening as it can be hard to strategize in the heat of battle. That way you can take this knowledge into the fight and your group can prepare for the major health spikes. Best of luck and hope you continue your progression.

  4. Since people ask for achievements for certain bosses when PUGing, it would be useful to have a single achievement to link to show you have cleared the whole raid instead of having to link bosses individually.


    Why have that when you can link them your BT achievs. If they want to know my achievs they can look at my character. On a random note usually the person asking is the one usually lacking. :)

  5. It seems we're talking about multiple things which is causing some confusion. Regarding all 3 in my opinion:

    1)HM is fine as it is as its their for the challenge and I enjoy the greater challenge it brings.

    2)SM needs to be toned down a little (especially in 16 man mode) Rest L2P

    3) HM Fps needs better rewards. If not gear like the old Fps at lv 50 LI, then more vanity stuff. First boss on BH tune down a little.


    Edited for update on opinion

  6. i had competent groups. i'm sure if i had terribles that didnt know the fights, it would have been much harder. i pull over 5k dps dude...how do i clear things?

    mmo players all seem to have an ego no matter how good they actually are. like the fact is SO SHOCKING if they actually aren't as good as they think they are. whats the harm in admitting you aren't good?


    Pics on 5k DPS in a fight (and Malaphar or Torque doesn't count :p). You should follow your advice about ego dude. While I personally don't find these Ops challenging in SM (My guild spends the Ruuger fight trying to kill a random guildie for the giggles) this shows that are some people who do and I believe alienating any amount of players is not a good move. I don't understand why people are patting themselves on the back and telling others to get good for beating story mode. Real progression and challenge is in HM (Eventually NiM) as what me and my guild is doing. You do SM to gear up. Do your stuff and play. Making SM easier for others doesn't ruin my experience and neither other Raiders cause We are only interested in the challenges that HM/NiM bring. That's what real goods do :)

  7. If they added that debuff back in for challenge, they'd also have to make the boss reset when taken outside of his room. Right now pug groups with crap healers/tank/dps (in other words, most) try to insist you tank the boss outside the room so the adds never spawn. Since I usually play tank when I queue and queue with at least 1 other friend, we never do this, to show pugs the adds aren't satan incarnate if you just focus them down quick and use cooldowns/stuns.


    I do this to save time/sanity and repair bill when tanking so no it's not due to skill level but sheer boredom. Same with BH and Tython. Funny I was told of this method for Manaan by members of a guild leading progression on my server and most of the good players in my server queue do this as well as it makes fight pug stupid proof as I'm not their teacher. Until they make fun non remakes of tacticals I don't waste time after I've completed it the non-cheese way the first time. Plus the rewards are poop.

  8. Title says it all. This is one of the few decorations I have never seen drop and it's quite frustrating as the FP lacks a HM. I run this 2-3 times per day (for the last 2 months) and check the GTN everyday but nothing (Even ask in trade chat from time to time). Is it bugged? Is it only available if you queue through gf at that level? Do I have to use Skadge in a tutu at midnight while doing the Deco dance to make it work. Please increase it/ make it work/whatever as it's quite annoying. Sorry for sounding preachy but it would be nice to have it drop more/at least once. :)
  9. Cross server won't decrease queue pop unless it's PvP as the ratio of heals/tanks to DPS is quite consistent across servers. If you want cooperation join a guild, GF doesn't foster that mentality of cooperation regardless of skill level.
  10. i think its sad that people want to blame gear so often.


    the hm fps are easy. with the exception of the rishi bonus, they are all easily pugged by competent players.


    nerfing instances will only stunt players' development. its a shame most mmo players think they are all amazing even when confronted by glaring facts like hm fps or parses. if youre dying, then its you and your group. look up class guides; take accountability to improve yourself.


    Competent Pugs JK but they are few and far between.

    Not making an opinion on the difficulty,I have cleared both Ops on SM and all the HM FPs, but I've even seen other guilds especially small new ones struggle on clearig it so even joining a guild doesn't necessary guarantee success. Instead looking for a good guild does. But loot does suck for HM FP. Give me some Manaan Research Data on Manaan and Decos on bonus bosses. Also Recovered Relics as well.

  11. Oh ok great, I was looking on main fleet, not the other fleet ships. I don't do much pve, so I didn't even know there were vendors over there. Thanks so much for your help. I'll be looking cool soon!


    Despite the level increase these Ops (specially NiM) can still prove a challenge as they have a lot of one shot mechanics. If you don't do much PvE I recommend looking at Dulfy guid and getting a good group to clear it. If not possible and you are swimming in credits some Servers have guilds that you can pay for vanity runs (Check server forums)

    GL in your quest.

  12. I agree with you OP. And to add, why are people obsessed with comms and com gear? Too many comm gear hero's at the end of last cycle (looking at you merc with more health than my PT tank) If you're using comms to gear up and you are not a tank getting B mods and implants then you are doing it wrong. Otherwise, Comms are worthless besides gearing comps if you want your comps to have a unique look. Give me more vanity items instead for funsies to collect :p I would take a new pet every week for completing ravagers than 10 ultimate comms (Best reward in my opinion was the mount for one time and I did trade the chest piece for the rare mount from Coritanni XD). If not I'm content with the fun of completing stuff.
  13. Underworld and Verpine can still be collected from HM SNV/TFB with a random drop from DF and DP weekly and last boss. Underworld Vendor is in supplies. Also TC HM drops a random piece.

    Kell Dragon/Shadowed can be still obtained from NiM SNV/TFB. Their Vendor is on the Ziost Shadow/Gav Darragon. (Also NiM DF and DP gear has been moved here as well)

  14. Hello,

    Very interesting data! Would you happen to know the server breakdown of the progression so far? Even by sides would be interesting too see to. I'm curious as I'm on JC and there seems to be few doing serious progression (Many are probable not recording it in the server thread). I was speaking to a member of one of the 2 guilds according to this player that had beaten HM Master and Blaster on JC.

  15. And even then, some will suck terribly.


    Nothing is -- or was -- more frustrating than running DP SM with a PUG, and having the Council "enraging" on us while watching this Gunslinger spamming Charged Burst until he ran out of energy, or a Guardian attacking the wrong DM.


    Even at the end I saw many groups who couldn't kill Brontes before the Council came back down for phase 3. Then half would get zapped by Brontes Lightening. Baddies will be Bad :p

  16. Fixed it for you... or they are just bad. Your choice.


    At the start of a content cycle SMs are progression regardless of what you guilds focus is. Same thing happened when tfb was bumped and sv was released. By the time df and dp came out it was a joke because everyone was 2 tiers at least above the minimum required gear level for their SMs, that minimum required was 156 btw.


    If the more casual/SM focused guilds could just burn through that content then you would have a log jam of people bored with them but complaining about HMs being to difficult Lol.


    Whenever the next operation comes out and you all can still clear the sm in 186 rating gear, I hope we don't hear about it being a problem because by then most will be in a mix of 192/198s.


    SM Progression made me giggle. Unfortunately there will be those who still won't clear even that late as I've on off nights from Progression(HM the true progression) I help fill an empty slot for other guilds running it. Even with voice I still see many failing mostly due to healers wasting heals at wrong times, DPS lacking DPS, and tanks who stand in stupid or drop stupid on people (I was bomb running one time for a group and had a tank drop rapid fire on me :( ) The only fight that should be anti-pug is Sword Squadron only because the tank swap requires voice and bomb runners need a timer.

    Everything else can be beaten with patience and practice.

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