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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×


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Posts posted by FerkWork

  1. I still think your trolling but I will bite and answer your whiny post OP:


    1) If you get on daily and like Ops then you have the time to set aside 1 hour per week to do them in a guild. Heck there's a speed run of ravages going on and fastest time is like 24 minutes so far. there are plenty of guilds out there that do spur of the moment raiding or can accommodate your time of your serious

    2) I don't know what you have been smoking but comm gear regardless of level is trash. High endurance and low power/crit mods, and higher endurance enhancements. Your gameplay would be much better with token pieces from raids. Rating means nothing. And I have expensive armor too (Tulak Hord's armor was well worth it) and remove those mods from token pieces to put them in my armor.

    3) On JC no one ever and never ever used GF for ops except to queue the group. Group was formed on fleet. I just completed another Ravagers pug run on my DPS. I saw 4 different ones yesterday. And a few for ToS.

    4) No to DPS raids as there's no way to make it diffiicult.

    5) The amount of comms is fine. I'm glad they got rid of the ultimate shower that was the end of 2.0

    6) Your posts are full of QQ. The situation is fine.

    7) Get good


    You want the easy system with a fetish for ultimate comms. BW said its time to change and go back to 2.0. And most aggre.


    The end.

  2. My hubby and I were just discussing the other day, that Americans have boring money, and could easily make a mistake like you say.


    Canadian money is where it's at. Gold coins = $1 Gold/Silver coins =2, Fivers are blue, 10's are purple and twenties are green, fifties are red and hundreds are brown.


    Monopoly money for the win! :D


    American money is made out of the finest Bald Eagles and fused with #freedom through the power of the force. Checkmate.


    Side Note: I thought the thread was going to be about how he blew 18 million on Twilik dancers and death stocks. Now I'm disappoint

  3. Ok so I want a Dreadmaster Mask, but i dont need the fancypants one. How difficult is Dreadtooth at this point? Does he still Drop the Mask? How many people should it take to kill him?


    I know these are probably dumb questions, but there is no other way to get an answer other than to ask. Thanks.


    It's actually a Dread Guard Mask but I'm just being nit picky :p Very easy. Yes. 2 people is sufficient.


    The only dumb question is the one that isn't asked. That implies we don't have dumb questions from time to time :)

  4. meh. I would support a solo only queue, but there really isn't the population for it. and we already have 3 separate queues.


    the goal is to pvp with friends. and rated doesn't pop. or, in my case on JC, there's only 3 regular pvpers, and we're all dps. (luls) one's a jugg, one's a pt, one's a merc. that's one good, one OP (soon to be nerfed) and one weak class. translation: not competitive in rated. no point pugging a tank or heal while a friend sits. also...not fans of the balance in game. can't take it seriously enough to queue atm.


    all of that said, we usually end up against other premades anyway. some LD50 guys were opposite us in at least 3 WZs last night. holocron had a virtual 8m with 7 guildies opposite us in a NC. I get that you sometimes get grp'd with other grps vs pugs and the matchmaking in regs is horrible. but that's really the issue, imo.



    My favorite is when I get Holocron v LD50 and the bants fly. :p

    Honestly, I don't care about premades. What annoys me is people when people get in groups and do nothing but **** talk the whole time. And in regs of all places. As someone who place on JC I've run across one particular individual who does that and can be quite an ******. But that person usually gets trolled by an entire guild so I digress :p

  5. Where do you get the schematics / recipes from ? I'd like to do that as well. :D


    But I guess that they can be bought from the GTN - for lots of Credits. So, those with less money, they can't craft it, I guess.


    The lv 36 stuff can be learned by RE the schematics from your Craftig trainer. In this case, the green 36 (168) enhancements come from the Artifice vendor. By RE that you get a blue schematic (178) by making one and RE it you can get a purple (186). RE chance is 20%. Probable not the best explanation but check out the crew skill forums as they got it in more detail.

  6. From a tank perspective, the worst sins I see commited by other tanks in pug runs are:

    1) Hoarding taunts like gold or a weapon of last resort instead of using it almost on cool down (You can literally build enough threat up halfway through Bulo to focus on positioning the cleave to clear paths for pirate management instead of trying to hold threat.

    2)Opening up with a low threat move (Just because it's cool to open up on the boss with your Saber throw as a Jugg doesn't mean it's a good idea

    3) Opening highest threat on a boss that has phases that where the first phase doesn't not include tanking the initial enemy which make it a waste to use (i.e. Using jet charge on Brontes instead of just explosive dart her and saving the charge for the hand)


    Good guide for begginers I guess (I've only read snippets of it so far)


    As pointed out Op healers were the best single target healer (key word was). Now BW decided they should be raid healers instead.


    As a hybrid key binder and clicker I just my style :)

  7. Honestly, what they need is a clear sense of gear progression. If I was new how would I know that the 198 vendor one is worse than a 192 or 186 token gear. Either make comm gear balanced but a 2 level lower (190 and 196) or allow us to buy all individual enhancement mods and armor (without set bonus) from comm vendor at a the price of an entire com gear armor slot or something so that there is some sense that you can get a second best upgrade and its clear while makings sure Ops are the primary way to gain gear but allow us to use our comms to equip other non-priority toons in a progressive manner. Right now unless your a tank looking for B mods, comms are ohly good for armor and offhand. Top gear doesn't have to be included in this, and as long as they keep the comms scarce it should be fine.

    Why run the daily reward for FP for elite coms when I can craft a better enhancement at 186. And I can do that while not even playing the game)

  8. It´s been a while since we have done this, but for me personally this was the most exiting thing when DF/DP HM came out. We tried to kill as many bosses as possible with 8man in 16man HM. I think we killed in DF: Nefra, Grob and Zero

    and in DP we killed Tyrans, Claphayus und Raptus.


    I have only a vid from Tyrans :(


    Anyway it was quiet funny and really challenging.


    That's pretty sick video. I need to do some 8 on 16m kills for the heck of it.

  9. 'Story mode' is supposed to be for completing the "Story," oddly enough.


    It shouldn't feature any overly challenging encounters. People who play story mode are doing it for that reason. People who want to overcome a challenge, up it to hard mode and nightmare.


    If a common suggestion for doing this fight is to change your group's composition, then it's obviously over-tuned for a story mode encounter. I don't care what strategies you do or how many times you've cleared it.


    DPS and Heal checks are things that should happen in hard mode and nightmare encounters. Not story mode. The highest DPS check a story mode encounter should do is for DPS that you could put out 3 gear tiers ago.


    I'd even go as far as to say that Sword Squadron is over tuned. I've cleared it many times myself, but I can't fathom how an average pug group can possibly pull it off.


    It's not overly hard it's just people have gotten comfortable doing the old ops in 180 gear when the rating recommended was 156. It's the same boat was when 2.0 came out but we usually forget these things. While Lurker is a step up in challenge than most bosses, it's still doable as the poster above noted about doing objectively decent DPS. Not just guess but do better. If the ops were too easy people would complain about that and get bored and anyone trying to enter HM would have no point of reference as it would be an entirely new ball game (Like CZ story mode vs CZ on HM with the mines). My only regret is that the last 2 bosses are a let down in difficulty on SM and are much farther apart in difficulty (Especially Revan) than the earlier bosses comparing SM to HM.

    Pugs can easily do Sword Squadron by chain bombing 1 to 5 then burning 2 to 5 as well then running last bomb. Most common problem I see is tank eating rapid fire or making the bomb runner eat it. If that's avoided then it's quite simple.

  10. Don´t deny the truth, you might lose yourself in your puny world.


    Alright let me put it in simpler terms for you can understand... I know and many people know how to beat an an Op and its roll. Its not Op and your issue is a L2P one. What "truth" is their that makes the roll OP. You haven't even given a reason or are you just a troll? And before you whine, no I don't play an Op in PvP. Also, no need to lash out at people with your insults as it only shows how true your "truth" is.


    TLDR: L2P

  11. think of it as running a marathon. either you train and improve your performance, stride and such to finish faster or you jump onto a bus that takes you to the end.:rak_04:


    If you mean teaches you how to grind then I guess so. If you mean prepares you for endgame content, then that comparison is at best laughable as looking at how baddies have been here and remained constant since launch. The story line has been nerfed into a joke. The fps the same. You get a bolster for Makeb. SoR has Jesus droid. Heck the first time I learned what how to use an interrupt was at the Bothriium Beast on Oricon. As for KDY just check out the weird people you meet in group finder thread. And those posts date back to the beginning. I leveled a PT tank, OP healer, DPS sorc during 12xp. I learned not from playing the quest line but through the guides and doing early level OPs and the new HMs fps before nerfs. I can play my PT (He's 2/5 on Rav HM, 1/5 ToS 3/5 DF NiM) better than many people who didn't read the guides or do end and did it the regular way or through KDY academy. I just don't get why people are glorifying the leveling process or KDY as training. Majority would still be bad but then again it seems those asking for it want the story. I don't care either way, but please don't make the claim that the current leveling process trains us for endgame content. It doesn't and it makes baddies bad. (I've written about it in my other posts)

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