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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×


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Posts posted by FerkWork

  1. What is needed for Ops? According to the GF info bar when you however over Operations it says something to the this effect: "Operations are complex challenging missions requiring 8 or 16 people requiring group coordination." So that's why some fail. Also, why is pug groups the standard to measure ops against? Pug runs are some of most boring and is like get in get out dont make eye contact situation. If people want to play that way that's cool but as my first sentence says prepared to bring coordination and skill.


    Reasons why people fail on Lurker and Sword Squadron according to my own observations:


    Sword Squadron: Ironicaly while we bemoan DPS for being circle eaters as a tank I usually see wipes due to the tank eating rapid fire or tanking on top of the boss and dropping rapid fire on me lee and bomb runner :mad:

    Once these are down just run first four bombs on walker at each interval then swap to 2 and burn to 10, run last bomb and split DPS. Simple as pie


    Lurker: DPS and slight heals check. If you got PTs you can cheese the rage storm and use the time to burn boss. For the adds and DPS, have a member bring DPS gear and respec to DPS. 2.7k DPS only needed so a decent rotation will due fine. Heck, besides Sword Squadron only 1 tank is needed for the rest of the bosses on SM.


    Here's some words of wisdom: it's not the destination that matters but the journey

  2. There's probable anther thread but it's probable not up to date and plus I'm to lazy to find it :p.


    As the title says, what is your favorite and/or least favorite. Also give a little reason why. It can be mechanics, VA, music, setting, or whatever. I'm curious. So I will start:


    Favorite: Gate Commander Draxus (all modes especially NiM)

    Reason: Voiced by Steve Blum, the ultra hamminess of the encounter is epic. Mechanic wise while straight forward is fun due to the amount of phases it has with multitudes of adds with varying abilities which makes it a fun symphony of movement. Plus the music is the bomb. (If anyone knows the name of the music let me know)

    Runner up: Coloner Vorgoth (Minesweeper!)

    Least: Not sure will fill in once I think on it :)

  3. Very good point. I would love to have this discussion with other input, as my experience isn't everyone else's.


    In my experience, if after M/B dies, one person leaves the instance and reenters, it will refire the "close door" trigger that seems to not be working, then the door will be closed and the boss won't bug. You don't need a full reset in my experience. If this is incorrect, please let me know now.


    My issue with allowing a time-out is a combination of slippery slope and a difficulty in consistency. I will, however, make these issues clear in the initial post. Will this be acceptable?


    Ah sorry for the confusion, we usually have the person leave at the door and thus "resetting it". I was hesitant to post it as your correct a slippery sloop. Having those addressing would be very beneficial to all. Thank you.

  4. What do you mean by "majority?" If by "majority" you mean that greater than 50% of subscribed players both do operations AND are not enjoying operations, then I am highly skeptical of your claim. Do you have any evidence to back your assertion?


    I'm enjoying the difficulty of HM and so is my guild. Pugged another Ravagers SM today with several people who hadn't done it before. Once they understood what to do we were able to complete all the bosses. They really enjoyed the fights and it was a great time overal That's the key difference, they asked for help and learned. However several people want to go back to Fall with mind numbing tank and spanks with overgeared people having no fun as all mechanics were ignored. Those asking for handouts are having serious first world problems.


    Side note: As a lore junky, there really isn't much story that people are missing by not doing these new ops. Ravagers still makes no sense to me and ToS is just one option among two for the story line.

  5. I love this idea but have one issue. The issue which I have is and what I had with the original is the Coritanni bugs especially the the pod invincible bug. Since resetting the door by one exiting and entering instance always fixes it I have a suggestion which could be to be made. Have the run up to Coritanni. Then have timeout for Coritanni/Ruuger to reset phase where teams have up to 5 minutes to reset phase which won't count until boss is pulled or time runs out to account for bugs. The time can they be determined by subtracting the time out. Just my 2 cents as to eliminate the rng element. Take them as is.


    That would satisfy me. I find vanilla clears of SM boring; it's the interesting mix-ups that are worth watching, like the all Marauder EV clear.


    16m Carnage Maruaders vs Draxus is still the best.

  6. Why would I get kicked for keeping the old set bonus? It's by far the most useful? 15 percent boost to nanotech? I just switched out two 198 comm armorings for two 180. Crossing my fingers it'll be 186 at some point soon. Which reminds me if anyone on here is on Pot5 and wants to run NiM Dp or NiM DF let me know.


    It's funny some of the old set bonuses are better than the new ones. If you were on JC I would run. Did my first NiM DF (My old guild never ran it) and went 3/5 before we got to sleepy lol. Do love the armor from it.

  7. I Agree with OP on this one. Bioware - DROP the DPS/Damage to a more realistic amount in SM's please.


    While I love doing SM's to help folks get gear I think they have been PUG killers since launch. I'd love to see the community team jump into a PUG run of non-progression guilded players. (Hint: You won't get past SS or Bulo)


    Bioware did a great job setting up the HM's as they are awesome fun and hard work, but did a TERRIBLE job scaling the SM's even more so with 16m versions (SM/HM). You should not have ONE SHOT mechanics in SM's.. PERIOD. Every instance of the SM should be toned down dramatically.


    When "ACHIEVEMENT" Links are required in PUG runs you know you have a problem. I myself cleared most the SM content with several guilds the first week, but with mostly progressions players. Not everyone is in a progression guild and shouldn't have to be in order to clear SM content.


    Pug runs of competent players can clear it who listen. I have done it with people who never did it before so your argument is invalid. You are like the Op confusing casual pugs with baddies who bad (as in refuse to listen). As for pug killers it's not much different than when 2.0 came out, also anything involving a level of skill kills terribads. While 16 has a few issues with scaling (like Torques HP) non are deal breakers. As for Achievement links, I'm on JC and have seen only 3 people in my entire ask for achieves. All 3 the person lacked the achievement and was trying to get carried into HM. Only thing people ask for are know fights (you learn fights in guild not pugs) and occasionally TS/Vent. I've done Ravagers on 16 several times without voice chat (with a Mara no less). As for one shots nor on SM, lol they have always been there. EC minefield, Droids in DF, Brontes Lightening hands, Calyphaus failing a phase, Styrak in SnV. And Idc about your "Elitism" as weight to your argument it's not.


    TLDR: Anyone with a brain and a modicum of skill can clear the SM's and you don't need a progression guild to clear it, It's 2.0 all over again. Baddies don't deserved to be carried and stop asking for BW to make Ops sleepfest 101. Stop relying on pugs as they bring out crap players. L2P and you shall be fine. :)

  8. I used to be a very active player, I played almost a year when the game first released, quit, then came back for hutt cartel, beat all the raids including terror from beyond, quit again for a much longer period, came back, and group finder wont let me do the dread master ops I missed. My guardian dps is level 60, I can't select them in the group finder and in general chat its always for HM(and in the pugs I've been in, they'd rather kick you than explain a fight, especially if its HM or NM).


    I strictly wanna do the two dread master ops for story purposes. How many other level 60s would I need to do them 8m SM? Everyone with the gear you buy with basic commendations or better, btw.


    Yes some do especially when it's on the conquest for the week. If no group is forming I would suggest start your own. And while I have never seen people ask for achievements save a few dinguses (I believe show achieve means please carry my sorry butt so I never join those even though I have it ) and if anyone is pugging HM stay clear as in my experience they think they can brute force it and Draxus just says Nope. If they are lucky CZ usually shuts them down.

  9. The funny thing is alot of times the company will offer easier puzzles for you to complete. Unfortunately where your argument does not translate is, you cannot compare doing easier puzzles to doing old ops. New content is a huge part of keeping an MMO alive and forcing "bads" to exist in the old content will make them unsub. You cannot change bad, you can however give "bad" something to keep them around.


    You exaggerate the amount of bads who refuse to learn in this game. Most are average. Everyone starts bad and gets better. Majority do and love the new challenges the ops bring. If it means the few bads who make it worse for everyone leave, then I say good riddance and this difficulty will attract more and better players who to don't end up in the weird group finder thread or my ignore list.



  10. Casual or no casual, Bioware ****ed up when they only left two, monotonous, raids at 60. They lost my sub when they were too stupid to scale up.


    Good luck to you guys that stay to clear content in two nights then only log on to craft until reset.


    Then do the old raids. No need to scale as how can old content be any different from the monotony now. How long did people do those raids for? Why make old content new instead of asking for new content. This happened at 2.0 too why would you expect it to be different in 3.0.


    As for clear in 2 nights well maybe SM, but we still got HM to go :D . Unless you've beaten Revan and Coritanni on HM then you still have content to clear. If you have congrats, now gear up for NiM. :)

  11. I've seen many negative posts complaining about difficulty and claiming that "average" people are quitting over difficulty. This thread is not about that. Instead I would like to focus on the average people who stay and strive for progression. Who stay after every wipe. While threads dedicated to the newest content exist what about those who don't finish first or 10th (On my JC server one only first 10 kills count) but still go out there and try to down the content even if it takes far more time than those at the top or those who may have been absent from the game at the time. This idea of a thread like this has been for a while but with so many slinging the term elitist at those who raid, is that a fair assessment? I like to use an analogy of soccer (football for those silly Europeans :p). While played at the top level among the best its also played in pick up games, high school, Rec leagues and others. Are skill levels different? Yes, but the content remains the same due and objective of comepleting are the same. Same about raiding. While those who complete it get their justly deserved recognition, I would like to dedicate this thread to those everyones personal progression. Also for those who may have missed content and finally was able to complete are also welcome.


    To bring a more positive thread anyone and all is welcome to post below about triumph they have had recently no matter OP or difficulty level as we all start somewhere and my goal with such a thread is to show that raiders aren't all elitist a snobs and this belief that once content is cleared to a degree or extra levels are introduced it is no longer worthy to be cleared. I hope this sparks interest in showing "casuals" that raiding isn't populated by bad elitists and that the fun comes from challenge of working with your ops group.


    Thus, post below your most recent accomplishment by your raid team/guild that you are proud of. And it could be any OP, whether you beat DF first time or Coritanni on HM. Throw in Screenshots if you want. It's your progression. :)


    EDIT Clarification: While I originally intended this to be about literal progression of any kind (That's a lie I may have been drinking while writing this thread ) It is can also be about personal accomplishments of parsing higher learning another class better (One day I will roll a sniper *Pun intended*), getting better at a phase during a fight, Or anything that improved your progression as a player (Still probable not making sense but YOLO :p)



    Cheers and Raid on

  12. Raiding is not catered content for 'casuals'. Ultimately raiding is about progression, period. There are about 1000 things in this game you can causally do, raiding current top content isn't one of them. Further, removing U-comms from level 55 content was the absolute right answer so that fresh 60s weren't maxed on U-comms when they ding.


    Casuals can do raids. It's bads who refuse to learn who can't. You can raid casually on SM at top tier you just can't be a dingus and stand in stupid.

  13. I play in 2 different servers, 2 different guilds, saw more than 5 players on each guild leave the game already.

    It's people that plays 2-3 days/week, and it's a lot of people.

    Reason 1: The game is not a casual friendly anymore.

    to quote from another thread

    Bioware has given plenty of things for casuals to do in this game: leveling, dailies, bounties, GSI, Dread Seed missions, datacrons, world bosses, conquest, world events, space missions, strongholds, flashpoints, etc, etc, etc. We hardcore raiders only have our raids. Please don't take that away from us.

    Reason 2 - Bioware killed pug groups that used to do comms run, they loved the SOCIAL part of 16m groups while clearing STORY mode content. Since TFB/SnV/DF/DP doesn't drop comms anymore, why bother doing it?

    There was nothing social about those runs which were just speed runs as was pointed out, second the nature of pugs is that, if you want social with raids join a guild

    Reason 3 - Casuals can't beat the new Ops, period.

    If you mean average people who know how to play average then you are wrong. However, can't help those who refuse to learn though. There is no such thing as a naturally bad player only players that refuse to learn anything

    Reason 4 - Casuals won't "L2 hardcore" just to kill Bulo or the Walkers whitin 2 second split. They don't bother trying to learn the perfect rotation or how to move out of AoE's in 0.2secs.

    If tanks can't hold aggro and no one is running bombs on time and standing in red then yes they can't

    Reason 5 - Casuals doesn't have a $5,000 rig to run Swtor 3.0, 16m ops are a performance nightmare.

    I run fine off a Mac laptop running Bootcamp, Checkmate PC master race

    The new ops are WAY overtuned for SM. I'm NOT talking about HM, please don't misread.


    If you have a HM progression group you may or may not understand what I'm saying.


    I know some players will say "do HM old ops", well if you find a CASUAL pug group that can beat HM Calphayus, Op 9, Draxus or even Corruptor Zero, I'd love to pug with them... I'm not new to the game I've seen every bad and good move from Bioware and I can afirm, you have hurt the vast majority of your player base.

    Answers in red above.

    Solutions to problem: Don't rely on pugs for raids until over leveling occurs. 2) Join a guild (many guilds welcome any play schedule) 3) L2P 4)???? 5) Profit

    Tired of this whining.

  14. AOE's on mobs don't affect flagged players, I have dropped numerous fire storm and Death from Above and nothing. They fixed this in like 1.7 or something. Can't remember if anyone has time to dig up the patch notes to correct me on the exact patch but it did happen. Too many were spreading this rumor on JC despite correcting them.


    On a different note my favorite thing yesterday was having a healer in my group get flagged for healing a flagged person while doing the heroic, too bad that I saw the skank shadows in PvP gear waiting to pop out as they got to close and sonic rebounded onto the boss next to me, broke Cc and carbonized their butts and proceeded to have our group and nearby Imps give them a beat down in PVE armor. Then I logged on to my Sorc got a PvP group and chased them around the heroic. It was cash. :D


    Also pulling trash on to gankers is fun to :p

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