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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×


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Posts posted by FerkWork

  1. I would ask, who hasn't?

    My favorites:

    1)When asked for achievement on joining a group I give them BT achievement. When they ask for a HM achiev I give them my BT HM. Bonus points when your Op achievements dwarf theirs.

    2) When people complain about Treek I tell them how I would make sweet love to Treek and that her voice is sweet music.

    3) Pretending to be a noob and asking how to tank in a fp while wearing token 192 gear,

    4) In Tython fp ran around the second boss with super overdrives seeing if thy can hit me while using only legacy punches on last boss. Telling people that standing in the water was a powerup that grants a shield and I would prove it by using my Dcd and Heat shield on Manaan tactical after convincing them first time they stand in it and die.

    5) Poopposting and making dank memes in gen chat. Silly sales and trolling PvP premades. And Bacon

  2. I also use OBS, used to use shadowplay but it was annoying having to go full screen and was very buggy for me. obs is great and I don't need to switch out of fullscreen windowed so if you chose you can also capture starparse over lays. Great quality it does take some setup tho.


    So I did a test of OBS yesterday on ToS and trying to watch it back on a FLV player I got was the audio but not the video as it was just a bunch of wavy lines of color. Is there a way to fix it? I couldn't find anything helpful in their help guide. I run on a Mac laptop via Windows Bootcamp in Fullscreen windowed.


    Second question, is their any way to edit the video in OBS or does that require a separate program as I would like to cut out fluff?

  3. I like this idea.....however, I do feel the new SM content is too hard. I can do it, but not everyone in my Guild can. This has lead to people just not doing the content....heck you can't even gear up in HM-FPs anymore because they are just as hard as the raids, if not more-so in some cases!


    Serious question and not trying to be mean: What bosses/parts and why are they failing? You should record your runs and review combat logs to see where the exact problem is if it's a recurring problem. That said, do these guildes read guides beforehand, parse or read the class guides and gear accordingly? In my old guild we had problems with people not doing any and wanting to raid everyday. I honestly don't know what to say other than the cliche of practice more to get better and see it as. A learning experience rather than get discouraged. Gear won't fix the problem, only by learning your class and the fights can you succeed.


    192 gear is meant for HM, if people can clear SM with 186 gear optimized then I doubt by having 192 hear will make up for lack of experience. Gear makes it slightly easier if your doing it right not a magic fix if you aren't . As for your guildies I would tell them to practice their rotations and do all of the above.


    As for the HM FPs, the lack of Vanity items discourages me. BH first boss can be easily cheesed to make it into a tank and spank. The rest of the HM's are easier.

    Anyways, it's all about learning the fights and your class. The more they do the easier they will find it. :)

  4. OBS is excellent, and also allows you to stream on Twitch if you are so inclined. It's very efficient (MUCH more so than the old chestnut, FRAPS). Bandicam is better still though. It's not free, but it's also not that expensive.


    Thanks I will check OBS out as it looks very promising from their website. I mentioned cost as I want to test it out first before I buy if need be as I have little experience and feel like many of the big programs will be too complicated for me at first and hate to waste money.


    Lol at Fraps, my only experience filming any video game content was 10 years ago one time I filmed a Halo custom map and having my computer slow to a snail :p (Yes I was that kid whose idea of cool music was putting in Linkin Park on in the background, such cringe memories :p )


    Thanks again.

  5. the story modes are not that hard they require alittle bit of thought though this is different than the painfully easy sm dp and df where u could be asleep at the wheel and still beat it by pushing random buttons. The problem is that people dont want to learn the mechanics and want stuff handed to them


    I agree but want to point out that that the new ops are as "hard" as DF and DP were on release before nerfs and everyone was way over geared. When they first came out wipes were as common on Draxus by pugs as Bulo is now. And until people learned to kill the small adds first on Bestia many pugs still failed the first boss. Don't forget the pre nerf Council with Tyrans make it a fun fight by spamming death marks :p . To me the bosses are as difficult as when all the new ops came out on SM. And heck, ToS only needs 2 tanks for Malaphar and Sword Squadron, the rest can be easily down with 1 tank.

  6. While what happened was regrettable and does suck to happen and I am in no way defending people who do it, there's nothing sastifactory that BW can do. While many have brought up the reasons so far I would like to point out that just like how people can abuse the GB system it can also be vice versa with false accusations of theft by others particularly if you left the guild. I would like to share a story:

    The former guild I was in got a interim GM who I viewed as more competent and I started a second raid group. To equip them I started to make stims/adrenals/media for only the those raiders. I told the interim if the old one came back I would leave and that those items were still my property having spent my matts on it. He agreed. 2 months later he leaves with his group and old GM comes back. So I take back all those items as they were my property and only there conditionally. Only those items were taken. I didn't tell the new GM as it was my stuff. For the next few days I get harassing whispers (with some homophobic slurs thrown in) in gen chat that I was a stealer which were quickly shut down pointing out the fact. Few still hate my guts and take it out in PvP matches. Still while bank raiders our bad there is no way any automated system can be implemented without being abused to settle old grudges unless it was a costly case by case basis.

    Just my 2cents

  7. One problem that's probably been stated multiple times in various threads is that the leveling process is only loosely connected to end game PvE. Mission objectives invariably come down to either killing x number of enemies or clicking on y number of things. So, healing or tanking plays little, if any role in leveling. Furthermore, dps requirements are almost non-existent. You could probably finish most quests using only your auto attack. Where there are boss fights, mechanics, if there are any, are usually trivial and can be ignored.


    It would have been better if Bioware designed the leveling process to function more as an extended tutorial for end game PvE and PvP. Since they didn't, it should surprise no one that we have a player base the majority of which have no knowledge of how to raid.


    Basically, instead of looking at the problem as a gap between two groups of players, it may be more constructive to look at the problem as a gap between two kinds of game content.


    In essence it really is two games., leveling is essentially was designed almost as a spiritual successor to KOTOR with little emphasis on MMO raid prep as the selling point of it was the storyline. Since the addition of much more endgame and change of the people calling the shots at the top the game is becoming more of the standard MMO with heavier focus on endgame raiding.However due to the nature of the game BW at this point can't fix it without tearing down the whole thing.


    Also a big issue I find that many things that are necessary for endgame raiding, class guides, stat builders, communication services, and what not come from third parties rather than BW and more importantly ingame. Dulfy and Zorz do a great job in getting these guides out but I think it just shows how as a community we are very dependent on these sources. I mean if Zorz and Dulfy decided one day for whatever reason to stop making guides we would be very lacking as BW doesn't provide any info to help out those wanting to learn how to raid. On the communication thing thos game would benefit by having a built in VOIP system.

  8. last boss in makeb storyline wasn't and got nerfed at least twice..and there there was just a laser+slow, which was probably more than that tier of ops proposed to players in most fights in sm, and we don't count a lot of mechanics that involve tanks only..


    When I did Makeb the first time this summer I had no idea about the bolster thing and wearing green armor so I did it without it and boy it was fun. Especially last boss and the Droid you had to use the lasers on.

  9. As with others, I disagree with the OP, but in a different standpoint.

    ...Overall, you should at least put some effort into these new Operations, regardless of difficulty. At least in Hard Mode (or Hardmare), I had to put in twice (or literally thrice) the effort into clearing content in my Friday raid group. I personally don't think Story Mode has that same bearing, but at least some minuscule of effort should be put into it regardless. :o


    I was indifferent about this but thinking it over after reading the posts here and maybe just snapping from the last straw of pugs after being so forgiving :p , I am firmly in the camp of making them cakewalks is bad and encourages bad players to continue to be bad.


    Example: I never did Xeno before as this is the first time I've been around for Gree read the guide 10 minutes before and was still doing better than most and with too many under geared and more importantly terrible at their class. People refuse to make any effort in practicing their roles. One of the reasons I left my old guild. Too many just think you can wing it or steamroll it guild or no guild. I wanted to learn how to play my Sorc well in Ops, so I read the guides and practiced praticed and still practice everyday.


    None of the bugs in the new ops can prevent you from clearing it. Lurker is fine it's a DPS check which means practice your rotation more and ask for help. While I would wish Coritanni would stop trying to pull a Bane, leaving phase and coming back in easily fixes it and is a minor inconvenience at best. Learn you class, gear accordingly and of equal importance, play with like minded people and you shall be set.

  10. Eh, I'm indifferent on this. While I agree most of the raids aren't hard (16m just needs to be brought in a few places line to make it equal but even that is doable).

    That being said, I have noticed that many people stick to story and have no interest raiding HM so I'm confused why they would be arguing that HM is too hard, Honestly, I've never heard that complaint before except recently among the progression people with the Revan fight but that's different folks. I like to look at everyone's achieves and stuff and see a trend of just SM completion. As for the new ops, I've seen even new guilds still struggle on Bulo and Sword Squadron. The poster above brought up a good point about difficulty is in every game. So inquiry to both sides, what is "casual mode"? Is it based on difficulty (such as some advocating for SM to be) or based on content (Casual is tacticals etc..). As for higher difficulty is good it's hard to say at this point. It could be true and more people play to be better or it could make people leave over difficulty. I don't have an answer and only time will tell. Personally, I don't care about either way as I can down the content.

    Also, to the poster referring to HM vs NiM as real progression. If you are alluding to my post in another thread, I don't use the term hard mode in the SWTOR technical sense but rather as a broad term for both HM and NiM.

  11. TBH the fact that it's scaled to 60 has more to do with more reasons for buying the expac (incentive) than anything about keeping it relevant. Xeno is not relevant content in any meaningful capacity. There's no reason to include unassembled tokens. It's easy to get gear, even in SM pugs. As for you saying you don't think you can kill bosses without adequate gear: at the start of this content release, the new HM's, for at least 8/10 were cleared with 186 gear with VERY few 192 pieces. At this point, with so many people having at least 192 gear with mix of 198 (and this is assuming the "lower end raiding population" not the zenith) I would argue you can kill the first two bosses of those instances without new set bonuses, so long as you execute mechanics. If you don't execute mechanics on Bulo or SS, good luck killing them regardless of gear.


    Here's a more pertinent question: Why do you feel a need for Gree to be relevant? Is it that Bioware deems it should be? Is the only way an event is relevant is if there is a PVE raiding incentive? As someone who is in the raiding community, I don't think we need to be the focus of every single event. Gree is not particularly relevant to me as a raider, but I'm glad that it's back because people do get excited for it to come back in the first place, for legacy weapons, gear, a chance at the red sphere, achievements etc. There are people in my guild who will farm Xeno during the event just at a chance to get the Red Sphere. There are people I know that have 100% Operations that will farm Gree event for World Boss achievements, PVP achievements, etc. The event in and of itself is relevant for other types of play outside of raiding. I agree that Bioware has made missteps in the new raids at times (certain bosses being buggy, loot tables for 16 man being wonky, among other things), but I'm not sure a token drop being excluded from Xeno is one of them. If Bioware responded to this post and agreed with you by offering a token, then I'd be happy for you, I wouldn't get butthurt and go in my corner with a loss on the forums or something, but I just don't know why people think they deserve a part of the loot table of Instance A in mini instance X.


    I'm aware that Bioware has done loot on solo bosses from larger loot tables in the past, but I could just as easily point out that Bioware changed or tweaked their view on loot and gear in general with this tier (changes to how relics drop in the loot table in 16 and 8, guaranteeing drops on Implants and Ear, as well as not having low-endurance mods for DPS on comms gear like in the past) that would put the As it was, so shall it be again argument of yours in doubt.


    TLDR Not everything should drop current tokens. If it does, it's all gravy for you. If it doesn't, I don't think you need to tell Bioware that their sky is falling.


    I agree and go even further and say why should gear even drop as the event is centered around the Gree stuff. I would gladly exchange the gear drop for an extra drop on the pet or mount. I would praise BW forever (plus sexual favors :D) if they increased the drop on the red sphere in exchange for getting rid of the gear drop. Now to pray to the RNG gods for a winning roll this week. :p

  12. Devil's advocate: Sounds to me like if you're unable to set aside a dedicated time to do ops, this forum isn't very helpful. Setting aside hours on a particular night is not a problem for me, but it is one for:, for instance, anyone from volunteer firefighters to specialist surgeons to new parents.


    Like it or not, the relative shortage of tanks in group finder is a problem.Why don't people just play tank? I have no idea, but just because I don't understand that doesn't mean its not a problem. Clearly, for whatever reason, people don't enjoy it.


    I'm confused as to what your advocating against in my post, I'm just stating that obvious troll is obvious. As for not dedicating time the Ravagers takes 45 minutes once you get the whole candence down on SM. As for tanking, my main is a tank.


    Because the general swtor community crucifies anything but an exceptional tank lol. If you're a tank, you're automatically given the "temporary raid lead" position and if you aren't good at leading or tanking for that matter, people hate you lol.


    Dps say: "I just want to kill stuff"

    Heals say: "I just want to heal peeps"


    No tank ever says: "I just really want to move that boss around the room JUST right so everyone else can have the fun of blowing him up. That sounds like an enjoyable 2 hours of my time."


    I must be an outlier as I enjoy tanking either pugs or not, To me it comes more naturally to me than Dpsing or Heals and the fun I enjoy is controlling the flow of the battle. Also making the boss focus on me as I'm a self-centered person, when the boss loses aggro to me it's a personal affront like you ignore me, I will make you focus on me. :p

  13. I leave if I don't like the match/group or just don't feal like it. Sometimes i queue and get bored halfway or a guildie wants to do something. Same with GF and pug groups. No shame, I pay my sub for my entertainment as I'm not going to be helpful anyways if I'm bored and continue to play the match. People won't even remember it 5 minutes later who left. It's your game OP no one can make you play something you don't want. But that's regarding regs. For ranked its not even a question as you lost ELO for quitting and I don't see the point in quitting when you lose that.
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