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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×


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Posts posted by FerkWork

  1. This is a different Ruger (not Ruuger) and look very different


    So wait, he isn't some totally random character? But what will the whiners whine about now?


    But seriously, the Ravagers were the Revanite weapon suppliers iirc. So, before you hit Revan you hit the suppliers.


    Nova Blades were the ones who supplied the Revanites. The point of the Ops was that Ruuger promises to have the Ravagers ally with our faction. There I do believe in one of the Codex entry's that one of our companions had their home destroyed by the Ravagers, maybe wrong on that so don't quote me.

  2. Complaining about a bug isn't useless. Complaining about a bug 15 times is. You let them know once, and then remind them again in a few days/a weeks time. And do it in a manner that doesn't sound like you're whining or demanding anything. That just comes off wrong.


    This is SnV NIM. NIM. This is the actually NIM difficulty before they implemented NiM Power. I don't do 16m content so I can't talk about the DtPS in there, but when I passed Olok NiM 2 weeks ago, I cleared it in a pug with people still in 55 gear. And we cleared it with people who had never set foot in it before/never cleared it.


    For the record, I did post help. You HAVE to roll DCDs for this fight as a tank or you WILL die. If you're on the Artillery Droid, it's pretty much taunt on CD and run around the room and hope to god you don't have too much latency and get hit by the red circle. For Assault, roll DCDs and hope your healers can keep you up. Oh, and drop aggro on CD. Because they will one-shot you as a DPS.

    If you're having trouble in the top level, don't stand in circles, and always have the Wealthy Buyer hitting a tank and not a DPS. Even in 2.X, the Wealthy Buyer would 2-shot or 3-shot people in 8m, nevermind the circles that would actually 1-shot you if you stood in them.

    That's how we cleared it with Vanguard/Shadow Tank combo, 2 Sage/2 Shadow DPS. Didn't have Pacify else that would've helped a tonnnnnn.


    Dang WTT my server pugs for yours. I think most the pugs on JC forgot to stack common sense in their build. I'm looking at you healers who think standing next to a tank is a good idea on Bulo. Never again.

    Side note: I would love to run these someday as I wasn't around for them. For these old NiM would pure mitigation or Milas hybrid model work better? Sorry if its a stupid question but I've was wondering how these fights compare in the type of damage to other fights.

  3. I got a good one and I learned my lesson to never join a pug group for GF Ops or really queue again with non-guildes outside a fp. So bored me wants to get some comms for some tank B mods hear so se someone spamming for Ravagers 16 Gf last boss. I'm thinking good we skipped to an easier boss that people can do should be fine so I join to tank it. Now one dies somehow and goes back to beginning. Instead of taking transport he goes long route. I'm thinking its whatevs. Now come out the first group I despise. The impatient. Several freak out and start verbally abusing the poor guy especially one dude who went full roof rage as his time is "valuable" (how cute) and we can do this easily without him. I'm like chill out (He can't say anything to me as he seems to know better when (guy is op healer btw). So after a few minutes of whining (I had gone back out to show him how to get in). Then one of the impatiens pull before I get back in the room and wipes the raid. We Rez. Now enter the know it alls. Complaints fly at everyone in the room, one threatens to quit because his dinner is ready. The Op healer pitifully asks for a rez but to make things fun I get the newbie to Rez him. Boy he's mad now. We get it down and pull for real. Enter the final group of despicables, the bads and the people who think they are good. People stand in circles but the heals can't keep up. I look up this guy who had been blustering can't heal for crap (Apparently on his legacy he had beaten Bulo HM but certainly not on that healer) plus he's just healing himself while being a scumbag in chat. He leaves and everyone is thankful he left. But impatients now leave. We had only been at this for 10 minutes. Never doing that again. Not until impatient Gimmie gimmie people, *** clowns, terra bads, and bass who think they are good stop joining groups I am out. Nope nope nope. I question why I even thought it was a good idea in the first place.
  4. Instead of free for all?


    Uhh as leader you can set it to master looter or actually talk to the people beforehand to establish rules. Other party members won't tolerate anyone breaking the rule.

    Also I don't want this as we have something called legacy which allows us to move gear around to alts who need it. Very important in playing endgame. People can make rules on what can be needed on and for who beforehand but it shouldn't be a game mechanic to lock us out if you are running a guild run to get alts more gear. So I am against this as long as we have legacy and people actually communicate beforehand.

  5. I honestly enjoyed the break from the cliche of Jedi vs Sith. Actually Save 1 all of the ops so far before the expac was us vs the Dread Masters (KP ending ties into it). As for comedic I love a good laugh in an operation, Star Wars is a Space Opera which contains elements of humor. Besides that I like to think of Ravagers as a lighthearted jab at the seriousness of Ops players. (Also I see Revanite Commanders as a joke at the haminess of typical bosses). And Master and Blaster I view as a counterpart to the Jarg Sorno fight in funny lines.


    Also I disagree with your hyperbole, as everyone has been proclaiming the death of SWTOR since launch. Yet people still play. I love the new ops. IMHO, They are fun and challenging but fun at the same time. It's when people expect their fun to come from facerolling content (which will make you even more bored in the long run) that are going to be dissappinted. And why can't we play SWTOR for fun mechanics?


    But that's just my opinion and my opinion isn't a objective declaration of truth . Considering this is like your third thread complaining about the ops whether difficulty or now story telling with the death of SWTOR hysteria thrown in, it seems that you don't really enjoy the current content. If it's not your cup of tea I suggest finding a new game and I am being serious as I wouldn't play this game if I didn't like the current round of content. But that's just our opinion and we shouldn't make claims that it is a objective statement as it's not. After all it's just a game and our fun experience will vary.

  6. Read thread title thought it was about this guy now disappointed.


    Also, as a filthy window licking scrub clicker myself, your clicking is subpar. Give it 2/10.

  7. It seems people ignored my previous post lulz


    While I don't care either way, I don't know why people think that the story line is sufficient , or lower level FPs (KDY ACADEMY XD) to learn endgame as it's been nerfed hard and never was a challenge. You could go to 50 without choosing an AC. Right now the biggest problem that ordinary pugs are facing is parsing high enough to beat the Underlurker (that's a measly 2.7dps with 5 DPS). This is on folks who have been on toons since the beginning. As for the reasons I play, the story was nice, but once saw eh as I'm interested really only in Progression raiding and endgame PvP. Not really here to make friends as much as people good enough I want to run with them.


    As for the QQ about Ops to hard, it's been here since the beginning. When people stop complaining is when they become so overgeared they can steam roll SM and ignore mechanics. Then they complain there's no new content.


    If the people want 12xp to see all the stories that's fine with me or boast to 60 cause they spacebar all the story like a boss. They can read the guides at end level and practice dummy parses and I can guarantee they will be better than the normal levelers who don't practice or read guides. The thing about being social made me lol. If you want social go outside :p

  8. LoL


    we already observed the back blast with the x12 XP. it brought in a few new players since it was quick to lvl up. but they did not understand how to play their class. end game content suffered. less pugs formed since many grouped with known seasoned players. players complained more of the lack of end game content.


    now we have players begging for x12 XP on class missions as an option.


    Eh, as someone who does progression raiding and does pugs somewhat 12xp didn't really effect player skill that much. The real culprit is the leveling process itself which is faceroll easy with few uses of interrupts and nothing about tanking or healing. What 12xp brought was a lot of people wearing the most basic gear 156. Ironically people had been so used to face rolling the Ops in 180 gear that they forgot to play it at the recommended level of gear. So things like Corruptors on Draxus started to hit people hard as it was usually ignored to interrupt them with overgearing. In my experience pug runs remained same frequency due to large reward for easy gain. It did bring out a lot of people who had never done the Ops before which was fun.

    Thus, as stated above imho 12xp had no effect on the skill quality as the game does a bad job of teaching things which is also hampered by learning abilities at every level making rotations for early level stuff a guessing game at best. Most who want to get better learn from guides and playing lower level ops before progressing into higher. While not a priority, if BW gave me us 12xp or boast to endgame I would totes getting around to making my Sin tank instead of just having a shadow on pub side :p . But I digress as BW will only due it of it is profitable to them.


    TLDR: Lack of training in leveling is far worse than 12xp in affecting player quality as whether they rush through or not most still haven't been challenged to play their class especially in tanking and knowing a rotation. Baddies will bad and have bad since launch and will bad till the end. 12xp will only be implemented if it makes them more money than less.

  9. OR, you can L2P without easy mode DPS and Defense.


    Again, I am not saying remove the bubble, I just get tired of seeing people say crap like what you just said.


    Go look at the leaderboards. Snipers?slingers for example. better Armour, supposedly good DPS, and yet.... they are the first targeted and killed in most every clued in ranked engagement because they go down quick and easy and the ratings reflect this. Sents/Mara's supposedly have better armour and supposedly good damage, but again... Sorcs top them with supposedly 'weak' defense. Sorcs perform out of scale with their role. PTs/Vanguards are super crazy overperforming, but all of this crap about L2P is just that, its crap.


    Its the standard line made by any player of a class that is currently outperforming because the confirmation bias is strong with them.


    When the statistics clearly indicate that a class is performing well in excess of other classes its not a case of every single player of every other class just needing to L2P.


    My post was directed towards the OP and the complete removal of it but I guess the last part can apply to your QQ. Easy mode? Hardly it's nice once in a while but once used your screwed. Gosh I wish we had a 12 second CC immunity and stealth but you don't see me complaining. Just because we are no longer easy prey doesn't make it OP. You want easy mode.


    Again I say




  10. ...and there must be an Index-filter. If you dont have the proper overall gear Index - you are not entering. Go back and farm some FP. Therfore unskilled or bad players - are also filtered. Entry-level PVE gear has to be earned the hard way with growing difficulty, so people may learn and get better by not having other choice.


    I don't see how that would weed out bad players. Gear is so easy to get in this game and the number 1 reason people are bad because they don't follow mechanics and stand in the bad circle or circles. This happens even with overgeared.


    That aside, your post is quite hyperbolic. Why would I want CC for doing FP's? Give me some more decos! :p

  11. That's awesome for both of you.


    I tanked Bulo HM for the first time tonight and boy it was fun but kind of hectic at first. We kept inching closer and after the 6th pull we got him I noticed we got him to 15% and shouted Burn Burn Burn! :p and We got him and it felt like the greatest feeling ever. Then we did Torque for a few pulls but didn't get far on him.


    Best accomplishment for me was although I'm not that good at getting DPS numbers I did set a personal best of threat on my tank with 30 million lol. Probable not really an accomplishment but for me it was. :)


    Now to work on my DPS and its numbers lol. :D

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