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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×


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Posts posted by FerkWork

  1. But yes make your ops if you do not agree with the parameters set worth by the others. Pugs are weird and full of insecure people who can't handle a wipe without blaming others. The biggest problem I see using achievements to measure experience with a toon and I find weird that no one has pointed out is that since achievements are legacy, you don't know which toon they did it on. I may have beaten ToS as a DPS but if I get on my healer you have no way of knowing that I didn't beat it with my healer. But I digress
  2. I got one of arrogance, liars, and bads: Ravagers Addition!


    I'm filling a spot for another guild and 2 other spots from a different guild. The other 2 are mediocre at bets but we roll to Master/Blaster. We pull as we master comes down the idiot healer does from the yellow circle gets Rez then dies to blaster. Whatevs, they then decide to kill master first. This ends horrible. The two then blame enrage and accuse me of not picking up master ASAP. They had maybe 1 tic on healer. We pull again and dude instead of burning Blaster rips Master off of me before I can build aggro/taunt forces me to AOE taunt him. We do fine but they still end up dying due to lack of heals. I've had it and just snap and it breaks up and even spills into fleet chat. With numerous claims of 4.6 DPS and let me show you how to tank. Lol, learn to play your own first you scrub healer and lying *** Mara. To those individuals you are scum of the earth and please stop playing SWTOR /rant


    Edit: The person claiming 4.6k DPS (first claim was 4dps) said Check parsley, I did and while not finding their one from the fight but rather a 500k dummy. The person in question was able to 33 APN of 3.7k DPS on a dummy. Lol my Mara is better geared and can do better then that. L2P before you tell others too.


    Sorry for the rant but that really pissed me off.

  3. Where can i find a good in game dps meter? WoW dps meter styles ish :rak_02:


    For 1000 CC you can get the GSI Epeen Meter 3000 that tracks your DPS compared to others. Now in 3 different colors including Scrub yellow. /s


    You can get Starparse or Parsec and you can have it show in game. There isn't a built in one as SWTOR doesn't roll like that as no one cares about your DPS save the person dpsing which Parsec does.

  4. guess you missed the rest of the thread. i dont feel like rehashing what has already been said by all 3 sides of the discussion.

    i can play nice, but that seemed pointless :rak_04: so here goes. its BW's game and they can run it however they like. but why copy wow? if you want it like wow. go play wow :mon_trap:


    Lol, can you make a coherent argument without playing the victim card. Seriously it's just 12xp, it won't kill you. Some people just want to be right regardless.


    My 12xp tank vs Bulo HM with post nerf unload and shoulder cannon

  5. I find the fight rather dull as your performance (besides grabbing orbs) didn't effect the outcome of the battle. It only speeded it up. The amount of CC does make it rather dull and that you aren't doing anything productive.


    I actually enjoyed the bug on launch where orbs didn't spawn and he would start globaling people. It was awesome as we brought in 3 of us and proceeded to beat him down. Healing was on the intensity of any HM Ops imho lol. I miss that lol.

  6. I just wished there was a way to track which Datacrons I have on each toons as the achievements if I remember correctly are legacy. So I might have the achievement for Korriban ones but I might be missing them on a toon. Wish there was a good in-game way to track them (Codex tracking isn't really useful)
  7. Like any other "Balance", blame how awesome AP was in PvP. When I could global people with 6-7 shots of Cannon crits and a Thermal Detonator, I can see how OP it was. That said you are correct, the 3rd Defense CD PT tanks have is now not near as effective and its lame.


    I understand the thing about AP using it global people but why can't they make it a perk of being a tank in Ion stance? I don't think it would give us OP heals as the cooldown now is to long to be effective (especially since the point was that you can fire it off GC) and I don't think PT Tanks were globaling people like AP was. I would take the cooldown decrease in exchange for a damage decrease on the missiles.


    Honestly, more and more I'm in favor of making the classes have PVE and PVP versions so we can stop trying to balance one while in the process unbalancing the other

  8. this post does seem like it was translated by google translator :)


    but it did happen to us yesterday. Bulo was running towards tanks and blue circle dropped on the sniper that was 4.7 meters away. We were all stacked on the boss.


    Actually it was written by a very tired Native speaker who tried to execute some wit but failed horrible. I apologize for this atrocious assault on the English language.


    The part about Bulo walking I just found funny and I never saw it before.


    My questions were: 1) When purple volley circle goes out, can it go out to the person who has current aggro (i.e. main tank). Our strategy (now modified) has been to have everyone stack on boss with tanks on opposite sides. 15 seconds in we have one tank take highest threat and run to the right side door to make pirates spawn. However, although he is farthest away he doesn't get the volley circle even if everyone else is right up Bulo's *** and off tank is humping his shoulder.


    2)Does having DPS run barrels in a rotation a good strategy to free up tanks to hold aggro (First barrel is always by the tank trying to spawn camp the pirates in the first wave as stated above). Was asking as we sometimes end up with a DPS dying to adds.


    I've only run Ravagers HM twice and both times we have cleared Bulo but it took us the same amount of pulls to kill him the second time (6 pulls). Sparky we can one shot in our sleep.


    Hope that clears things up a bit, apologies again. If not please revoke my English language license :p

  9. This isn't about which sound is better. This is about being able to buy a Cartel Market item and know that it won't be altered after purchase solely because some other people prefer a different version.

    That's why I want to know from BioWare why the change was made.


    Lol. So is this going to be the next #SlotMachinegate. Honestly I like the new sounds thus for the weapons. BW did good this time. The old one sounded like the EE whatever rifle that my OP has. It sounds awful. But looks cool

  10. I will start with musing: tanking Bulo (HM) one of our tanks that was far away taunted and Bulo instead of pointing at him, started to waddle over to him and went like 15 meters. I was to shocked to take pics was weird. Was wondering if anyone else has seen the Bulo Waddle


    Now for query: While Volley is ranged based of ~10 meters, we noticed that our other tank when he has aggro doesn't get it despite everyone huddling up at the beginning. Is this to prevent the controlling of adds spawn. Curious

    Also we have DPS run barrels in a rotation, is this a wise idea? It seems to work but was wondering how prudent it is considering on our second run it took the same amount of pulls.

  11. If you consider E-peen waving by certain players/guilds (Makes fleet chat hilarious sometimes) and of course FOTM rollers who switched to JC because they couldn't make it on Pvp servers then yes population is thriving. Also, most are reg stars anyways eh. Just remember to flame the other side in say.
  12. BiS for tanks would be Immunity or Sturdiness enhancements. If MK-2s don't have those, this change is worthless for tanks.


    I never said they were BiS but a midway. While true, due to the way fights are in the HMs requiring large stat pools you can use 1-2 of them for building HP pools if you feel like the B Mods aren't enough. Trade off is alright but not complete garbage.


    I just want them to fix the Force Lord Mk-2 Implants. 134 Willpower :eek:

  13. Boots in legacy of rakata, got a power accuracy drop :)


    Korriban Incursion: Crit+Accuracy, Power+Alacrity, Power+Surge

    Legacy of Rakata: Power+Accuraccy


    Do note I've ran about 12ish since patch (Korriban incursion) and have not seen power+accuracy in that FP, first drop in legacy of rakata was power+accuraccy (bonus boss, EDIT: Got power+accuraccy from the last boss as well, massassi force-lord's mk-2 boots)


    Might be random ,of course. Too soon to tell, take it for what you will


    I got to helmets to drop on Korriban

    Going to see what Manaan drops tomorrow.

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