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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×


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Posts posted by FerkWork

  1. Hello, this is my first time making a suggestion but after the whole thing with the Slot Machine I started to think that there are some issues with crafting that make it more cumbersome than it needs to be. I think that the system of all of tabbing between alts is highly inefficient and could be better rendered by a redevelopment of the crew skills tab. Instead of it being for one character, crew skills could be used to manage all crafting across toons. Limitations would be that toon has to have the money for the mission or matts for crafting. This is especially annoying for me when you missed an alt and forgot to queue his gathering missions the night before and only remember in the morning. Also for leveling a new profession on a toon while you are in an ops with another and wishing in between pulls you could queue that other toons I.e. Biochem up while your on your slicing toon. So in essence here's is an outline of this idea:

    - Crew skills tab you select character which opens another window that displays their comps allowing them to be queued regardless of character.

    - Limitation is that costs either of money or matts must come from that toon who is crafting or gathering.


    Sorry if this has been posted before but the idea just came to me today and don't really know much about forum posting, I wanted to share but I just think of things that would enhance quality of game to all without affecting others in a negative way. I really enjoy this aspect of the game (wish we had more things to craft but I digress) and like ways to improve it. (Also apologize for grammar/spelling as I am on my phone)

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