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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×


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Posts posted by FerkWork

  1. In what book, film, or piece of art does it state Qui-Gon has an English accent? (Fanfiction and headcanon doesn't count.)


    In the Darth Plagueis Audio book he's sounds like a Highlander. :p


    Also fighting style, Qui-Gon is a practitioner of Form IV: Ataru. So most likely Carnage but with one saber :)

  2. Ah point before I forget about this sillyness,

    Heh I already have my toons at max level. I will just power level another. It makes no difference only time. Heh muddle through the game lol. Can't muddle when I am at endgame. I will be busy farming Bulo on HM and working on Torque. I just have different priorities in this game. And do some fun NiM runs. Maybe get another mount. Can I get lazy as a Legacy title BW? :)


    Swag :rak_03:

  3. Several degrees and you still can't spell? Or are you just too lazy to proofread?


    Not everyone is as "leet" as you seem to think you are. Most players can benefit from the time spent leveling. Leveling may not teach anyone all the in's and out's of their class, but most players will usually pick up a thing or two, unless they are too lazy to do so, of course.


    I am typing on my phone and yes I am too lazy to spell you caught me red handed. So this is about spelling now that you have nothing of substance to add. Ok. Typical resort to insults when argument is proven invalid.

    It's not about how "leet" or whatever you call it in your insults, its the fact that there is no experience in grinding that is learned in a far more efficient matter by doing parses and reading guides. You two seem very bitter and make great company. As for arguing this it seems no point as you would rather have the game fail. It doesn't affect my play at all. Enjoy your bitterness ;)


    PS: You are probable just mad that the majority of players are better than you. :)

  4. :rolleyes:


    You need to go back to school.

    Maybe you should read all the posts before smashing a bunch of words together. You'll understand what they are trying to prevent. You seem you would rather blow a quick load than enjoy the entire ride. You won't last long in the MMO world. Go back to your console child. The grownups are talking.


    Oh the irony lol . ;)


    I have read the posts. Maybe you should follow your advice and not come into a thread and spout out nonsensical insults. Enlighten me, how many NiM bosses have you downed and how much progression have you done... That's where the ride is for me. The fun ride. Leveling pffft. Go back to Runescape or whatever hole you crawled out of.


    PS: I have gone through school and have several degrees. Maybe you are the one who needs to.:rolleyes:

  5. I find it funny. I don't see the OP as bitter. An exaggeration? Of course, just like the Mara list You don't see my force charging ahead of tank anywhere (also have everytime survived WB on Yavin and Torque even as ranged have been obliterated by circles or floor vents. And still I laugh at both lists as I play both classes.


    We need 10 rules for all Advanced Classes. :p

  6. Get with the times?


    No one will die if 12XP is NOT introduced, either.


    It appears that the devs also believe that no one will die without 12XP, seeing as how we don't have it, and the last word from the devs doesn't look too good for those players who are too averse to the minimal effort to level those new characters, either.


    Yes no one will die either. Also, you aren't a Dev so don't make assumptions. Some might leave the game then losing subs. As for me, by not having 12xp you only drag out my power leveling. Also, again I ask what does dragging it out do? Want me to grind more? Boring, do you want people to hate the game. I will get more toons to 60 regardless. Maybe you want the game to fail. Maybe you have some nostalgia for the good times MMO where I could kill your character and loot your corpse. You may have some weird delight in making people grind because you did. There is no sides. Only a few stuck in the past because they want others to suffer and the majority who moved on. Again, Get real and get with the times.

  7. You say the choice about playing alts or not playing alts?


    Are you ignoring that fact that your decision to "play that alt" or "not play that alt" boils down to, as you would put it "grin (play that alt)" or "not to grind (not play that alt)".


    So, even though you want to disguise the motivation for the demands of the pro 12XP'ers, for many of those pro 12XP'ers, it still boils down to "let me have a max level character with as little effort as possible".


    Grinding is a fun learning experience.Dang should have killed more mubcrabs or whatever to increase my ELO


    You sound like someone who would yell at people for driving a car because you had to walk everywhere back in the day. Also disguise, lol this isn't a conspiracy we have stated why and what we want clearly. Get with the times dude.

    It's just a game. The whole universe won't die if 12xp is introduced.

  8. What if we play both? Does that makes double bad or half as bad. Seriously why do people act like its PvP vs PvE. It's the same thing with this class vs that class. To OP, BW only listens to itself when balancing. That is both good and bad. To the people spouting about how their play style PvE or PvP is better, that's nice you find it that way but it isn't objectively better or more fun. Seriously this nonsense from a few people is just plain childish.
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