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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×


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Posts posted by FerkWork

  1. There are rules and they are expected to be followed. If you want to act differently - say so at the start and get group's permission. Becouse, you know, you are not the only person playing the game. If you needed gear for an alt over somebody who can use it right now - it's dickery in purest form.



    Natural state is free for all, the burden is on the raid leader to put those rules in place. If no rules are in play there is no higher natural laws to appeal to.

  2. Just because you can be a complete jerk and roll need for any reason, or no reason at all, it doesn't mean you should.


    Even if I were willing to accept the thesis that it is just fine to roll need for companions (I don't, GTN greens work wonders for them, seriously)...


    Even if I were willing to accept the thesis that it is just fine to roll need for an alt (I don't, run with them to get their gear, you did it once you can do it again)....


    You still have people who mistakenly roll need because they really do think they need it. Marauders rolling need on willpower because in a prior BW game that was the right thing to do. In this game it isn't, it hurts their character and development. They are doing themselves a disservice and if there was an inquisitor in the group they aren't just hurting themselves they're also denying a fellow player an upgrade. Lose-lose.


    This really needs to be addressed.


    While it is true, having artificial barriers wouldn't solve this. Those maras will still buy the wrong gear instead of rolling for it. This is an issue that can be solved by having the mainstat and recommended secondary stats listed on the Disicipline. Right now if they are unaware just ask them and tell them that by equipping it is a downgrade for them. Most will then wisely do that.


    I believe we are also talking about to different things OP's and FP's.

    In FP's particularly leveling through a GF with no real leader, it's usually inferred to roll for your class and do what psandek in asking.

    In OP's with token pieces and min maxing it should be on the burden of the OP leader to put roles down.

    It does get complicated in that enhancements don't contain main stats so some might just want the enhancements out of it.


    Asking is nice but it's still on those running the show to lay down rules. In FP's with ransoms just ask.

  3. You're the guy who gets kicked from ops and guilds for being a qqer. If it is gear nobody obviously needs, it is and is routinely treated as fair game.


    This. If no rules are established fair game. Don't QQ afterwords or make after the fact rules. When I run a pug run its one set bonus piece per person, Everything else free for all.

  4. My previous post was a response to your challenge to "put forth a modicum of effort and help those new, or returning, players to level." I don't see how any form of exemplar system -- in which a high-level character effectively functions at a lower, and presumably more difficult, level -- equates to wanting "light speed, easy mode, fast pass to max level"; in fact, it seems as though more effort would be involved. As it stands, it would be trivially easy for me simply to speedrun a friend through his/her class storyline, side quests or flashpoints.


    It's a fair point to say, since TOR is unlikely to implement such a system before the sun explodes, that the best way to level with a friend is indeed to roll a new alt and then to play those characters only when they're grouped together (since it's the only way to minimize level disparity). It's an impressive feat of convoluted logic, however, to imply that support for a mentoring system equates to wanting easy mode. I'd certainly use a 12x XP boost if I wanted to level a bunch of new alts, but I'm not clamoring for one. I don't do endgame content and I don't feel the need to rush through the few stories I haven't completed.


    I can't remember if, somewhere in the depths of the 60-odd pages of thread here, anyone has addressed the potential conflict between an on-demand 12x XP perk and limited-time boost events such as Double XP Weekends. Typically, we see an increase in people playing during these periods; will they have the same salutary effect on population if another, larger XP bonus is available all the time?


    But but but that's still wanting easy mode for your FOTM lazy..... Ugh I give up. :p

    Since leveling is a job, I'm expecting extra for having to do KDY, such a wretched working space.

  5. What's your hang up with PTS? It's not always up and it gets wiped between every update...Isn't it better to let players play on REAL servers?!


    TUX keeps pointing why your wrong but you refuse to admit that your argument has zero basis.

    But then again, the scary imaginary "FOTM" will farm him in PvP. Tell us please where the Hatred Sin touched you on the doll. Seriously on and on about FOTM. The few FOTM rerollers are usually people bring out old alts and its not as widespread as it's made out to be. Most FOTM is people playing their mains and BW tweaking changes to make them on top for a while. If argument relies on scare tactics then I would rather read a tabloid.

  6. i remember when my first cash cow was taken to the slaughter house. I was selling lvl 50 color crystals for 30-50k a pop before the introduction of the cartel market. I stopped crafting and selling those. who needs a lvl 50 crystal when they can get a lvl 10 crystal with the same stats and often cost less...


    times change, adapt or dye. *see what i did there? cuz crafted dyes are unprofitable too* ;)


    Wasn't the first cash cow Orange gear from Armortech?

  7. What actually happened was that Revan meant to sent this to the Emperor and somehow got misplaced. As for the character no longer exists well... let's just say he is now whole again and sane.


    Well at least they were kind enough to give you 1 credit :)

  8. Your title made me think I was reading the Darth Plaguies book again.

    If you were you forgot Krayt Dragon!!



    Also, they stated in another tread a while ago why they won't do it. As pointed out your comparison is lacking. it's only exclusive for the season. Not just any PvPers or PvPers that come afterwords unlike the case of the PVE NiM mounts. A true comparison would be having mounts exclusive for those who completed DF/DP during the NiM buff. Plus if it's something new why wouldn't they try to make money off of it? Heck even the stuff they make money off of they reskin it for whole pack shipment.

  9. Eh my last guild I was in had a leader obsessed with it. Also she was a drunk. Annoying repetitive one. So pulling listening to that. Never again.


    You as a guildie should ask where it the components go to. If you don't like that activity and/or fee that your time is wasted either a) Don't log on at that time, B) find another guild.

  10. Agree with this. SM ops should be for the masses. SOR was supposed to allow either single or group content to see whether whole story. What it actually gives is group content to see the story if you're either a pretty good raider or are in a guild running the ops. For someone just doing the story and seeing an operation (potentially for the first time) Sword Squadron and Underlurker need to be toned down. Two simple fixes though - for Sword Squadron increase the delay once one unit goes down and/or reduce the damage dealt, for Underlurker remove devastation. Whilst those are the coordination checks of the raids, they're also the biggest problem pugs face, and an SM raid should be manageable without too much hassle in a pug without voice. Similarly they a vastly harder than any previous tier coordination in SM that I can think of.



    I do want to point out that many guilds (including mine) that aren't top raiders use SM to practice for HM and the removal of mechanics takes away praticr. I think the closer the fights are mechanically between SM and HM the more likely guilds will beat them. I am happy for the increased difficulty for some bosses as it makes them easier to beat in HM. I believe part of the reason Revan is so hard is that many of the mechanics are outright missing from SM. Just my 2 cents.

  11. So, this on going issue of no one grasping the concept of when to need and when to greed. I just feel like this is the only MMO that's still out that hasn't addressed this issue. I constantly lose gear to the most useless person in my group. It's usually the one that's AFK half the time, not listening to anything anyone says, and then he need rolls gear that has no stat benefits for himself. I mean, by now Bioware has to be aware of this issue. Yet, still every group I get into I have this same issue.


    Problem 1: People are needing on things they don't need


    Solutions: Set some ground rules beforehand,: Call them out some maybe new others trolls, Put people who do that on ignore so you don't queue with them,run with people you trust/guildies, don't piss off others and make them roll need to spite you (I do this liberally either me or if you insult my friends I'm running with or guildies)


    Problem 2: I'm not winning roles because I put more work in it


    Solution: Do the above. Otherwise no solution, who has the right to decide whether Sorc A or Sorc B gets the gloves if they both need it? This cannot be fixed.


    Other than there is no real issue to fix. Establish rules yourself beforehand. Others might have different rules and may allow needing for comps or Legacy. Any change by BW would be like a hammer and destroy the fine system of sending gear to alts if your group is allowing it. Stand up for yourself, no need to get BW to do it for you.

  12. Is this game in maintenance mode, and if so, how long has it been and how long will this lack of quantity and quantity to the development of SWTOR continue?



    i feel we are NOT in maintenance mode, I feel we are in silent BETA mode.That they are adding things to see what is popular or not,what will generate us buying more CC,and how to handle expanding the game. Based on what happens they will make changes to the SWTOR2 using another newer better engine.(this is all rumor) Then in about 2 years SWTOR 2 will come out and This game will shut down. A lot of features they have added and was both popular and worked fine will be in the new game. things that did not work well or was unpopular will be changed. for example the new costume designer works mostly for appearance,but some games in the past you could have two or more full sets of armor one for pvp and one for pve. and a simple click of the button switches.no need to drag and drop between the two sets. or a third set designed for FP with some power differences. once they get swtor 2 ready , we get to buy strongholds and such all over again, once again helping Disney recover the 4.5 Billion they paid GL


    Cool story. Provided a nice read on the toilet.

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