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Posts posted by Ardrossan

  1. The answer to your inquiry is readily available in the 9,000 other threads on this exact topic. You don't even have to search very hard to find them. You can probably find multiple threads on this topic in the first 5 pages of this forum.


    Let's rehash the main points (again):



    • No necessary role for a new class to fill (lack of need)
    • Insufficient development resources to create:
      • 2 advanced classes
      • Faction mirror
      • Pub and Imp core stories (Lv 1-50 content)
      • Adjustments to existing content to integrate new class



  2. No one at bioware will miss this one person.... but remember 1 person is 1 more person, and swtor loses more subscribers than they gain year after year. Last I heard that hadn't changed.


    Nice necro.


    Also, I was kind of a dick in this thread, sorry guys.

  3. Okay so at the end of my Warrior main Story Jasea [Light Side] Decided to procreate in order to make a child, its been several years now in-game due to the time skips in game. I should have a child Companion who grows with each new expansion. He should be strong with the force and about what 7 years old now.


    My choices matter right? well thats a pretty big choice i made. Fix this Bioware.


    She did not decide to procreate. Your character suggests she does that, and as JQ notes, not specifically with the SW.

  4. The funny thing is, if you're LS V on the imperial side, you're not actually a good guy. You're making the empire smarter and more efficient, which allows its oppressive systems to continue to exist, and actually reinforces them. If you really wanted to be the good guy, you'd pick the maniacal DS options because those are the ones most likely to result in the empire being forced to change.


    Well, the truth of the matter is that the current code is a mangled form of the original, which went "Emotion, yet peace; ignorance, yet knowledge," etc. Why they did that, I truly don't know.


    You're referring to the jeedai code. I would hesitate to call it the original given they invented it after the Jedi and Sith codes irl.


    This is a separate topic altogether, but the idea that this version of the jedi was better than what we ended up with doesn't make a lot of sense. Their philosophy fell apart and they went darkside the moment they were invaded by a different force-using group [the Rakata]. It worked as long as they were in isolation from the rest of the galaxy, but it didn't work that well, given that they had to build alignment prisons for people who went too far in any direction. They still had galactic domination lunatics among the jeedai, but galactic domination just meant 'a few planets in one star system.' Their code didn't suppress them like the Jedi or encourage their baser instincts like the Sith, instead it was paradoxical, so the one time they needed guidance when affected by circumstances outside their experience, it went off the rails.

  5. You 'quit' the alliance by having nothing to do with them, and skipping past all the alliance-related material.


    I would have liked it if they had given us the option to apply how much you like or use the Alliance, kind of like the fort in NWN2. So in addition to the other bars you keep track of, there's a separate bar that tracks your connection to the actual storyline. The closer you cleave to being the Galactic Alliance Commander, by doing AAs, by raising the Alliance Specialist's Influence, the more perks you get, whether that means having a slightly easier time with difficulty on Vet and Master, or missions unlocked by having higher morale, or something! How Lana and Theron see you, for example. It wouldn't matter then if you were LS or DS, if you were going to be Emperor or Space UN, as long as you were following BW's aims. Though it would work better as LS Space UN, as these things usually do.


    So alternatively, what happens if you don't do any of that? Use the alliance as a way of cashing in command crates, doing missions or sending comps on missions that give quick bang for your buck at the expense of the alliance, ignoring AAs or picking undesirable outcomes [like keeping Skadge alive]. Lana and Theron's interactions with you change as they realize that you aren't the savior of the galaxy after all, you're just some smuggler they stupidly pinned their hopes on defrosting who wants to get back to running their criminal empire as quickly as possible. Here the story might change to be even easier on story mode, as Arcann realizes you're really not that much of a threat. Again, it works better as DS, as these things usually do, but it doesn't HAVE to.

  6. Probably other people, I've heard a lot of angry KOTORians claiming Drew is somehow salty at either KOTOR II or at the fans and decided to "ruin" Revan by making a canon version of him... even though it was Lucasfilm years before the novel even came out. They can be angry at how Drew wrote the novel yadah yadah but I love people blaming him for something he had nothing to do with(That being Revan being canonized as a light side male).


    I never thought he was salty, I just read that he never played kotor2 and didn't really care about the characters. Lucasarts gave him the job to write the book, just as lucasarts has given others writers books when they'd actually prefer to be writing non-derivative fiction. I don't blame him for that, it was just badly written and poorly researched. Compare it to RA Salvatore, a non-SW writer, who took so much flak for Vector Prime, but he obviously did read other EU books and cared about his characters.


    No, I don't believe for a moment that there was some romantic twist with malak and revan. I could buy the idea of sexual tension though, but it wouldn't have to be hetero.


    What they should have done, even though [or alternatively, BECAUSE] it would enrage the largely conservative Star Wars fanbase, is make Revan and/or the Exile trans. They could identify as male or female, and it would explain canonical confusion about their gender. It would please the SJWs who want notable characters to have diversity, not just obscure no-names, and, as I say, a vocal minority of neckbeards would go absolutely bonkers. Win-win.

  7. I kind of understand where the OP is coming from, but only to a degree. Mainly I think he lacks imagination.


    My default name scheme has been descriptor adjectives. My earliest characters had names like Fickle, Carefree, Prosper, Triumph. I lost a lot of chars in the merge, and have been bringing them back slowly. I noticed that, for instance, Prosper and Triumph got taken, so I changed them to Prospers and Triumphing.


    I always name Cathar after famous cats, especially from the play, but other people have caught on to this idea, so the window is narrowing. I have Griddlebone, Verdauga Greeneyes [Redwall] and I used to have Coricopat, who became Tantomile after a server transfer, and then at the merger became Old Deuteronomy. Not my best name.


    I always name bounty hunters after business-related jargon. Cost Effective, Mercantile [which was taken in the merger and became Maureen Mercantile], Incentivize.


    I always name troopers after military slang. DILLIGAF, Blue Falcon, Ricky Fishing, Hometown Hero, Chest Candy [i'm surprised that one snuck through the censors].


    I had a short run of using the scheme 'Color + Alliterative Noun', thus Claret Crescendo, Iris Imbroglio. The noun usually relates to the class spec, so Crescendo is TK Sage, Imbroglio is a dps scoundrel.


    I also like to name characters for obscure in-game references: Thermodraft, Efficacious, Spectacious. I particularly like collecting names of characters who are mentioned but aren't actual NPCs, but that's very tricky.


    Finally, if I'm feeling uncreative - like during the merge, when I had to create new names for about 20 characters on the spot - I just use a generic first name and their previous name. So Chester Carefree, Richard Reprobate, Susan Shrewd, etc.

  8. There's no need to cyberstalk him yet, Totem.


    Besides, with DarthEnrique gone, he's the most entertaining poster of the "waah, the game is screwing me over but it's actually my own fault" variety that we've got left. At least wait until page 2 to remind him that we've already seen this episode.

  9. You can buy a "relic" from a vendor in the mission area that protects you and you can use forever. It's 20k once you have enough rep to buy it.


    Equip the relic, click it to activate it, put your normal relic back in.


    No need to ever buy any vaccines again.


    Yes, you can tell how I knew that because in my post I said: "But it's not a huge concern with the relic."


    Also, the cost doesn't detract from the point I was making, which is that it's irritating to have to reapply it after death, between wz matches, and fumbling back and forth between it and your actual relics. It's not a HUGE concern, but it is a pain.

  10. Well right. I think the evidence leans in the direction of communication not being very effective most of the time. One particular case of it that sticks out to me is the kotor 2 style jedi robes. The guy's name escapes me atm, but there was the guy who kept asking and asking and asking for the kotor 2 style jedi robes. Then I think finally, someone who attended a cantina brought it up to one of the named folks, like Charles Boyd or Ben Irving, and it wasn't immediate, but some time after that, we finally got a style close to it.


    Alec Fortescue. That robe thing was an OCD mind-trip imo.


    That makes sense I was reading and most of it seems like opinion or from his point of view. None of it seems like actual insight.


    They have to make that disclaimer. Fact is, Eric and the rest could learn something from Krypto. As Lhance mentions, one's anger tends to cool when you drop all the BS posturing and just explain why things are the way they are. Then it actually makes sense instead of thinking the devs must be blind, irrational idiots given the decisions they've made over the years. He may not have been one of BW's, but he should have been.

  11. I liked Kaedan. He was obviously intended to be the council's version of Ravage, an irritating curmudgeon. I would have given him extra dialogues for DS jedi to reflect that. His fight on Illum was entirely forgettable, and I've since noticed that every time his VA shows up, he's progressively more overacting. HK's VA does the same thing.


    As for the flaws with the other jedi, it doesn't matter. They raised whats-her-face from lord Renning's assistant to DC member, they're clearly scratching the bottom of the barrel. Perhaps we could make that jedi who couldn't lift the rock [DSers lie for him, LSers shamelessly suck up to his master] on Tython a grimdark pub Saboteur.

  12. At least they should give F2P and PREF players the same amount of item slots in the mail as a SUB does, so they don't have to send a million note to another alt of theirs when they want to give an armor set etc... to him / her.


    One of the funny things about this forum from my point of view is seeing posts from subscribers who obviously have never been pref trying to think of things that would be beneficial to prefs or F2P., and failing miserably. Before legacy storage came along, being able to send mail with eight slots instead of one [and credits!] would be a godsend. Now it's almost entirely irrelevant fluff that is eminently suitable for subs to have and be denied to the rest.


    The OP is another one. What percentage of pref or f2p have guild bank access? I played for five years as a $5 - preferred before subbing, and despite buying literally every other unlock available, I never bought guild bank access, despite it being available on the GTN, because I saw little point. I only bought it six months ago shortly before dropping sub, and only because I was starting my own solo guild and needed it. It now sells for tens of millions of credits btw, so I'm pretty sure prefs and f2P have other priorities to spend that kind of cash. Even the OP talks about it like it's not actually an advantage for them, it's an advantage for sub GMs to get conquest stuff. Thanks bruh, I'm good. Raise the credit cap instead.


    tl;dr: learn how to use legacy storage, and don't virtue signal on behalf of F2P who wouldn't want what you're demanding.

  13. It would be nice to see NPC padawans from Tython, like Fia, Spanios and Moracen etc repopulate the new jedi council, the way they gave a nod to that unmentionable sith acolyte from Korriban on Ossus.


    Can I just say, it was really stupid to kill off Kaedan the way they did? He was a good character. As an imperial [or even pubside] you could really grow to hate Kaedan.

  14. If we make some basic assumptions of the temperatures on those planets as being comparable to the Arctic/Antarctic based on my own experience of ultra-cold temperatures (I live in Edmonton), frostnip would be about 30-60 seconds, true frostbite in about 2-5 minutes (depending on windchill/shelter), which is also around the time hypothermia would start to set in.


    That being said, they would actually probably make quite a few steps before dropping. They will be truly miserable steps, but the human body is quite remarkable at surviving low temperatures, even if you lose some fingers and toes in the process.


    Subtract a bit of time for Vette and Ashara, as their lekku would likely cool them down faster (though Ashara could probably warm herself with the Force so all bets are off there...)


    Sorry, had to bring a little science to this... enlightened... topic.


    lol I live in Edmonton too, and it's pretty funny to see it used as a baseline for comparison to Illum.

  15. Pretty much anything in the Currencies tab of your inventory panel, plus any event tokens, I believe, but definitely the Currencies tab. (Command Tokens, Dark Side and Light Side tokens, etc.)


    Is there a comment that mentions this? I'd like to see this. What would they be doing with the alignment tokens? What about unassembled components?

  16. The only ones I'm taking through are my male wannabe LS jugg tank, Female LS Gunnery Commando, and maybe DS healer op. In that order.


    BW tends to write better stories for sith warriors, that was the case throughout SoR and even into kotfe/et. Jugg tanks are also pretty good for survivability and fairly enjoyable to play. My commando, meanwhile, betrayed the republic so I'm curious about the saboteur storyline there and gunnery commandos are just really easy to play. Finally, my op has flipflopped between republic and empire from day one, is patently untrustworthy, and stealthers are, as mentioned, easier for skipping unpleasant content. However, she's a healer, which helps for survivability but isn't all that fun to play.


    In addition, I have over forty alts, but very few have made it to Iokath, and none besides the three I mentioned have made it to Ossus. So unless the story is a radical departure from previous expansions with maximum replayable value akin to the Rishi class missions....I'm not going to bother taking anyone else through it.

  17. I noticed that M1-4X has low DPS compared to other companions available to a not in KotFE+ Trooper and other companions available to all players without starting KotFE, even when the other companions were at a lower Influence level than 4X. I did an unscientific study (trying to determine which DPS companion to use for a guild FP run where a guildie was practicing tanking). I used the training dummy in the Rishi SH, with the thing to drop the training dummy's health to 500,000 HP, and all companions I tested set to DPS with all abilities ticked on.


    What I noticed is that 4X cycled through his abilities, and then sat there doing nothing until the abilities on his companion bar came off of cooldown. Other companions seemed to have some sort of filler DPS, or at the very least they were much better at managing their abilities.


    Great. Well, that's good to know.

  18. I can't tell if this is a bug or not.


    I raised M1-4X to rank 40 and have just been doing some heroics with him, putting his role to DPS. I notice his dps is pitiful compared to just about any other comp. He will frequently engage in melee with mobs at melee range [even though he's not a melee character]. He has his starter turret, and I've checked that his skills are all tagged. There also seems to be the common ranged bug where he will stop firing on mobs that are a few meters away and just sit there.


    I'm playing a healer commando and at this point I'm about ready to use my rank 12 Jorgan instead. Any ideas?

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