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Posts posted by Ardrossan

  1. 21 hours ago, Jdast said:

    Regarding the use of Galactic Season Tokens (GSTs) to unlock story missions associated with 3V-IL...

    Before I unload on Team SWTOR on Wednesday (which I most certainly will do), I am going to hold off on pulverizing the devs with my prescient powers of prose and (p)reserve prognosticating and pre-judging for the following reason:

    I read very carefully the post on "Galactic Season 5: Confidence in Power."


    While it does say that it will cost three GSTs to unlock the new story missions...

    It does not say whether the unlock is per character versus per legacy.

    I would be stunned if Team SWTOR would make it per character. Such a move would, indeed, be mind-boggling.

    In any case, we'll know in 3-4 days. I doubt since it is a holiday weekend in the U.S. that we will hear anything before Tuesday when the full patch notes are released.

    Personally, I'm fine with the cost of three GST's per legacy to unlock the quests. I'm sitting on max 15 GSTs with zero to spend them on, which is altogether a different concern.



    omg that sounds dreadful. I didn't catch that in the patchnotes. My focus was on the reward track for prefs and F2P absent any CCs. They learned from their early mistake giving something actually valuable to non-paying players, and have confined the rewards to the usual reskinned crap. 

  2. On 8/17/2023 at 9:11 PM, LD_Little_Dragon said:


    What do you expect them to say?  It's the same developers, just a different publisher, so no reason to expect any great changes.

    I don't recall the dev's saying much about EA either.

    I mean, every time I come back here I see people asking when broadsword is going to announce themselves and so far the answer seems to be NEVER. Clearly it's a valid question.

    But I also see that those of you vets who have stuck around have done whatever mental gymnastics needed so that this bizarre situation is fine and omg why are you making a big deal out of it Ardrossan it's their game they don't have to tell us literally anything :rak_01:

    • Thanks 1
  3. On 8/21/2023 at 9:44 PM, fuzzydwarf said:

    Anyone know what Ardrossan means by "HOT"?  Heal over time??

    It's been awhile but yes I believe you got a weak kolto hit from feeling funky. I think I tested that with the feeling tired debuff, when I used feeling funky it restored my HP a little. 

  4. 10 hours ago, Devolvio said:

    I intend to trawl this thread for ideas of how I can nerf my higher level characters to make any remaining class stories feel like I matter in them. The story fights just end up feeling so antithetical to the tension of the stories when everyone crumbles if I tap them lightly, even when my companion is on passive. 😭

    Edit: Lots of good ideas of how to nerf a high level character to make the class (now origin) story fights feel appropriately

    You don't need to set your comp to passive, dps or tank works fine as a gimp. Avoid using high influence comps, instead use [story] comps that you haven't leveled much and switch them out when they get beyond influence rank 10. I specify story as you mentioned wanting comps that will comment on the story or provide ambient dialogue. An alternative approach would be to dismiss comps for most of the combat and only summon them when you hit the boss or the end of the instance so they can chime in. 

    This won't be helpful for high level chars but if you make a new toon, use the WAM as others mentioned but also pay close attention to the planet max ranges on the galaxy map screen. Try to leave or finish up your business on planet when you hit the max. This isn't very effective for Act I planets but it does make encounters more difficult from Act 2 on.

    tbh I think it's more likely that we'll get better balance once it moves over to broadsword because it should be fairly easy to make a wearable debuff and they seem okay with that part of game development. Whereas with Bioware I always felt that the WAM's alternative use was unintended and if we commented too loudly on it, they would notice and nerf it. 


    5 hours ago, WayOfTheWarriorx said:

    I'm certainly not making any judgements on any guy who chooses to play a female character. My first, best, and longest friend I ever made in this game and who I've known since day one (Shout out to Sonus), he always plays female characters and he's straight IRL. And if he wasn't straight IRL, wouldn't have made a difference to me. He'd still be my friend.

    To each their own.

    ok, I apologize, I shouldn't have said there's something wrong with how you think about gender. It's not right or wrong. 

  6. 16 minutes ago, WayOfTheWarriorx said:

    I'll be honest with you, I am guilty of all of these things, but I don't think it would be fair to say that there is something wrong with how I think about gender. Same may apply to others as well.


    Playing a female character doing those sorts of things is just something I cannot relate to myself and thusly feel no desire to do so. It's not like I think "Yeah, that sounds like fun, I think I'd enjoy that, but I'm not gonna do it because it makes me uncomfortable and worry about how it might look to others."

    The interest is simply not there. The thought never even entered my mind.

    So...you've been here since launch and you've never played the Vector romance? Or Corso? Or any of the F/M romances? You don't do romances when you make female characters, you just make them to ogle or wait so you can romance Lana? And it's never occurred to you to try just to see what the story is like? You can't relate to it? You can't relate to flirting with a male NPC but you can relate to *checks notes* possessing ghosts and defusing WMDs? It would make sense if you didn't do romances on Jedi because it's not canon or whatever. That, I get. But for all?

    Yes, that's weird. I'm not saying you're a bigot or anything. When I talked to the mass effect guys about this they were like "I know I'm a pervert..." and no, that's not the issue. I'm straight too, but I literally cannot understand how that would stop you from playing through at least once. To me it's like someone saying "well I would never kill anyone irl so I can't play roleplaying games because my character would have to kill. I'm okay with violence in videogames though" and it's like what are you talking about??


  7. 4 hours ago, eabevella said:

    Finally one (1) honest man who spoke the truth instead of pretending the difference wasn't there or it's for some "story" reason.

    I don't see a real issue, any more than I do seeing male PCs/companions in similar outfits. Bioware initially locked revealing outfits to female only, and continues to do it for some like the slave girl outfit, and that is problematic, but I can see it being difficult--and pointless--to change it. There may be less males dressed up like that but they certainly exist in this game and are common on fleet and group play.

    I think what's much more cringe is male gamers who will only play female characters so they "have something pretty to look at from behind". Or when it extends to SGR--I've met many mass effect players who only made Fem!Sheps who had romances with Liara or bi/lesbian characters because of straight guy fetishizing F/F. I bet that happens a lot here with Lana. Or conversely, male gamers who have never made a female character, let alone one in a F/M relationship because they're totes straight and can't imagine it! :rak_03: 

    If you want Vette to wear a collared slave girl outfit to your DS SW, I won't kinkshame...it can be justified for story purposes. If all your characters are like that or if it's too much a stretch of the imagination to play a Fem!Agent/Vector romance in the videogame with dark space wizards and lazer swords then yes there's something wrong with how you think about gender, bonk :rak_01:

  8. On 7/7/2023 at 3:55 PM, SteveTheCynic said:

    But not all.  The "Slave" outfit ( == Princess Leia's thing once JtH captures her in ESB) costs 300 credits per piece if you have Social Rank II.


    On 7/7/2023 at 12:48 PM, Ardrossan said:

    When I first started playing, all my female characters were dressed just like the male ones. As time went on, a few began to show some skin, like the casual connoisseur outfit, but still pretty tame. To me, the amount of skin is tied to how much money you have/are willing to spend, since a lot of the more risque outfits cost a lot. Of course, you can always buy the slave girl outfit, though that used to take social points which weren't easy to get. And it costs even more to get risque outfits that aren't hideously ugly like that.

    Outfit designer means i can have one or two risque outfits but for the most part female characters wear a variety of outfits for different occasions just like male characters, not much difference. 

    It was literally the very next sentence from the one you quoted.

  9. When I first started playing, all my female characters were dressed just like the male ones. As time went on, a few began to show some skin, like the casual connoisseur outfit, but still pretty tame. To me, the amount of skin is tied to how much money you have/are willing to spend, since a lot of the more risque outfits cost a lot. Of course, you can always buy the slave girl outfit, though that used to take social points which weren't easy to get. And it costs even more to get risque outfits that aren't hideously ugly like that.

    Outfit designer means i can have one or two risque outfits but for the most part female characters wear a variety of outfits for different occasions just like male characters, not much difference. 

  10. On 6/29/2023 at 10:24 PM, DreadtechSavant said:

    That's because..  just get fed up with players thinking they represent the majority. Which you do in spades. Which is also based on phantom figures pulled out of a hat based purely on your own and wants or overly biased opinion, same as you done with the quote by you I posted above.

    As such I don't bother coming here as much as I once did. I go a week or so where I post a lot then nothing for weeks at a time.

    I did like KotFE/KotET very much, yes some chapters less than others but over all I enjoyed it. Same as I've enjoyed the story since. 

    Where do I make phantom figures? I very specifically and deliberately said I've never heard anyone else say they liked those expansions. I. Me. In my subjective experience. Please let me know what about this is ambiguous or unclear to you because it seems pretty obvious to me that I'm referring to my own experiences and my own preferences. Which yes, I think do represent the majority, but I have not claimed that as a fact. 

    On 6/29/2023 at 10:35 PM, DreadtechSavant said:

    However your constant use of "white knighting" others should get your posts removed, it is a way of belittling others and undermining their point of view, which is against the CoC. A lot of us have had posts removed in the past for similar posts.

    No name-calling needed in this case, your posts broadcast that 'point of view' just fine on their own. Ironic that you mention stuff going against CoC--italicized line breaks a forum rule that can be paraphrased as 'The first rule of fight club is don't talk about fight club' :rak_03: let me know how that works out for you.

  11. David Hayter (Male JK) and Jennifer Hale (Fem Trooper) talk about voice acting and character in swtor and mass effect, check it out! It's short though and Hale doesn't mention swtor :rak_01: 



  12. 10 hours ago, WHTJunior said:

    They added specialized planetary gear vendors, where each piece they sell is 200m, and bound to legacy. I'd actually be interested to know how many players, besides myself, have utilized these vendors.

    The Swtorista Article on Planetary Specialty Goods Armor Vendors



    A Database of Planetary Vendor Armor (also Swtorista)


    I had no idea, but also they're just reskins. If they cost as much as the adaptive gear vendor, I'd buy them. It's 200k by the way, 200 MILLION would be nuts. 

    What they should do is sell the victorious pioneer set for 200M for each piece. Wouldn't make a difference for anyone who did the original event, but it would take a lot of creds out of the game. 

    • Like 1
  13. 14 hours ago, Balameb said:

    I get my swtor burnouts too, even uninstalled a couple times. Yet, it still find myself coming back here. Is because of Star Wars? because here i still have a guild that saves my stoons a spot? or maybe i just miss complaining about Devs in the forum? Hard to tell.


    Well, i wish you the best and i'll miss your posts. If you do find a cool MMO that think could be your new game home, come back and tell us. If not and SWTOR still keeps your soul hostage, well we can all hope new Devs can surprise everyone in a good way,........right?


    I mean, I can still complain about the devs on the forum anytime--very nice of them to allow preferred players to post here :rak_03:, I'm sure there's a few ex-players who subbed solely so they could complain.  


    • Like 1
  14. 28 minutes ago, TonyTricicolo said:


    Have the two of you so quickly forgot the last few years? Like seriously? Look at the game's track record for Pete's sake. Can you honestly say with a straight face that you have confidence in this game given what we've seen? Really? Do you not remember the laughable 10 year anniversary celebration? I guess we're all just conditioned to just take what they give us and say "Thank you, please. Can I have another?" as we continue to get slapped across the face. You know what's that called? Stockholm syndrome. Ha ha. 


    Dude, relax. The first one you quoted is not worth consideration, they are, as you say, 'conditioned' to believe everything bioware tells them at face value. We all know it, and there have been plenty of players like that in this forum over the years. Second one already clarified their position, they're on their way out like me. Neither are useful for gauging what most players would actually think of the announcement. 

    • Like 1
  15. I did it. I've been playing since January 2013, with a few small breaks in between, but the era is over. I noticed my D drive was getting a bit full and this game has now grown to ~50 GB, I haven't played in weeks, it was an easy decision tbh. 

    I'll probably come back when they move over to broadsword. At the very least I'll come back to the forum. And I still have three low level characters i'd eventually like to finish. Honestly, even if it weren't for the sale, even if bioware weren't massively incompetent, I'd probably have left anyway, I've played the game out and then some.

    Thanks for the good times, and please remember 

    :rak_01: = Sarcasm tag

    :rak_03: = trollface tag

    :rak_02: = You don't say? tag

    Text can be hard to convey tone, so use context clues like the above to indicate snark to other players.


    • Like 3
  16. 7 hours ago, Jdast said:

    I have to admit I'm getting a bit tired of chasing and tasting the tiniest of breadcrumbs around the galaxy which is about to be set on fire.

    I'm starting to get really strong Game of Thrones 'Winter is Coming' (for 8 years) vibes. :rak_03:




    6 hours ago, Whykara said:

    The more they build up to it, the bigger the pay off has to be. I'm expecting nothing short of a cataclysmic event at this point and I'll be disappointed if they can't deliver.

    Given the way the ten year anniversary went down and other overhyped ideas from bioware, I expect it to be very much closer to the way Game of Thrones ended--expect cataclysmic disappointment.

  17. 17 minutes ago, WayOfTheWarriorx said:

    Well, yeah, ideally I would certainly prefer it be the real McCoy and done the right way, but I definitely don't want text based dialogue either.

    I'm not necessarily of the opinion that unless it's professional voice actors it can't be done so it's not awful. And I'm not knocking the professionalism of professional voice actors, but with technology as it is today, I have a hard time believing they can't use AI that can't sound good.

    But, even with that idea, it really comes down to this, and its the systemic problem with the game. It just doesn't have the resources to do the job right.

    Maybe they could make AI sound good, but it would be an abomination. YMMV but for me, hiring scabs / automation is particularly egregious when it's done to cut costs for something as trite as a videogame, especially when there are other solutions available.

    I agree with you that the problem is systemic: it's not that hiring VAs are so obscenely expensive, they relied on VA so much for the vanilla game, maybe more than any other game in history! The systemic problem of not having enough resources is because of corporate greed siphoning away profits, and developer mismanagement misusing what resources are left. If those things were less of a factor, I bet they'd be able to find the money for VAs pretty easily.

    • Like 1
  18. 2 hours ago, WayOfTheWarriorx said:

    I'm also not sure why no one has considered the option of just getting someone who works there, or even players who would jump at that chance to do a line for the game totally for free. Even if it were just from new NPCS so they didn't have to worry about different sounding voices from already established characters with preexisting voice actors.

    Because bad voice acting is worse than no voice acting at all. 

    imo this is similar to "why don't we just use AI?" The question belies the actual hard work that goes into voice acting as if anyone can do it and not make a cringey awful job that players love to mock for years afterwards. There is thankfully not that much of it in this game, but there is one that comes to mind, and all I had to do was google "bad voice acting swtor" and this was the first result. "Try not to make this too easy will you." :rak_02:

    If paying people the value of their labor is too expensive :rak_01: then just go back to text-based dialogue for everything, plenty of older games did that. 

    • Like 2
  19. 4 minutes ago, GuigeekRhadamant said:

    Didn't get the "DS 5 vs DS 4" part

    I'm saying that it makes no sense, they're just numbers. Maybe your eyes glow or something, but what do they actually mean? What's the difference between LS 1 and LS 3? Literally just two tiers, the alignment tiers are meaningless though, unlike Lawful Good or something they don't tell you what kind of person you are.

    • Thanks 1
  20. 1 hour ago, GuigeekRhadamant said:

    But yeah, they think it's so cool to be neither good nor bad because "NoT eVErY tHiNg iS bLaCk Or wHiTe yOu kNoW?" 💩

    Look, I detest kotfe as much as the next guy but yes dark side / light side is a rigidly dumb alignment system. Virtually every other fantasy setting does it better. In Mass effect they only have two sides but you can gain points from both and end up as a paragade (and they dumped all of that in MEA anyway). In D&D they have had chaotic/lawful to specify the kind of good/bad person you were, and a more expanded conception of neutral means. In star wars though we get stuck with a binary scale and that's not (for once) the devs' fault, it's baked into the IP because the guy who wrote it clearly didn't spend more than ten seconds thinking about it smh. 

    So yes, people look for grey options, something more than dark or light because they want something that better reflects their own conception of morality in a roleplaying game. As it is, I have to headcanon detail in DS 5 vs DS 4 because the game just gives me those numbers, it doesn't explain what they mean, which is one of the worst versions of the dark vs light side alignment (this one is the devs' fault).

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