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Posts posted by Ardrossan

  1. My sub is set to renew around April or May. I haven't logged in since 5.10.1 because of the companion issues introduced with that patch and no information as to whether I will be affected or not.


    So you haven't logged in since...Tuesday? As in the day before yesterday?


    During the week I rarely log in because I'm working. This weekend coming up is a long weekend so I'll log in much more.


    I mean, I don't disagree with your larger point, it's just that if 5.10.1 was like a month ago than that would be a remarkable statement. But all you're saying now is "I haven't logged in for two days." Yes, that'll teach 'em to screw with players.

  2. It's remarkable that they believed that he died.


    Don't get me wrong, it's a touching story...but for instance, a few years ago, I was heavily involved in a low-tech mmorpg called Shartak. It was similar, I suppose to SWG, in that it was sandbox game, and a lot of what you did there was making up roleplay stories with other people and duking it out on the forum. One of the players everyone knew quite well was named Keichii. One day, on the forum, Keichii announced on the forum that he had died suddenly irl, and that his dad was writing this to inform the players who were his friends. Just like this story, the dad claimed he had found his son's passwords for this game, and was aware of the online community his son was connected to.


    But keichii hadn't died. There was a bit of rumbling initially from some players who thought this story just sounded too unbelievable to be true - really, his dad is reaching out to us on the forum? - but generally most people believed the story, and asked where to send condolences, when the funeral would be, etc. And then Keichii returned a few days later and claimed it was all a joke.


    I actually came to the game about six months after this happened, and met keichii. This incident had -obviously- caused him to be ostracized from the community. He'd given his character and passwords to a rando and started a new character, one that my character liked and befriended, and it was several years later that he told me he'd been Keichii. I asked him why he did this and he just said it seemed like fun at the time.


    The upshot is that while I liked his character well enough, and liked the player well enough to add him to Facebook, finding this out was a catalyzing moment that made me disinterested in the game and remaining friends with the guy in any capacity. And of course his old friends hated him, and I doubt any of us would be likely to trust someone who claimed the player had died irl, or view a story like this with anything but deep, irrational, suspicion.

  3. I've done these now so long ago that I have trouble remembering all the choices, but I see some really good doozies mentioned in this thread.


    I think the one that got me the most was how the SI treated the Voss during the class story. My memory is hazy on the details but I recall that you spend the whole planet trying to convince them to trust you and let you into a sacred area. After giving you a million lectures on just how important this is to them and then finally letting you into their inner sanctum, you betray them by sucking out the soul of their leader in front of everyone. Something about the way the scene plays out I remember being particularly visceral. I felt so dirty after that. :(


    I don't recall this playing out like that. When you get to the Temple of Healing you don't really find anyone there, and then a ghost shows up to give you info, and there's an optional DS choice to bind the ghost, but unlike the other bindings, it's kind of a gimme prize, like you just ate four pieces of chocolate fudge and then had diarrhea for three hours, but oh just one more can't hurt.


    Am I a psychopath for chuckling gleefully at the OP’s post when he mentioned the Agent acting like he didn’t kill Dragon Eyes’ wife then killing him instantly after, when the Inquisitor lures Lady Rist and Nomar to one place then kills them both, and my favorite one, when the BH gets Tormen’s general to Sepukku?


    Thanks! I liked writing them too. And no, not a psychopath, or if you are, so am I. I suppose the litmus test for a darkest of DS choice should be 'when it's no longer fun' but I had fun with all these.


    Compare the ones you mentioned to the DS choice for the Belsavis planet story pubside where you awaken the World Razer which will destroy the galaxy [eventually] in exchange for some level 50 green loot you have to go to Illum to get. Or Balmorra imp side where you have to eliminate the cave full of force-sensitives, and the pure DS choice is to go down and kill them one mob at a time, even though you could just tell the guy you won't say anything, then order the imp outside to gas them. These aren't fun, not because they're not extremely dark choices [although they are] but because the game mechanics for them are stupid and joyless.

  4. Er, given this thread's from 2015 and hadn't been posted on since then until you replied, I doubt any of these people are going to see your reply.


    The poster is obviously not hoping for the same people posting in this thread from 2015 to respond, but that people right now can shed some light on it, rather than making an entirely new thread about it. Not every necro needs to be snarked.


    Anyway, I agree with those people, Jozandra. The server reset definitely has something to do with it; it's possible the effects on the GTN may linger for a day or two afterwards.

  5. The Europeans can do what they want, idc. I don't play on those servers anyway. Just don't make one server for NA. Losing the west coast was bad enough.


    People are reacting to your thread where you say one server for all players and then in your textwall mention that you're only talking about the EU servers, which kinda makes a difference to what you're saying.

  6. Really, what you should do if you want to play neutral is to play a couple pvp matches a week. You don't need a lot, and each match gives you 1500+ pts to whatever alignment it's set to. Then you just play the class story how you want, until you end up back at neutral. Rise, repeat.


    Just so we're clear: this isn't K2 - while I like to headcanon that alignment is based on reputation, practically no one addresses you differently depending on your alignment.

  7. LOL because what they ask affects me and others indirectly...

    as in: .. several people want decos to be available from end content, and would be upset if there weren't any...

    hence i will avail to my right to address a concern towards a product I buy if somebody else wants the product to become something I don't want. Saying otherwise would mean that... some customers are more equal than others?


    oh dear. Is there an argument forming in the bread line?

  8. Some that come to mind:


    Jedi Knight story throwing the Voss Mystic into Sel Makkor


    I like the option of allowing Tala-reh to march into the pit because the vision says so [which seems pretty callous for a Jedi], and then killing the mystic afterward. You don't get a reward but everyone goes home happy.

  9. Think about the flaw in your logic though. Why would a publisher (re)invest in a studio that repeatedly puts out failed products? A shutdown is more likely to happen than more money handed over. The studio will stay open for DA and ME. This game is irrelevant. It's a pipe dream to think EA will give this old game any more funding regardless of Anthem's success or failure. Anthem has no influence on this game other than maybe manpower to get things out faster. They keep it going because it continues to make a profit. That or the license agreement will be what determines the game's fate.


    His argument is literally 'when Anthem fails EA will put more resources into swtor because reasons'. I Laughed Out Loud when I read it.


    During the consular storyline, I couldn't understand why BW would write the story in such a way that the Jedi Council would continue to send the consular to heal the masters if the consular just killed every master he was sent to heal. Logically, it seems like a gaping hole in the plot. Gradually I understood that they were cunningly applying fan-logic to the story: "Maybe this time he won't kill the master. Oops he killed that one. Well, maybe next time..."

  10. Better would be if the loading page was interactive -- Malgus shows up after completing Ossus.


    Better would be if they'd just let Malgus die. Like Revan in the original FP, his original ending was crappy. And, I'm certain that just like Revan in SoR, the newly resurrected Malgus' ending will be an even worse abomination than his first death. It's hard to call BW a developer that prizes story when their stories are just recycled content, and that was a problem well before they got eaten by EA.

  11. I've gone neutral. You come off as apathetic. You don't do anything too monstrous, it's more that you don't care what happens to all the people along the way. The balmorran colicoid scientist you kidnap? The neutral option is just to leave for the toxic waste dump. The scientist doesn't get arrested (DS) and doesn't get freed (LS), he just stays with the imps and hates you.


    You'll have to take a bit of DS options and a bit of LS options to even things out, as sometimes there are no neutral options. I try to cleave to this 'don't care' approach. So, on Alderaan, Lady Thul calls you up because the organas are attacking. Well, that's her problem [DS], you got the vault key to the relic already. OTOH, on NS there are plenty of opportunities to shock people, like the Bith who has to arrange the earthquake. You CAN shock them, and it's fun, but he'll do it anyway if you flatter him [LS], so why waste the electricity?


    Or with the ghosts - it makes no difference in the story whether you bind them or make a deal with them. So maybe with lord 'little snakes' on DK I'll bind him [DS] because he's a jerk, but Kalovish on Taris seems all right, so I'll make a deal with him [LS]. It evens out. And most of the end-game options on Corellia and DK are neutral, so no worries there.

  12. In addition the SW on Alderaan can force Lady Renata to be taken to Duke Kendoh for "questioning" which is really to be his sex slave.

    Any choice which forces a female npc into questionable/forced sexual situations is pretty despicable and very dark. If I played a male, I'd never take those choices. The situation above with Tivva is the worst dark side scenario in the game. There should be an option where she gets to kill you all.


    Yes, I forgot about Lady Renata. I tend to think that NOT killing Kendoh is the DS option at the end there.


    I've never got this option - do you have to play as a male to get it? I've only played SI as a female. This seems like a better dark side choice than any I've got.


    It's tricky to get, but it doesn't depend on male/female; I got this dialogue playing a female assassin. The first time I played the class I thought you just tortured Rehanna until she called Nomar. You have to play it like you really mean to help her. She'll come to the cave [stealthing through the hordes of killiks] and meet Nomar with you. As soon as he sees you he wants to attack you, and you have to convince him [without pissing off Rehanna] that you really are sincere. He's a lot tougher than Rehanna to convince, there's lots of checks and if you don't pass them he'll say 'Defend yourself, Sith!' and you need to reset the dialogue and try it again. Even if you do manage to do it, he'll show up at the Organa vault anyway and claim he just pretended to believe you to keep Rehanna out of danger. Better to kill him in the cave.


    So you can screw up and fail the checks, which is neutral, or you can do everything and at the end just say something like 'love her you idiot'! and shock him, which will provoke him to attack and is DS. Or you can skip all that and just tell them upfront you were lying to get the relic, and they'll both attack you.

  13. I dont play ranked with 230-300ms lag. I’m only referring to regs. Ranked is toxic and deserves to die.


    Darn. There goes my strawman.

    As for the grind or belonging to a massive guild that grinds Ossus dailies, I’m not surprised your guys aren’t grumbling. You all obviously enjoy it and have similar interests/opinions on the game, which is why you are in the same guild together.

    ok, that's fair.

    Not all players or Pvpers want to have to do pve content over and over to get gear to just pvp in.

    Or grind the same crap every day or week over an extended period of time for most people. And don’t for get the bugs or the less than ideal RNG (which also seems broken)


    This strikes me as a perennial issue. Between 3.0 and 5.0 it was very easy to gear with pvp - and in fact, it was easier to gear through pvp to get comms to use pve gear than to go about it any other way. The rest is a similar point: bugs, grinding [pvp or pve] and rng are not new to Ossus.


    Also, not everyone is in a massive guild of wants to be. Some guilds are smaller and some only play pvp.


    Noted, though it doesn't have much to do with being in a massive guild; anyone can run dailies. But I take your point that the crystals should be available to pvp at least by doing the weekly or something.


    A vast majority are just so use to BioWare not listening, they’ve become immunised to disappointment. There was a major out cry when this system was put in place for weeks and weeks. BioWare ignored it, then gave one small post the day before holidays and nothing since. That’s one and half months ago. People are just tired of repeating themselves because BioWare either don’t listen or communicate back about player concerns.


    I'm not olgaton, I'm not arguing this point. And it's not the grumbling that is the issue so much as the idea of making drastic changes.


    But it has affected the population numbers and people are still leaving.


    This is more of a supposition. Presumably some halfwit white knight told you that the weather was responsible for low server numbers. I don't really notice the servers being significantly lower, but if people are leaving, there may be other factors [not weather!]. If people are in a state of immunized, constant depression about BW, does it figure they would leave? Some would get exasperated, yes. But if pvpers are still playing this game after everything that's happened, they're probably here for the long haul.


    The latest patch notes state the set bonus bug is supposed to be fixed. But there was nothing about the slot Mods being locked to gear type. And there still hasn’t been an explanation for the change. So I think people who’ve been waiting around to hear something or were expecting some change in 5.10.1 will be bitterly disappointed and we may see more people leave.


    If they're waiting for 5.10.1 to fix everything, they certainly will be disappointed. Which is to say, we have a good idea what they're putting in place tomorrow so it shouldn't be a mystery to anyone. 6.0 is a mystery. April is a mystery.


    I don’t want mergers, but there is definitely a declining population because of this gearing change, the same as there was when 5.0 changed the gearing. And we all saw what happened there. We continued to bleed players for over a year till BioWare had to merge or people had trouble playing group stuff. Mark my words, this is the path 5.10 has set us on once again. Unless BioWare make some changes soon, mergers will eventually be needed again or the game will die for group play. If they delay these changes too long, even mergers won’t help because too many people will have given up on Swtor ever being fun again.


    OK, but we aren't really talking about mergers, now are we? We're talking about BW reversing course or making changes to the gear grind. Well, no arguments here! This thread seems like putting the horse before the cart. We need a merger now, really? We need cross-server queues...right now?


    Even people who don’t play group stuff or need mergers are giving up on the game because it’s becoming less fun with each iteration. This gearing change is just one more disappoint and everyone has a breaking point or a line in the sand that makes them say, “enough is enough... I won’t support these devs anymore”, even though we loved the game before they made it less fun.


    I can, and probably will, continue to play the class stories until the game dies. The idea of the game becoming less fun is generally an end-game thing [which is mostly group content or those crappy expansions]. I just finished grinding my last character to 300 GC. That's one for each class for the cheevo, that's enough for me. My sub's up in a week; I have no plans to return except on 90 day referral weeks. That would be my plan almost regardless of what BW does in the near future.

  14. It absolutely COULDN'T be pvp player toxicity causing fewer people to want to queue, right? /s


    Judging by how often and much you guys have to beg for people to queue in chat so you can **** all over their efforts and chase them away again, it does at least paint a pretty clear pattern about short memories.


    No I'm sure trixxie is right and it's the gear grind. Or maybe the weather. It couldn't possibly be self-inflicted.



  15. Again, are we talking ranked or regulars? Can we just be honest about it instead of pretending this is a widespread problem that needs immediate, drastic solutions?


    Speaking of the gear grind, I'm in one of the biggest guilds in SS. And they do Ossus dailies, and they don't moan about it, or wait for BW to fix it, they're happy to do it. Me, I'm content to wait until it improves, but in a guild at nearly max population, I don't find many people who have issues with it. Now, on the forum, otoh...

  16. PvPers have always been cancerous, no matter where they originate.


    I lol'd. The thread itself also makes me lol. Seems most of you guys are SF? I'm on SS. Yesterday I decided to do my weekly for regular pvp. I hadn't started it yet. Queue time was less than five minutes between runs. From the times I've run it, generally on weekends, that's average. I also haven't heard any griping over here about slow queues for FPs or Ops, but idk firsthand because I only run those in my guild.


    So I'm curious why we'd need to do cross server or server merges. Are you playing GSF? Isn't SF bigger than SS? Shouldn't you have even less problems? Or is this all just a thinly disguised rant about Ranked and how it's not getting any love? Because if it is...I would have zero problems if the entire ranked population of this game dropped out tomorrow. I doubt I'd be the only one celebrating either.

  17. I'm no expert on Star Wars, but I am quite familiar with Lovecraft's writing. I've yet to encounter anything in Star Wars that is comparable.... in other words, nothing I've been exposed to in SW could be called weird fiction or cosmic horror.



    Edited for typos.


    Abeloth is sort of comparable, but let's not get into that.


    Did you ever read Joe Schreiber's Death Troopers? Red Harvest? It was basically Star Wars + Zombies, but the virus that turned people into zombies supposedly came from Mnggal-Mnggal, which is Lovecraftian enough for me.


    As far as this game goes, the only real contender is the Terror from Beyond. That whole operation qualifies imo.

  18. Viidu is the fat guy on Ord Mantell that you were sort of working for. He gets killed by his girlfriend at the end of the planet storyline. Corso used to work for him directly and is the only one who will ever mention him [thankfully]. Corso's cousin is Rona. Corso described her as a female version of himself, but they eventually find her on NS and she's a Black Sun underboss. You can resolve that quest in a variety of ways, but Corso will moan about it regardless.


    I had a lot of trouble keeping track of the smuggler storyline. After you get your ship back you kind of fall into a class B plotline that lasts for the rest of Act 1. Act 2 is you remembering that you lost a shipment of guns for Rogun the Butcher [Ord Mantell storyline], and he's pissed, but that gets put on hold because you immediately fall into a class C plotline...that lasts for the rest of Act 2. These threads don't get resolved till near the end of the class story, so a lot of the game is spent going from one planet to another doing jobs for the Republic that aren't actually in your job description.

  19. Heck, much of the Bounty Hunter class story fits this mold too. You're often given the choice of murdering everyone in a room or murdering almost everyone in a room. Heck, the story actually even goes out of it's way to make sure to nullify the LS choice at the end of Chapter 1.


    I had a hard time thinking of other Bounty Hunter DS moments for this exact reason. The Voss episode was a pretty over the top example of pointless cruelty. Letting Skadge torture the spacer's GF [and later, the spacer] on Belsavis also comes to mind.


    For sidequest moments, I thought that the Ord Mantell mission where you are looking for a kidnapped girl and decide to ignore her abuse from the soldiers and give back her ring [which is bugged] to her dad was pretty despicable.


    Also on Pub Taris, when you're settling that land claim business, not only can you refuse to help the aliens, you can take their land claim [which they give you as proof] and keep it.


    It's a question when I made this thread: what is darkside? Not just 'what is evil', but what does it mean in this game? Is it a high body count? Each class kills several thousand npc's over the course of the game, so something like the imperial Makeb or the Agent class quest where he lets the death squads in to the mining colony don't seem significantly worse: you're just massacring a bunch of people at a time, rather than doing a few here and there.


    Is it inaction? On Balmorra as a consular you almost get sniped by Zenith because he's trying to take out the imp you cornered. LSers will want to capture the imp, DSers just step out of range. Or as an SI on Balmorra you can bring in the defector scientist to make you a colicoid. Whether you shock him into submission or promise him freedom, he still comes along eventually, but afterward you can choose to free him...or do nothing, and he stays in a job he hates. I don't think that's considered a DS choice, even if you promised him freedom. No, the DS choice is to pretend to agree, then accuse him of being a defector and have him executed. The latter seems more sociopathic than DS.


    In K1 and K2, DS choices were usually either 'be rude to people' or 'ask for money'. It's a bit better in this game, but that mentality still crops up. Pubside on Tat during the bonus missions, you run into Fez Burba again and do a very pointless, irritating [if you aren't a stealther] mission to find his 6 droid macguffins. After getting them all and killing 80+ sand people, you can extort him for more money than he has, and you can demand he scavenge his droid for parts to make up the difference. This resolution is the same as a mission in K2. Is it evil? Eh. You get DS points for it so...I guess?

  20. Note that if you're a DS JK at the end of the class story, Satele won't make you a master. She does eventually make you a battlemaster, so I suppose it works out.


    On the flip side, if you're a DS consular who just killed hundreds of jedi masters indirectly in order to kill the Plaguemaster, they still make you a master in Act 2 regardless.

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