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Posts posted by Ardrossan

  1. \We shouldn't have to do as you say to move BW. It shouldn't take loads of people quitting in other words.


    I'm not calling quits like other people here might be but I'm certainly gonna call them on it. It's one of the worst QoL updates to date simply because it was poorly implemented and doesn't actually add a benefit to the players. Again, on that level it's a bigger deal cause if they have time to add stupid stuff like this, then I wonder what they had to drop for it.


    I agree, it's a bad QoL update.


    It's the *should* that makes me lol. And also the "call out" bit. You call out bad behavior on the premise that the badly behaving will take notice. Yes, it would be nice if BW was a responsive company that acknowledged complaints and made changes that reflected player interest instead of whatever stupid vision they have. You've been here longer than I have, Tsillah, does that sound like BW to you? BW has learned that they can do this sort of thing and players will grumble but ultimately do nothing concrete, so they don't have to respond, much less make changes.


    It's okay to vent, I'm not coming at you from a tone-policing pov, but just saying that this thread only has value for players to vent, not to cajole BW into actually doing anything. At absolute best-case scenario you might get a gold post of them saying Continue to provide feedback!

  2. I'm surprised so many people are okay with unimporant ugly objects covering their screen, or who knows, maybe BW paid for them to come here and defend the ad.


    Yes, that's it. People disagree with you because they're paid shills. This is the forum version of a Godwin.


    The stupid thing here on the forums is that there's all kinds of people that say it's not a big deal to them. But the thing is that it's extra clicks for the sake of something that is NOT an improvement.


    It's not a big deal, insofar as it's not a gamebreaker. It won't make me unsub or stop playing. It's annoying, whereas something like ability lag is a gamebreaker, I won't play the game if it does that. This is subjective, some people are okay with ability lag.


    I seem to remember you quit for awhile, for some reason, now you're back. The relevant question is: is the bar a big enough deal that you'll quit the game again until BW removes it? If it is, and if enough people agree with you and all quit at the same time for the same reason, then maybe that sends a message BW can't ignore.


    Alternatively, I'm sure if everyone in the thread just agrees this is a problem BW will come along and straighten this out! Yes, the real problem isn't BW's utter indifference to the forum, it's people who disagree with my complaints! :rak_01:

  3. i get that swtor is a product of a company that wants to make a profit and if this is the extent of what we have to accept to improve cartel market sales, i don't mind too much


    the game is far too generous for f2p/pref which makes a lot of players sub only once and then never renew it, more limitations on f2p would ensure more players subscribe and perhaps we don't have to deal with this kind of stuff


    I have a better idea. How about subs continue to shoulder the costs, and when BW does something you don't like you moan about it on the forum instead of taking action. That is the major reason these forums exist after all - to give the misleading impression that your voices are being heard and give you an outlet that neutralizes your grievances.


    BW obv could have restricted it to non-subs if they wanted to from the outset. They chose not to. Probably because prefs and F2P aren't, in general, willing to buy CC and subs are. BW has been steadily moving to freeing up restrictions for prefs and F2P over the last few years. Again, *probably* because they realized that the argument in quotes is dumb and didn't work when F2P was first launched.


    Instead of turning on other players who are probably just as upset about the bar as you, your most effective tool is to organize a mass unsub. But for all the angst, I very much doubt anyone in this thread will unsub over this.

  4. Struggling here to even put into words just how good this game is now and how much it deserves all the accolades it continues to get year after year! The gigantic, growing population shows just how great the game has become over the years! That's also why no one ever leaves the game, it just gets better over time, it's amazing!


    In fact, all the success SWTOR has gained over the years is going to force them to have to open up all the inactive servers they removed in the years past! It's time to bring back The Fatman server, and the hundreds of others that were removed for some strange reason!




    Sarcasm so thick you need a lightsaber to cut through it.


    To go off Lhance's point, I'd be surprised that the game still exists by 2021. Not [merely] on its own merits but a lot of companies have been getting shuttered due to Pandemic economy.

  5. 1) 1000 generations is not 2500 years. It is around 20,000 years. Yeah. That is why it's set back so far and this corresponds to Wookieepedia too. - they date the republic's birth to 25,000 years Before the Battle of Yavin. It's a little mind-boggling, in-universe, to think about all the empty space there is to fill up in the timeline. Out-of-universe, well lol this is a great example of crazy fans thinking every silly thing George Lucas wrote is incontrovertible scripture. "Hey maybe Obi-Wan was just exagger--" "NO! Obi-Wan always tells the truth! If he said 1000 generations then that's how long it is!"


    2) To me what's strange isn't that the technology stays the same up into OT era, because lots of fantasy settings have technological stagnation. No, what's strange is looking at the technology circa the Great Hyperspace War, about 1400 years before the events of this game, and a fleet looked like this, to now. Like, most Jedi and Sith had to PLUG IN their lightsabers back then. Then like 1000 years go by and by the time of the Mandalorian Wars everything looks pretty familiar. More swords, disposable energy shields and spikes but otherwise same tech.


    So in 4000 years, there's very little technological change overall; if anything the Republic has better tech now than they do in the prequels. But in the 1000 years between the first Sith invasion and the mandalorian wars 400 years before this game, there was MASSIVE change.


    I was thinking of writing a fanfic to try to explain this, but the short answer is the military-industrial complex is responsible for a lot of change relatively quickly. My headcanon is that when the military is no longer needed to field massive armies against space wizards, everything slows down and people in the Republic misplace the records that explain Chiss, Rakata, Zakuul [a notable upside], Silencers, Planet Prisons and insta-heal kolto. Out-of-universe, of course, the explanation is that BW wanted a familiar setting so KOTOR looked similar to the prequels and TOR looks similar to KOTOR.

  6. Yes, making sure the people who play a lot have something to do is critically important. The people who play a lot are most likely to be your avid subscribers. And, I would bet are the ones that spend the most money in the cartel market. I'm telling you, the amount of money I spend on this game, they don't want to lose me to boredom.


    Ah, I understand. You spend a lot of money on the game, therefore you think your priorities have more weight than the poors. I was just talking about something along these lines in another thread.


    Believe it or not, this sort of thing has come up in the past: whale makes thread demanding x be #1 priority because they are big spenders and therefore just like EA shareholders amirite? Forum argument ensues. 90 pages later, BW still hasn't made a gold post and the whale stops posting. The End.

  7. Most of the people in these forums are down to earth, decent people, there has been no snobbery, if you're seeing that, it's your own issue, and you need to look at your life. You spend a lot of time attacking people on this forum, for no reason other than they disagree with you. You spend more time looking down on others than anyone else here, at this point in time, the best way to deal with this is put you on ignore.


    I lurk the forum when I'm not subbing and see F2Ps and prefs being spat on frequently. When I have access to the forum, I call it out. Obviously myself and this dude, and likely others, see something you don't, something that makes you uncomfortable. Tone policing aside, I'm guessing it starts with a P and rhymes with village. Rather than denying it or pretending that we're just terrible people, why not reflect on the possibility that we're right?


    Since I'm going on ignore anyway...you seem to be taking this personally. While this isn't directed at any one person, I gotta say, there really is no need to invent rationalizations for why players should be treated differently based on income.

  8. This should be the dev team's #1 priority. Not stupid UI elements nobody wants.

    lol are you serious bro?


    Do people not have alts they gear? I'm with Lhance, this is not a problem to me and I do CQ and pve. I also play more than one char, and perhaps most crucially, I'm not playing this game 24/7.


    If it were something like LS/DS tokens, sure. Mine have been maxxed for years and there's nothing new to spend them on, so I just ignore them.

  9. If you don't have the humanity to have compassion, empthy or understanding of any of that, then all hope for you is lost.

    Anyone who reads these forums, can see that most people think differently about what issues are important, but the decent people here, actually empathise, and understand the postion of others, and try to help, instead of putting them down.


    This is community organizing 101: tears on their own are worthless. So are comments on a forum BW rarely reads and even rarer makes changes based on those comments. If you want to make an impact, unsub, and get as many other players as you can to unsub.


    You download a game in the apps store, you play it free, you get ads, you pay for the game, the ads go away.

    It's that simple, we pay for the game, there should be no ads. That's the justification for it being on F2P/Preff accounts, and not on Subbed.


    lol like I said, there's always somebody. I lack empathy for people who complain about the bar in the most melodramatic, "oh the humanity" language possible but simultaneously are totally okay with it as long as it's non-subs getting stuck with it because capitalism. If I feel anything, it's schadenfreude.


    I logged in now to test your theory and it's gone !


    I said you click on the - at weekly reset and you won't see it for a week on that char. I play 23 characters for conquest each week and I can't say that clicking once to minimize the window is a big deal.


    But for many players it's really hard it seems to minimize or to actually move it . No comment... there are bigger issues in this game we can all whine about , honestly.


    Yup. I have 45 chars, of which I usually log into 30 per week. I think they changed it now so wherever you stuck it with one char it will stay in that place for every char, in my case, above the chatbox. It resets for conquest and occasionally if you change planets.

  10. As someone who subscribes for a couple months at best per year, it does make me lol that they added this thing and it affects subs. That's what all this forum whining comes down to: how dare they do this...to SUBSCRIBERS!? If it had only affected prefs and F2P, no one in the forum would care, or they'd invent rationalizations for it, assuming they were aware of it at all.


    The obvious answer to your question is...don't sub. That's how you show BW you disagree. But as with every change players don't like, the loudest voices on the forum will claim that they will def unsub...and they do nothing. Or they come back a month later without explanation. All the while moaning that they have no incentive to login. Yet they're willing to pay a sub, lol.


    Whatever bean counter BW uses to keep track of subs will notice that I resubbed two days ago after being pref for 8 months. I only resubbed because I had enough creds to buy something I wanted, which is the only reason I ever sub. I could have chosen not to resub considering this egregious eyesore but tbh I really don't GAF. The "slap in the face" moment has come and gone for me.

  11. Not sure what the intent of the writers/devs is by making these extra scenes but I assume it's for you to explore and talk about.


    tbh, I kind of figured that they're errors on BW's part. Like, don't get me wrong, it's very cool to find these things but it just doesn't jive with BW's MO. It makes far more sense to me that writers added it and they just forgot to clue players into it or give an xp/credit reward.

  12. Have to say, I felt my Trooper pulled off Dark Side well. It should be more of a thing one builds up to. I also feel LS Inquisitor makes lots of sense. However, it's a matter of perspective. Do you go the way of "I was enslaved and want to kill the world" or "I was enslaved and I don't want to become those who enslaved me"


    That's what I'm saying. DS trooper makes sense, often makes more sense than a LS trooper. Same with LS Inq. DS Smug too now that I think of it. Most other classes, however, don't make a lot of sense played against type. Neutral BH? OK. LS BH? Eh.


    Maybe, if like you said, a NPC took them aside to try and corrupt them.


    It's a DS choice but the reasoning makes a lot of sense, and throughout both Jedi stories you see Republic leaders have a very hostile relationship with LS Jedi.


    Alternatively, they could have just made the effects of the healing affect gameplay. On Voss if you sacrifice your health for Gaden-Ko, you get a 60 min debuff. If you got a debuff on your char, one that didn't go away and increased in intensity for every master you healed, including Parkanus at Act 1 Finale, which stays with you the rest of the game, versus killing them, or even just killing Parkanas, that would sure make the DS choice a lot more viable. Even if the debuff only showed up in class story instances [so group players wouldn't freak] that'd be huge.

  13. It was a fantastic story, and it works fine in star wars so long as the galaxy doesn't stay the way it ends in.


    I lol'd. Kotfe/et isn't "a good story destroyed by neglect", it's a mediocre story with good graphics.


    I wish we could wipe KotFEET right out of the timeline myself since it plays exactly as it was created - role-playing fan fiction not intended for Star Wars and certainly not for any non-Force users.


    Personally, the sooner we forget FE/ET happened, the better.



  14. Does anyone know when they changed companion conversations to story progression instead of influence? If it was around 2013 then this would sort of answer the question. I have a feeling since they did this, that's when that conversation will not trigger.


    No, it was later, in 4.0 that this happened.


    But I believe they made a number of fairly stupid ninja story changes between 2.0 and 4.0. For example, the BH act 1 finale used to have the scene where you macgyver a jetpack to kill the engineer - that was around when I started but vanished during that timeframe. Likewise, both BH and consular act 1 finales were significantly harder. I may be misremembering but I think there was a bonus to kill 100 enemies for both missions

  15. Oh nice! Thank you for these two! For number three, I can't believe they went to that level of detail. Usually they keep the dialogue the same and we are to assume our own time frame. The dialogue here makes it certain that the companion story can take place after your class story.

    An amazing level of detail, and yet theron doesn't comment on IA double agents. Sigh.


    Just wanted to add to the thread, and I need a little help for this one, but for consular on Corellia, I remember there is a quest you can pick up to learn more about Syo's history. The help I need is if anyone remembers who gives it to you.


    Forgot about this one. This is a secret more in line with your OP in that there is no formal quest iirc. Bakvalen Hall is one of the boss zones [i think it's the CotE Trooper?]. There's another path inside the building you can take which leads you to a room. It's a location trigger for a comp [i did it with Nadia] who explains Syo's history. When he shows up in hologram after the fight you can comment on this and he will briefly relive his childhood.


    A few more:


    1) inquisitors can persuade Rahenna Rist to meet with the Jedi on Alderaan without threatening her. Once there, inquisitors can persuade the Jedi to romance Rehenna in exchange for the family macguffin. He makes another appearance if you let him go in the cave.

    1a) inquisitors have a ton of options for persuading Ashara depending on gender, alignment., and story choices. I think the default is DS: the fake assassins and torture with lightning, but it's possible to get her allegiance without a DS shift.

  16. Anyone? If it helps, the quest is called Preventative Measures and I believe should open up around chapter 2. Here is a link for the cut scene...



    Like I mentioned before, it does not initiate for me and I know this because I would get the second part to this quest just fine. This has happened twice on two different troopers for me. I am hoping someone can corroborate that this is a bug and I will go make a bug report. If people are still getting it, I assume it's a unlucky glitch.




    Tbh, I've been playing since 2013, I have 5 troopers (originally 8), and I've never seen this. They must have cut it out early.

  17. I seem to remember a thread that compiled these but I can't find it rn.


    I'd like to put together a list of places where companions pipe up with things to say. Please cite the planet, general location and who it affects. Note that you have to be walking for the dialogue to trigger. if you drive by it, it won't work even if you walk past it again. They do reset eventually though.


    On DK, as you leave the spaceport, every Imp comp will say something.

    On Corellia, as you leave the spaceport, every comp will say something.

    On Corellia, Axial park, as you walk past the escaped animals near the questgivers building, SOME Imp comps will say something. Adronikos will, but Lokin doesn't.

    On Voss, as you leave the transport in the starter zone, every Rep comp will say something.

    On Yavin 4, starter zone, SOME comps will say something. Adronikos does, but SCORPIO doesn't for instance.

    On Yavin 4, near the massassi village, SOME comps will say something. Elara and Quinn both do.

    On Yavin 4, outside ToS entrance, SOME comps will say something. Corso and Doc do.

  18. Not necessarily, although it's not my least favorite, I can understand why some think that, there are parts of it that are a slog fest. And a few moments where you just stop and think, what the fudge.

    Same as alot think the couns is the worst, again at times it tiresome, but depending on how you play it, some of it can be good. My first two got deleted, because I hated them, and the story, didn't think I'd ever play it again, but I eventually went back, pick different options, etc, had a bit of fun, and finished it. Since then I rolled a couple others.


    IAs probably have the worst Act 1. Right up until the finale it's a dull slog.

  19. An amazing thread, lots of secrets I never noticed before.


    1) Not sure if this is a secret, but when Kira reveals her Big Secret to the JK, it's possible to persuade her not to reveal it to the council. I seem to remember that if you take this choice, you don't go to Tython at all, but after Act 1 finale there's a payoff where the Council is livid that you never told them. Can work for male or female JK. Immediately after this you talk to Admiral "ITS A TRAP", do not take the option to tell him about Kira.


    2) This one applies beyond the class stories, but always click on npc questgivers both after they give you the mission, and after you turn in the mission for different dialogue each time. They stopped doing this around the time of SoR, probably for money reasons: VA may be cheap but you gotta wonder how many players will actually hear this? Similarly, NPCs prior to SoR will always say something when you refuse the quest. I'm so used to pressing ESC to get out of convos that it took awhile to realize this.


    3) This may apply to other classes as well, but on Agent for both Vector and Kaliyo's companion arcs, if you finish the class story prior to doing them, the dialogue changes: Wheezer now calls you "a former intelligence agent" and the grumpy Zabrak calls you "the handler" rather than Cipher Nine. Note: avoid doing this for romanced chars because it's bugged: it shifts the romance arc after the default closing conversation.


    4) Like inquisitors, neutral Cons get a nod and dialogue change in the act 3 finale; Satele now comments on your "balance". You still share the LS rewards though.

  20. *looks at your profile pic* I wonder why ;)



    It would be nice, but it would have to have a hutt barge attached to it, the way rishi has it's ship.


    That would be a great idea!


    Seriously, I think Hutta is well developed. It's a very small planet and the quests are pretty different from any others in the game because they reek of desperation: like the couple who need you to bring back spent batteries they can swap for food but oh no the factory foreman's family will be killed if you do that. DK is good for setting up the idea that everyone is under the control of insane sith lords/ghosts, Hutta does the same thing with Hutt gangsters.


    And idk the brown turd look is a lot more appealing than Hoth imo.

  21. Most Favorite: LS SW

    Least Favorite: DS Con


    The basis of both these choices is believability. The SW is supposed to be darkside but can play LS or neutral believably; when they make LS decisions I can buy the character doing it, it's not just a sop to player agency. Very few classes are very good at this, aside from SW perhaps DS Trooper and LS Inq. The rest are meant to be played by their traditional alignment imo (DS for imps, LS for reps].


    Now compare this to DS consulars. The choices simply don't make a lot of sense. Like DS JKs you're never really punished or even noticed for being DS. The single stupidest DS decision [imo] is Act 1 Finale for consulars, killing the force ghost and indirectly killing dozens, maybe hundreds of jedi masters. No one on the Council seems to think this is a problem or maybe you could've handled it better. It just gets worse from there. Not to mention, you have this healing ability but inexplicably choose to kill the crazy masters instead.


    What would've made DS consulars significantly more believable is if someone like Jaric Kaedan had taken them aside right after Tython and given them a special directive to kill the crazy masters if they posed a threat to the good reputation of the Jedi within the republic [or its allies]. Then there would actually be a pragmatic REASON to kill them besides your character being a psycho.

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