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Posts posted by Ardrossan

  1. Getting fed up with their decisions making the game less enjoyable isn't being a drama queen. We all pay for access to this forum so stating their disagreements is more than justified.


    I wasn't counting you in that. But there's a difference between venting and thinking your venting matters.


    I don't begrudge you for having enough and taking a year off. But I don't see a change in Musco. Maybe because I didn't take a year off, I don't know. But he still comes off as aloof and very choosy about when and who he responds to. And I don't know that Keith is worthy of all that praise. He hasn't brought all that much content. We've gotten nerfs and grind under Keith and slowly lost the alt-friendliness that we had for 6 years before he came along. Ben brought us 5.0 and RNG is exciting nonsesne, but what's Keith bringing us? He's bringing us RNG on top of RNG with a little added RNG for spice. I'd be careful of putting him on a pedestal.


    And I'd agree with this. Musco's track record really hasn't changed at all imo. He was at his most effective when someone else was subbing for him.

  2. We've all tried at one point or another to get BW to listen and ended up taking a break afterwards when they didn't. Haven't we?


    Not me. My breaks are at my whim and what BW does or doesn't do has no effect on them. I was thinking about this the other day, and, short of boredom, I think the only breaking point for me would be if I got locked out of my account for some reason, and would have to start a new account and legacy from scratch. In that case, I would just leave.


    But yes, leaving because the devs don't do what you want is certainly the protocol for the forum drama queens.

  3. It can't be much of an "achievement" if there's not at least some work (grind) involved. ;)


    But there's a difference between work and grind, isn't there?


    The master mode levels of kotfe and kotet for instance. I'm not good at those. Even with a healer comp, I find them way too difficult. Hell, I find vet pretty drat difficult. That would be a lot of work, and it would be slow, but I think it would be more difficult than grindy.


    Or the SF cheevo 'One For All' iirc, where you have to beat the heroic unassisted with the alliance specialists. Difficult, - I've never done it - but not really grindy.

  4. I was speaking in generalities. I did not mention her name. Nor did i give specifics. You, by taking offense, made it personal. By directing it towards me, you in turn are taking it out of proportion. You could have made your points without that tone and I didn't appreciate the insinuations. However, separating the gist from slander, you make a fair argument.


    There are two parts to your argument. One is that we shouldn't automatically give credence to these accusations before being proven, though the way you wrote it was more like "we should be biased towards the guy because the women are probably lying." I'd work on that.


    The second part really has nothing at all to do with this topic at all, but comes up a lot anyway: people are offended by everything and need to stop being so sensitive. You apparently think it's relevant to rape accusations. The fact that you're complaining about 'triggered' people in this context makes YOU the snowflake, not me. It makes you the emotionally unbalanced one who has to stop getting offended about things that don't concern you. And it means you should get informed before you open your mouth up irl. Everything Rolodome and Mad said is fairly uncontroversial. Someone might get pissy at them anyway, but as Mad said, people are increasingly getting into extremes. Turning this into a "why is everyone offended" argument is something quite different, as is your attempt to tone police me. I'm not offended by you, I'm contemptuous of the way you are pretending to neutrality when your argument indicates you are clearly not, so take your gaslighting and your revolt against 'offense culture' elsewhere.


    Oh and Tony: when it's in writing, it's libel. And you really have no case.

  5. Before the datacrons became legacy bound, I did them on about 40 characters. It wasn’t as bad as it sounds and with a tiny bit of help, you could do them relatively fast.

    The only painful one was the Tattooine balloon and waiting for it and then spending 20 mins taking the ride. If you didn’t move every now and then you could afk out of the game and if you danced you could fall through the balloon and die, which meant waiting and traveling all over again. And you certainly didn’t want to mess up the jumps at the end or you’d have to spend another 40 mins if you wanted to do it in that session.


    I cheated this one with another guy, so I didn't have to wait for the balloon. I did have to wait for the elevator on Hoth Starship Graveyard though.


    Seeker droid achievements. Pretty much all that begin with 'Unearthed' in their description. I get frustrated just mentioning them right now. :mad:


    I haven't done those. I was happy just to finish the quest.


    All paladins are actually available to find and kill in solo mode, so this one is pretty easy and fast too.


    How about "Fleet Admiral" (play 1000 GSF matches)?

    This one really took forever.


    That's good to know, maybe I'll finish it one of these days. Fleet Admiral sounds ghastly. I only just started GSF and well, there's a reason no one plays it.

  6. Which achievements do you think are the most grind-y? Not the most difficult, or the longest to take, but the most long AND tedious? Before datacrons became legacy-bound, people supposedly did them on every character. Which cheevos are you glad you never have to do again? I've listed a few examples, not in any order:


    1) 'Umbara Proprietor': Buy the Umbara SH. You need 60 Alliance Recon Data. If you do all the bosses on story mode, you get 6 of them, so that's 10 story FPs, and you don't get a Jesusdroid to walk you through like the other story-mode FPs. A right pain, plus the SH sucks.


    2) 'I mean it! No more Bormu!': Kill 500 Bormu on Balmorra. There's an area with about six or seven that reliably respawn, but if you hadn't bothered to kill any beforehand [and why would you?] doing 500 in a go is pretty slow.


    3) 'Securing Quesh for the Empire/ Republic': Two cheevos, kill 750 of the opposite faction of strong difficulty or higher. For reference, if you go through the Quesh planetary storyline say, 25 times, you might kill 100 of each.


    4) 'Fallen Knights of the Empire': I haven't finished this one. Defeated each of the paladins on all of the Star Fortresses. This isn't difficult, but the paladins are randomized, so this requires you to do the SF dozens of times to catch them all, and I don't think it's possible to catch them all on SM, which means doing the heroic over and over again just for the chance to come up. Doing the heroic 6 times for 'An End to the Exarchs' was bad enough.


    5) 'Big Time': Reach Social Rank 10. The highest I've gotten is 5, you don't get any CCs between 5-10, and I don't think you get much social armor after 5, and to reach Rank 5 I grinded Esseles to death on speedruns. You could quite possibly do nothing but Esseles / BT speedruns from 10-70 and still not get enough social points.


    I think there should be a cheevo for taking all eight classes through KoTFE/ET, but if there were, there wouldn't be a need for this thread because the clear winner would be obvious. The most I've done is 4.

  7. Overall, I am fairly sure that when devs were creating KOTOR without the thoughts of the new story outside of it, they intended the sith to be racist because they are evil in game. With all retcons and additions to the story, some original parts of it don’t make much sense anymore, this is one of them.


    Yes, they're the bad guys so they're space-racists. I think the out-of-universe reason is that the original trilogy imperials are xenophobic which is why they're xenophobic in K1 and this game, because the devs at BW looked at the source material for this era [Tales of the Jedi], said 'this is stupid' and went on the make an empire essentially identical to the more familiar Galactic Empire so fans would have something familiar to grasp onto.


    And it's debatable if that was the right decision or not. It doesn't really matter for the OP's question, though you have to do a bit of mental gymnastics to get there. It becomes more problematic when you realize that in 4000 years their ship designs, superweapons, and even hairstyles will be the same. But OTOH a lot of stuff in Tales did look really stupid. Like Coruscant would have looked more like an Azeroth ripoff than a high-tech city-planet.

  8. I am in the counsil in your former guild. No one have abandon our counsil since before all of this, and that was becouse of real life issue. No offisers have abandon, we have got some new after get rid of you. you have a wild imagination and perception of reality. btw do you want to take all conquest out of the game? Else its alot of conquest points like heroic that you can "farm". What do you want out of the game?:eek:


    ok, so it's 'council' and 'officer' just fyi.


    And second, she's not in the guild anymore? She got booted? lol.


    So this is just guild epeen drama disguised as a conquest nerf? K.


    Called it.

  9. I always catch a few on the fleet. Directly at the arrival point. :D :D At least I always do the daily quest. Where do you actually see that you made 1000?


    the best time to get em is at the start of the week, when it's busy, and usually at the gtn, or at the pvp mission returns. Both have a lot of people hanging around. You also get people in the cantina areas, but you can get a lot of hate messages from rp'rs when you explode on em. :eek:


    Thanks, that's very helpful. :D


    See OP, some good came out of your thread. I've been looking forever for a guide to this sort of thing.

  10. ^


    I've stopped at your line saying "I'll do OPS.."


    Well, that's okay, you made it pretty far into my post before deciding it wasn't worth your time. That you stopped at that particular point seems pretty silly though. Like, what from my post has given you the idea that I care about doing max level content with the best gear possible? I haven't even bothered to grind masterwork crystals at this stage. So 6.0 is going to be an RNG grind with irrational systems? Gee, that would seem to be exactly what I suggested in the post. And that it's unavoidable.


    And this is what is scaring a lot of us. I came back for onslaught because what they originally talked about sounded interesting and I wanted to see the new story as well. If this current situation goes live though? I'm permanently done with this game. I will not come back.


    Okay then, but it kinda feels like 5.0 to me. It's a disaster that no one asked for, and BW will slowly make changes afterwards when they notice sub numbers dropping, and not a second before. In other words, it's not a new phenomenon. So it's a bit odd to me. The one time BW listened to feedback beforehand was for the Rishi SH. The one exception to the rule. And idk, I guess people saw that, or they saw BW's latest attempt at communication efforts, and they thought "oh boy, they're listening to us this time!"

  11. My read of your post is:


    1) you saw something potentially bad happening in your guild.

    2) You brought it up as a problem in your guild to discuss internally.

    3) You were ignored, problem still occurring.

    4) Some debate whether or not this is really an exploit

    5) You're bringing it to the community, knowing how wise and understanding we are.


    You're supposed to lol at the last one. Because it's a dumb idea. You complain about people demanding evidence, shaming...what did you expect? For us to nod our heads sagely? To sympathize with you? Have...have you been on this forum very long?


    I'm in a big conquest guild, and if I became aware that my guild was doing this, I would do one of two things:


    1) Leave the guild

    2) Send a note to Eric / make an in-game ticket.


    tbh, I would probably just leave and hope the problem sorts itself out in my absence. I wouldn't want to complain either, so I understand why you don't. I don't understand why you think bringing it to the community's attention in a gen forum post is a better alternative, since if by some miracle the devs do look at it, they'll know you were aware of this and didn't report it.

  12. People have mentioned before that BW doesn't listen to criticism prior to releasing whatever godawful mistake they're about to make. I take that as a given, so nothing you say before 6.0 comes out will matter. Nothing they say on the PTS forum will matter either, it's bug collecting.


    What happens, what has always happened, is that BW releases something no one asked for or wanted, the forum goes up in flames, the invisible pie graph in BW's office shrinks as players unsub, making them realize that yes, players are unhappy with the changes, it's not just the vocal minority on the forum, and over the next several months, makes changes so that the expansion is playable and possibly even fun.


    I have no reason to doubt it will be any different this time. And I don't really understand players like OP who've been around as long or longer than I have who think that BW will suddenly listen if we all jump on the PTS forum and take part in the conversation...but it certainly explains the burnout and the rush to go play a different game.


    Note my intentions in making this post: I'm not saying "wait and see and you might be surprised". Nor am I saying "oh boy, RNG and endless grind? Sign me up!" I'm not even saying "will you haters give it a rest already? BW is perfect, periodt." I'm saying that Trixxie's quote about temporary insanity doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results? It's not just BW that applies to. So, go play some other game, come back in 6-10 months, and hopefully they'll have fixed all their blunders. But they won't begin fixing it until at least two weeks after release.


    Personally, I'm not leaving. My sub expires about two weeks before 6.0 drops, so I'll probably sign up for another month to get the expansion, because I want the levels. I'll do ops with my guild, and I'll raise nearly forty characters sitting at 70 to 75, and I'll finish maxing crafting skills on each one and when all that's done I'll look into the expansion. I've got lots to keep me busy until they start making changes, but it's perfectly fine to sit that period out. And it's fine to keep doing what you're doing, but...don't be surprised if some of us aren't jumping at the chance to halt this sudden crisis. It's re-arranging deck chairs on the Titanic at this point.

  13. I feel sorry for guys in general because nowadays accusation is equal to guilt. Something minute can be blown out of proportion on the whim of the accuser. A comment, a look, a reaction, or an idiosyncrasy can be easily misinterpreted. To clarify and not sound sexiest, if the guy did it he deserves punishment however, there is a trend of women that lie and manipulate, or make a scene, or cry wolf, and exaggerate things that happen. Create enough attention and it sways opinion. People become guilty before even getting a chance to defend themselves. Everyone is hypersenstive and easily triggered, looking for controversy so they can start a fight or gain notoriety on social media or simply enjoy ruining people's careers.


    Until quite recently [and I tend to doubt we're as progressive as some are afraid we are], it was the other way around. Accusations of rape were *disbelieved* on sight, and the women shamed into silence. Much like your post, for instance, where you've started off on the assumption that the accuser is lying [which is apparently a big trend, and an excellent scapegoat for disbelieving rape accusations in the future] taken the original accusation of rape, and turned it into 'people are hypersensitive and triggered'. Yes, I imagine RAPE would genuinely be triggering, don't you think? Or where you go on to imply that the women who make these accusations are famewhores who just want to ruin lives.


    Oh, and before you continue with the 'not to sound sexist' stuff, but I've personally had false accusations of sexual harassment against me. And I've also had nearly every female friend tell me at some point that they were sexually harassed, some assaulted, and they said NOTHING. Because it was someone close to them, because they didn't want to make waves, or they wanted to put it behind them, or they were just afraid of being slurred by people all too happy to take the man's side.


    So between the two, in MY opinion the potential for false rape accusations is the lesser evil to the much greater evil of assuming the victim is actually a manipulative psychopath straight out of the Sith Academy. As well, the incidental evil of normalizing rape as 'hypersensitivity'. This is rape culture. Get a good long look at it.

  14. Anyway, I said it before already, I would love to see swtor "era" servers like 2.0 or 3.0 I mean those patches when the game was still good!


    From what I understand, TOR's stolen everything else from WoW, so we probably will be stealing this too before long.


    I never played it and I'm not really interested in playing it tbh, but I do look forward to the upcoming industry theft.

  15. Nope, quite an interesting species. Something similar happens to Argonians in The Elder Scrolls saga, they're able to change their gender through a ritual with the Hist Trees.


    It must be a common trope in scifi. My go to for this trope is Ursula K. Leguin's The Left Hand of Darkness.


    How would you represent gender, though? Medicine should be advanced enough so reassignment surgery should be perfect and only a matter of being able to afford it, so we are really only talking about those embracing their non-binarity, which again isn't really something you would know outside of a relation.


    That guy dating a tentacle-headed alien should be beyond caring about the naughty bits of their androgynous looking neighbor. Same for the "humanity first" dork. you're human, that means you're his friend in this galaxy of freaks. There are no gender-roles to challenge either, nobody raises an eyebrow at a burly female in combat armor. Bearded guy(?) wearing a ball gown? Meet my mate the giant slug and her husband the green bunny rabbit.



    In the end it depends on whether you want to see western society's transgender issues mirrored in the game universe, or whether you want to see them demonstrated as non-issues, because diversity is the golden theme here.


    This neatly sums up the major problems. It would have to be done well and I don't think BW is the team to tackle it. We'd end up with tomboys. However, as a token gesture, I'd be fine with Lhance's suggestion: if BW unlocked jewelry, cosmetics, and female wear to both genders. That would be a simple change they could stealth-add.


    And they should stealth-add it because then it wouldn't be virtue signalling, and more to the point, wouldn't make all the incels in this thread freak out because BW is pandering to the woke apparatchiks that secretly rule over us.


    The idea of switching genders in sufficiently advanced space-faring societies also reminds me of the Culture Series. That would make a great game setting.

  16. I also thought 'The Emperor did it!' was stupid and contrived. Revan did it to herself. Yes, the star forge would have played a role as a feedback loop, but that eponymous book isn't canon to me, it's bad fanfic written by a guy who never played K2.


    I have no idea why they became prejudiced - and clearly no one else in this thread does either. I guess the answer, if we take the 'The emperor did it!' route, is that the Emperor is DS which means bad, and xenophobia is bad, thus they become space-racists. Yes, there were aliens among the Sith, but the vast majority were human. We might also make a distinction between the Tarisian xenophobia and Sith occupying forces on Taris. They were both xenophobic, but OP's question remains valid: why would the Sith on Taris be xenophobic? Are they Tarisian or something?


    IMO a more palatable explanation is that they weren't prejudiced under Revan. When we play K1, we're seeing the Sith as Malak has molded them, not Revan [which is how we went from Atton's description of force-sensitive death squads during Revan's tenure and ended up with the incompetent Darth Bandon during Malak's]. If we take as a given that Revan fell to the dark side as a result of being a master strategist fighting a war, then it's not 'DS' to be anti-alien, it's a poor use of resources.

  17. As noted, Kallig doesn't have to be Chiss [or any alien], as his ancestors could have married aliens after he fell from power. This actually fits more with what we're told about him - he's not an alien, he's an alien-lover.


    We don't know much about how the Chiss and the Empire got into bed with each other [or why] so there's plenty of room to headcanon. My personal rationalization is that when they made their alliance, the Empire created a treaty forcing Csilla to hand over any force sensitives to them for training. The Chiss agreed, as long as they would be treated like purebloods and baseline humans [which is how we end up with Chiss Sith Warriors]. The Empire agreed, but stipulated that in the event that Csilla is not able to handover a Chiss found to be force sensitive, if they escape or don't come voluntarily, then the Empire is permitted to enslave them.


    You could even cut through that last part and extend it to ANY Chiss found in imperial space not affiliated with the Great Houses or the CDF. Thus the Chiss inquisitor is originally just a pleb exploring the galaxy, who gets captured by imperials, interrogated, found to be a civilian, and enslaved. They find out about his force sensitivity afterwards.

  18. Get to 70 ASAP (couple hours on naar-shadaa killing opposite side guards (pvp mode) during xp bonus).

    Then u can start "classic" by rising hardness above normal, for FP it is master mode. However ...252+ geared tank can solo "old" MMs which were designed for levels prior 50 and some 50s as well, for example I could solo false emperor on illum (no bonus boss though).


    Actually, that's been nerfed.

  19. The only thing I dislike about the event is that the vaccine vanishes when you get killed, so you need to reapply it, and that can be a pain if you're pvping. But it's not a huge concern with the relic.


    I haven't done the 'infect 10 other players' mission or the cheevo in a long time, as most players on the fleet tend to be vaccinated. I'm pretty sure the starter level planets are immune too.

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