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Posts posted by Ardrossan

  1. I expected it would be the Gree who would invade the Galaxy, after testing both Republic and Empire on Illum. Not an "Eternal Empire" no one ever heard of even though its members claim its over 1000 years old.


    That would be pretty cool. It would be hard to justify the Gree as typical star wars villains though; they don't do a lot of moustache-twirling.


    The eternal saga was basically the Dark Empire of this game. You thought the emperor was dead? Well here's an identical one that improbably appeared and has been doing a lot of side-projects throughout the length of the character's stories. Like Dark Empire, the 'eternal' expansions had good art, and that's about it. Otherwise it was a canon-breaking, cheesy, meandering mess. Actually, there are enough comparisons to DE to make me wonder if that was actually what BW had in mind when they wrote these expansions.

  2. Does everyone remember the White Acute Module?


    That would be useful and a great addition. I would actually compare it to the bonuses you can activate on Star Fortress. Whether or not they will actually do this is debatable though, mainly insofar as how optimistic you feel about the devs' thinking process. Like, why would they think that players who've had literal years of easy mode would suddenly all be okay with these changes? Why wouldn't it occur to them to throw a bone to the EZ-mode players in the first place?


    I use the WAM regularly. This is another example of something that is very useful for giving players options*, except that it clearly wasn't intended for use outside of 2xp events, and I'm always worried BW will realize players are using it outside of 2xp and get rid of it.


    *btw, the 'option' that OP and others have suggested of setting comps to passive and taking off your gear, is completely idiotic. I'm not crazy about the difficulty changes either, but that kind of comment makes me glad the game is unplayable for you. Tying one hand behind your back just to get some challenge from the game is not and never was an appropriate suggestion. It's on the same level as 'git gud'.

  3. The amplifiers is a messy system that I don't really understand. It's baffling to me that they don't include a tutorial for it in Onslaught. Don't even get me started on set bonus for classes, it's beyond me. For awhile I was puzzled what 'legacy points' were and why I would want them, then I eventually realized it referred to the point system that most people who have been playing for awhile have maxed out literal years ago, and does nothing anyway.


    I hate the UI changes, especially the changes to item colors and not being able to immediately tell when something is BoL. They made something that was previously pretty simple extremely complicated. I also think the thing that tells you if an item is better than the one you have is bugged.


    The changes to item UI is much worse imo than any other UI changes, but I'll join others who have complained about the UI changes for vendors, mailboxes, and the character screen. At 75 the little man in the character screen window flashes gold, and I don't know how to get rid of it; changing the amplifier doesn't get rid of it.


    I miss the old command crate system. I'm glad I hoarded all those CXP boosts because I haven't gotten any renown boosts so far, just gear that stupidly has its values hidden. How do I know if I should destroy it for renown points or keep it if I can't see the rating?


    As far as difficulty, I went through the expansion on my well-geared jugg tank, with comp set to dps. It was fine, but for stuff like the FP I noticed that the comp often doesn't do anything for boss fights [except Malgus], and I think it would be pretty difficult to do that on a DPS char. I think players who are worried about difficulty increases are probably right in regards to the FP, they should add a JesusDroid for it.


    Crafting is worthless, but we all know that. The story was all right; it wasn't any worse than Kotet anyway.

  4. You're absolutely right, however, could we even trust Bioware NOT to butcher her character completly? Not even talking minor inconsistiences fans tend to overly nitpick on, but a straight-out character assassination. I mean, they already did it once - the Entity in Warrior's story was obviously written to be Kreia... which was an absolute nonsense and if it wasn't for the massive fan backlash Bioware wouldn't have backtracked and pretend they didn't mean it to be Kreia afterall.


    I would love Kreia to play a significant role and uplift the thematic side of SWTOR's story & writing (as it's heavily needed among all the banal Sunday-cartoon Imp vs Rep war plots) but I honestly don't think the current writers could do it right, or even partially right...


    Agreed. They already screwed up the Exile and Revan, I really don't want them to screw up Kreia too.


    Now, what they could do is take the same idea of Kreia without actually bringing her back, a cult [but not a cult, we have too many of those] centered around destroying the Force. It would be a pretty good expansion if they actually succeeded in destroying [or at least temporarily removing] the Force, and your characters would have to do something to restore it [petitioning the Ones?].


    But tbh this is an idea that would have made more sense earlier on, like back in SoR. Revan's plan shouldn't have been 'let's revive the emperor so I can kill him' but rather 'let's destroy the Force so he can't return, ever.' Kreia was his teacher so it would have made thematic sense for him to seize on that idea.

  5. There is a White Acute Module -the thing that slows down xp gain rate significantly. I have those in my inventory and generally play with WAM active, just sometimes, when I don't feel like doing side quests I turn it off.

    It is sold on fleet, but sadly only during double xp event. I recommend anyone to acquire WAM and be the master of their own experience :)


    Agreed. If you don't want to level fast, get the WAM. It's BOL and costs one credit or something. It will ensure you don't level too fast for the first few planets, and by Hoth you'll actually be underleveling if you keep it on the entire way.


    I do agree about the mob scaling though.

  6. The guy brought up the fact that he's unsubbed because someone countered his criticism with a goofy "So says a player that's still subbing!" attempt at a rebuttal.


    And attacking his signature tagline? Come on man.


    The fact that you and others are resorting to making personal attacks on the guy just makes his criticisms look like they hold more weight.


    The last post I wrote in here was heavily critical of 6.0 and I even said I don't mind the heavy criticism. So don't slot me with 'you people'. I know it must seem very baffling to people who think that this is a team sport, white knights versus haters, but I can criticize 6.0 AND I can criticize individuals also criticizing 6.0 who I find deserving of mockery. I know it messes up your shorthand us vs them view of the forum, sorry about that.


    I don't mind the criticism, though as I say, the DOOM DOOM DOOM aspect to some of it does get a bit wearying after awhile, but so does the constant cheerleading of Eric's unasked for intern. However, I very much mind the ponderous, self-righteous, attitude of some of you, which is frankly business as usual, not just for 6.0, where you seem to think you're the Thomas Jefferson of video game forum critics protesting the injustice of tyranny without representation.


    It would just be swell if all of us dropped the pretence that what we are doing here is giving them 'valuable feedback' or somesuch. BW doesn't care. I've been here since 2.0 and they almost never have. We clutch at the few times they have the way a gambler clutches at his few wins to prove that this time it'll be different. What we are doing here is forum pvp, the last bastion of 'play your own way'. So I'd appreciate if you let me go back to doing that without all the finger wagging of disapproval.

  7. Can we stop with the "people are negative" stuff.


    Yes, people can be negative and hyperbolic which is normal when people are passionate about something. I feel negative just reading about how everyone is negative.


    I find it hard to believe that the only place we can find criticisms of 6.0 is on the forums, specifically by a cabal of malcontent naysayers. :rolleyes:


    I seem to recall very recently [within the last month] reading a post of yours where you were pining the forum's loss of this saccharine, sanctimonious, sentimentalist. As it turns out, s/he was a lot more tolerable when s/he was a memory.


    Not that I disagree.


    On-topic: I spent upwards of 40 MILLION credits grinding each of the crafting skills from 600 to 700. That's not for all my characters, that's just doing it once for the Renowned Craftsmen cheevo. And I've done so knowing [from these forums] that you can't craft anything with them anyway. Crafting is completely worthless. It doesn't need 'refinement', it needs to be overhauled, and the PTS said the same damn thing before release. That's not counting the bugs in CS like biochem. So it strikes me that a bit of negativity is warranted in the face of Keith's rose-colored analysis of 6.0 feedback.

  8. I haven't dived into this yet. I'm hoping they'll do an emergency patch to fix some of this stuff.


    What I'm curious about is this: I use the White Acute Module while leveling on my chars. That means that I stay at or below the planet baseline; if I go over the planet level [10 on starter planets], I leave without doing any more non-class quests. So I follow what's on the galaxy map, not what was previously the level sync.


    Would there be any difference in gameplay for me in the new version?

  9. Yep, you predicted it :D


    Every should treat day 1-2 or even the first week as a live beta test or live pts because we should all know from past experience that Bioware use the players in the live game to beta test because it’s cheaper than paying professionals to do it for them.


    As you say, don’t do anything you’ll regret if Bioware break your stuff and you permanently lose it.


    I appreciate all these suck...players who are beta testing the game for me. Keep up the feedback, folks!

  10. You should worry more about not making sense, because this argument doesn't. It is everything illogical. I'm certain I'm older than you (definitely wiser since you don't seem to get what logic is and how to use it). I honestly don't think there's any pointer you can give me that I don't know and know better... in return, I suggest you look up what logical fallacies are and start marking down how you commit many of them.


    Good luck, curmudgeon.


    Your argument throughout this thread has been "I don't agree with you, therefore your opinion is invalid." It's a very arrogant and dismissive attitude, which might explain why people are disinterested in pursuing a civil dialogue with you. Seeing you respond to Zion, eh, he's not putting much effort in, so that's fair. Seeing you respond just as contemptuously to Faelwolf, who tried to have a discussion with you? Yeah, my sympathy dried up after seeing this. Keep crying about trolls who make the offense of *disagreeing* with you. I'm sure BW will get right on that injustice.

  11. I'm looking forward to grinding 42 characters from 70-75. Well, sort of looking forward. It's a chance to play with characters who I usually just keep on the shelf to look pretty after they've been maxed out. I'm looking forward to nautolans, though it'll be awhile before I actually make one. I'm somewhat looking forward to the story, though I'll wait for the reviews first. I'm cautiously looking forward to changes in difficulty.


    The only thing I'm excited about, per se, is the changes to mat collecting. That will free up space. And the extra legacy tab will be useful, even if I have to buy it.


    I'm not looking forward to the gearing. I'm not looking forward to grinding up crafting skills. I'm definitely not looking forward to removing commanding legacy and resetting all my command ranks to 0. And I'm really not looking forward to the bugs, emergency patches and of course, all the whining on this forum about that and everything else.

  12. I hate it when advertisers do this.


    They really need to clarify the desired meaning of "until."


    Would it kill them to add a specific time (such as, "Sale ends Monday with weekly server restarts.")?


    I'm glad I got everything I wanted yesterday, but this is kind of a pet peeve of mine.


    I checked swtor calendar, which showed it ending today. As with all resets, that meant 12am today.




    It's really not that difficult. If you're unsure about when something is beginning or ending, check the calendar. We have that resource for a reason.

  13. he's trolling you guys.


    He's not trolling, he really does lead a soap opera existence. That's why he's my favorite poster.


    The only thing he's trolling about is leaving the game, that part's untrue. I hope so, anyway. The forum would be a grimmer place without OP's habitual manic episodes.

  14. Great. Maybe I'll actually have some fun leveling now. Been pouting about the facerolliness for years.

    Just wish they'd tune down the XP gain so I could actually do all exploration and bonus series again without reaching max level before I'm even one thirds done with planets. Story bosses die like super fast atm too it's pretty sad.


    Do what jstank and I do: get the White Acute Module [available during 2xp weeks] and use it during regular leveling. It reduces xp gain to 2.0 levels. There's some difference if you're subbed while using it versus unsubbed [the xp rate is higher while subbed], and it's not a consistent rate - on the early planets from starter to about Alderaan, you'll notice that the xp rate is fast enough that you'll still skip many exploration quests [on my most recent alt, I skipped all of balmorra's and Tatooine's planet quests], but by the time you reach the Act 2 planets, it'll slow you down tremendously and you'll need to do FPs or heroics or something to stay at level, otherwise the planets will red-line by around Belsavis. You can toggle it off anytime though.


    The problem with the WAM up to now is that while leveling is slower, the fights still aren't all that difficult, even if you're underleveled. With the changes to difficulty, you might finally start using up all those medpacks sitting in legacy storage.

  15. Well, I can't really agree with that. Although it's a group effort in theory - the general lack of coordination, people going for personal stats rather than a team effort, the much higher levels of toxicity and as a consequence the number of people who turn chat off in PvP - well, that doesn't sound like the "definition of social" to me. PvP is mostly associated with the term anti-social for me.


    I don't think there's any basis to the claim of higher levels of toxicity in pvp versus any other group activity. Maybe in Ranked, but not the rest.


    For the people who are against this: how much pvp do you play on a regular basis? Because your antipathy against it sounds a lot like 'little to none'. In that case, what would you know, and what do you care?

  16. If you guys were advocating for a toggle or level selection for yourselves, the way they have a toggle with KOTFE and KOTET, I'd have no issue. But forcing everyone else to "enjoy" your harder playstyle in class story content WILL drive players away. Not everyone is here for an operations-style battle when they just want to enjoy the story. Not everyone cares about learning endgame content because not everyone LIKES or wants to do that group content.


    If you want harder content in the game, you can nerf your own character (remove gear, companions on passive, etc.). You can play Ops, or flashpoints in NiM, or the many other hard things that SWTOR offers. Why do you also need to force that difficulty into the story content?


    As for the heroics, it's one of the only viable ways for solo/story players to level up. The minute they require grouping or heavy duty combat, they cease to be viable.


    Hey, though, as I said above, it's all moot now, isn't it? You guys won. You'll get your harder game, and the rest of us will get driven off. Enjoy.


    It's pretty amusing the way you keep blaming players for BW's stupid decisions. If you're done irrationally attacking players for being excited that vanilla won't be as faceroll as before, try this on for size: in your experience, has BW consistently listened to a niche group of players? When they did, as for example GftM being the main source of gear for awhile [which was a result of a dev being in a raider group, not a suggestion from the forum], have they made changes that were actually effective for players, or did they just make the simplest change possible because that's easy?


    The answer is that BW very obviously doesn't cater to any playstyle and never has. When they appear to be placating story folks at the expense of PVE folks, we end up with some mess like KotFE. I'm a story player. The 'Knights' expansions were crap, and they were crap exactly because BW took the easiest path possible to make a story and didn't bother making it alt-friendly or valuing player attachment for their companions.


    They made the game easier during 4.0, and again they didn't just make it slightly easier, they made it stupidly easier. For you to argue that players should take off their gear, set their comp to passive, all these other counter-intuitive ideas is to take the blame away from BW's mismanagement and put it on players. And no one is doing that to you. No one is saying 'well you just have to not be a bad." But even if we DID say that, it would be - for once - richly deserved in your case, for attacking us instead of the people who actually screwed up the game you love.


    tl;dr - if you want to be bitter and angry, blame BW, not a hypothetical niche of hardcore gamers.

  17. These are all good points! ^


    I am not fond of your jab at me, but even with that I find this post a good read! Thought your dismantling of Darev was well done and the overall sarcastic tone of superiority you write with is quite effective at getting your point across!


    9/10 maybe 9.5/10


    That's a good approach to take. I did read your post and concede the tone-policing. I'll shut up now and quit derailing the thread.

  18. Hey, if you really want "something for nothing," I think social rank should be legacy-wide. Because I'm equally sociable regardless of the character I'm playing. :p


    It should be. The reason BW probably hasn't made it legacy-wide is likely because they forgot social points even existed. It always brings a smile to my face to check some of these old threads where people were complaining about people wanting legacy datacrons, insta-level tokens and the like, and BW went ahead and did it ages ago. They thought they were on BW's side but they were just mealy-mouthed sycophants with an impaired sense of what entitlement actually is.


    Yes, yes, ironic compared to certain people's opinions in other threads. I give.

  19. I'm not crazy about this increased mob aggro I've been hearing about. It would be nice if class stories went back to their original difficulty, but even with the level sync increase, the boss fights on korriban and hutta will probably be just as underwhelming as before.


    I'm fine with increased difficulty on all the Act 1 planets though. Act 2 and 3, eh. There are a few Hoth heroics that will become much more difficult. Endgame, well. I still find that Illum heroic pretty drat hard, to say nothing of Makeb.

  20. Wow, you guys really went to town on that melodrama line.


    By melodrama, I didn't mean it as a synonym for whining, moaning or crying. People do that frequently on here and I'd have said that if that's what I'd gotten from the post. Yes, you have a right [figuratively] to criticize BW to the point of lambasting their stupid short-sightedness ad nauseum. I do that myself.


    It's just the way the OP was constructed that I felt was melodramatic. Beginning with linking the post to twitter to heighten the sense of importance the post apparently deserves, continuing on with the details of the quitting, all very standard critiques I must say [one does get the sense of having read the same sentence / paragraph before with these type of threads] and then concluding with "btw I'm so obsessed with this game I have two accounts and I'm only cancelling one, because the other is paid up for the year."


    It would have more impact in January, perhaps. Or more impact if you'd actually left the game instead of sorta not really left. As it is, it rates [imo, of course] more of a "m'kay" than the "gasp! Another Hero of the Forum has left us, and flights of angels sing thee etc etc."


    As to OP's defenders...One could say [and I have] that white knights don't *need* to incessantly pester 6.0 threads with the "That's just your opinion!" type comments. By the same token, however, you really don't need to assemble to mount a stalwart defense every time someone rolls their eyes at the inflated serious business taking place here, either.


    the tl;dr is to google melodrama*, because I don't think you're getting it. It doesn't mean harsh, biting, TOR-Tanic critiques, and that's not what the OP was anyway. Rather, it's investing something with an artificial sense of weightiness. What is supposed to be profound instead comes off trite.


    *And Lhance, if you want to make the thread not about melodrama, you should probably avoid referring to it six times in a post. Just a thought.

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