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Posts posted by Ardrossan

  1. I only tried Nathema Vet once. 1 tank, me - dps pt, a healer sorc, and a sniper. So, trinity. After mentioning on entry that I'd never run vet version of this, I was told that 'it's the hardest fp and everyone quits'. It took several tries to beat the first boss. I'd forgotten how it works in SM, and the tank died early on so I was the only one able to taunt it over to the electro thing, but they had to shout at me what to do because I didn't know. For some reason the healer didn't combat revive the tank, I think he was too lowbie to get that ability yet.


    Finally we beat it. We're on our way to the next boss going down that stairway thing and the tank suddenly stops, doesn't fight. Is he disconnected? No, he's pissed that the slinger keeps attacking first. We wipe at this mob and the tank and sniper argue briefly about protocol, then the tank abruptly quits. We requeue with a comp out, but everyone we get quits as soon as they see it's nathema, so after a bit of this I quit too.

  2. You're right, you didn't make that other thread - you just white knighted hard for the OP [who stopped posting] and made lunatic accusations about me, in doing so leveling the same stupid assumptions at me that others had leveled against the OP. It was not my choice to remove those characters. I was invested in them and wanted to keep them. JUST LIKE THE GUY YOU WERE DEFENDING. It makes no difference whether I played them or not, again, just like the other guy.


    Congrats, I've never had to /ignore anyone before.

  3. I personally liked the gearing in 3.0 too. Before that change happened, I had a commando healer who had finished her class story but still hadn't reached 50, the max for prefs at the time. I did some endgame stuff on Belsavis for the bonus series and Illum, and ended up with enough comms [i forget what they called them] to buy the first tier of end-game gear for her and for an alt. When I recently came back to the char to level her up to 70, I was amused to see that her stats were higher than if I had used the green 210 mods you get at 48. I think I had to delete the alt I had geared during the merger fiasco.


    The problem with asking why do they fix things that aren't broken is that when players are fine with something they typically don't say 'this is fine, we like it so don't change it.' They aren't expecting a change from an area they're fine with. So BW might look at the [possible] minority of players who are unhappy with that gearing system and think 'well, we want to change things up anyway because we're noticing problems from the metrics, so let's follow-up this avenue'. Or maybe they just want to keep the game fresh so they do a gearing upheaval every once in a while. Or maybe it's those elitists from the preferential treatment forum. It's all guesswork.

  4. This is a great question. Someone ought to pose this at Keith and Eric in their next Q&A streaming event.


    Leaving aside the irony of them simply choosing to ignore the question altogether, it's an easy evasion. They would say that they paid very close attention to feedback and could give plenty of examples from the PTS. The question would have to be rewritten to be something like 'if you set up a PTS for players to give feedback, and if most players in PTS complained about the RNG, why set up PTS to ask for feedback in the first place?"


    But even there I think it would be easy to get around that. They could say that when they set up PTS they asked players specific questions that they wanted answers for, and that they aren't interested in opinions that extend beyond those questions. If I were them, I wouldn't try to defend RNG at all, I'd make a silly, but contextually reasonable-sounding comparison like "suppose players during the testing had told us they didn't want a brand-new planet in the expansion. Should we then scrap Mek-Sha? But if we did, it would delay the expansion because so much of the gameplay we DO need to be tested depends on the new Mek-Sha area, and at Bioware we're committed to keeping our promise to players to deliver the highest quality gaming experience within the timeframe we set up."


    You won't win against the PR machine, Lhance. The only question I could see that might give them pause is taking a line from this thread: http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=968034


    "Why do you make changes to gearing that players never asked for? Why does BW try to fix areas of the game that weren't broken, while largely ignoring areas that were broken, like engine bugs?"


    But again, I think they would have an answer prepared. After all, people DID complain about the emphasis going off alt gearing, and in PTS Musco has continually emphasized that these changes are in effect to make it easier for gearing alts.


    The problem with asking questions in this format is that players want to sit BW down and ask an interview style hardball Q&A where they finally get to the bottom of everything. No company, politician or public figure steps into that situation willingly.

  5. You really can not help but lie can you. A player giving an opinion in a thread is not entitlement. If it were every post here in every single thread is that. Player stating there opinion is not the same as making petitions, demands that change the game for everyone else regardless of who/how many want it just to benefit themselves and there play-style.


    I have never once made a petition other than this one which clearly was in gest, never once I started a thread with any demands. :p


    Demanding that BW give away free server character slots is not merely giving one's opinions. You really have this weird thing about people 'lying'.

  6. I thought this thread was originally meant as a challenge, like starting a char and going to Max LS and then down to Max DS. It wouldn't be that hard anymore, but I tried this out on a char before the changes to alignment points, making the the class story the endpoint. Even taking diplomacy as a crew skill [originally the only crew skill that increased alignment points] it was pretty tough.
  7. I q up as fake tank on my full 258 PT dps and get a pop for MM Cademimu. We r blasting through everything, until right after the shortcut following the first boss the healer asks me: where is ur tank gear? We r doing fine, whats the problem i say. And they just leave the group right there and then.


    Nobody died, everything died exceptionally fast. If that isnt a dream group i dont know what is. Whipped out a 50 comp and finished rest of the FP in 5-10 mins.


    I just dont get some folks.


    This story seems more like it should end with "...So I was the weird one in GF". I mean, it's cool you have such appreciation for your own skills and they must be warranted if you were able to finish with no problem, but the randos you group with wouldn't know that. I guess it's a bit analretentive on the part of that guy who inspected you when everything was going fine though. Like what would have twigged him?

  8. Aside from the obvious CXP and Conquest value, there are two things I liked about SM LBLOs


    1) They encouraged me to play with my guild. Up until I started doing them, I'd pretty much just acted like a solo taking advantage of the xp/CXP perks and ignoring everyone. LBLOs are fast and you get a lot of cxp, and people in my guild advertised a lot of them, which helps bring people in our community together.


    2) They were good learning experiences. Yes, a full run is obviously the best learning experience because you see all the bosses, but I'd never run ops before and was intimidated of full runs, even in SM. Doing a one-shot deal with players that had done the fight many times before provided enough redundancy that i could go in without knowing the fight, and not screw things up, and after doing enough of them, I had enough confidence in my skills to start doing full runs.


    As I've said elsewhere, I think petitions are pointless. BW will ram this change through whether we like it or not - and I don't. The only satisfaction I get is that the people coming here to complain about the petition also don't know any better - they're volunteering their time to shill for BW with what they think is the reason, because BW can't be bothered to make a yellow post and just settle it themselves. /golfclap.

  9. I...tend to agree with JQ [gah] about the perception on here that the forum is representative of the playerbase. We have little evidence to back that idea up, it's mainly just the hope that we matter connected to a decreasing population and word of mouth. The actual reason might be entirely different, but if it's some unknown unknown, that makes us completely irrelevant.


    What I want to draw attention to, however, is this bit:


    And, like it or not, BW does have to make money. All those employees must be paid, plus all the other expenses (keeping the lights on). It's always easy to call BW greedy or whatever, but would you keep working at McD's if they cut all their prices - to satisfy those who complain about the price of a Big Mac - and then said they were going to cut your pay as well?


    This is a non-sequitur. BW pushing 6.0 out and ignoring people who don't want RNG has nothing to do with them making money, unless you think lootboxes are the only way they make money, and even if that were true , the problem is more than RNG lootboxes, it's RNG vendors. That is actually worse than 5.0, and afaik unprecedented. And it doesn't have an effect on BW getting a payday except in terms of an endless grind. But most players aren't going to grind endlessly. Yes, that's an assumption, but it's also logical compared to trends in lots of other games. If you do nothing but RNG grind, you'll lose players.


    So while I agree in part with JQ - and I also don't mind RNG because it doesn't affect me as much as an end-game minmaxer], I personally don't think that attitude is representative of the majority of players. JQ isn't claiming he is, of course, just critiquing the idea that you guys aren't either, but this begs the question: what do the majority of players want? And if you set up a PTS for players on the forum to give feedback, and then ignore that feedback....why set up PTS and ask for feedback in the first place?

  10. This seems a bit buggy, however. OP implies he hasn't done the revanite quest on DK or the Foundry - he didn't know that Revan had appeared before. Characters should only say that if they have done it, so there's a broken flag here.


    It always bugs me at the beginning of kotfe when you meet Aygo and he claims to remember you from Kuat even if you never did KDY on that character. In that case, I blame BW's laziness, I doubt there was a flag for that line at all. It's just something he has to say to get the ball rolling and lend him the appearance of a personality [a mixed success, but he's better than the Voss mystic].

  11. Forced? Sorry but don't believe you at all. I have 90 characters on DM, cannot make any more, would have to delete 38 if I wanted to make a new toon on that server. I don't have to delete any, neither did you. If dropping sub you just pick and chose which to activate, the rest would still be there in a holding state until you subbed again. you did not have to delete any at all. Yes I too have preferred accounts with far more characters per server than I can activate, the ones not activated are still there in that holding potion.


    Sorry but you post is a outright lie. You chose to delete, you were not forced to as you claim.


    When the merger happened, all the characters were set to inactive. In order to activate them, the inactive characters had to be deleted.


    Now, it's possible that I could have selected characters I wanted to activate, despite being over the limit, and played those characters to earn enough money. I made this exact point earlier, and was shouted down because "he shouldn't have to spend tens of millions of credits for BW's mistake' [Note: not actually a mistake]. Regardless, It didn't seem that way at the time, and prior to the merge, I had never seen characters deactivated before. There was certainly no tutorial explaining how this works.


    I find it odd how it's so important for you to prove I'm lying. If I were lying, how does that actually affect my argument that the OP needs to suck it up and delete some characters already? You argue to Rogue that he has no right to tell anyone how they ought to feel about their characters, but think it's fine to tell me how I feel just because I hadn't been playing them? lolwut? No, your arguments are an incoherent, hypocritical mess. The only rationalization I can come up with for your insistence that I'm lying about my experiences and feelings is because of some silly idea you have that those of us who lost characters must be in solidarity with this pity party.

  12. Look, I'm going to make this really simple for you two, Savant + Ruffalo: I heard a rumor that BW might be increasing character slots for 6.0. If so, nothing to worry about, OP lucked out.


    If that doesn't happen, OP has two choices:


    1) He can ragequit

    2) or he can suck it up and delete enough characters to get under the limit, then buy slots as needed to gain some space.


    There's also 3) wait until next week, buy a cheap transfer, and send one or a couple chars to another server. Is that ideal? No. Nothing about the situation is ideal, but the sale coming soon is nice timing. I wish it had been around right after the merge. At least you keep your legacy.


    I find it very ironic that savant made a 'parody' thread to lambast people making petitions here, but sees nothing contrary about demanding that BW give character slots for free. Well, just like those petitions, this thread is irrelevant. BW may increase server slots for everyone, or they may not, and the petulant, entitled whining that has gone on in here will have no effect on the process either way.

  13. That is YOUR choice, no one forced it on you, if you'd had wanted to keep those toons, you could have, still doesn't change the fact that the over limit was forced on this person. Also, just because you had 31 chars you didn't give a crap about doesn't mean he does.......


    ok, I'm not sure if you're trolling at this point or just can't read. I had the same problem as this guy. except instead of having to delete 8 characters after the merge, I had to delete 31. Do you get that now? In order to PLAY THE GAME AT ALL, I had to delete 31 characters. Do you get that it wasn't my choice, it was forced on me by the merge? Do you get that I didn't make a thread moaning about it, looking for pity from guys like you?


    Jeezus. This is why I asked if you 'read the part...' It wasn't a rhetorical question, and you clearly didn't.


    Well said, beside I know I paid real money for my character slots don't see why I should lose any just because another player is happy to. So totally with you on this.


    I wasn't 'happy' to do it. I see you don't read posts either. I was forced to do it by the merge, so I made some difficult decisions about who to cut. And I did it. So all these guys telling you that BW can only accommodate you to a certain point? They're right. I lack sympathy for someone who only has to delete 8, much less someone who claims to be so attached to his characters but he hasn't logged into the game in the nearly two years since the merger happened.

  14. The point is, he's already over the limit by 8 toons, to get the new spieces, he'd have to buy 9 slots, and at present, they are about 30 million each on the gtn (last time I looked), or 600 cc's. Either way that's a bit much.


    You heard me say I deleted 31 toons, right?


    Also, the merger happened quite awhile ago. So it would have been possible to grind out that cash if he'd been around back then, but he wasn't. If I'd subbed at that time, I wouldn't have had to delete so many, but I didn't, and that's on me. People make choices.

  15. What? When do players blame Eric for anything? The only thing players have blamed him for is a lack of communications via the forums. You know, doing what he is supposed to be doing.


    Also, as you've previously noted during the Rishi SH thing, it is clearly not a matter of his bosses telling him what to say and what not to say, as some of the players here seem to think. He makes that choice himself, and it's usually to say less.


    Looking at the PTS, I see very few instances where, after starting a thread to ask for feedback, he actually provides a back and forth for that feedback. On rare occasions he'll chime in to say something like "yes, got your feedback, keep going!" It's an acknowledgement that he's still paying attention to the thread, but nothing more. I don't find that particularly encouraging, but then again, I'm not exactly waiting with baited breath for an actual conversation to develop. That would be out of character.

  16. At peak I had 61 toons spread across 7 servers. The majority were in Bastion and Harbinger, I only spread out to the other servers to take advantage of the 90 cc transfer sale to remove some excess chars. When the merge happened, I was pref, and I had bought several server slots, but I still had to delete 31 chars. Yeah, feel my pain. All of them were at 50, which was the max at the time for me. So their class stories were at least complete.


    But why?!?!? :confused: :confused: :confused:


    That makes absolutely NO sense. You can NOT be that invested in 93 characters. Especially so that you can't delete some to make more. Or transfer them off. (Which would make more sense as you can still play them periodically if you felt so inclined.)


    You can only play one at a time. Unless you hold no job/RL responsibilities, you can only play maybe a few hours each night. Never nearing those massive amount of toons.


    In all aspects it's just a hoarder's mentality. Just it's over pixels...


    I bolded the relevant aspect of your post as the source of your misunderstanding. I didn't have a main. I only have one [well, a couple] now because I've taken them through end-game stuff. Before that, I just made chars, finished their stories, got them to max level, and moved on to the next one. I didn't go back and play them unless they were crafters. Presumably many of the players in this thread are the same way. So it's not playing each char for an hour a night or something, no. It's taking a different char through the stories, making different decisions, different personalities....and moving on.


    One of my main credit sinks atm is buying outlander token slots to recreate chars I lost. I won't be making all 31 [that would be way too expensive] but I've made about five since the merger. Server character slots are cheaper, but I don't want to start from scratch. I already finished their class stories, I just like having them around.


    93 does sound like a lot to me, but I've heard bigger numbers, like xordeveraux above. Like him, I also play around with different setups. My castoffs are all in SF, and they have only a few SHs and crafters and, in general, a lot less of everything. I also have a private guild and my own SH and GS on my main server. And if i'd been around since launch, I might have made as many chars as OP. I have more responsibilities and different interests irl now than when I made the bulk of those chars - I think I've made perhaps three brand new chars since the merge - but I see no problem with the basic premise of being attached to a large number of chars without playing them constantly.


    As for wanting more slots? Buy them. There's a sale coming. After the merger I started subbing for the first time [the stick actually worked for once!], and bought a bunch of server slots. As a sub, I have 28 free slots in my main server, 45 free slots on my secondary server [where all the cast-offs went], and as a pref I think it's about ten less for each. So I've still got room. and like xordeveraux, don't sympathize with OP to that extent.

  17. Well, yeah, on a small scale, one gripe isn't going to make anything change and it seems silly when they stomp off like a 6 year old throwing a tantrum. But when you have a whole bunch of people venting in the same direction and BW ignores it all it's quite understandable when they vent and quit.

    Well, just to clarify, I take venting to mean useless frustration. It's only useful insofar as it feels good to let off steam. So if one player or fifty players vent about an NPC vendor who's only around on weekends [like what possible reason...?], it doesn't matter at the moment. It may matter post-release, maybe. One would think aggregate venting on the PTS would accomplish something, and Zion and others have mentioned these little changes as proof that they do. imo, looking at these exceptions and thinking they're the norm, and venting when that falls through, isn't understandable.


    Or rather, it doesn't make sense to me to vent like that more than once. Like, it happens once, it's clearly a short-sighted time-waster on the dev's parts, so you quit and never come back. Or you quit and come back knowing that feedback is useless, so just take what you get. Fair. But how about being here through multiple expansions, seeing it happen over and over again, seeing devs promise more communication and not following through? So you vent for awhile, leave, come back, assume it's all going to be different now? That's crazy, but it's not crazy on the dev's part. They've got a good thing going because naive players who ought to know better will continue to believe them.


    That's why this Ben vs Keith debate seems meaningless to me. Neither of them have done anything particularly remarkable. We're quibbling over little differences when 6.0 seems to be proceeding much like 5.0 did, an RNG mess where player feedback has been ignored. I take it as a given that the devs will plow through their grand project regardless of feedback, so their current blunders don't make me angry. Their blunders in 4.0 made me angry, because I expected better. Now I don't.

  18. Looking at the picture of Indigo's crew, and taking into consideration the part that BenKatam quoted, I'm left with the unsettling realization that while TOR's design team hates shoulderpads for their NPCs, they seem to think shoulderpads are 'fancy' and that all of us players love them. Like if all that armor was CM armor or drops you wouldn't see all those smooth armored shoulders, there'd be bits of metal crap sticking out awkwardly for each mando. This is apparently a feature.
  19. You clearly are not separating your emotion and yourself from the topic. When I spoke in generalities, I never condoned rape. You are adding things,.You took it upon yourself to dissect everything I wrote and made it personal. Everyone else contributed without singling out each other. Even now with your rebuttal you still can't separate your self from the topic. Sounds like you're itching for a fight.


    Again, you're gaslighting while presenting yourself as neutral. I'm done.

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