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Posts posted by Ardrossan

  1. Most fangirls on Steam like to leave negative reviews for stupid reasons, so all of us need to (if SWTOR comes to Steam) should leave informed reviews for the game.


    If we want to give swtor a positive rating on steam, the reviews ought to be as uninformed as possible. Ideally the reviews should be based on player experiences circa 2015.

  2. A good example is also the Gravestone. Such a powerful ship and it was just lying there in the swamp and then again it was forgotten as we didnt see something like that in the current movies. Imagine how it would decimate imperial fleets of star destroyers lined up next to eachother.


    We don't know exactly how the Gravestone ended up there, but the story suggests that the species who designed the gravestone all went extinct. Again, there's a common theme: if you want to forget something BIG like a fleet-destroying semi-divine supership, then something BIG and BAD needs to happen to the civilization that created the tech.


    The only exception I must make is the artwork of the character outfits. I'd not be honest if I didn't mention that part of the game, whoever does the art work on the outfits and mounts, just the overall inner canvases within the game, whoever does this stuff really has done an excellent job staying within the confines of the game's natural original motif. I find the outfits very imaginative and they grant an immersion to the game it would not have if it were not for the constant addition of new and improved outfits over the years.


    Yes, the way they add bulky shoulder pads to everything is truly masterful.


    I guess what I like about the game [this will sound very cliched] is more choice. In comparison to the old devs style, I mean. Suppose this game didn't flounder out the gate, they didn't fire the devs, and the game continued as it began with unmatched story...keeping everything else the same as at launch .


    That is, there's a brilliant Act IV SW story...if you're a Cyborg, pureblood, or human. Species are still locked by class. Legacy doesn't exist. Warriors all have to wear the same Darth Marr style outfit. Companions only do one role. Taxis have to be manually unlocked. Groups have to be put together in chat because GF barely exists. And the 1-75 story will take approx 700 sidequests to level through, no shortcuts or extra sources of xp available.


    Great storylines...CRAPPY gameplay.

  4. I guess. I'm not very happy with this idea of naturally forgetting tech. The jedi had holographs going back 20,000 years still in use on Tython, but we're to believe that between now and the prequels, virtually every discovery in this era gets forgotten. I think there needs to be something more to justify that. You'll note that in the comparison to the Rakata, their species went extinct/regressed to a more primitive form/went underground. For this level of civilizational forgetting, there needs to be something equivalent happening to the Republic in the near future.
  5. that is excatly what's being disscussed, the ad bar, the guide, the crap they put together, the broken ****.....it's all tied up together in one nice bunch of **** ups.


    The person who suggested unsubbing was being a nasty *****, he was trying to demean people, etc. I can't say excatly what they are, as I'd end up being censored. Some people get away with murder, but if I even sneeze in the wrong direction a mod hops on me.


    I explained exactly what to do and how to do it if you're serious about taking action. Would it work? I honestly don't know. Can you find 35-50 players who think it's that much of a crisis that they'll unsub? But it's miles better than these constant demands for emotional support.


    Your response has been to ignore it and continue talking trash. Maybe we got off to the wrong foot but to be honest, between one-sided pleas for empathy and the constant refrain that everyone who disagrees is a paid shill or a troll, it's lulzy to keep using me as an excuse for your bad behavior.


    Have the changes BW made today resolved the bug? If it has, then the only thing left to complain about now is one third of the GG. If that still bothers you so much, put your money where your mouth is.

  6. Those in the thread that want us to do something about the ad bar:

    What is it you want us to do?

    Complain to a company that has repeatedly shown it doesn't care about what its paying customers say?

    Complaining on the forum is obv useless. I think I said that a few times.

    Ragequit SWTOR after enduring a lot worse of the abuse that Bioware has handed out?


    Ragequitting implies that you make a goodbye thread denouncing BW, predicting imminent doom and dramatically insisting this is the last we'll see of OP "unless real change happens".


    What I suggest is, instead of doing that, make a pact with as many players as you can. 35-50 should be statistically significant. Then you unsubscribe at the same time on the same issue, AND keep unsubscribed until the issue is resolved. Write a group letter which each of you will put in the "unsubscribe comments" box, or whatever it's called.


    Emphasize the reasons that have led you to this point, and try to avoid making them too wordy [ideally, the size of my post or shorter] or too...trivial. Like this thread, I mean. For example, avoid giving readers the impression that what you really need is a shoulder to cry on.


    That is, point out that the ad bar is callously demanding money from players during a time of global pandemic when individual player finances are low. That it is corporate ableism, affecting the ability of disadvantaged and disabled players to play the game, and that it has a negative impact on mental well-being, especially for those with pre-existing conditions like OCD.


    When you are done listing how problematic the ad bar is, you need to get the messaging out. As someone else said, persuade one of the trashy gaming tabloids (kotaku comes to mind) to publish the letter. There are other places you could put it, potentially: the key here is to harness the power of "Cancel Culture" to make BW look bad, which shouldn't be that difficult.


    Ignore all of the bugs that are years old and bad mechanics to focus on this issue?

    Not at all! Include those in your letter. imo it would probably be taken more seriously if people didn't think you quit because you were forced to click minimize once a week for every char. But if you want the ad bar removed, then the emphasis should be on that, not other gripes.

  7. I stand by what I said, and the comments after proved me right. The argument that this update is gamebreaking, awful, have empathy for our plight etc...is completely tossed aside so long as it's some OTHER group of players who have to deal with it, conveniently, the ones who don't have a voice even on the forum. And, if a certain poster is reading this: I don't need the rationalization spelled out, it was obvious. Own your words instead of passing them off as "ackshually, hypothetically speaking..."


    If you want empathy, don't restrict it to those in your in-group, and likewise, pick your enemies. F2P and pref did not ask for the bar. Those of us who don't have a major issue with it didn't ask for it either, we're just making the best of it. BW did it, so direct your anger at BW, NOT at F2Pers and NOT at other forumites.


    Furthermore, you claim that this is so terrible...but not so terrible that you are willing to actually do anything about it. Phazon made a real-world reference to extreme protesters, but I disagree with this comparison. Protesters, regardless of the issue, DO stuff. They take risks. The folks here are social media slacktivists. Comments on this forum are not 'action' or 'pressure'. They're just noise.


    Even on the PTS forum - the forum explicitly designed for BW to hear feedback (hey, why do we have any other kind again?) - feedback, like on this update, was ignored. That should have given you an idea of the usefulness of commenting, but instead folks simply double down on the rhetoric, like if you're extra passionate, BW will pay attention to you.


    The thread asks "so we just accept the advertising bar now?" If you're just here to vent and shout down apathetic players, then the answer is YES. If you want to take direct action, that's a different conversation.

  8. So you get a grip, read a bit and realise that people who don't have issues, and claiming 'it's not broken for me, or no issue for me', so you should put up with it, are part of the problem.


    "People who disagree with me are part of the problem."


    Fixed that for you.


    Exactly what this game needs: a lot of players on bad mood, because game is not toxic enough yet?


    While I could certainly blame BW for a lot, your 'bad mood' isn't their responsibility. It's kind of remarkable the way the onus for toxic behavior is shifted from the players to the company via some players' perspective.

  9. Plenty of corrupt and awful guilds who own planets, I dont need to be reminded those losers exist every time I go there.


    Like your other thread, this one has a good idea in the title but it's almost immediately clear that your motivation for making the post is to solicit the forum's sympathy [lol GL bro] because someone in-game was mean to you, rather than the actual issue. When even the poster above me thinks you're being too melodramatic, it's time to step back from the computer.


    Do I want guild banners taken off the screen? Yes, because they often glitch and won't come off, not because I don't like people in those guilds.

  10. I didn't realize it only affected female characters, but I did notice that any clickable that has a channel will trigger it.. I jumped every time the head came off in the video. I didn't realize it affected cutscenes too. June 26th and they still haven't fixed it yet? smh.


    t reminds me more of Abeloth - your character has neck tentacles hiding inside their body.

  11. After seeing this I Did Create a Ticket and Bug Report; They responded the next day saying they were sorry there is nothing they could do. They also suggested adding this in the "Suggestion Box" and the More Resonance this gets the more Likely there will be changes in future updates.


    I lol'd. Now that is a slap in the face.

  12. Right. ^


    It just boils down to neglect on BW's part. Neglect runs rampant in every facet of this company it seems.


    Not on the forum. Well, not in the sense that BW is paying attention to it, but it's certainly being policed. Swears are filtered out and unlike in-game that can't be turned off. It's like being forced to type without being able to use the letter M - you wouldn't think it has a big effect but it does.


    Also you can't be snarky without some precious snowflake deciding you're a threat to their emotional stability and reporting you. Given stuff other people have said on here over the years, I get the impression a lot of us are one or two strikes away from long-term mutes (I'm not on as much but i make up for lost time).


    Now, do I want MORE of that policing, in-game? lol no. Especially given that what counts as 'toxic' has been poorly defined and explained. I mean, okay, Republic Fleet, DK...I think it's a consensus that we've ceded those areas to the trolls, right? If DK-style chat starts happening on Tat, that's a problem, but despite a SH and two events there, it doesn't happen often.


    Ranked was toxic. I judge 'toxicity' in this game to Ranked and always come up short. Fortunately, it's pretty much dead now, so ranked pvpers have been sufficiently punished. As for PVE, if something happens in an FP, instead of making one of these vague threads and having us try to guess OP's actual motivation, why not make a post here and turn it into an amusing story: http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=633655

  13. Letting it time out should earn a 20 minute ban from queue. declining should get a 5 minute lockout.



    Sure, I can agree with that. That seems like a new interpretation of griefing though. But if you notice the same player always doing it, then yes. You should at least be able to report it.


    I can recognize a back-handed insult when I see it, thanks for the toxicity, and as a fiction writer, a priori I must know the difference.


    See, when you say things like 'toxicity' it makes me wonder what your personal definition is, because what I said wasn't toxic. OTOH, arguing that the weak-minded and immature [classy] fall prey to...what, exactly? roleplaying but not roleplaying Sith behavior in chat? So the MAGA trolls are the way they are because Darth Nox? It doesn't even make sense, but it does make sense from the "GTA videogames turning kids into monsters" trope.


    If you think the story corrupts, then it follows that people who play the story obsessively, to the exclusion of all other kinds of activity, are the most likely candidates. I'm just following the internal logic of your argument. As for the rest...try googling "crazy fiction writers" and see how many results you get.

  14. The stories have nothing to do at all with the actions of the community. if anything, it is the more intelligent and mature people who can appreciate the stories SWTOR has to offer.




    Agreed on the stories angle; I am very skeptical of the idea that playing Darth Eeeevil has some kind of behavioral impact on people. And if it does, my credits would first be on the altaholics with 80+ chars being unable to distinguish reality from fiction. Ahem.


    the game is plauged however by huge bad design choices which allow easy griefing, and these are exploited to the fullest by the aforementioned teenage hooligans with no parenting and no life.


    Can you give an example of griefing? I think swtor actually does a good job of anti-griefing, certainly much better than when they started. I liked playing on a pvp server but there's no getting around the fact that OWPVP is an invitation to grief. Restricting it to a toggle may have killed it [though it was dying well before that] but it ensured that the only people who die in the Rakghoul tunnels, for instance, signed up for that, rather than just being PVE players trying to complete their dailies.

  15. When I do non-story FPs or ops, I do with them with guilds for the most part. The few times I've run vet FPs as pugs since 6.0 dropped I noticed that the rate for HS and MR are quite high, so there's an unwritten rule that they are speed runs that should be done textbook perfectly.


    That's not too much to ask perhaps, but the mentality continues even for FPs that don't pop as often, but have been around forever, like Athiss or Cademimu. The assumption there tends to be that they've been around forever, so you should know them, never mind the fact that new players won't have seen them or it might just have been awhile. I know I screw up KDY pretty much every time so need someone else to know what they're doing.


    The only other thing that comes to mind as 'toxic' is endgame ninjaing objectives. That used to be mostly confined to starter planets, then Act 1 planets, now it's everywhere. When leveling was more of a slog, it tended to weed out ninjas, or at least train them out of that behavior. Not so much anymore.

  16. Adding lol's to a post is demeaning and makes one wonder why don't have anything else to do than defending BW's decision to ruin the interface piece by piece..


    I'm not defending BW. I realize that the forum narrative is "I'm angry that BW did x" and if someone says "But why don't you just do y or z" the response is "Quit defending BW you paid shill!!" :rak_03:


    The forum is a safe space insofar as you're allowed to be angry and to vent and to fill up threads with how terrible and gamewrecking the end of days etc etc. It's completely allowed. And I in turn am allowed to :rolleyes: and if you don't like it well you are certainly free to put me on ignore. And my pov is not "oh BW is perfect stahp saying mean things about them!!", but rather that the constant refrain is "this is important to ME". OK, so back your words up with action. Because rn it's more like Karen demanding to see the manager., but they're not around so she's writing a very sharply worded comment on their website.

  17. Yet we get ****** in here who are attacking these people for rightly complaining about an issue that is effecting them. These people have demeanded, and belittled them, yet if it were an issue that would effect them, you'd see them being the vocal lot here.

    People forget, a ripple from a small stone can cause a tidal wave....


    Venting is totally fine, but I see no reason to positively affirm melodrama. Nobody is being 'attacked' or 'demeaned', unless disagreement is demeaning. The bar affects everyone, but some of us can deal and some of us can't. If you can't, you should unsub...send BW a message that this is intolerant. Maybe they'll listen. If you don't want to unsub, then maybe it's not quite as dreadful as you're suggesting.


    lol imagine quitting over an annoying, but tiny piece of the UI. No offense, but they were already on their way out the door if this was “the last straw.” But let’s keep going with this slippery slope theory...


    Agreed, and speaking of slippery slope



    If I were to do some crystal ball gazing on how this will be used, it goes something like:


    Phase 1: MVP with CM advertising > Phase 2: Vary content by F2P/Subs > Phase 3: In game Advertising for other EA Games > Phase 4: In game advertising for non EA products.


    lol no, that won't happen. If it does, feel free to say I told you so, but it's just wishful thinking, and this forum is full of similar dire predictions that went nowhere. Raise your hand if you remember TORtanic.

  18. I bring one character class apiece through kotfe/et. I used to skip all of them through to JUS but I realized that post-KOTFE companions have no planet dialogue, so now I just level with heroics and other stuff until 75, and don't start KOTFE at all unless it's a main class character. I've done six so far, just got the inquisitor and smuggler to go.
  19. You're forced to make a false choice very early on, when there were still far better alternatives. there was no need to side with one side, not even with your fleet disabled. plenty of at least temporary diplomatic solutions.


    "So you both claim the other came here first, lets step back and investigate this"


    Yes, this was stupid, but gameplay wise I thought the traitor arc was a lot better than KOTFE/ET. I'm planning on sending my last two alts through the expansions, and I always dread the Zakuul Epic Hero crap and look forward to Iokath and everything that comes afterwards.

  20. A Sith Civil War could work in terms of the lore of the setting and universe. The Sith Empire will eventually fragment and wage war against one another for many hundreds if not thousands of years while the Republic descends into a Dark Age. I definitely could see Darth Jadus being the architect of something like that :)


    This actually isn't correct. I was checking wookieepedia on another thing and realized that my thinking was off - the Republic Dark Age doesn't happen until 2000 BBY. The game is currently about 3620 BBY. So it's about 1600 years away.


    Of course, BW doesn't have to follow this, none of it is canon anymore, so Legends can do whatever. And there is reason to think BW is headed into Dark Age territory: the galactic resource crises and the lack of any unifying reason for the Empire to exist. [the Republic has no strong leaders either] In this context, Jadus coming in to burn the Empire down and start fresh would probably kill it off completely., starting a Sith civil war that engulfs the Republic and never ends.


    Even the saboteurs could play a role: what would it do for Republic morale to find out that say, The Hero of Tython was an imperial saboteur? What would it do for the Empire to discover that a Dark Council member was a Republic Saboteur? Maybe the reason we don't have a clear idea of how our chars fully defect to their chosen faction is because that won't happen, because sabotage is going to backfire and screw up both factions.


    Personally, I like Jadus. When I first started playing this game I was fresh from Scorchy's KOTOR2 LP and thinking about Kreia's True Sith as the ultimate dark side threat. Jadus made a lot of sense in that vein, and I thought all the NPC sith would be like that. Yeah, that was a bitter disappointment.

  21. I can't find a thread that mentions this, but has everyone seen Scourge, Kira, and T3M4 at the Force Enclave on Odessen? They're obv scanning star systems for the plot macguffin, but they aren't yet clickable. Has anyone been able to talk to them?


    Also at first I didn't notice the comps standing there and just thought it was a bug. My first instinct was this was a BW screw-up not a story teaser, lol.

  22. It doesn't work, they don't care. There wil always be people who'll stay, because it's the only SW MMO out there. There's also a lot of good with the game. So unsubbing isn't really an option. But complaining, and keeping up the pressure from inside, might work, it has for some stuff in the past.


    lol the point isn't for everyone to leave. That would be setting some pretty high expectations. The point is that mass unsubs shows up on whatever metrics they use and looks quantifiably bad. Yes, the vast majority will stick around, but if there's a big enough blip, most companies would take action to correct that.


    Complaining has really only worked under exceptional circumstances, like the design of the Rishi SH[1]. In that case, the community manager was on vacation so devs heard feedback directly. imo it's a naive outlook to assume that comments on the forum = pressure on the company.


    But it also speaks to people's attitudes, hence the line about "a lot of good with the game". Despite the quoted player's hot take that people have quit because of this, there's an implicit acknowledgement that this really isn't worth unsubbing over, and it's much easier to just complain on the forum. Go ahead, that's what it's for. It keeps players subbing because they think "maybe someone at BW is reading this".


    [1] Yes, that means you can blame the forum for how the Rishi SH looks. If this is an improvement, I'd hate to have seen the original.

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