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Posts posted by Ardrossan

  1. I actually preferred it when the flashpoints were level locked. Bolster is great but it doesn't give abilities. A lvl 20 queued as tank ain't no f'ing tank. Athiss, czerka core meltdown, manaan, bloodhunt, umbara, copero, and nathema are retarded with lower levels.


    Blood Hunt, Umbara, Copero and Nathema are all on my 'quit immediately' list. The rest are doable imo, though CCM can be difficult depending on the group.


    As for the argument to deselect, it depends. Once you've got the daily reward, perhaps. Once you've ALSO gotten the weekly searching for allies, which seems to work based entirely on RNG [some FPs will trigger it, others won't, and some FPs that previously triggered it won't the next run. idk why]. I'd also like to know if the weekly vet FPs works if you deselect some FPs from the list. It seems easier to just quit and take the lockout.


    If you can't solo Chiss and Umbara vet mode maybe MMOs are not for you. Also if that's the case there is always re-queue option.


    Oh boy, we've got ourselves an MMO expert here.

  2. I'm fine with watching the cutscenes for all non-solo FPs, and they also tend not to be dialogue heavy. If I ever do the rakghoul FPs, for instance, I'd like to watch the dialogue for those.


    I'm a little more baffled when people insist on watching for like, The Foundry. But aside from telling people to spacebar at the beginning - someone in another thread suggested 'free drinks at the spacebar after the mission' which I've happily appropriated - I don't make a thing of it. In one Foundry run recently, when we got to the first Revan cutscene, everyone claimed they were spacebarring but someone evidently wasn't. The sniper ended up esc the convo to force us to do it again faster, then ragequit when we didn't like that.


    I skip mobs wherever I can, with the exception of Athiss. You know the part I mean, along the wall, someone [usually me] always gets /stuck on that sequence. It's easier just to kill the mobs. Also, on Battle of Rishi, there's apparently a way for stealthers to click the consoles without triggering the mobs, but I've never been able to figure it out. Again, just kill the mobs and move on.


    Now otoh I had someone during Battle of Ilum who, when asked to skip mobs said 'then how will you level your character?' lol, guy was a 70 too.

  3. I greatly disliked the SWTOR novels. I thought the one about Theron Shan and the auction literally unreadable. The only one that is slightly good is Deceived, mainly because it gives a little backstory about Malgus and the Treaty, which is not necessary to understand the game, but is helpful. Beyond that, its main value though is to shoehorn all eight character classes into some kind of coherent story, and it didn't really succeed. I don't even remember the other one, something about a superweapon. Oh and Revan was the worst. I try to forget that book was ever written tbh. This game would have been a lot more interesting if they'd taken their cues from KOTOR2 instead of the first game.


    Order 66 was great, but should be read within the Republic Commando series, or a lot of the characters will be unfamiliar. That series also has one big issue in that it doesn't connect well to TCW / Rebels, and I don't mean the million clones thing. In the series, the clones are generally resentful of the Jedi and happy when they get killed. They're not fans of the Empire, but the series goes out of its way to show how Jedi became corrupted by suddenly getting an army. I read those, then saw the cartoons, and was mystified the way the clones after Order 66 continued to hero-worship the Jedi; I think Traviss' version makes more sense.


    I mentioned this at length in another thread, but briefly, my picks are:


    Allston's Wraith Squadron books

    The Han Solo Trilogy

    Darth Plagueis

    Bane Trilogy

    Republic Commando Series

    Every book Matt Stover wrote: Traitor, The Shadows of Mindor, Shatterstrike and the RotS novelization.

    Zahn's books. I also liked Scoundrels.

  4. They may seem reasonable to yourself and maybe to others as well, however consider this, I used to buy Hypercrates on the GTN for ~5 million.


    The inflation is only there due to lack of volume of the items, so like the Tulak saber on DM for 170mil? Says either players are not prepared to pay the extortionate CM prices (5400CC is a bit less the 5500CC which costs £23.99) or the item rarity means that it simply doesn't drop much out of the crates themselves.


    In what world is a single item in the game worth nearly £24? That's the real question players should be kicking up a stink about, the terrible gouging of the players by the Cartel Market prices, which seemingly is acceptable.


    When did Togruta drop? 4.0? Well, say between 2.0 and 4.0, I was able to buy account unlocks for every species and every type of account unlock except Guild Bank, the vast majority without using escrows, which means they cost less than 350k apiece. The exceptions were Togruta and Cathar, which I used escrows for, but even those cost less than 2M. I started subbing around 5.0, and bought the rest of the account unlocks, including guild bank at that time, and they cost around 1-4M.


    Gameplay-wise, being preferred is a lot easier now. GTN-wise, it was a lot easier to be preferred during 2.0., even with the lower credit cap.


    Also this thread inspired me to buy a character rename token to resell on the GTN. I like to buy those outlander character tokens, but they're about 60M on the GTN now [they were a lot cheaper before too], and they cost 2000 cc on the CM but the character renames, as mentioned, cost 1000cc but sell for 50M.

  5. No, most of the EU was actually pretty good. You should read it sometime. And if it wasn't good the New Canon wouldn't bother adding stuff from it.


    I also generally liked the EU, with a few caveats. It had a few greats early on, like Zahn, Daly's Han Solo Trilogy, and *some* of the X-Wing books [Allston's were all great, the early ones were hit and miss], but a lot of the early stuff was indeed pretty bad. Bad enough that later writers went back and retconned bits and pieces [i, Jedi rewrote Jedi Academy, Allston's X-wing series rewrote Courtship of Princess Leia]. NJO was generally pretty good, with a few great spots [Traitor] and several mediocre parts. I really liked Karen Traviss [yes, yes, moving on], Darth Plagueis and Bane. The Legacy comic was also pretty good, as was Zayne Carrick's. In the last few years of the EU, it suffered from a few very dumb storylines, like the Killiks and Abeloth - FotJ was essentially the EU trying to make sense of all the dumb nonsense earlier writers had written in that were now part of canon - and good ideas executed badly, like Into the Void.


    But for all the nitpicks I have with the EU, its greats still outshine anything produced thus far in the new canon. The new canon books are bland and forgettable. Literally, I forget which ones I've actually read, because they all blur together. The Legacy and FotJ books did this same thing [and it originated with NJO] where they're trying to tell a long story but using multiple authors and what ends up happening is you remember the good writers [ideally] and gloss through the bad ones. Except that the new canon is trying to tell a story that will somehow connect RotJ to TFA and it just...fails. The imperials just went off into the unknown territories for x number of decades, really? This is what we came up with? Ripping off the Cylons?


    And for all the minutiae of the old EU, ranging from the glove of Darth Vader to the backstories of everyone in the mos eisely cantina scene, I'd say that the longwinded exposition for the Death star designer stuff was equally bad. I loved Rogue One, but I didn't need TWO books about what they were all doing before that. I also don't care what Tarkin was doing before that either, it's just irrelevant shoehorning.

  6. I guess but gawd, even for vanilla content i still use interrupt.


    Also these other two guys who boasted about it being easy and never used interrupt obviously got carried by earlier groups. It might have happened like this:


    I tried the heroic again today, me on a 53 dps assassin, with a 70 merc healer and comp, and a 63 something or other, and i immediately noticed that the mobs for those fights turned to 70. They kill the lowbie immediately, i stealth out and tell the healer to run away but he just keeps on at it. Finally kills it. He says "why did you stop attacking?"

    "the mobs are level 70."

    "no, they scale to your level."

    We revive the other guy and i decide to try one more time, this time I attack first. again, mobs turn to 70. Evidently they always did that, I just hadn't noticed because I was near that level. I say "They're level 70, so the 70 should drop group."

    The 70 says "no its okay we can do it like this." I drop group. A few hours later I did a pug for Shellshock and saw the healer and asked him if they finished the heroic. "Yup, took awhile but np"


    Yes, I could have stayed and watched as one guy finished the heroic but I don't want to be carried. Also it's boring. I also doubt they did the fungi without help. The nice thing about that heroic is that other players will come by and help you take down the champs.

  7. I used to flip mainly bronze armour sets, as well as the odd silver set. Never touched the gold ones. In volume you can make a lot of credits by doing so, but it requires lots of alts and a healthy dose of credits for the first run because you essentially squelch the market by buying all of one specific set to resell at higher prices (and keep doing so).


    It's doable but when I came back I just sold everything off really cheap because I wanted to delete the 8 or so characters I created for storage space. Crafting is easier, plus I get to play the game when gathering mats :eek:


    That's a good idea, I've got a lot of that crap sitting in legacy storage that I'll probably never wear.


    Otherwise though, I'm very disappointed about this thread. I came here because I thought the OP was going to do a new rendition of 'the GTN is a ripoff!' [that's my all-time favorite thread on this forum] and instead it's all very analytical. boo hiss.

  8. I knew from spoilers that some of your comps [including elara] would leave depending on what you did, but it didn't make it any less gut-wrenching, which kind of amazing, because up to that point it had all been pretty pointless. The most irritating thing about that storyline is that at no time can your character say 'why are we fighting? Why am I picking sides? Shouldn't you lot be vying to be on my side instead of the other way around?'
  9. Long-time reader, first-time writer.


    A month or so back, me a GS, a dps shadow, a VG tank and a sage healer, doing Cademimu SM. No one but me has done it before [of course they don't just TELL you that up front]. We get to the elevator to go down. I tell the tank he needs to run through first and just keep going until we run out of mobs. He runs, we go, then stops for some reason so the healer stops to heal him and they both die, me and the other dps have reached the force field. we tell them to revive and come back. This time the tank makes a left over to where the cinematic plays, and they both die. They revive, then die again for some reason. 4 times now. Finally the healer dies close enough to us that we can safely revive, the tank is asking us 'where do I go?"

    "Straight, just go straight until you get to the blue thingie!"

    But he dies again just before reaching us, so we decide to just kill the mobs and revive him. This doesn't inspire great confidence in the tank for the boss fight, so it shouldn't come as a surprise that it took a few tries. I will say that the tank never complained, never raged, and by the end had learned the fight pretty well.


    The other story is more recently doing the rakghoul heroic. I'd never done it before but figured i'd give it a shot on a 69 mara. 4 people in the group, including two 70s and one 50 something. No healers. I ask if anyone's done this before and two say yes, it's easy. Easy, huh.


    The fungus is not easy. I notice the champ has a channel and when he's done channeling he makes adds so i tell them to interrupt. we try several times, no one but me interrupts and eventually we get out-DPSed and die. Every time. One of the 70s and the lowbie drop group. Just me and a 70 sniper We pull out our comp healers and do it without much problem, except that the sniper [despite me saying several times now to use his interrupt] still isn't interrupting the channel. We finish one fungi and I tell him again, use your interrupt.


    Sniper says "I'd have to find it, it's not on my tab." He says "can't you just interrupt?"

    I tell him that the channel happens too frequently for only one person to interrupt. Finally he finds his interrupt, we go, finish the heroic, he never interrupts once.

    He says "tyfg" and I say "when your in groups pve or pvp, use your interrupt."


    Seriously, level 70 and he doesn't know how to use his interrupt? Kids today, pshaw etc.

  10. OPs argument sounds both stupid and pointless. Imagine you don't play this game, you're watching RoS, Snoke comes back [because of course he does], and he does a camera reveal and says something like "fools! I am Tenebrae, the immortal emperor!"


    I mean, I play this game and it sounds just awful, but imagine you don't know anything about this game and see that. Be honest, would that persuade you to come play this game, or more likely, leave the theatre and never watch another star wars movie again? It would be like watching a ST: Discovery episode where they travel through time and meet Hakeev. If you cared enough, you might google it before swearing off the franchise forever, but most people would just be lolwut.


    Also, just incidentally, the Sith Emperor was an awful character in EVERY form. I don't want to see more of him. I'd rather just pretend the Odessen stuff was an acid trip my characters went on right after completing their class mission on Rishi.

  11. If there is a transfer sale and you want to support this game I would highly recommend moving some alts (and maintaining said alts) to Satele Shan - particularly if you are on Star Forge, whose population numbers are inflated due to RP.


    Having played on Satele Shan for the past summer thru the month-long double event I have found that a case could be made that server's population is almost equal to Star Forge's if the strictly RP element was excluded.


    As a Florida resident who plays during East Coast USA's late night, early morning hours - I've found that there is enough of a APAC presence (who are 12 hours ahead of us) to have frequent queues for 8v8 pvp matches, Flash Points, and even Story Mode Operations.


    Satele Shan is more casual with just enough toxicity to be interesting.


    Support the game.

    Support Satele Shan.


    I found the opposite. Was playing on SF for most of the summer and surprised how easily the pops came for pvp and FPs. Granted, that was during 2xp, but it was still a significant change from SS. I don't notice any particular toxicity on either server - if you don't like toxic players, stay away from fleet and capital worlds on all servers - but given a sale I would definitely move several chars from SS to SF.


    SS, despite its problems, is still my home server and i have a lot of stuff unlocked there, but not so many server slots. I'd like to make some room and dump some chars I don't play anymore on to SF.

  12. So Nautolans are free to anyone who is subscribed sometime between September 1 and release date... Does the rest of the expansion follow suit? If my sub expires at the end of September will I get the expansion or will the delay require an extra month of sub to get it?


    I won't be subbing for October either way. But the answer here will determine if I make any future purchases or subs for future content.


    I doubt it. I'm in the same boat, subbed in mid-August because while they claimed that the release would be for September, I knew better than to take BW at its word. I figured two months would be enough of a cushion for their screw-ups, and at least it is a cushion for Nautolans, but I very much doubt for anything else.

  13. I mean that's nothing, there are truly abysmal mission designs on Ziost. The save civilians bonus at the People's Tower, for instance, where you MUST wait for respawns since nowhere enough of the civilians there count for the mission.


    Thankfully, they aren't worth much. Do them once for the cheevo, then never again.

  14. If anything prices are too low, especially for mats. Those CMTs used to sell for over 1 million credits, and sell fast, now they're at 400k [at best] and falling rapidly. BW needs to intervene so I can gouge customers like I used to.
  15. Come on Trixxie, you don't care about rp any more than I do. More people on the fleet rather than SHs means a more accurate way of measuring game population. Except that BW already has that number so it doesn't make any sense for them to do anything, and also goes against what they've done already, which is to outsource a lot of the fleet stuff to SHs, ships and Odessen.
  16. And an actual 1-50 storyline. I'm sure they'll just pull that out of their butt. 2 new storylines if we're being precise, to mirror reps and imps. We've got 8 classes, that's all we're getting.


    Don't get me wrong, I'd like to see a new class. Let's spitball a melee healer as you say [the other specs giving him selfish heals or vampiric powerups], storyline is a Jedi/Sith academy dropout, secondary class is a ranged fighter who can use any weapon except lightsabers. A class that is a 'challenge mode' for the regular storyline, someone who isn't one of the eight most powerful schmucks in the galaxy but manages to complete the same content anyway. The story has him/her getting booted from their respective faction training for being a bad and having to make their own way through the galaxy, eventually earning the grudging respect of their original faction, or DS, joining the other side as a real Sith/Jedi [or neutral, telling both sides to piss off]. It would work well with the saboteur / loyalist storyline.

  17. So I'm a sub, obviously, was originally preferred. Have used multiple referral links in the past to get the seven day access time. My sub's running out and I tried to click on a referral today, and it gave the error message you sometimes get when you're not eligible. It's been more than 90 days since I last clicked on a referral, but otoh, I've been subbed for a good chunk of that time. So two questions:


    1) Does the 90 day window reset once you begin subbing again? It doesn't tick while you're subbing?


    2) If I click on a referral, and I'm ineligible, does doing so reset the 90 days?


    It's a shame to lose the sub right after 2XP week starts, but eh.

  18. Definitely! It takes a the right kind of man to put up with her. My agent was like her in many ways so they were good together. Plus Watcher 2 rejected him badly because that stalker was spying on him while he was getting giggy with Kaliyo ;)


    It's one of my favorite romances because she gives you so many opportunities to end it. She won me over when she said "I love you" followed by "and if you tell anyone I said that, I'll bite your tongue off." No problem girlfriend, that's not the body part I was worried about anyway!


    She's one of the few vanilla romances in the game I'd like to see a bisexual option for.

  19. I'm not fond of how any of the Sith are portrayed in this game. Or in Star Wars as a whole, really. I don't really care for Bane, though that trilogy was at least better written than Revan. Sith are not pitiless robots. They aren't sociopaths solely motivated by gaining advantage. That's essentially a selfish Jedi. We can argue that Bane wasn't selfish because he was a visionary trying to create a New Order, but does that actually compare any better with the Jedi? It makes him even more Jedi-like. The best in-game version, to me, is Angral, because yes, he was a puppy kicking Saturday morning villain, but he was motivated by a very specific drive: avenging his son.


    It's something that we don't really see in the other Sith characters [even our own], which is how a family structure would work. Like how would their society function on a day to day level if fathers treated their children like overseers at the academy? It wouldn't. Baras tried to free his sister, but did he do that because he missed her or because she was useful? BW doesn't really give us an answer, but given how both Sith behave, I think it was more a cold calculation than actual passion. For the most part, when Sith speak of passion, they mean anger or fear, but with Angral we saw pride [of someone other than himself], grief and loss. It wasn't the best job, but it sure beats Jadus out of the park.


    I much prefer how the Sith were portrayed in K2, with different natures, unpredictable [and chaotic evil is not unpredictable], alien in some ways, similar to Jedi in more than a structural way, but out of control of their emotions [and not just shock lightning as a go-to option]. The description of the True Sith in that game, and the way Revan prepared himself for the trip, made me think [in hindsight] that the sequel would be playing in a setting like Nathema or Oricon. You wouldn't want to bring a whole bunch of people on that trip, they'd either be taken captive and tortured, killed by the environment or corrupted. But, hell, he could have easily taken Bastila and Canderous to DK.


    Instead, the two sith storylines made it clear very quickly that the majority of sith are either vapid buffoons or overpowered killing machines except for one fatal, fairly obvious flaw. Or devious fat men. I think the masks you see on Jadus, Baras etc were also a step in the right direction, but the final design didn't come off right. If Vitiate had been more like Nihlius, but with lines and a brain, he also would have been a lot more scary, instead of a Palpy wannabe.


    You get the sense that maybe when the Emperor was directly running things, the society was actually pretty dark, instead of space nazis [the Hogan's Heroes Nazis]. OTOH, Scourge was around for that, and doesn't think Sith have changed at all. And to be fair, Sith society in this game isn't all that different than the way the Sith were depicted in the Tales of the Jedi, minus the massassi slaves.

  20. I'd rather put the blame where it ought to be placed, on BW. Don't blame the players for 5.0+, let's not be shortsighted and petty. I never understand this perspective by some players.


    BW would love us to have discussions solely blaming one group of player or another for the unfavorable changes they make for the game so they can avoid all responsibility for their poor decisions.


    I do. You said it - they're short-sighted and petty. That explains their perspective. They're also overwhelmingly convinced of their own importance to the game survival and equally convinced of everyone else's unimportance. Not just raiders, every niche says the same thing.


    It's less clear, however, that it's BW's poor community management skills that's to blame for other players' inability to think and reflect dispassionately. I think I would blame their spotty education, not their videogame company.

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