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Posts posted by Ardrossan

  1. When you guys have put as much time into testing and providing detailed analysis on the pts, then you can make comments like this ^^


    He has put many, many, many hours into the pts. He hasn’t quite and his feed back has helped with some of the changes.

    But Bioware absolutely refuse to listen to some of the absolute basic feed back that 99.99% of the testers are giving.


    So you can’t blame him for feeling like the only way to get them to notice is to vote with your wallet. It’s not like they are listening to some of the more important feed back testers are giving, they aren’t even listening to their own “influencers”.


    He won’t be the first or the last person to unsub when this goes live.


    OK Trixxie, OK. But when you go, are you going to be as melodramatic about it as OP?

  2. As with most PvPer's You Can't See the Forrest because of all of the Bodies.


    The main premise of PvP is to Gather in a Group to KILL EACH OTHER. There is NOTHING social about that.





    The vacation resort held a lot of social events. Like Killing the other Vacationers.


    I joined the club to improve my social life. "Hi Nice to Meet You. Sorry Now I Have to Kill You.


    Most humans are social beings.

    Ok you go over there and sneak up behind them and kill them.


    I am sorry but Killing Your Fellow Players is Not a Social EVENT even if you do it in a group.

    That is Anti-Social.


    Repeating your argument over and over again without saying anything new, while criticizing pvpers for having tunnel vision, is not particularly helpful. It is ironic, however.


    Try making the case for how FPs deserve to get social points when you're being awarded them for clicking a conversation option in cutscenes. How you can go through an entire FP [or an entire op] without saying anything, but still be awarded social points. Your "competition isn't social" argument is completely irrelevant to why we have social points.


    If anything, the only people who should be getting social points on a regular basis are RPers and the fleet trolls.

  3. IDK about the cut planets [kotor 2's droid planet is an excellent case study for when cutting planets is a GOOD thing] but it seems like most of the cut content is stuff that would have been awesome to have, wouldn't have been particularly expensive, but was cut because of whiny testers. It would be ironic if BW used that experience as their reason for disregarding forum feedback.
  4. PvP is about as anti-social as you can possibly get and still be in a group... In case you don't get it ....


    PvP is all about KILLING your FELLOW players..... There is NOTHING remotely social about that.

    Yes, unlike FPs where [if you're lucky] people will say 'hi' at the start, 'spacebar' during the cutscenes, and 'tyfg' at the end. That's if you're lucky. If not, they probably will be talking to you, but I'm not sure flamebait / ragequits can really be considered sociable.


    Actually, I lied, what BW considers 'social' in fps is picking choices in the cutscenes, which is basically RNG-Story. If we had LS/DS cutscenes before being allowed to play huttball, maybe we'd get social points too.

  5. They are bound by a strict contractual timeline, this update is not going to be delayed.


    I lol'd.


    OP, I don't think they can afford to delay after talking it up the last couple months. They'll lose people if they make another delay.


    No, what will happen is it'll be released on schedule, it'll be a buggy, rage-inducing mess, they'll spend the next 6 months doing surprise patch days to fix the bugs and another 6 months fixing the rage. Just like 5.0.

  6. 99% of the gear design on the pts you can still get from alliance lock boxes. But if you want to use those, you better hurry up because they will no longer drop from heroics and Bioware have provided zero info on how what is happening.


    The crates won't drop from heroics? How did I miss this?

  7. I do not understand why unranked pvp, ranked pvp or GSF does not grant you social points. I like to pvp and GSF. I do not like to run the same flashpoint over and over and over. Yes FP are fun but I just like pvp.


    Seriously I repeat it is basically incomprehensible why these activities do not grant any social points.


    Also why are the weeklies and dailies for pvp so few matches? I want to play 10 matches in a row, maybe a twice a day. 2-4 matches for dailies is nothing.


    Add new tier of dailies and weeklies for people like me with greater rewards. Heck the rewards don't even have to be greater just something other than nothing.


    At 70 it goes up to 4/20 which is rather a lot.

  8. Just prior to the global release, Kathy screened The Force Awakens for George. He didn’t hide his disappointment. “There’s nothing new,” he said.


    • In each of the films in the original trilogy, it was important to him to present new worlds, new stories, new characters, and new technologies. In this one, he said, “There weren’t enough visual or technical leaps forward.” He wasn’t wrong, but he also wasn’t appreciating the pressure we were under to give ardent fans a film that felt quintessentially Star Wars.


    • We’d intentionally created a world that was visually and tonally connected to the earlier films, to not stray too far from what people loved and expected, and George was criticizing us for the very thing we were trying to do. Looking back with the perspective of several years and a few more Star Wars films, I believe J.J. achieved the near-impossible, creating a perfect bridge between what had been and what was to come.


    Lucas' criticisms are surprisingly accurate here. I say 'surprisingly' because Lucas is not a good screenwriter and the best movies in the OT were ones that he didn't have much say in [ESB] or had extensively rewritten from feedback [ANH]. Yes, both TFW and TLJ were basically boring remakes of the first two movies of the OT. That being said, I wouldn't have trusted Lucas to do a better job. Anyone ever read the Dark Horse adaptation of 'The Star Wars'? His original vision of what Star Wars would be like was grotesquely, Ed Woodesque bad. Now, had they hired Zahn and Luceno, that would be a different story.

  9. Guys, let's quit these philosophical discussions - it's simply BS to take a guild away from someone just because he did not renew his subscription in time. Also they don't listen, and this attitude drives people away from this game. This forum is overrun by "yes-man" type of fanboys. It's sad because it does not make this game better...


    Funny how the whole forum becomes yes-men when you can't find anyone to agree with you.


    GL writing your EU rep to put a stop to BW tyranny, lolol.

  10. I have a headcanon I use for alien SWs, involving Dromund Fels, the other planet in the Dromund system. 50 years before the GGW [the first sith-republic war], the Empire acquired a number of planets via a Louisiana Purchase. Several had alien populations, and a few were found to be force-sensitive, but unconnected to the Jedi. After some debate in the DK, the Empire decided to transport the families of the force-sensitive populations to DF, which up to that point had mainly been used for heavy industry.


    They couldn't ignore so many force-sensitives, even if they were aliens, but they could segregate them. They knew they'd be going into war with the Republic in a few decades, and would need a few surprises ready. Possibly the Emperor signed off on it to make new Children.


    The alien families on DF had a limited breeding pool, and their job, with the help of unscrupulous imperial scientists, was to maximize the chances of force-sensitives being born. They kept this secret from the rest of the imperial population since the hardliners would flip out. The deal they made with the ruling patriarchs was that in exchange for limited rights, if an alien was found to be force-sensitive, he'd be trained as a Sith on-world at an academy built on DF for that purpose. If they weren't force-sensitive, they had the option of joining the DF defensive arm of the imperial military. In neither case could they leave the planet; if they did, they'd be killed or enslaved.


    For the first few decades, they never left the planet. Their main job was to procreate. During the GGW, this changed slightly, and alien Sith who passed at the academy would be permitted to leave. Alien imperials were still stuck there. During this time, no alien Sith rose above the ranks of Apprentice. After the war, and shortly before the events of the SW storyline, they changed the rules again to allow aliens [formally] to be trained at the academy. The DK broke the news at this time that they had 'pureblood' alien Sith. These aliens would be permitted to train at the academy on Korriban. Much later, they permitted alien imperials to leave the planet, like that Cathar on Makeb.


    That's the best I've got. It still doesn't explain how your average imperial is supposed to tell the difference between an alien slave inquisitor and an alien 'pureblood' warrior, the way they do in this game.

  11. This answer is pure demagogy.


    Technically it's pure relativism, or perhaps even pure stoicism. The latter would explain why most of the forumbase despise that poster.


    I would also quibble with the idea that your answer is supposed to be pragmatism in action, when it uses subjective values like the 'idea of enjoyment' and 'player patience', and makes vague, unsubstantiated assumptions like game mechanics making cash being understood 'up to a certain point'. That point apparently being, whatever I say it is.

  12. Truth! ;)


    I don't EVER step into the realm of GSF. I tried to learn but if you don't know what you are doing there you are literally worthless to the team and everyone lets you know it. It is a million times worse than any PVP match, be it regs or ranked.


    No, that's not what I'm saying at all. It's significantly more chill than pvp. Nobody freaks out, it's just "oh great, we're going to lose again because no one knows what they're doing". Maybe you just had one bad match.

  13. No, I wanted the title (defender of the jedi) and just happened to get a bunch of the gear in the process (random crate drops mostly). I keep them in the bottom of my inventory just in case I want to take a spiteful screenshot


    If I ever get around to Ossus it'll be for the title and to max the rep. The story is humdrum and the gear is, as I understand it, going to be immediately useless after 6.0. I'm currently doing Iokath for the same reason.

  14. That feeling when you discover story easter eggs [or more likely, snippets BW forgot about] and only discovering them after playing the story half a dozen times. It's the sense of wonder of seeing something entirely new.


    A good example of this is on the Agent storyline in Balmorra. When you're at the terrorist base to meet the cyborg chick, click on the Russian dude and a storywheel will pop up. There's no prompts to do this and it doesn't have any consequences with the rest of the story, it's just this backdrop character telling you about life in the resistance.

  15. idk how common this is on other servers, but on SS it's very unlikely anyone under 70 will do any pvp besides death matches. So that's a problem for stuff like huttball, Odessen, and hypergate. The rest are fairly straightforward, and of course only brandspanking newbies will have this problem, but it does encourage bads. I don't think that's BW's fault though - there aren't enough people playing in the lower tiers for anything besides death matches, unless it's 2xp.


    I like huttball, all of them except Queshball [it screws with my sense of direction] and there's no match I really loathe. I'm not fond of Yavin though, mainly because it pops more than the others imo, and because it's difficult to call incs - going back to players not knowing the match, if I call incs for Jungle or Relics, well, the newbies don't know where that is, Left and Right is irrelevant, we don't use directions for that map either, so it's a pain. Odessen has that problem too - hardly anyone calls incs, and hardly anyone responds to incs.

  16. Just third time in a row? Come on man, three times Hammer Station aint bad!


    Of all the PVE dungeons HS used to be my favorite, I liked the neat personalized HS weapons and gears it dropped. Same with Athiss, it had neat blasters.


    But yeah, too much of anything is a bad thing. lol


    Athiss is only a problem because of that damn shortcut. I manage to get the jump without getting stuck maybe 1/3 of the time.

  17. I like it more than any other map.


    It's pvp RNG insofar as it's a gamble that anyone else will know how to play it properly. I consistently get high scores on objectives playing it, so clearly it's not all that random.


    This wouldn't have been on SS, would it? I got it last night around the time you made this thread and three or four players immediately quit before the match. We won easily anyway.

  18. I've been on both sides, as a GM of a small, largely inactive guild, was inactive and had unsubbed, so it went to the next active sub. It took weeks for him to respond to my mail, but he did graciously give me back leadership, after which I kicked him out of the guild. I'm not proud of it [mind you, from a certain pov, only the weak surrender power], but I didn't want to take the risk of that happening twice.


    I've also been in the position of 'inheriting' dead guilds by being the last active member. In one case, I sold the guild for a tidy bit of credits, in the other, I used a guild rename because the name was contrived and boring [much like the OP's <Darth Nox> with accent].


    On the whole, I don't mind the system. I do mind the way it makes a distinction between F2Ps and Sub guilds though. Over the years, I've learned to tolerate quite a lot of BW's nickle-and-diming practices when it comes to screwing over F2Ps, but that one is particularly senseless.


    Uninstalling the game because you got a few mean comments in a genforum thread seems like a bit of an overreaction. But on the other hand, it was a very entertaining ragequit thread, so thanks for that, OP.

  19. I've already stated elsewhere that I have no intention to play on the PTS.

    1. I don't want to be bored of 6.0 before it even launches.

    2. I think the devs have many sources of feedback besides just forum posters. Like past subscriber numbers, professional testers, etc. Disney have already trashed the movies, maybe BW will trash the game - oh well, it was fun. My greatest concern atm is what game I'd play next if this one is trashed. (But I doubt it will be for me, at least. In any case, I'm willing to wait and see.)

    3. Most of the complaints seem to come from PvP'ers, and "raiders" who seem to want insta-gear and insta-crafting, so they can just get on with PvP'ing and raiding rather than playing the RPG aspects.

    4. I think some of the starters and posters in these threads are just trolling.


    1. If you don't do any research beforehand, why would anyone take you seriously? You have no basis to attack Lhance or any of these other guys for their posting if you're unwilling to take the time to look into it yourself. You don't want to play PTS? Great. Then this is irrelevant to you, why are you here? OCD?


    Now, I'm not on the PTS either. I don't really care about the changes. They're mostly end-game, and won't drastically affect me, and I also think it's futile to complain anyway, because BW is a runaway train wreck dead set on making these stupid changes. But conversely, I a) don't think I'm representative of the population that clearly does care about end-game and b) don't derail these threads solely because I personally don't get much out of them. Be more like me.


    2. As I've said elsewhere, there's no point having a PTS forum if BW won't listen to criticisms.


    On a related topic, I have a hunch that a lot of this pointless angst, critics criticizing critics [it comes up frequently on here] is due to some pedantic nonsense that players like you are irked that Lhance and others are speaking on their behalf, i.e 'the players think this' or 'we didn't ask for this'. Well, congratulations, your individual voice has been duly tallied among the dissenters. You don't need to keep harping on about it.


    3. No one asks for insta-gear. No one. This is a common complaint on these forums, but we only ever hear of posters complaining about them, not people asking for it. It's something of a trope among the forum conservatives.


    4. You certainly are, but the first step is admitting it, so good on you.

  20. I think this hate on GSF is a bit undeserved. It has a very bad reputation on this forum, and as a result I didn't play it much aside from very briefly when it was first introduced. But during 2xp there was a week where getting the weekly was a conquest objective, and I decided to do it on one char, and it was pretty good. Not great, not omg this is amazing, but good enough for the daily/weekly to go into my rotation along with the daily / weekly for pvp and FPs. And surprisingly, on SS, GSF pops more often than pvp does.


    I encourage people to try a few [i.e more than once four years ago] before deciding they hate it or think it's mediocre garbage. It takes awhile to get used to, but so does every group activity in this game.

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