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Posts posted by Ardrossan

  1. You can opt out.


    There is a vendor on the fleet that sells an item called a White Acute Module for zero credits. These are legacy bound, so if you get them on a higher lvl character you can mail them to your lower lvls or you can take you lower lvl to your strong hold and get it from your legacy storage.


    You can also use it outside the event if you prefer to level very slowly [circa the 2.0 era xp rate].

  2. Here's the thing. At various times pvp players have been blamed for unpopular changes made to the game, and at other times solo/casual players have also been blamed for unpopular changes made to the game. All of those changes should also have been put squarely on Bioware's shoulders. It does indeed suck that your group is now the target of ire, and they do deserve better, just like the pvpers deserved better and the solo/casual players deserved better. People need to accept that the developers are the ones making all of the decisions and they need to put the blame where it belongs.


    However, it's not just the endgame community keeping this game alive. They are undoubtedly a big part of it, but just a part. Singling them out only continues the trend of fragmenting our community.


    Oh boy, I agree with all this, especially that last part. Because a common thought among all these persecuted groups is "we're the ones that's keeping this game alive." Like you'd think they'd have some critical thinking to notice that the people outside their bubble are saying the same thing and that their argument for primacy is completely subjective.


    Yes, OP, you deserve better, and no you aren't solely keeping this game alive. Keep your ego in check.

  3. What if you don't think the Empire will win the war, but you don't want the Republic to win either because of its habit of attempted genocide?


    This is sort of the reason my DS Empress agent sided with the pubs on Ossus. She doesn't want either side to come out on top. She wants to do maximum damage to both sides so they'll be easier to knock down with the Alliance.

  4. EDIT: For the record, I do think that the quest writing has a lot to do with how this conversation is skewed. I'm playing through the Trooper right now and it couldn't be any more rainbow and kittens. Hell, most of the time you have an option to yell, "For the Republic!" and the dark side options aren't really dark. All of the Empire people, in which you run into with the Trooper, are all "monsters" and war criminals or your prior Havoc Squad team members that defected - for whatever reason, killing them wasn't even that dark. Meanwhile, on the Empire side, it feels like your options are killing everyone with a smile and just killing everyone.


    If that's your opinion, fine, but the Trooper story has plenty of nuance. It sounds like you're on Taris. The planets after that are more subtle in their portrayal of both the Havoc traitors and the imperials: NS for the latter and Tat for the former. Before that, you have the option - and Garza specifically asks you - to bring Jek Kargan in alive on Coruscant. The Dark options aren't really dark? Like killing the room full of maybe cyborg civilians?

  5. ETA: one more LS choice that seems off to me is on the Tatooine Czerka quest, Imperial side. You have to find this mural from the Sand People that shows the way to the Czerka base. You can destroy it or leave it. Leaving it there is the LS choice but considering that the base is above the Rakata lair that turns people into zombies, IMHO it's really questionable. The first time I did the quest I left it alone, but after that I've always burned it.


    Ah, I hadn't considered that. I thought the choice there was pretty arbitrary, and that maybe the LS reasoning is that you aren't destroying priceless cultural artwork for no reason. Which is a bit of a silly point to get twisted up on, given that we kill nearly a hundred sand people up to that point in the quest chain.


    A lot of the starter world planets have pretty silly LS choices. The man in the iron mask heroic on hutta where your only two choices are to purify the water [DS because it mutates the animals] or do nothing [LS because people get saved] seems off. Why not make the latter a neutral choice, and have the LS be to give them some money to buy chemicals that don't turn the chemlizards into monsters?


    Or on ord mantell, there's the cathar who steals the medicine. DS is to return it to the soldiers, LS is to give it back to the thief. I guess that's BW's clumsy take on les mis.


    Korriban has some really dumb choices too, but the only one that comes to mind right now is the one where you're helping the brainwashed jedi escape. Try as I might, I can't think of a good rationalization for even the most LS of Sith to deliberately screw up a Sith Intelligence misinformation plot. That's one I wish there were real consequences down the line once they figure out that you told the Jedi he's been brainwashed. Instead, just like nearly all the sidequests, it never comes up again.

  6. Some of the videos are bugged and freeze. If logging in/out or leaving the instance / resetting it don't fix it...have you tried just spacebarring through?


    This happened to me yesterday on the last chapter of kotet. Had never happened before, and none of the workarounds above worked except pounding spacebar.

  7. Some of the LS choices lack compassion, though, and while they might be good from a Jedi Code standpoint, they're somewhat cold. Like turning Kira in to the Jedi Council.


    I was amazed to discover an option where you don't turn her in, don't go to Tython at all, and not be romancing her. Through mostly neutral convo choices, I think. Up till then I thought the choice was in how you turned her in, as an enemy in the ranks, or in a perfunctory 'Yes she was a Sith, can we get on with the mission now?' way.


    There's lots of these wonky LS for Jedi choices on Tython, of course. Tattle on the two apprentices makking out [or alternatively, for even neutral, lie to the masters, then go back and refuse to accept the crystal, which somehow convinces Spanios that attachment is wrong]. Or tattle on the kid trying to lift the rock. Or convince the Order to let the sharkman who abducted a twi'lek kid join up.


    trooper on tat- misson with the bombs there is a woman whose house has just been blow up. you can get her to service you for your help dismarming others in the area. she just lost everything and u force her to in prositution


    I thought about putting this one in the OP, but you can't actually get her to sleep with you. Still, for extra flavor, bring Dorne along. All the comps will have something to say if you try this, but Dorne's response is funniest.

  8. You know me so well. :rolleyes: I've been sober for 12 years. I'll raise my hand and still not be offended by Lhance's humorous comparison. Lighten up, Francis.


    My intent clearly wasn't to offend or hurt someone's feelings, especially those who also suffer from an uncontrollable urge to play alts, and if the term "altaholic" or any derivation of this word causes people discomfort or grief I gladly can stop using it.


    Fine, fine, I relent. I need a snickers.

  9. I'm probably getting my scenes mixed up somehow then. I thought there was an extra option for not only getting the ghost but also binding the leader? Maybe you just kill him? I wish I could recall it exactly because it really affected me at the time.


    It reminds me more of something that happens in Mask of the Betrayer, an old Neverwinter Nights expansion that shares a lot in common with the SI story.


    I just wondered if there is a thread in existence like "Lightest of the LS options".


    Personally, I don't think anyone would ever do that. Because evil sells, I think.


    Well gosh Alrik, instead of wondering about it, why don't you make that thread?

  10. You had to look real hard to find offense in that post. If it was so masterful and clever and intricate and stuff perhaps you were merely looking for a reason to be offended. Or maybe you're biased because Lhance has been critical of the game as of late and looking to find fault when there isn't one. Or possibly it's generational. It's all the rage these days to be in a permanent state of offense. Either way, you could stand to dial it back a notch or two on the shocked-and-outraged-o'meter.


    TL;DR: You're trying too hard.


    Or maybe because unlike you two I actually know a thing or two about AA meetings and the comparison really is insulting. Raise your hand if you've been to a meeting. No? Then kindly be silent. Next, I'm not a white knight and IDGAF about Lhance's game criticisms. As far as the generational jab, please give that crap a rest too, it's a tiresome stereotype that gets used whenever anyone is insulted by anything, regardless of what it is. I expect it from bitter old cranks like Porsa, who seems to think showing hurt feelings is a weakness [how very mature], hadn't expected it from you.

  11. Mockery of what? I was just sharing my honest beginning on SWTOR. Every bit of it is true.


    I'll give you the benefit of the doubt and assume the insult was unintentional.


    You took the casual, silly notion of an altaholic, deconstructed it, and passed it through the lens of an AA-style testimonial. Perhaps you thought it would be funny. To me, it's about as amusing as if you likened your experience here to being in a bulimia support group [you have to throw up every time you finish playing], or that you wish you could forget about this game as easily as Altzheimer's sufferers, or that, like MS, this game just gets progressively worse.


    tl;dr: It's a cancer joke. A well-written, masterful cancer joke full of clever references and inside jokes to those in the know, but at heart it's a cancer joke with a long punchline.

  12. Unless something has changed, and I admit I am not a guild leader so can't speak from experience, but according to the EA help page on guild management only active subscribers can be leaders of a subscriber guild.


    This post is correct. I was GM for a guild, I dropped my sub, the next day the GM went to the next active player who was subbed. Being active is ONE criteria, being subbed is another.


    I notice there is a great deal of misinformation on this forum touted by people who clearly have never been unsubbed but still think they have expert knowledge about this subject.

  13. I feel like I have shared enough of my own personal trial and tribulations without going into too many hurtful memories. I just wanted to sharea small part of my story with others who perhaps can relate to how their love of SWTOR began, and who maybe aren't quite ready to admit they have a problem with altaholicism yet but will come around as I have. Be strong brothers and sisters! No matter what, you are not alone and you are loved!


    I won't try to tell you what you should or should not do regarding SWTOR, we all have our own destinies and it is for you to find that special path of growth and enlightenment! As we all say, may the Force be with you!


    Is there a particular reason you wrote this post as if you were sharing your story in an AA meeting? It comes off less as an amusing pastiche and more as a mockery.

  14. The way I'd put it is that the Alliance has a treaty with the Empire and not the Republic; as such, it'd seem to me like a betrayal to side with the Republic on Iokath either way (Ossus is a different situation).


    This was my impression too. LS/DS don't really come into it.


    Mind you, if you're a Jedi then you're kind of screwed, because in this era the Jedi and Republic are essentially the same thing. You can't back the Empire and remain a Jedi, except as an exile.

  15. Been playing since July of 2013 and I'm ambivalent as to faction.

    I'm just glad this wasn't a clickbait "I'm leaving" thread.


    That was my first impression too. Been playing since Spring 2013 and likewise ambivalent to faction.


    As far as story goes, my top three are SW, IA and BH. As far as class goes, I prefer stealthers, particularly Shadows/Assassins. There's an irony that these two more enjoyable classes are at the bottom for class stories [JC improves sharply after Act 1, SI is in dead last]. I also like Gunnery Commandos; they're an easy class to play.

  16. I didn't realize I made one. Which series / episode?


    TNG, Tapestry.



    "There were loose threads, untidy parts of me that I'd like to remove. But when I pulled on one of those threads...it unraveled the tapestry of my life."

  17. I don't think so. Although maybe a LS Agent grows that hope inside him.


    It's a good rationalization for becoming a double agent, in part because it's the only rationalization that the game offers that vaguely makes sense.


    I do find it interesting the way players split over who is most at fault here, the Imps for designing it or the pubs for using it. I tend to blame the imps, but there's good arguments for both, and an excellent argument for ditching both and going freelance.

  18. If there is a nuanced depiction of the Sith or the Empire out there somewhere, that might suggest they're the good guys and the Republic is the bad guys, or at least that the lines are blurred, I have to tell you that this is not the story you're looking for. For Imperials I might claim Pellaeon's Empire Remnant, and for the Sith I might claim Lumiya's Sith, but it is certainly not the cartoonish, moustache-twirling Empire of this game. It's bizarre to see players who genuinely can't tell the difference. Without getting into irl politics, that strikes me as a bad sign, lol.
  19. I think ill stop my sub as i just cant get past, i keep dying and dying i am raging as hell i even broke my keyboard, isnt there a way to like buy something that let you skip that part or something? I really hate it and it ruins the game. For me as i want to experience the end of the story of kotet but its too hard


    I lol'd. This would make a good signature, for a variety of reasons.

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