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Posts posted by Ardrossan

  1. Even I’ve heard of that and I’m in Australia. Wouldn’t surprise me if it originated from an Aussie, Kiwi or Brit because that’s our sort of humour/nick names for things. Usually a bit different to US thinking ;)


    When we had the Aussie servers, so many people were having CS tell them to remake their names. We were all, “wt*” because we didn’t see any problems with them. It became very obvious, really fast that it was a cultural thing.


    I avoided telling anyone about CC for a long while exactly because I was worried about getting a forced name change. It's...less likely now, but still a bit of a risk mentioning it on the forums. There definitely are prudish people who have a Lucasesque zealotry that this game [and SW in general] is solely for children and innuendo is therefore wrong and should be removed. Think of the children etc. How they reconcile that with Fleet Chat is one of the Great Mysteries.

  2. Are you saying the baby thing is just an excuse to take a break from us? Well. If it's that bad, then I don't fault him he probably needs a break.


    P.S. Nobody raids on this game anymore. :o


    Of course, he clearly invented this story of having a life outside swtor to avoid us. As you well know, Eric is a very active participant on these forums, and if he were to leave suddenly, his absence would be noted. Assuredly.

  3. Weird, I was in the US army for 4 years and never heard this "chest candy" although I get it, it makes sense. I just never heard anything like that lol.


    lol, I've never been in the military so my knowledge is entirely theoretical.


    My pub main is a trooper named Ricky Fishing. The male version of that term is Ricky Boxing. It's in the below link too. One of my guildies was in the military and knew what it meant and was horrified that I'd name a character that. I also used to have another trooper named DILLIGAF, but it got deleted during the last server merge, so it's possible that name is up for grabs. Blue Falcon was another trooper that got deleted in the merge.



  4. I like to give my troopers names from military slang. Chest Candy, for example, is an officer who seeks promotion and medals constantly. It also suits my DS body type IV female Trooper. You can google military slang and find the one you like best. If DS, might I suggest Blue Falcon, which is a polite acronym for something else, referring to a soldier who betrays comrades for personal advancement.


    If you're determined to pick a real-world general, how about something a bit more obscure than top ten lists of greatest generals ever?


    How about McClelland, 'The Young Napoleon', one of the early Northern generals during the US Civil War, who was well-liked by his troops but constantly overestimated the strength of the opposing side?


    Or Ney, a Marshal of Imperial France who came up through the ranks and was called by Napoleon 'The Bravest of the Brave'?


    Or on the other side, how about Crauford, 'Black Bob' to his troops, who commanded the British Light Division during the Napoleonic wars, the closest parallel to SpecForce. He was a great general who, unlike most on the British side, led from the front [which is how he died]. But he also had violent mood swings and was a harsh disciplinarian.


    For a non-European example, how about al-Walid, the Arab general who fought most of Muhammed's early battles. He conquered Syria and is often regarded as one of the greatest military strategists of all time. But he was also feared by his own side, who thought he was a little too bloodthirsty to be on God's side, and also a threat to the earliest Caliphs, who thought he was setting up a Strong Man personality cult.


    There are lots more great examples from history. To me, calling yourself Genghis Khan is not really any better than calling yourself LuukeSkywalker. It's contrived and uncreative.

  5. well idk how that is when he was a founder and pre ordered this game way before it came out and he did the previous expansion raid boss that was pretty much impossible before it got nerfed and thats how he got all his credits cause he showed me the raid and all the drops he could get in there


    oh he's a FOUNDER, well why didn't you say so from the start? Clearly founders are above reproach, this must be some kind of mistake...

  6. You mean Belsavis.


    What interested me about this quest on imp side is that they DO acknowledge you as a rattataki. Let's be honest, legacy aside, there's very few instances where this happens. If you're playing a Rattataki agent and you go meet Darth Jadus early in the story, one of his servitors says "the rattataki must wait outside", meaning Kaliyo. AFAIK you could play a rattataki agent from launch, but they just never bothered fixing that.

  7. Oricon and Section X are both awful now. They always presented some challenge - you always had to watch the heroic mobs in Oricon or you'd get wiped - but now they're simply not worth doing unless it's a conquest objective.


    Weeklies aren't much fun anymore, and not just because of difficulty or length of time - it used to be, doing a weekly with a boost and maxed CXP in perks would net you several command levels. Now you're lucky to get 1. What was the point grinding the Commanding Influence cheevo when the renown rate is so slow now? When you only get one or two measly pieces of gear per level?

  8. I vaguely recall this mission, but it was just a breadcrumb quest to take you into those ruins near Kaleth to talk to the Kel Dor master and get his quest investigating Kaleth. The reward you get doesn't really matter, and I'd be very surprised if it gave you different stuff - they removed a lot of that back in 4.0 when they standardized quest payouts.


    What's most interesting about this quest is

    a) it leads you into an area of Tython you can completely skip over now that taxis have been unlocked [another 4.0 change]. When the game launched they needed to figure out a way to organically get players moving in the right direction towards quest hubs, but all those quests in that area prior to Kaleth are side missions so it's become pretty forgettable.


    b) The attention to detail. A lot of Tython's quests go overboard with this. The quest you get from the masters about Spanios and Moracet [the two Jedi in love) has something like four or five different outcomes, and if you just take the rote LS path [like most players on Tython] you'll miss a lot of that. They obviously wanted to accommodate many different playstyles, which is great, but they were able to do that because they had unlimited resources and time, and as you go further in the game it quickly dispenses with that [especially for sidequests] and forces you either LS/DS and the occasional neutral as a sop to player agency.

  9. I haven't seen any of it, kind of forgot this had come out tbh. But now I'm stoked to watch it.


    As far as the helmet rule: in Traviss' books, mandos rarely removed their helmets in front of aruetii, or even in mixed company with aruetii in 'safe' territory [like Mandalore]. It wasn't a rule, per se, but general xenophobia against the out-group was always a thing with mandalorians.


    However, the most likely reason he doesn't remove his helmet is because Fett never removed his helmet in either the movies or the books, even around other Mandalorians. Fett was essentially traumatized by his previous experiences and even after becoming Mandalore [in the books] viewed EVERYONE, even other mandalorians, as aruetii. So it is likely the show is simply trying to evoke that Fett vibe rather than anything super complicated.


    We also could view ihis vulnerabilities in the same way - in the movies, you'll note that regardless of how cool and deadly he looked and acted, he still ended up falling into a sarlaac pit because a blind guy who just got out of carbonite knocked him over by accident.


    If anyone is about to launch into a tirade about legends versus canon, spare me. I don't care.

  10. I haven't played in a couple weeks. My sub runs out in less than a week so I probably will play over the weekend, make sure I've spent all the credits I need to before getting capped again. A lot of what I have to do in this game is housekeeping - bringing up all my chars from 70 to 75, and I usually don't do more than two/week.


    As far as gaming in general, I have a lot of games from last year's steam summer sale that I haven't downloaded yet. None of them are MMOs so if I completely lose interest in this game for awhile I'll try one of those. I've been meaning to try Sunless Sea...

  11. Tanks tend to be leaders (positive) or controlling (negative). The role is problematic because they're the ones nominally in charge during group play.


    Healers tend to be friendly (positive) or arrogant (negative). The role is problematic mainly because their role used to be indispensable during group play, so if they quit [or threatened to quit if x action wasn't taken] the FP was over, and then comps got buffed and healers weren't needed, and now that comps have been nerfed they kind of are again.


    DPS tend to be laidback (positive) or antisocial (negative). The role is problematic because dps are a dime a dozen, which can create feelings of inferiority, plus we all know the horror stories of bad dpsers in FPs.


    Even for players who play all three, there's certain types that you can make out. I like healing and tanking in pvp, but I'm very wary of it in fps and especially ops, because if I screw it up, the whole run gets screwed up. Whereas if I screw up as a dps, in most situations (exceptions: ToS, GftM) I can still get carried. I have vastly more dps than I do the other two because I don't like switching specs while leveling, and tanking and healing is very boring on solo.


    Now how about personality types as they exist for specific classes. Maras, anyone?

    • Like 1
  12. I think it's pretty stupid they don't have 2xp over the holidays. They always did before and it made the content drought more bearable.


    I also think it's weird [as usual] the way some of the people on this forum like to pretend they're BW's lawyers or something. "well just because they had one every year previously doesn't mean they're obligated to have one this year." Yes thanks for pointing out the obvious, bruh.

  13. * (Exception) Nobody kills either Kaliyo or Aric Jorgan.

    * (Exception) Everybody saves Shoulder Boy at the end of Nathema Conspiracy.


    Now, that's interesting. I assumed imps skipping would take the kill option for both choices.

  14. Yep. For crafting mats, for example, I won't sell for under 50k for 100 [500 per].


    One thing that I just noticed that does bug me about undercutters though is the lemming philosophy, where you'll have a bunch of mats selling for say, 2500 per, by different people, then someone will come along and undercut it to 2000 per with just one mat or 2, and instead of buying that item to restore the price, people will sell under that, and by the time you get there, it's too late, the price has dropped too far. If one of these guys had just bit the bullet and bought that one undercut mat, it would have been fine.


    But I'm not going to delude myself that my angst over this is because I care about the COMMUNITY lol.

  15. her base contract is available from one of the fleet vendors... security key I think...then you can unlock it in collections and only pay 300k per additional character on legacy... very worthwhile for crafting zombies


    Once you unlock in collections for CCs, you don't pay anything to get her on new characters. So buy the merc contract from the vendor in the bazaar, then unlock in collections, then you're good.

  16. Anyone that undercuts for less than ~1% doesn't deserve to be purchased from. Same for any sale price with more than 5 significant digits.... those people make GTN sellers look bad.


    I happily skip over those listings and pay up to 5% more (whether that's hundreds, or millions)


    going rate for CC on my server is ~20kCredits:1CC ... which mean 20kCredits is roughly equal to a US penny... So there is really no excuse for pricing items in the millions of credits off by a single credit.


    I do this too. And I've seen posts of other people who will also skip the 1 cred undercutters.


    All you are really doing is acting selfish for a quick reward and pat on the back. It’s also the sort of predatory tactics massive corporations use to drive away competitors and then they raise their own prices. I really hope you aren’t number two because all respect will be lost for the other stuff you do to try and help the community.


    Trixxie, your philosophy is all well and good if it works for you, but as far as I'm concerned, you're the predator using unsavory tactics in this conversation. And since you've brought in real-life examples to justify your miserliness, I would compare it to corporations who insist that a pure free market is the most moral thing for the community - and then try to get everyone on board selling their merch for the same outrageously high prices.


    As it happens, if I sell something for 500 or 1000 credits less than everyone else, it will sell faster [obviously!] than if I sold it for one credit. And I just can't get over this idea that you think your greed actually helps the community, lol. It's an amazing kind of tunnel vision.

  17. Since he didn't say ALL players, it can be understood the OP was referring to more than just himself, and would be granted a certain level of carte blanche to express their opinion. Not every post needs to be prefaced with "I'm not speaking for everyone when I say...". Maybe be less of a problem, and more of a solution.


    Agreed. This forum is the only place I know of where people get bent out of shape because someone says 'we' and 'they' didn't get a signed letter asking them to confirm their agreement to x proposal.


    I think it's more of a mental issue than a language issue tbh. People who don't interact with real life society and thus don't understand that their nitpicking doesn't connote their attention to accuracy, but rather how anal-retentive they are. That, or they strongly overestimate how much attention devs pay to forum posts and accordingly panic when someone says 'we', because 'some dev' might be reading this and conclude from this one forum thread that a majority of forumites are in alignment.


    tl;dr - less whining on this particular meta-topic would go a long way towards making this forum sound less like a coterie of barely functioning neckbeards.

  18. Sorry, but are you allergic to making credits? Please, please tell me you aren’t also one of these foolish people who under cut for more than 1 credit a time (they are sooooo, dumb). Ie lowest price is 90,000 and you list for 60,000?


    30,000 undercut? No. But at the same time, I hate hate HATE those players who undercut by one credit.


    If the lowest price is 90k, I'll sell for 89.800. If it times out, I'll double the cut by 200 creds until it sells.

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