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Posts posted by Ardrossan

  1. I feel you. It’s especially annoying when you make a Herculean effort against multiple attackers to stay alive long enough for them to send back up (even if they missed your first call).

    And then you respawn and you see them all still at mid chasing 2 guys while you were defending against 4-5 for over a minute.

    That really grinds my gears because I look at chat and see I called multiple times and got told to shut up or stop whining.


    Even worse when the other side controls mid and we control the two outer ones, and they'll still ignore incs to fling themselves at mid over and over again.


    I lied, there's a few other cases: people who turn chat off in matches because they think "pvp is toxic" and "you can figure stuff out just from reading the map".


    On Ancient Hypergates, taking or retaking a node, and then the rest of the team immediately leaving for mid when there's like a minute left, instead of staying to guard, and the node gets taken. Even worse when we control both nodes and they still think running orbs is the best use of their time.


    Related to this, applying to a lot of other maps, very few players seem aware that you shouldn't leave a node before checking that someone is guarding it, and that they aren't a healer [who often get stuck doing it].

  2. I only whine when I'm guarding, call incs, and no one shows up and the node gets taken. This happens most often at Yavin because the two outer nodes aren't as distinctive as at other points maps [ie snow/grass east/west].
  3. We have seen that EA and BW only respond when something affects the bottom line, so continuing to pay a subscription so you can vent your displeasure is not going to change the direction of the game or how quickly content is released. But then, if you cancel your subscription then that will mean less revenue for the game, and if enough people do that then EA will reduce the budget and we will see even less content. Oh the conundrums.


    I can tell you from experience that this argument just doesn't seem to register on your target audience. They think that you telling them to unsub if they're dissatisfied with their experience is equivalent to an ad hominem. They seem to be under the impression that BW is like the government and they're protesters and if they simply protest long and hard enough, BW will see the error of their ways and cave in [note: that is not how actual protesting works either]. They don't seem to realize that BW is a business and doesn't GAF about customer loyalty.

  4. Dulfy has a good guide for companion gifts (someone already posted that ofc :) ).

    Also with Onslaught we got a new source for companion gifts via jawa scrap, you can get your droid companions and a few of your other comps to 50 without paying a single credit, Maintenance ( droids) and Delicacies ( beasts and certain humanoids). Given that you have at least 3 droids if you finish all the story content and also the good old HK droid, you're halfway to your 8 crafter without a single cred payed. The 3 jawa scrap vendors are located in the cartel bazaar at fleet.


    This. I consult that dulfy guide a lot. I also use the maintenance/delicacy gifts combo. However, I generally only raise comps to 50 if I'm planning on crafting with them, otherwise I'll just level them with story convos and whatever 'Love' gifts i currently have in stock. I've only used the compendium once, to raise Theron to 50, since he doesn't like maintenance/delicacies. If you're crafting, be sure to grab SCORPIO from the companion machine; she Loves maintenance gifts.

  5. Anyone else worried Bioware will use extremly limited resources on making prettier cameras and redoing enounters from older content that no one asked for or that weren't that much in need of change in the first place?


    Here's some content on older planets that ACTUALLY been in need of change/fixing/improvement for years:

    - Solo Seeker Droid/Macrobinocular finale heroics. No point event going into details, players made enough requests and comprehensive explanation behind this thruought the years

    - 2x or 3x faster Walker sections in KOTET. Current glacial speed makes this content awful instead of fun different gameplay experience

    - Less auto-engaging stealth-immune skytroopers in KOTFE (chapter 10 biggest offender). Makes replaying some of the chapters a total turn off

    - Heavily improved Seeker Droid digging range, precision and areas of functionality. No more buffs crafting/buying nonsense, one unified functional & precise Seeker Droid by default from start, digging should ideally be allowed almost anywhere in the game. Add different decorations/pets/cosmetics to each planet to dig up.

    - Buff the Contraband Slot Machine and add it on Nar Shaddaa/Mek-Sha Current version is useless. Odds of winning Cartel Certificates should be similar to Nightlife event machines. When the event is off, Contraband machines should be available on Nar Shaddaa & Mek-Sha. It's ridiculous how some of the very few interactive objects in the game world are only available few weeks in a year. Makes the casino planets feel dead & fake outside event. Dated game design.

    - Legacy GSF hangars. Everything is legacy in the game except GSF that ACTUALLY needs incentive to parcitipate on alts, not just decked hangars on mains

    - Redo PVE on-rails space combat into PVE starfighter missions. Not enough space to list thousands of reasons this should happen and is years overdue


    Add yours.


    I just ran an assassin through kotfe/et, it wasn't quite as bad as I remember. Add shade stalkers to the list of stealth immune which drive me nuts.


    I actually liked the Walkers in End Times, but nowhere else. I've gotten used to the sequence in Wrath and Ruin and there's shortcuts to make it more bearable, but one of the worst is in Ascension, that walker fight drags on waaaay too long.


    Agree with everything else. It'd be nice if the space missions got some love, and might encourage people to try GSF.

  6. Ideally, more class stories or at least nods to class flavoring.


    I'm very hesitant to have them go back into vanilla and 'improve' things. That's how we got the new mailboxes and breadcrumb missions removed from the game. As far as making new classes, this is a thought experiment so we can skip over the unlikely cost/benefit of them doing so, and still do real talk: how would you like the writers of KOTFE/ET to design two new class stories from scratch?


    No, me, neither.

  7. Holy crap the devs actually listened to players? to pvp players? And they're actually contemplating giving players more choice? That's like a trifecta of "things BW never does anymore".


    I rarely leave any match, regs or ranked. Something has to be going very wrong in a match for me to even consider it. I don't expect to win every match but I always play to win. Heck, I don't even leave the annoying back fills into a lop sided match. Most of the time they are over quick and I just move on.


    I have been watching this thread and understand some of the concerns about the debuff. It only 15 min folks, not the end of the world.


    I will say that the only way I would have an issue with it is if the debuff is tied to a vote kick. I could see that becoming a serious issue if that happens - in both regs and ranked.


    Agreed with all of this. If regs had a vote kick, that would be bad, but a deserter debuff sounds like a good idea to me - I hate people who leave as soon as the other side gets a node or scores a point or does anything that threatens certain victory. Yes choice is great, and choices have CONSEQUENCES. Wanna be selfish and disdain 'the social contract'? Then eat the 15 min timeout.


    Will the debuff make any impact on pvp population, good or bad? meh, I doubt it. But I really enjoyed seeing the panicky outrage of people in this thread saying that they'll sabotage their own team if the deserter debuff gets implemented. This forum excels at providing opportunities for toxic players to out themselves.


    Ranked is a toxic cesspit of abuse and hostility and if you play ranked, you know that's the truth. Every game, someone throws a load of abuse at someone else, win or lose. There's always someone poised to complain about someone for some reason, justified or not. I'd much rather play for rewards via regs but because of people like you, who want exclusives so you can show everyone how awesome you are, there're no rewards for playing regular warzones whatsoever.



    It's telling that you think regs is worthless because it has fewer rewards. I don't pvp for rewards, but because it's fun. You clearly play only for rewards and I have to wonder what kind of teammate you'd be - would you be any better than the l33tists that have made ranked infamous?


    I would add more in-game prompts to tell folks what to do with the power-ups. Something like, "This power-up activates a new control point. Take it to one of the white unused areas to use and gain more points for your team". I'd combine that with showing folks holding a power-up on the minimap. Do this after they've held it for, say, 45 seconds . After a minute and a half give them a debuff that increases their damage. (The times are just examples to illustrate the idea.) The idea is to nudge people towards using the power-up and doing objective-based play, with a small stick if someone tries to stall by hanging onto a power-up.


    Agreed with all this. I love OPG and i'm sad to hear that I won't be playing it much anymore.

  8. Okay, so assuming it has the QoL improvements included, maybe not make it true 1.0 something like 1.2 or 2.0, I don't think it is necessarily that bad of an idea. If you don't like it, it's as simple as not playing it. I just think this would be a look back for veterans who have played the game since launch.


    To address some of what phalzen said:

    1) Strongholds - In my opinion, a waste of credits. It really is just another place to keep a mail box, cargo bay, etc. Other than that, there really is not much to it.


    Everything that Steve mentioned, unlocking taxis, quick access points etc remained a thing until 4.0 I believe. So 2.0 era would still have all that crap to deal with.


    The major advantage of SHs were the legacy stronghold bays that allowed sharing between characters. That was a massive advantage for crafters [until the mat bank] and impacted every player, not just subs. I used to mail gear bought with planet-specific commendations, one mod at a time to new chars. Subs were able to do more than 1, but still pretty inconvenient for a long time.


    As phalzcen said, why would we want this? What's the benefit that would account for the cost in resources? OWPVP? Sounds like you weren't a fan. No level sync? Because this game isn't EZ mode as it is? Skill trees?


    To pick one thing:

    I agree on Skill trees. I don't know why each and every developer jumps on this simplicity wagon...


    Not for no reason Path of Exile (A HUGE PASSIVE NODE TREE game) is so succesful!1![/b]

    Image Passive-Tree


    To each their own but I literally lol'd when i saw this. That might look cool to you but to me it's massively over-complicated, like I'd need a novel-length instruction book to figure it out, and yeah I'll pass.

  9. Oh hell no. Sorry to break it to you, but the toxic part is the progression/raid group. they're elitist and treat other players like TRASH because they're not as proficient as they are. Any game with endgame progression can breed those competitive idiots.


    Casual people are just that: casual. They want to enjoy the game at their own pace and have fun doing it.


    Same with Ranked pvp. It's pretty lulzy to see an argument that "no no it's the CASUALS who are the problem." Remember this thread the next time someone claims that the forum is a good representation of players' opinions in general.

  10. The game wants me to care about Vette so bad it's sometimes pathetic. Meet up with Theron on Iokath: "Hey Commander, we're in arse knows where with no idea how we got here, surrounded by murderous droids and Vaylin's troops, not to mention Vaylin herself is somewhere here...." -- "That's not important Theron, better tell me IS VETTE ALRIGHT?!!!!!" And then later you get another chance to pee your pants in joy that Vette is alright, hallelujah! Really? You bypass your war-forged friends and love interests, but Vette is so special that my characters waste a precious dialogue option (and that would be 33% of choices), on "OMG is Vette okay???" Tell you what, game -- I don't give a rat's arse about her. And after saving her on one character just for variety, I'm gonna choose Torian over this annoying writer's pet on all and every other character I'll ever run KOTET with.


    imo this is an excellent reason to save Torian for all future run throughs.

  11. An actual off topic post.


    I binged watched Dexter. Now binge watching Criminal Minds (Netflix only has first 12 seasons not 13-15).


    I have a theory. Criminal Mindds' serial killer Frank Breitkopf (played by Keith Carradine) survived jumping in front of the train, changed his name to Frank Lundy (played by Keith Carradine) and joined the FBI. This explains A) why he never cought Dexter Morgan, he did not want to, B) why was "in love" with Deb Moragn, the serial killer's sister and C) how he knew there was a serial killer, he called "Trinity" existed when no one else did, he was a serial killer himself.


    That's a good theory. Do you have any theories that make the Dexter series finale remotely tolerable? To me Dexter is like True Blood: it was a great series for years with a great setup, great characters and plot....up until the last season [well, last couple seasons], when it went crazy and just gave up. Now they're both unwatchable.

  12. Weirdly enough I dislike Taris in SWTOR but loved it in KOTOR... can't really put my finger as to why.


    It's the opposite for me. It's okay for this game, especially pubside, but in KOTOR I always use the SuperSkip Taris mod.

  13. otoh, this was a link on the same page.




    While an MMO released in 2011 continued the series' story in a few ways, the core Knights of the Old Republic franchise has essentially laid dormant since 2004, which is far too long. It's time for Bioware to revive the franchise and give fans a third game in the legendary series.


    That's it, they don't refer to this game again and don't mention it by name, just "an MMO". Kind of hard to imagine BW - or anyone - randomly making a single player direct sequel to kotor at this point.

  14. I have 45 chars across two servers.


    The most played class story is SW, I have 7 of those, plus two more that were deleted. I like both the VAs and the class story is imo one of the best, endless variety and not just LS or neutral: Try a DS SW who mains Vette but never takes her collar off, or a DS SW who ends up with a LS Jaesa and manipulates tf out of her.


    The others I've played on average 5-6 times. I tend to dislike inquisitors the most, because of the storyline. The irony is that I greatly prefer SI mechanics over SW.

  15. I can't find a thread about this but in KOTFE, starting around the endless swamp and continuing to scenes on the gravestone, there is a red or sometimes blue mist that pervades the atmosphere. It's like smog. Anyone seeing this?
  16. Something that makes me lol about this extension is that the devs frequently tell us that once they create an event and schedule it, there's no way to change or extend it, it will go through its allotted time and that's that. This is usually said when they screw up during 2XP or the swoops and players ask for more time.


    Turns out that's BS. If they can extend an event, they could fix this thing a lot sooner than the 28th if they wanted to, they just don't.

  17. My 8 canon mains:


    JC: Togruta Male Sage Seer, LS IV, very rule oriented, respecting laws of other cultures: if the Voss want to throw Sophia Farash off the mountain, welp that's their culture! Modeled as an older, sterner Nadia.


    JK: Twi'lek Female Vig Guardian, LS V. She's very good at giving darksiders chances to redeem themselves. Modeled as a less cynical Kira.


    Trooper: Human Female Gunnery Commando, LS III. A lot of her DS pts come from initially obeying Garza and later butting heads. Modeled as a more maverick Jorgan.


    Smuggler: Cathar Female Scrapper Scoundrel, DS V. She backstabs her way through most of the game with the goal of creating her own criminal empire. Glibly charming as only a true sociopath can be. Modeled as a meaner Risha.


    IA: Rattataki Female Operative, DS III. Everything she does is based around breaking the rules for fun and Empire. She lets Kothe go free on Quesh just to blow up the Black Codex when he shows up. Modeled as a more patriotic Kaliyo.


    BH: Cyborg Female Shieldtech PT, LS II. Mandalorian, honors contracts, doesn't like Sith, doesn't care about empire/republic conflicts. Modeled as a cross between Torian and Mako.


    SW: Pureblood Female Marauder, DS II. Very honorable, spends a lot of time in sidequests and FPs to serve the Empire, but never takes Vette's collar off, doesn't trust aliens. Modeled after a force-sensitive Quinn.


    SI: Miraluka Female, Neutral. Darth Occlus*. Extremely capricious. May let the Balmorra scientist go...until he questions her decision, then he's dead. May be legitimately crazy. Modeled after a restrained DS Jaesa.


    *Strange choice ikr, but supposedly this really is canon. https://starwarsbloodlines.fandom.com/wiki/Darth_Occlus

  18. The counterfeit tokens problem should be fixed by now. I ran it several times yesterday without a problem.


    Players in-game believed that the emp machines work initially when instances become depopulated and reset, like if there's no one in instance 2 on NS, it will vanish and reset when players log back in. idk if this is true but yesterday around this time I was able to use the emp machines [one of them, anyway] and then they stopped working. idk why BW built so few of them, it's not like it costs them anything.

  19. I'm just glad that this change means that those of who haven't bought the 500k upgrade can still go beyond 600 for gathering / running missions. We were able to do that before and then all these rollbacks happened and then for a while we weren't able to. This has a benefit for CQ points.
  20. This thread makes a lot more sense with some added context:


    I've never quit, or taken a break from this game in the last 8 years, been a constant sub & staunch supporter, but certain things that have happened in the last couple of months that have made me wonder why.


    Something that happens on this forum, and maybe is common in gaming in general is players who take pride in "never taking a break" who then snap over fairly minor issues. Ellie Anne earlier said something like (I'm paraphrasing) 'why would you unsub over the adbar and not the three dozen major issues over the past eight years?' Which is a good question.


    Taking breaks from what you love keeps you centered, keeps you from obsessing. Not taking breaks gives you tunnel vision, as if this game is your only source of entertainment. It also gives players an inflated sense of entitlement, e.g 'I've been loyal for eight years and THIS is how they treat me?!"' It also makes sense why these players tend to overreact when told to "unsub to show your discontent" because for them it's like a personal attack against their identity as a swtor gamer.

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