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Everything posted by Karenai

  1. Yes, No, Yes. It is fixed. You should not respec. Yes hybrid is still the way to go.
  2. The gap is ment to be jumped. Why do you think is there a speed buff on the defending side? For classes without sprints, to jump back over and stop the bridges beeing opened. It just works in both directions.
  3. They ninjafixed telekinetic momentum. Anyone tested if 7/17/17 works now? Tested it, it works now. Also Ninjafixed.
  4. We are not even worth a patchnote. Yes, confirmed 1 point gives about 10% chance, as it should. Respeccing now.
  5. During peak times 8vs8 After hours 6vs7 and such lovely combinations. Or full 8 man premades vs. 4 randoms. Our win ratio is pretty much 95% wins vs. imps, as randoms. So on our server it brings the stats down if we play alot rep vs. rep.
  6. For several days now about 80% off all warzones we see on our server are Rep vs. Rep Huttball. Are the Devs trying to punish the Reps? Are Imps whining loud enough? There are always at least four times more imps on their fleet then reps on ours (200+ imps during slow hours). The imps have long waiting queues, they do almost exclusivly huttball vs. other imps. Why would the system put reps vs. reps in even one game, if there are plenty imps waiting? Why does it put reps vs. reps almost every game for the last days? Is this where we are going? Reps playing Reps and Imps playing Imps? Yeah, yeah imps have to deal with it, too. Blah, blah, blah. They would not need to deal with it, if the system allowed us to play against them. Also most people I know went Republic just for the one sole reason, not have to play Huttball all the time against other people from their own faction. Did other servers also go haywire? Did you see more Rep vs. Rep Huttball in the last days?
  7. I guess it is something like this. Every other theory or official response has been proven wrong. It is something very simple and stupid. Just like Warhammer Online contributions were.
  8. Karenai

    Sage =/= Sorc

    Maybe fixing core talents? This is way worse then slow animations, if you read past the first two words you would know that. Do you guys even read more then two words? 10% on the main damage spell. 3% an all spells. 30% chance for 30% damage on the main damage spell. Those are 13%+9% on the main damage spell, which sages cannot obtain, but sorcs can. And 3% on every other kind of damage. Yes, that is even more then 20% on the bread and butter spell of hybrids. And 3% on every kind of damage. Not gamebreaking? The only reason why sorcs do not win all the time is sitting infront of the PC. All those reactions show how ignorant about bugged sage talents most people are. Read first, post later. I am talking about broken talents, which do not work on the sage but are working for sorcs. You cannot compare the two classes if three talents for the main damage spell are not working for one class but do for the other.
  9. Karenai

    Sage =/= Sorc

    The whole problem is that sages get mesured by what sorcs can do and sages should do on paper. Telling someone to reroll a sorc just proves the point.
  10. Karenai

    Sage =/= Sorc

    I do it myself. Talking about Sage/Sorc in the same sentence. They should be mirror classes, but are not. There are posts out there claiming things for Sage/Sorc using Sorc builds and numbers as proof. Some threads are so long they get restarted several times. Stop it please. Sage talents are bugged with no fix in sight. The same sorc talents are 100% ok. Sage spells are bugged with no fix in sight. The same sorc spells are 100% ok. At this time you cannot compare sages to sorcs. You just cannot. Yes, Sages perform well. That does not change the fact, that sorcs perform way better, because they are not as bugged and broken as sages are. The core spell of many a hybrid builds Telekinetic Wave is even effected by three talents which simply do not work with it, while the sorc counterparts DO. Telekinetic Momentum never triggers with 3 points in it. Therefore Tremors can never be triggered as well. Psychic Suffusion does not add any damage to Telekinetic Wave, although it should. That means Sages cannot add flat 10% more damage onto Telekinetic Wave and 3% on all damage and also cannot add a 30% chance for an extra 30% damage hit with Telekinetic Wave. All while Sorcs can do just that. Sages are NOT sorcs.
  11. Was it viable to resettle Hiroshima and Nagasaki? No, but it had to be done.
  12. The problem is not IF sages/sorcs are OP. Maybe they are. The problem is, that a core SAGE mechanic does not work at all. The Sorc counterpart DOES WORK. So there is no Sages/Sorcs are OP so they can stay bugged. It is a SAGE ONLY PROBLEM, that does not afflict sorcs in any way. Sages are working with a broken skillset, while sorcs are not.
  13. Not on Alderaan. Those 600k+ screens are all Voidstar.
  14. I do not get it. Realy do not. Every class has some kind of filler spell. Sage filler spells cost force, so they hit harder then others. Sage/Sorcs are the only ones without a free "autoattack". Run around as Trooper/BH and spam your free attack. I bet you will do more damage then 80% of the others, who stand around most of the time thinking about what to click. That is the beauty of swtor, even the worst spec, played by the worst guy can do rather good. You can do damage as full heal speced and no one would notice. You could even do damage wihtout a spec and no one would notice. (Had a lvl 60 mage once in wow with zero points spend, he did not know he could...he was raiding MC and his raid did not notice. We only noticed it, when we asked him to aoe and he started to cast his arcane explosions ) Yes, Sage dps is simple right now. But if it is so simple, why does my Sage outdamage 90% of all sages and sorcs twofold (never ever getting outdamaged even when losing)? I guess they run around thinking this video is a guide. PS. Make it a mock-guide please. BTW You can do the same with disturbance as telekinetics. It also shows how little of Sage/Sorc damage is actually AoE. It is way less then people think.
  15. Does it at least work? You get 20-30fps on Ilum? How? What kind of wizzard are you? I would love more then 2fps with a better CPU and GPU then yours.
  16. Karenai


    You are aware that "scum" is a very, very, very derogatory word? It describes the foam building up when you boil meat. Which is seperated from the broth and thrown away. It means something of absolutly no value whatsoever. And in regard of people it describes people who are so worthless, that they do not even have the right to live. Calling someone scum shows you regard him as even less worth then a simple animal. They use it because it sticked as an imperial thing to say. But that is not coincidental. The empire was build around the symbolism and feel of the german third reich. Calling someone scum is a very german fashist thing indeed. The german equivalent "Abschaum" was used very broadly for any group which was deemed not worth to be alive and therefore send to die in the extermination camps. Like Jews, Sinti, Roma and Jehovah's Witnesses.
  17. Yes the grass IS greener. Forked Lighning works. Animations are faster. AoE kick is more reliable. Companion sacrifice for 50% hp. Reps do not see when sorcs are healing, every cast is some kind of purple. Also the Sage story is rather dull unless you go darkside, and even then it is only fun for one conversation per planet.
  18. Sometimes it even heals for 1% without hitting anyone. It is way bugged, like most Sage spells.
  19. Karenai


    /yell does work. I get yelled at by imps all the time. They call me all kinds of names, especially if I get the 15% buff and sourvive the assault and cc from 5 guys after that.
  20. So you want to pair losers with winners and people who complete their wz with others who do the same? Is that not what happens now? I get into warzones with 80% of the same guys who did the last one with me. And why would you want to punish winning a warzone, by pairing people with losers?
  21. Which class, what spec? I doubt the equipment is the problem. We have guys doing 350k damage on their second day as lvl 50. Also, you said in annother post, you still have greens. Are those greens lower then lvl 45? If so, WHAT DO YOU EXPECT? Try doing anything in greens 5 lvl under max lvl in any game. This is the most forgiving game equipment wise I had the privilage to PvP in. You can buy lvl 50 orange stuff for 20-30k on the galactic market. That is two or three daily quests. Implants and relics are even cheaper. If you can heal. Even as dps HEAL sometimes. 2,5k heal medal is easy as pie. If you can guard, GUARD. If you can taunt, TAUNT. Medals=commendations. If you still die ALOT. DOT THOSE F**KERS. DOT THEM HARD. Dot them so hard their ancestors AND their grandchildren get dots. You are credited for damage done with your dots, even while you wait for respawn. PS. I do not know what you expect, but I tend to die 5-10 times per warzone as full BM. Also if you are an energy class. Hit someone like a truck with all you got. Respawn. Repeate. It can be fun, especially on Voidstar, when you stop bombs all the time by dotting everone dying, dotting, dying, dotting, dying.
  22. We faceroll even imp premades with randoms on our server. It is sometimes painfull to watch. The only real challange are those 10 man premades, but we win more then we lose against them with 7-8 reps only. Just yesterday we capped all three turrents on Alderaan before the timer ran out against 11 imps with 7 reps only. It feels like the imps are getting worse. Maybe it is the Ilum easymode or better PvP players jumping ship. It most definetly are not our guys getting better, more stupid reps are dinging 50 every minute. Maybe those fresh lvl 50 rep with zero plan were the better PvP players on the imperial side. One way to fix the imbalance would be BETTER PERFORMANCE. Even with 5fps (and lately under 2fps most of the time) we push the imps back on Ilum, sometimes to their base, sometimes to the next respawn point, with 1:3 odds or worse. Then it all breaks down, people start getting BSOD and such lovely things. To be honest, AoE caps for most skills should not be active in open world PvP. Ilum fixed. Whoever huddels loses.
  23. Oh that pseudo argument again. It would be even more burst, if it landed instantly, before that heal hits the target, after I threw TW+FIB on it followed by project. How anyone could think a delay in damage can be seen as more burst is way beyond me. I mean this is not WoW where you can kill someone with one global by yourself. Project is supposed to be a finisher spell. You dot, you nuke and finish with project. Also the delay makes our 4pieces set bonus nil. Before my project lands I can run the extra 5m and start pebbels, it IS faster if you want to stop a cap or bomb. And while we are at it, we should mention that Telekinetic Momentum does not work at all, while Forked Lightning performs well.
  24. Also not to mention that the Sorc forked lightning is working as intended. That is the real scandal here. Again the underdogs are getting stomped on by the devs. The only way to make it be known, would be to bring this thread several times over the cap.
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