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Everything posted by Karenai

  1. In Alderaan you do not. Ever. Or Denova you do not, ever. The only reason not to kill someone would be if you open the doors in Voidstar or your ball carrier is well on his way in huttball. But all those situations do not apply for this thread, at all. If you could read, you would know what the thread is about. But you do not, read or know. OP wants to kill the target himself and most of us call that more then suboptimal. Because if the target has to die, it is better to kill it faster and not risk for it to come back. At least read the OP post when you write something in a thread, so you have a glimpse of what is going on. I love to play vs. guys like you though, zero damage but fast to complain over /say .
  2. Just to say one thing about imps losing three nodes. I see it alot on our server. We three cap even imp premades sometimes, good premades. Imps run to the sides with WAY TO MANY guys. Most of the time there are 2-3 imps in the middle at the start. That simply won't do. The central node is key. Yes, you can win with both side nodes. But you can dominate the battleground with the central one. The way between the central and side nodes is much faster then the tunnel or even respawn and you can see all three nodes from the middle one. Standard way to win Alderaan: two left, six middle. One tries to cap left, while his buddy tries to slow the imps down. Middle fight until cap and instantly run to the left, especially if it was not capped untill that moment. You can own the three imps in the middle with your six guys in moments, then sprint to the side node even before the middle one is capped, to help the two guys fighting off the four guys on the side. Sometimes my sage is at the left node via central node at the same time the first imp gets there, because of the guy intercepting them on the left. If you have some decent randoms: never give up the middle node. We even had a 600 : 0 game in which the middle node never got capped. It was still gray at the end. Because there was no way for the imp premade to win the game without it, and they knew it. So they zerged with 8 vs.6 in the middle and we chain suicided into it from all three directions. (Best game ever!) Also: Never ever defend with more then one guy, while you are losing. See that alot, too.
  3. It was ingame on the PTS. It sucked, bad, realy bad. Nodes changed hands even less. Before those trooper/bh and smuggler/operative came to the node the sprinting reinforcments were there. You could always see where the others were going. Because guess what? One landing site. One guy at the middle node could always tell everyone where the respawn went. 1 player you say? CC him. Seriously CC HIM! And what do you expect? 1 good player to let 2 baddies snach his node? Are you expectig to be able to cap a node with one guy vs. three defenders? Two guys is not an offensive. It is a distraction. If you cap with two: great! But it should never be the norm.
  4. Karenai

    Uneven WZs

    You owned those 8 imps? They also said it was a temporary thing to test rated warzones on the PTS and it got into live, with patchnotes stating it blatantly! There is no OOPS! sorry did not mean to do that, if you put it into the patchnotes... That is just lying or internal miscommunication (I guess a lot of the last one is going around). It goes like that: Someone decides "lets not close warzones if there are not enough reps, so the imps, our most beloved customers get their pvp daily quest". Then the guys handling PR and the community go: Oh, what? This can't be right. Sorry guys this was made by mistake, we will correct it asap. The guys actually in charge of the changes: "I am not going to change that, my marauder needs his daily." PR guy: We are aware of the issue and working on a fix. But those things are not easy to change. PS. Yes they are, it is a simple I O either enable it or disable it. It was ingame, so you do not even have to write something new. Remember Ilum, remember the rollback to valor. Yeah, right, there never was any.
  5. 300k is nothing. Very easy to get 300k damage even with keyturning meele. We have a klicking backpadaling mara on our server who does 400k in most warzones. His equip ist BIS, he has guard 100% of the time and a personal healer. He has to turn with keys, because how else could he klick the skills? His way of playing: jump in, aoe, backpedal until far enough for a new jump. Repeat. 6-7k crits. PS. "topping" damage with 300k is just sad.
  6. Karenai

    Uneven WZs

    1.2 patchnotes "Warzones will no longer shutdown early due to population imbalance." It was like three patches ago...
  7. Karenai

    Uneven WZs

    It is a feature! They changed the whole system, so loopsided 1 vs 8 warzones never ever close before the imps take the win home. It is a feature to help repopulate the imperial side of the game, because on some servers the numerical advantage in favor of the empire slowly slipped towards less then four to one. PS. Seriously it is a 1.2 "feature"! Most people thought they did it on the PTS only to test point gaining prior to the rated warzones. But they realy kept it in the game.
  8. If you damage someone from 100% down to 1% and I come along nuke the last 1% down. You get the kill, your 99% damage count, there is no "stealing" involved. There are no last hit kills like in other games. Enjoy your teammates trying to help and go farm more commendations. If you work on the solo kill commendation in a warzone, you play the whole game wrong. I have seen way to many marauders drop to 1% hp, use guarded by the force equivalent, heal up trough bleeds and own my team mates, to not finish anything low hp off. That is what you do in PvP, as long as he is alive he can come back at you, so you make sure he realy dies. Assasins just throw off all dots and you can never know how many operative healers just came by in stealth to start healing that 1% guy. Not finishing enemies off is plain stupid. SWTOR does not implement zellbringen. If you want that, go play some good old Battletech. In SW we fight Inner Sphere style.
  9. I'll bite. What's wrong with 600k damage? (I guess you ment 600k damage not 600k dps, because 600k dps would be silly) I do 600k+ after 1.2. But still get owned by several other classes. Assasins do not even have to try, they just kill me over and over again if they are tank specced for example. BTW the damage difference between War Hero and BM gear is around one percent. So I do not get you point there, either.
  10. Yeah, right. Like those tank assasins/shadows who pop out of stealth, tank specced 19k hp, resisting all damage thanks to their cooldown, owning a sage/sorc in 3-6sec, vanishing, clearing all dots on them, looking for annother target. Beeing a tank does not equal playing in PvP like you were in a PvE raid, be smart you are the only ones who live more then 10sec without heal. Choose the target wisely and your cc/stun/kill can be more frustrating to the other team, then 600k damage from any DD.
  11. If you ran premade: your premade sucks big time. CC is the key to bring multiple healers down. Sage/Sorc healers can be nuked down easy right now. Only ones to look out are trooper/BH heals, those need to be ccd. Now, kill the other ones, then the trooper/bh. Scoundrel/Operative healers are great but can be taken out of commision almost as easy as sages/sorcs. If you run with "premade" with less then 300k-600k damage per dd trough single target damage, reconsider taking one or two of those with you. Good damage plus some cc and the healears drop like flies. Of course the other premades do it, too. Then it all comes down to skill and luck.
  12. Das neue Forum hat twitter feeling. Genau richtig für die Generation no brains at all. Das alte mag nicht perfekt gewesen sein, aber es war wenigstens gut lesbar. Das neue ist ein graus und das sage ich als jemand ohne Sehschwäche oder Problemen mit Farben. BTW Ein Farbenblind Modus sollte inzwischen bei jedem professionellen Forum Standard sein, weil es mehr Menschen mit diesem Problem gibt, als man denkt.
  13. Well nice move. Bioware wanted to thank all those who actually play the game, those who populate the servers and not only those who pay their montly fee. There is just no fair way to measure that, even /played time would not be fair, because some people login several times a day for a short time, while others stand there afk. Expanding the promotion to legacy levl 6 is nice. Those examples in the dev post are very misleading. You gain legacy by completing chapter 1. This can been done solo at level 30, easy. Even with lower level, if someone helps you with the endboss. On pts I did it with a gunslinger at lvl 30, on live my jedi knigt did chapter 1 with lvl 28, but a friend helped with the very last boss. As soon, as you have one chapter 1 done, even several low lvl chars can farm legacy 6. With everything that gives xp. Quests, pvp and such. Also, expanding the window of oportunity is very nice, indeed. It was just bad taste to give the promotion only to those, who did not cancel after it was announced, that rated warzones are canned. Now Bioware gets those people back on board and those who are a short way from lvl 50 or legacy 6 can accomplish that, too. Nice move, at last.
  14. No they do not. Look at your stats. Do not believe what dev posts say, look yourself at your stats. OP is right, that expertise is better for damage then reduction. The post is very strange but right on that point. You are also there to kill people, this is not PvE.
  15. Overall higher expertise numbers and buff to damage trough expertise, while nerfs to damage migration. And weapon based damage got stealthbuffed by a substentional precentage, some say around 35%+.
  16. Randoms vs. imperial premade after 1.2 http://img696.imageshack.us/img696/5236/screenshot2012041300125.jpg 400k-600k damage 500k-780k heal As you can see from the lack of guard and more then one death this was not a very coordinated game on our side. The imps could have lashed out way more damage but they were playing extremly focused on the the win, going for the doors like madman. Any class can put out 500k+ after 1.2. My guess is marauders with guard and pocket heal can do much more, if the other team has good heal.
  17. The modding was supposed to be the main moneysink in the game. It was not working until 1.2 so people ended up with several millions of credits and nothing to do with them. That is the main reason why prices for vanity items are around 500k and 1.5mil. With everyone doing daily quests on three planets the moneyflow will increase, making the inflation even worse. Unless you tend to change your clothes every day in swtor the costs are fine. PS. If you do not have over a million credits on your char, you are doing something wrong. Most people I know throw their money out for respecs and stuff they never use and still had 2-10mil credits prior to 1.2.
  18. Nope, wrong again. Sideshow Collectibles does the promotion, not Bioware or EA. And pointing out, that there is a Bioware subdevision in the US is like saying VW, Mercedes and Heckler&Koch were US firms because they have subdevisions there.
  19. Public schooling at its best. It's just shipping but nevertheless a bummer.
  20. Brightwizards were never op. We only did several fold more damage then the next best damage dealers. Also Sorcs had better skills but worse support. Tanking in Warhammer was OP btw. Anyone remember running meele range AoE specced brightwizzard guarded by a tank with pocket heal and an engineer pulling chaos troops into one spot to be obliterated? Class and spec combos in Warhammer were op. Right now tanks are very much ok in SWTOR, even after the patch. The damage is more then ok, you can run around practicly imune to cc and attack whoever you want. OR you guard someone who destroys the other team while still doing quite good damage. Stop guarding the 12k hp sorc and guard a meele. PvP tanks in swtor are not the hide behind a shield guys, but those who hammer everyone around and do nasty stuff to healers. They SHOULD go down from time to time, especially in huttball, where some tanks just ran with the ball not even hitting anyone just running between the cc.
  21. You do not like steampunk, eh? I love the look on those lightsabers, but your point is valid. If you want a different look there are still those lvl 48 lightsabers you can make, but you have to buy or farm heroic flashpoints stuff.
  22. There are no rated warzones. Yes, everything will be usable in rated warzones, when they come eventually. Exotech>Rakata.
  23. Most people are not valor 70 yet and cannot use the crafted war hero items. Also the pvp recepies are the only way right now to make augment slots on hands an shoes.
  24. That is what it looks like when you get the email. Nice to see, that you do not have to play around with codes ans such things.
  25. That is the situation on our server right after 1.2 patch: http://img696.imageshack.us/img696/5236/screenshot2012041300125.jpg Heal and damage still going strong. Default imperial wins stiill happening.
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