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10 Good
  1. 800dps Oh noes, several guys over 400k, they must be cheating. How do you do 100-170k in what clearly was a long voidstar? What server ist that? Because I just might make a twink there just for giggles in warzones.
  2. There will be heal in every kind of group PvP or PvE. Even GW2 has heal. The only real new thing is: everyone can heal. The only way not to have healers would be some kind of duelling system or the healing beeing done between missions/wars like in BattleTech. But that would also need a last man standing PvP enviorment at all times. Which is not fun, at all. Even EvE has heals. We will see how good or bad the evasion system in GW2 works. I doubt it will get rid of heals. Tanks on the other hand... And calling it something else, like energy, resolve, shieldpower is not equivalent to getting rid of it. Healing in GW2 is less prominent because you recover your life VERY quickly after you kill someone. After a few seconds you are back to 100%. So sourviving the other guy becomes more imporatant, then healing the damage he does, because if you sourvive him for several moments with 1% hp and he dies you still go back to 100% very quickly. There is not very much difference between killing someone with 50% hp left or 20% hp left. That may be different in RvR. Also if you take out the heals, there is only DPS left. So absolutly no reason for any other kind of cc then stuns. You end up with beat'em up games. Smash those buttons! (duells as stated before) Oh, and diablo 3 has healing. Every class does it. With potions. And the monk can be specced into heal.
  3. For those who actually are able to read. BigHead mike was complaining that Sage is broken and 400k are very good numbers after 1.2. (<<now if I get 400k I'm ecstatic...>>) So I posted the biggest fresh number I had, which was over 700k with 800dps. As you can see I died 7 times that is far from "left alone", like some Trolls say. With 140k heal by myself, which was mostly selfheal. Do you die 7 times from beeing "left alone"? If you do, you are doing something wrong. I am KIS for most PvP guilds on our server, some guys farm exclusivly me in warzones, as soon as they realize I am there. Lupino beeing one of them. He hates my guts and was riding me 80% of the warzone. Just because some people do not know that a surge ardenal is idiotic, does not mean that others do not lash out good dps. And yes, posting Voidstar is the right thing to do, because it is the most static warzone there is, max numbers and dps are very compareable, because there is almost no downtime. From a statistic point ov view there is no better warzone for number crunching. Sage is not broken. Other classes are. You don't like the screenshot in question to be a loss. Ok, 788dps Aeon was killing my targets so no one was living for long, 5 times dead in half a Voidstar is also not beeing left alone. Leave me alone, give me targets and I bet you I start putting numbers out which will almost look like it was pre surge nerf again. Sage burst is laughable, the dps is not.
  4. 800dps I beg to differ. This is post 1.2.2 solo queue with zero guard. And as you can see on the losing side. You could do more with guard and more coordniation. Yes, the nerfs suck, especially the broken double dipping. But the class is not broken, just less awesome. (And other classes can outdamage us easy.)
  5. True, true. But also bad numbers=/=good play If you do 100k damage in a Voidstar while I do 700k you are just bad. Unless you are the guy who stealth caps all the doors. Not tries to stealcap but actually does it. There is a fine line between playing for objectives and sucking at PvP.
  6. Suicide runs 4tw! I am a dps sage, I do not kill people, I annoy them long enough untill they focus train me everytime I spawn, even letting go of other targets or waiting right under the spawn just for me.
  7. It's a big enough change to be felt in warzones. And with less ticks it becomes force negative (costs more then you get from it).
  8. If some of you guys are wondering, like I did, why our damage numbers dropped in warzones. Double dipping pebbels has been fixed with 1.2.2. As with most "fixes" for sages there is no mention of it anywhere, but try it with combatlog. You still cast two times but it does not tick eight times. Last piece of burst is gone now. But I am sure more bugs got added, as my FiB crit record went up by 1k damage to 6255. Also, if you respec, try reloging after a respec. I had totaly screwd numbers after several respecs and no relog (FiB crits for 4k with every buff there is under the sun). After the relog first cast in warzone: 6255 FiB. I do not think it works like it should either. The fix also seams to made casting less reliable, the GCD activated but no cast went of bug is way more common now. PS. For those not knowing, what I am talking about. The Telekinetics talent "Psychic Projection" allowed to cast two "Telekinetic Throws" in 3sec rather then one in 1.5sec. That is no longer the case, as the game buggs out and you cast two times but it does not land on target. It was the last key feature of hybrid specs left.
  9. Karenai

    Cheating in PvP?

    Darth Traya. Massivly overpopulated by imps. Simple 1/12/28 spec. I realy do not know what most people do in warzones. But I know a handfull of guys on Darth Traya who can put out 300k with one hand, while eating and talking to their wife at the same time. 500k is nothing. Look at the dps, that's damage per second. At the end of a game go with your mouse over the damage done. I tend to be between 400 and 700 dps after 1.2. Before even around 1000 dps was possible without a premade. Most people I know put 400-600 dps out, unless the imps do not want to play and are slow to come out of their spawn. Yes, 98% of swtor population have a problem to break 150k in a warzone. The rest of us uses every GCD, or at least try to. My damage would be even better, if not for 12fps in warzones and a 150ms ping. To be honest, if there was a "damage" cheat, a "always crit" cheat, I could go over 1mil damage done in a warzone easy. I have 26% crit chance unbuffed.
  10. It only happens with "throwing to the ground" animations. Normal stuns do not cause it. You end up in a state like getting out of a taxi. You are there, all your skills are there, but you cannot use any of them or move. The game seems to be waiting for the "get up from the ground" animation, which never comes. Pulling someone sometimes gets the job done, but more often then not it does not help at all. The more lag there is, the greater the chance for it to happen. Meaning: The more frantic the game, the higher the chance to get stuck. Which sucks, because those are the best games most of the time decided by skill only. One of the reasons why there are no rated warzones, yet.
  11. Maybe he means "Velour" Also: Shells (only way to get augmented hand and feet slot) and titles and you cannot trade warzone coms for rated coms before Valor 40.
  12. People die in 3 sec from my sage. At least it is what they see. They do not see the dots i put on them before and the procs I use, also the 2min cooldown on everything I need for it. But they DO drop from 100% to 0% in 3sec. Dots. Proc. Project. Everything on. Double dip pebbels (with 100% crit chance) and finish with FiB. (If they still stand an instant disturbance for style points and the killing blow) I need 5 GCD worth of time to pull it off, a proc and cooldowns, but it all explodes on target in 3sec. And I am talking about full PvP equipped guys with 1.2k expertise. So, yeah people die in 3sec. From their point of view. And other classes skills can be even more devestating in the same time more often then once every two minutes.
  13. I screenshot every scoreboard at the end of a game, especially the losses. All games after 1.2. on Darth Traya Class: DPS Sage Average Win Rate: 76.24% Average Run Time: 10min Valor: 85 Queue status: Solo or two man Current Gear: 3 WH pieces, rest BM and a PvE proc relic. 6 Augments. Zero set bonus. Voidstar: Win 41 Defeat 12 (Games 53) 77.36% / 22.64% Huttball: Win 31 Defeat 15 (Games 46) 67.39% / 32.61% Alderaan: Win 39 Defeat 8 (Games 47) 82.98% / 17.02% Denova: Win 27 Defeat 8 (Games 35) 77.14% / 22.86% 181 Games: Voidstar 29.28%, Huttball 25.41%, Alderaan 25.97%, Denova 19.34% Overall: Win 138 Defeat 43 (181 Games) 76.24% / 23.76%
  14. Karenai

    Cheating in PvP?

    Damage is not hacked, people are realy, realy, REALY bad at doing damage. I do 600-700 dps on my sage after 1.2 (go with the cursor over damge done after a warzone). Most classes could do more, but they do not. That means that I break 600k damage on a regular basis, even on Alderaan and Huttball, with 100-150k heal done. Once every two minutes I can do two almost 100% chance for crit casts. No dots allowed and anything hitting more then one target uses both charges. If I time it right and choose a soft target, like a healer who is healing others without getting attacked, I can own one player before he knows it. That is once every two minutes and everything has to be just right. Sage sucks for owning people. Marauders on the other hand can do both, destroy someone once every 15sec and do massive overall damage. If their targets huddle, what most people do, they can do way more then 600k per warzone. It is intended for them to be unstoppable forces of nature, which they are right now. So, unless you see people with way more then one million damage done in a warzone, I have bad news for you, those guys do not cheat, your damage sucks. Because this :http://img12.imageshack.us/img12/2967/screenshot2012042101204.jpg is very much normal for people without premades. Perma guarded double healed Marauders can do way more. PS. Yes, there are hacks. Many of them. But I have to see someone who hacked the way he is doing damage. (You could get perma buffs, but never saw any) Speed, including imune to slow/kick/stun (it's the same thing for the game, just annother speed amount) and clipping hacks are beeing used, yes. The imune to beeing slowed/stunned, trough speed hack is the most annoying one imho. Because the whole game revolves around so much cc.
  15. Why on earth would you want that ugly piece of armour? Most things I make crit in 10 or less tries. But I had War Hero pieces which I had to make more then 50 of to get one with augments. Random is random.
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