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Everything posted by Karenai

  1. What do people have it with linear design? What do you want? An asymetric Cthulhu Lair defended by Snoghgots who change aligence in random intervalls? You know most people are just perplexed by the 3 tower complexity of Alderaan warzone? (And don't start to whine about class imbalance, you wanted non linear, remember?) Against a coordinated team there are only two ways to plant, stealther just doing it and getting lucky or bringing the other team down pretty much at the same time, so they do not tickle in in smal groups. The aoe cc needed most of the time to secure a plant, requires that the own team does not nuke on them. Do not huddle. There is just no need to huddle. There ist plenty of room around the door, from where you can nuke, heal or cc. Best yet, run around a lot. Beeing able to switch sides quickly is key. Falling back quickly as opposed to zerging the sourvivers. Hm, hm that sounds like PvP, but maybe I am wrong you clean up all still standing in PvE. PvP is as much about falling back and regrouping as it is about attacking and cc. Voidstar is the best looking and most tought trough warzone in swtor. There are still many things people will not realize about it even when the servers shut down. The only thing that realy buggs me, alot, are the random imperial default wins if it is a tie.
  2. No, not even on a naked troll. 4.7k with low exp targets, everything on and full BM set. You guessed it, I am the omipotent Sage with my 1,5k hits.
  3. If you mean the 6879-7045 kind of thing, your base damage. It is bugged, it's 687.9-705.5 damage. That is your base damage from which your attacks are beeing postulated. Your base damage+bonus damage x the multiplier the ability uses = what you hit for (basicly, its more complex then that) That is for "ranged" attacks and "meele" attacks. Some force/tech attacks only use your bonus damage.
  4. Untill lvl 50? That's your argument? Everything up until lvl 50 is irrelevant. A sidenote, at best. At lvl 50 the blue adrenals and stims are better then the reusables. And with 1.2 it is going to be even worse. So, to going back to OP's worries: Yes, Biochem is very probably going to be the worst tradeskill of them all. Everyone will need crit orange gear and the cc from cybertech will always work.
  5. Deep skilled 3sec cc that breakes on dots vs. no need to skill 4sec stuns, yeah sorcs are SO OP.
  6. lol@all those who do not read more then two words in the last post and post themselfs. Good troll.
  7. Healing as merc is more masochistic. It shall be rewarded.
  8. 1/10 i zerg too much and cannot do any trickjumps in the warzones, also I fall down all the time.
  9. You can disable the legacy name. So the trolls will stay. Most of the others will go play something fun.
  10. O_O So ancient rome is ruled by Berlusconi. Because it has aged way beyond old and is now ancient? Oh, and the Sith rebelled against their jedi brethren so if anyone they should be called rebells. PS. lol@boost idea
  11. Karenai

    6:45 pm

    16 guys that's just enough for one rated warzone match.
  12. Bioware loves queues. Maybe they think it's a cool Zen thing to wait in line. How is it supposed to work with premades playing rated warzones? There was this other game with cross server BGs and look how great rated BGs have been. Everyone is playing and enjoying them all the time with instant invites. Basicly the rated warzones will end up having hours of queue time or massive wintrading at pre determined times. "So, you make a twink rated premade and let us win five games. Then it's our turn and we log onto our twinks and let you guys win five games." On those servers where there are enough people participating the real premades with pimped out chars will steamroll the randoms who managed to get 8 guys into one group. Seriously, how is it supposed to not go all wrong? Well maybe the rated premades will get bored with waiting and queue for a normal game vs. randoms. More fun for everyone! PS. Speaking as a non Ilum farming valor 73 from one of the most populated servers in Europe.
  13. Many good times in warzones. Many good laughs. Yesterday on smuggler sniper, Voidstar. Fought the first door free, one guy is plantig. I get into position to cc the respawn. Shield goes down, I throw my AoE cc grenade on one imp. Whole respawn got ccd. Two of them BEHIND the shield. Plant goes through. Imps who got stucked behind the shield get kicked from warzone 30sec later.
  14. Did you ever ran premade Alterac? It's exactly like that. You make two 4 man groups, go into TS/Vent/mumble. Both groups queue at the same time. If a queue pops up for both groups one of each group goes into the warzone. If they land in the same one the rest also joins. If they land in different warzones, they quit, rejoin the group and the groups requeue.
  15. The whole PvP world is different in Europe. In every game. No one realy knows why. There are way more casuals around in pvp on US servers. On our server we play vs. imp premades around half of the time and against rep premades half of the huttballs. You feel it in the max hit numbers. Most of the games it is difficult to go over 4k, because most guys you shoot at have full BM sets. Then some fresh lvl 50 comes around and you land a 4,7k crit without even trying. We have several people with 400k-800k damage or heal on most voidstar games, even non zerg alderaan and huttball 300k-500k are absolutely normal. So, change your server or run with other people. PS. It was the same in Warhammer Online. We ran around with guarded focus healed meele range AoE BW on european servers, while most US BWs ran around spamming fireballs.
  16. Karenai


    Nades are godly if used right. You can snare packs of imps while running away with the ball in huttball. You can AoE stun the whole imp respawn in Voidstar so your guy at the door can plant the bomb. You can AoE dot those imps at the tower you defend just one moment before you die. When you come flying down they still try to cap with the dot ticking. Nades are great. I get "f##king cheater!" shouts from imps all the time because of the nade cc. Biochem is better. But nades are still great, very situational but great.
  17. Right now you oly get defender objective points, even while the game states otherwise. Did you see that you have always the same amount of defense and offense objective points? In Huttball points are given for attacking the ball carrier. In Voidstar for disrupting plants, caps and defuses. In Alderaan for disrupting caps. You can get 15k+ objective score an alderaan if you dance around a tower and just dot everyone, while they try to cap.
  18. With better gear anything but power becomes irrelevant. 15% expertise for pvp, power for pve.
  19. I try to interpret your post. Do you ask if force potency makes the crits bigger? No, it does not. It's 60% crit, not 60% bigger crits. But yes, use it on cooldown. But never with pebbels.
  20. Because it would be humiliating if 4 reps would win against 8 imps and the imps would rage quit.
  21. Since my damage in voidstar dropped under 650k I realy am looking for an alternative to my sage. Would love to go watchman sentinel but the game in unplayable for my as meele.
  22. 1688 Willpower, 714+damage buffed. 75% surge. 10,5% expertise. The 4,7 was, as I said, a one time *olololeverythingison* thing. +15% expertise adrenal, +380 damage relic, 15%+damage buff from sentinel, 3% from Tremors, 20% from presence of mind and probably 5x armor pen debuff on the target, but did not see it. I am not running around with watchman sentinel all the time so without the 15%+ damage I get 4,5k if everything is on. But also some games I never get over 4k it's all luck and gear on the other team.
  23. 4,7k with hybrid spec. Well 0/25/16 with full tremors buff. (pain to get three loads of tremors) Presence of mind proc. Adrenals, Relic and Sentinel buff for 15% more damage. I would like to test 7/32/2 but already over two million credits went the respec way. My costs do not reset it is always 99800 credits for respec.
  24. Since the latest patch brought some fixes for Sages, which never made it into the patchnotes, let us compile a list of things that got changed and those which did not. Things that work now: - Telekinetic Momentum Telekinetic Momentum now produces procs with Telekinetic Wave if more then one point is spend. The procrates seem to be coresponding to the tooltip. Putting just one point into the Skill does not yield a higher proc rate then it should. -Psychic Suffusion Psychic Suffusion changes the damage on Telekinetic Momentum, just like with all other AoE spells. Things still broken: -Presence of Mind Presence of Mind procs do not change Mind Crush damage. Neither the direct damage part nor the dot. Anyone found and confirmed anything else?
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