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Everything posted by Karenai

  1. So in the Pitt, the team holding the ball at the end wins. In Alderan there are no ties, because Republic points tick down earlier. But what decides the winner on Voidstar? I always thought, that if both teams have the same number of doors down, but one team plants a bomb on an additional door, while the others did not, even if it does not explode they get the win. Last night the imps got to the last door, but did not plant. We got to the last door, planted, but time ran out before it could explode. How, why did they get the win? Is it an imperial win default thing, like there was in some other mmo? Is it completly random? We planted on the last door. We had more objective points per team. What is it? http://img207.imageshack.us/img207/6735/plantednowin.jpg It was a shock for everyone, especially because rep randoms managed to stop an imp premade.
  2. We roflstomp premades 3 in 4 times with sub 50 randoms on my server. What is there to learn from that?
  3. 500k single target damage, out of stealth, with stunlock on most victims, in every warzone. No Sir, this does not look overpowerd at all. Not a tiny bit. Maybe I am just on the wrong server.
  4. I tought tanks were a pain untill I saw this lvl 50 BH healer in Alderaan WZ. 17,5k hp, so good gear. He was the only IMP healer in the WZ. I nuked everything I got into him, disrupted and stunned. As long as his tank buddy was around he never fell under 95% hp. Well that's life, I thought to myself. Started AoE nuking on everyone around and we brought the DDs one by one down. With 6 Reps. Now there is still this lvl 50 BG healer, and 6 Reps nuking him. No other Imps around. Well, it took us 3 lvl 50 and 3 sub 50 over a minute to bring him down. One on six. I do not mean it felt lile a minute, I looked at the watch... No idea if he had a tank set on or how he did it, especially where his ammunition came from to heal this long against six people. But blasted, what in the name of the chancellor's shorts it that mynok guano? How do I counter something like that? We did have SIX people on him. With just two of those you can win every Alderaan WZ, every time. I am lvl 50, and we nuked with 3 lvl 50 on him, so this is not something brackets would fix.
  5. Beeing greeted with the "15min until server shutdown" as the first thing after logging in in the morning is kind of passive agressive evil.
  6. So I capped Darkside V in mid 30' (doing quite a lot warzones=no points for that), was realy looking forward to keeping doing darkside choices way after lvl cap. But what's the point? It realy was way to fast and way to easy. And now it stopped counting the darkside choises. So what? Shall I start farming lightside now? I could get way back to lightside V before hitting 50. Very disappointed, indeed. At least give us some counter after darkside V. You kept track of my points utilising Euler's number and now this?
  7. Blah, skills, blah, skill, blah no difference, blah. Let me tell you from a DD perspective what the bolster system means. LvL 50 tanks take ten times the damage with no heal whatsoever before they drop. LvL 50 meele takes four times the damage before they drop. A lvl 50 heal/tank combo can outheal five or more low lvl chars, easy. I do about 300k-400k damage per warzone, am lvl 40 and have full lvl 40 pvp set. Most of the time I am the only one capable of killing a lvl 50 in the whole warzone, sub lvl 20 tanks pop almost instant. So do not tell me there is no difference. Those lvl 50 are not full epixx, yet. This is going to get very ridiculous very soon. At least do it like in Warhammer ten level brackets with buff for the low lvl chars.
  8. Those are not stealthed players, those are people running around inside the ground. Encountered them several times, you cannot see them unless they attack, you cannot target them, your camera gets bugged out when they attack you. They can tap objectives from below the ground and hinder any tap attempt. My guess is, they get bugged out trough death, while beeing stunned, like companions do, when they start to teleport around laying on the ground.
  9. There are way more Imp premades on our server. We annihilate them with randoms 3 in 4 times. I would say republic is the new order. And imps are the new chaos. If you catch my drift.
  10. Athiss hard? Just yesterday we went in there. I do not know how easy it was in the beta, but we went in with 3 sages and trooper tank. Last boss was underwhelming. Ok, after 15sec one sage just went down...had dot and stood there, waiting for fireballs to reach him (just heal it trough like in this other game). Soon after that the tank lost aggro for good, never got it back. So, this DPS sage is healing, I am tanking as telekinetics sage, at about 50% hp the "tank" trooper dies from fireballs. After that it was tank and spank. I did ran around al little bit to awoid the fireballs and the boss dropped down. Oh, we all were the same level as the endboss except for the "tank" he was 23. Just "DO NOT STAND IN THE FIRE!"
  11. You mean like in the one and only mmo you know. It IS a nice feature, but nothing gamebreaking. No one had a grace period for loot for years and it worked just fine. It is more important for cross server random groups, which we do not have. Chat with people, join voice with them, you will be playing some time with them.
  12. Most easy specs to solo are Balance and Seer. I would recommend Balance, because you can kite 4+hero bosses to the ground and equipment for our frogguy is very rare, which makes him pretty soon usless as a tank unless you have guildmates who build techblades. The single target burst from balance is also way better. I level as telekinetics right now, because I played balance in beta and wanted to see the other dps tree. It is 10x more work to do anything the only upside is, you can heal longer before going oof.
  13. +hit will be viable in pvp once people start stacking defensive stats. No reason at all for it untill late lvl 50.
  14. Realy? I did not notice. Maybe because thoug I am dps specced I end up beeing the only one healing in operations and warzones. 3 sages in an operation: I am the only one willing to heal, because the others have to melt faces. Or look like they do. Not every healing sage is a healer. Expect to see less and less healing sages as the levels progress, when healing as dps is no longer viable.
  15. Yeah people who do not level diplomacy are the reason why I sell my diplomacy junk to vendors. Since the reusable biochem buffs and heals are neither bop nor boe you can just buy those at the galactic market. BTW look at the colours each mission has. I had yellow rank 2 missions while some rank 3 already went green. (cheaper)
  16. I gues you were on a dead WoW server then. We had 3-5h waiting line on our server from launch till deep into BWL, more after server reboot. Even at night you had to wait about 20min. The lines are insane that is true. Especially since there are not that much people around ON the servers, several fold less then during stress test. I am a little afraid of "regular" launch day and would never log out, if my IP did noch change once every 24h.
  17. You don't even have to purchase the key. There is a free of cost applet for IPhones...gives you acces, too. The only thing left is releasing the Soundtrack online.
  18. There are two big problems with that kind of inviting. The first one is that no one knows when they can start. Dismiss it as much as you want, but people DO take time off for the first days of a MMO. Even those wo do not, tend to shape their day around the game for some days. No communication skills whatsoever. Posts in forum, one twitter account, annother twitter account, most of the time non conclusive, sometimes very poorly written and not even a bit tought trough. This makes a very frustrating experience for anyone invested in this new game. And let uns be frank, all those who talk about patience are not the invested crowd. Those will not be writing on other forums, but those who put all their energy in something will. The second problem is ripping apart the leveling progress with friends. Most people play MMOs because they want to do it with their friends. If you outlevel your friends after some days it is not going to be such a big deal. The differnce will not be taht big, you can still do stuff together. But now there are some guys who got in with the first wave, some will maybe get in in one or two days and some will not be able to play untill next year. At least for my friends and me it looks like NO ONE will be able to level with ANYONE unless someone rerolls his mainchar at lvl 30. Way to go proving all those naysayers right and making SWTOR even more into a single player RPG with children in chat. By way of giving people time to leave the starting planets you destroy the MMO feeling even more. We can see the live streams and we have friends playing. It is EMPTY. Even with only one instance of the given planet there is no one there. 42 people on Corouscant as a friend just told me is nothing. I am actually not that much worried about griefers, even though my friends and I plan to roll a PvP server. But for people trying this as their first MMO it could end up beeing a big concern. You could have chosen to assign everyone a number for his pilgramage on the servers. At least that would have helped a little with the not knowing when. And people could have go on do something else for some hours, which in turn would have helped with the servers not beeing bombarded with logins every 30sec. The concept of rolling invites has merrit. But the execution untill now was way worse then expected. Oh, and nice to know that every single passable Legacy name will be gone too, right with any passable char name. PS. During stress test we had to wait for 45min to get onto a server, how are 18+hours better? Why even stop for 18h? Do you guys need 18h sleep? Oh no, right, you want to spend 10h with your family. Well good for you, you can plan and adjust. Here in Europe those 18h are usless in any form, because they start to late (without any prior warning) to do anything else then try to sleep after pouring in c8h10n402 for the whole day, because maybe we could play but did never know if and when.
  19. @SWTOR The Old Republic Don't worry, there are still more invites coming today! We will announce when the next wave is sent. So don'T say no more invites coming, the 2nd last tweet was badly forumlated.
  20. The best part is, most servers are pretty much empty. No instancing at all and very few people around. So it is not about stability. Some guys sit around laugh their asses off and wait for the first wave to leave the starting planets to invite the 3rd wave.
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