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Everything posted by Karenai

  1. Well realy nice way to show those who unsubscribed because of no rated warzones, what Bioware thinks of them.
  2. What he said. The only reason for pulling rated warzones. Either you wait for hours like with wow rated bgs (and they have cross server!) or you let premades steamroll randoms.
  3. There was no "issue" with the rated warzones. Nothing was broken, not working or anything like that. There were not enough players. Have you been on the PTS? It was deserted. And most guilds who got lvl 50 were PvE guilds. On 80% of all servers maybe on more full 8 man premades would have to play almost exclusivly against random groups. Good for the premades. Bad for randoms. That is also the reason why they will NOT allow single queues for rated warzones. Maybe, just maybe if cross server warzones are implemented, thel will allow it, but I doubt it.
  4. The best part is: Most people will l"ose" half their gear because they miss out on the mod updates. I personly did not change my mods back, because, well I will be farming hero gear anyway, and from the looks of it it will not take long, sou I can run around in less then ideal stats. Most players did not even know the stat change was going to happen. Bait and switch: you can farm hero gear but at a microscopic pace. Now I will have 3 BM sets on my main, and fresh lvl 50 will have more expertise then I do. geart job Bioware.
  5. Biggest bait and switch in MMO history ever. Not only no rated warzones with 1.2, but also premades only rated warzones. I am not playing swtor to do 8 man arena. Also feedback from PTS? You mean all those PvE raid guids doing warzones?
  6. Yeah, biochem is king...or not. What a bunch of ******. min/max ing stats in pvp ist way more important then in pve. Why? Because the other guys do it, too. If your raid boss dropps with you having 1900 willpower, he will drop the next week, too. He will not optimise his stats to counter yours. He will not change his crit rating or spec so he can own you. In PvP that is exactly what people do. If you do not min/max you fall behind. The more hp people get, the less of an impact does the reusable medpack have. There are guys running around with 22k hp on our server with massive expertise. If you are seriuos about pvp there is only the exotech option for stims. With the cooldown on 3min for nades, cybertech ist hands down the best PvP crewskill and every other one except biochem is close. People tend to compare the biochem stims to not having any stim, at all. Which is BS because if you are not potting, you will not run PvP or PvE with people who are not masochists.
  7. No, the consumable ones are better, they are called Exotech and the recepies for them drop only in PvE raids. So, while yes, biochem is rather good, if you want to have the most out of it you need to raid. Cybertech nades are getting buffed with 1.2, cooldown comes down on 3min from 5m. The power does not realy matter, waht matters are the effects. CC, root, snare. If you want to do PvP on a populated server go cybertech. If you want to be as independend from the market as possible go biochem, but expect to be forced into PvE. If you want to raid, any other crewskill gives you more stats then biochem. But, using adrenals can get very pricy, if you want to use them as a non biochem in raids. Still, even as biochem you should use Exotech adrenals, if you want to min/max your performence.
  8. Will not. Anything you pulled out will not be upgraded. And many of us did just that to mods, to min/max.
  9. Those fire and forget dev posts just hours before the patch, show how important we as players are. Cristal colours get a response, but gamebreaking stat changes and must have crew skill implementations we can find out on live after investing millions in credits. That is all this patch is about, squishing the inflation.
  10. Very important question. Is it going to be possible to learn offset items trough RE? And can those have augment slots? The general tenor now is, that everything can have augment slots. But what about the biochem nerf? Were we not supposed to have two implants instead of one augmented upon crit? Also: Which item slots exactly will be able to have augment slots? Considering max level equip only. There seems to be very much confusion as to which items can be augmented and which not.
  11. http://img33.imageshack.us/img33/6678/screenshot2012040220360.jpg http://img684.imageshack.us/img684/3988/screenshot2012032921222.jpg http://img692.imageshack.us/img692/7149/screenshot2012032317302rd.jpg Not realy that special. All three with random Reps. PS. But I get it, that some people get exited about it. Also, very funny, how most guys do not show their stats from those games, just a blank UI screenshot.
  12. Darth Traya: Reps lose 1 in 10 games with randoms, and that one game is almost always against a BIS equipped premade, while reps have several 12k hp guys.
  13. Over 100 more +force damage unbuffed then my sage has full buffed. I would love your surge for force attacks, too. Ratel on screen: fade to black. I like it.
  14. This is actually going to change. You will be able to bypass stations if you have a ship in orbit. Stations are more of a logical design thing, then technical. Or else everyone would ask: Why can I not land where ever I want on the planet? With stations and shuttles you have a simpe explanation. But in some cases the reasons why you are not allowed to land directly are beeing extremly badly written.
  15. Eine Warzone sind ca. 5k credits. Quests nicht gerechnet. Eine Warzone dauert ca. 15min. Ein 2h stim für 10k credits bedarf also ca. zwei warzones. Medpacks und adrenals kommen sowieso nur die PvP in Frage, die man super billig kaufen kann für je 10 warzone coms. Mit 1.2 in den Startlöchern wäre man nicht sonderlich klug jetzt auf biochem zu wechseln. Da alle anderen Berufe gebufft werden und biochem generft wird.
  16. Even Bioware could not be stupid enough to implement something like that on live. I guess they want more "outcomes" on PTS. Before that change games which got aborted did not give anything.
  17. It is like with all compliments. It depends who is using them. The cute guy you have a huge crush on giving you a compliment is worth ten times more then your creepy uncle saying you are cute. Some people always end a game with GG. Let them. Do not fix something that does not need to be fixed. If that hardcore pvp god with his army of guards, heals and support gets stomped by your ragtag band of randoms uses GG at the end, he most probably means it. Feeling like GG is used to bring you down is like complaining that someone opens the door for you. Never assume anything:
  18. Nope, because the BM set will also not have any rank associated with it. Ranks are for titels only after 1.2.
  19. Right now, as hybrid sage, after surge/adrenall nerfs. 4.7k without sentinell buff. Most of the time my best crit in warzones is around 3.2k-4k. Even with sentinell buff (+15% damage) the stars never allign right to top my 4.7k record. Well, our imps are pretty well equipped. Had the 5k medal once, one day before adrenal stacking got nerfed (and no one told me you could do it before, so I had just one day of fun with it). I am seeing forward to critting sub 3k after 1.2.
  20. My main is a sage hybrid. I am leveling a sniper for the imp storyline. Yes, he is not lvl 50, yet. But I LOVE sniper in warzones. It is different, way less offensive, way slower and you cannot score points solo in huttball, so you depend on the others. But boy is the area of denial great. I can solo kill every ball carrier unless someone puts me into cc for a long time. I can cc the whole Voidstar respawn with just one skill, then kick them away, then cc them with a cybertech grenade. Unless my teammates are stupid that is a guaranteed bomb plant. On top of that the other team has to focus me or they start dropping one by one. You cannot do everything as a sniper, but for area of denial no other class can top you. Also, I know that my 300k damage in Alderaan is killing people where and when it counts. The biggest trick you have to pull off, is the same the Devil pulled. Convice the other team, that you are no real threat, because you are not realy there. Especially as imperial sniper those skills are hard to spot, so find a good place to hide and nuke those guys down. Relocate even 3m just to be out of sight. You do NOT want line of sight to the whole enemy team, silly sniper you are not a sorc, you only need line of sight to at least one enemy at the time, the rest should not even know you are there. If there is no other option then to be visible, kill those healers, your burst is INSANE if played right. Oh and the last thing: You can kneel down. No need to go into cover 90% of the time, unless you want to pull of a trickjump with rolling into cover over vast distances and hazards. Just kneel and shoot. The cover mechanic still works. Should I ever need to reroll on annother server, it would be a sniper.
  21. Yeah, like in getting a whole new set of skills, because you reroll your wisdom, dex and co. Therefore a whole new char. If you reroll during char creation, thats called cheating.
  22. Healing gets destroyed, too. 1.2 will be not much fun as sage, so reroll as long as you can. This http://img268.imageshack.us/img268/5997/screenshot2012032313353.jpg Is going to end up like this http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=3fd-v3DYT7U with 1.2
  23. Some people like to talk first, then team up. Most of the time there is that one troll or ignorant guy who gets all fuzzed up if you start talking in general chat, makes smal talk impossible. 7 in 10 times I team up with someone who did not talk in general chat, it ends in me leaving the group, because they start pulling EVERYTHING or you have to wait for them to paint their nails while you do a heroic quest. If some small talk rolls out prior to a team up there is never a real problem. Chatting trough typing is a big sign of "I can use the keyboard".
  24. Which you can simply slot over with annother cristall, just not take it out.
  25. Make PvP items BIS (best item in slot) for PvP. Everytime when PvE equip becomes BIS for PvP, even just because of burst not overall damage or heal, PvP suffers. Right now I personaly have exactly the right PvE items for my PvP char and am glad that my overall damage is buffed nicly from it. Most of min/max numbers addicted people like myself would always opt for the better BIS item, even if getting it is very difficult, time intensive or random. This time I got lucky, had everything I needed from hardmode raids in just one run. Bought the rest or farmed it myself (around 20h farming for bracers). But if there is some exotic PvE item which would be BIS even by a 0.0034% margin. IT TAUNTS US! Everytime we see someone with it we rage a little bit inside. Pushing PvP players forcibly into PvE (like making the recepies for the best stims drop in raids, but the mats needed "could" be farmed by anyone) is counter productive. It forces people to do something they hate or just do not want to invest time in. Only raiders call for No-Expertise. They want to do PvP, too. Well even when PvP players do want to raid, you need to find several more people who want to raid in the same timeslots and are capable enough in the PvE department. Removing Expertise would be like making PvP equip en par with raid equip. So make PvP equip actually BIS for PvP. 'nuff said.
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