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Everything posted by Karenai

  1. First of all, the root has to be skilled for 2 points. It is not a cc, it is a root. It breaks on damage, holds max 5sec if not disturbed. Second, I guess you mean the shield explosion, which has to be skilled for 2 points, way up in telekinetics, at a very, very bad spot to spec, holds for 3sec and breaks on damage. Also for it to explode the sage/sorc shield has to be destroyed. That means YOU CC YOURSELF in that moment, because you just nuked the sage/sorc and his/her shield was destroyed BY YOU. Even if no one does damage to you, not even the AOE SPAMMING sages/sorcs the maximal duration of CC is 3sec+5sec root. Also if you play vs sages/sorcs: HUDDLING AROUND ONE POINT IS S T U P I D. They have AoE, they have kickbacks. YOU SHOULD KNOW THAT. It is like complaining about meele doing damage on you because he is in meele range. You get out of meele range. For sage/sorc you get out of packs.
  2. Get rid of most hacks, fast. Some performance enhancment would be nice. But mostly hacks. Ban them, close the barn door of direct memory editing. Oh, and the most important thing which would make me stay: delay GW2 for annother year.
  3. Reconsider how many people are actually playing sages/sorcs. And if EA allows Bioware to upsett those numbers of players by nefring some class, which is not only not OP but for the most part broken. Several of sage/sorc specs and skills are plainly broken and not worth using or have no function at all. If marauders/bh/sentinels/jedi/trooper do 450k damage in a voidstar and a pure aoe specced sage/sorc does 650k, where is the imbalance? They are aoe specced, they are supposed to do more overall damage. AoE specced operatives deliver similar numbers. The same AoE specced sage/sorc does not use all that cc people are talking about. The one using all that cc does less damage then the 450k guys who deliver almost only single target damage.
  4. What he said. You can change it in preferences.
  5. You see Sages/Sorcs with massive CC. Those are annoying. Then you see Sages/Sorcs with massive damage numbers at the end of a game. You also see Sages/Sorcs running around throwing instants on the run, killing you and three other guys. Well, those are not the same. Either you specc massive cc OR massive damage and that damage is also either massive aoe OR hard hitting dots. There are way more then one spec Sages/Sorcs are running around with, most of non Sages/Sorcs think just because you can spec it, everyone has. To use ALL the cc you could spec with a hybrid, you end up with a frankenstein spec, with nothing but two core spells and WAY less damage+no movment at all.
  6. Went form 90% to 77%. Only those with gear feel the nerf. Sweet spot is at 75% now. But the real problem is, there are no good alternatives. We already run around in 56 enhancments, because the 58 stink. The only way to get decent enhancments are hardmode EV raids. So, yeah great job pushing everyone into raids.
  7. Always looking from your spawpoint, what is so difficult about it? Whoever calls left/east on the map tries to be a ********, failing at it.
  8. Read the whole quest text, not just the cliffsnotes. Travel to the Republic Fleet Speak to Master Shanji-vru After that use your holoterminal.
  9. Yes, yes pebbels are less visible. Yes, it is a big advantage. But I would gladly use neon pink lightning if it would be instant hitting...and not our bird feeder throw. There is also the other side, three sorcs throwing out lightning everywhere tend to diminish the republic will to fight.
  10. Biochem is not OP. Never was. Yes, the other crafting skills are very broken, but so is Biochem. The real reason why EVERYONE still needs Biochem are the material costs for heal pots and adrenals. The blue buff stims are ok, in terms of cost to make, but blue adrenals and heal pots cost exactly the same mats in the same ammounts as the stims. Of course the stim is way more important then some adrenal, so we build those, sell them for around 10k on our server. There is no point in making adrenals or heal pots. None. If you go trough 2-3 adrenals per boss try, and 2 heal pots. Those are materials someone could use to make 5 stims, wich they rather do. No one is buying adrenals for 10k each. Even if you know some Biochem guy, he will not be able to provide stims AND adrenals/heal pots for more then one person, unless he is not raiding buf farming non stop. Your normal situation in raids (don't let me get started about pvp) in most mmos should be: everyone is fully buffed, the good players use pots, the hardcore players prepot. (that's using an adrenal right at the moment the pull starts) Right now, even one adrenal per fight is just not possible to maintain if you do not have Biochem. That situation ist plainly broken. WoW limits the use of pots to one per fight, therefore prepotting to bypass that, because people ran trough several stacks of pots per night. You had to farm all day for food, buffs, pots so you could raid the night. Even the chainpotting and buffstacking of Vanilla WoW was more manageable then using adrenals and heal pots in SWTOR as a non Biochem player. Fix the costs of adrenals and heal pots, so people can start using blue ones. Something along the lines of 5 adrenals from the materials needed now should be fine. Even some randomness could be fun, and right in line with the rest of the game. Like specialisations in WoW. Make 4-10 adrenals come out. With a random roll. Or something like that. Could normal people afford to use the blue adrenals and heal pots, there would be absolutly no need for rakata stuff to be toned down. Right now I know no one, absolutly no one, who uses blue adrenals and heal pots. People with Biochem use Rakata, everybody else uses vendor stuff or nothing at all.
  11. This thread again. Well have you done some flashpoints? Have you noticed the main difference between flashpoints in swtor and instances in wow? Flashpoints are freakin long. Like vanilla wow BRD kind of long. If you can run trough your instance in about 15min LFG idiots are nothing more then a nuicence. If you need 1h+ do you even comprehend what would happen with LFG? People going AFK on the last boss. People wiping the group on the last boss, for lulz. PS. I don't know if it felt that way for others, but for me and everyone I know the WoW decline started with LFG. It felt great at first, getting into instances fast. But it was more like Meth. The high faded and the bitternes started. Even shorter instances made it even worse. Just like drugs, the high got shorter and shorter with more and more bad trips inbetween.
  12. I would stick to healing. You will die more often as dps. Find someone to run with you, people love running warzones with heals. Do it like PvE. Just heal. Alt+F opens up a focus target. Keep you buddy in the focus frame, so you can find him/her faster. His/Her toon will have a green circle under him/her at all times, even while you select someone other. Make your buddy your main tank heal target, keep shield and hots at him/her at all times. Run around so you keep your buddy in range, but do not forget yourself or the others. If you get jumped, pull your buddy to you trough rescue and let him/her help you. You will live 4x longer as full heal specced, then any dps spec. ProTip: spread out shield on anyone in sight, it's the main reason imps hate Sages, so give them some reason to hate you. Also people love to do daily heroics with heals, why not run them with your buddy, too? If your main concern is open world pvp while questing. Run around with Nadia, with 15% armour penetration she can kick *** and you can take her out of cc with full heal spec.
  13. You know the Rakata buff is lower now, right? And the adrenals are lower, too. You lost around 40+damage from Rakata alone, if you are Biochem. Also, the EGA cooldown effect is strange.
  14. 650k damage / 250k heal was my best voidstar after the nerfs. Forgot to screenshot (I seldom schreenshot ). That's about a normal Voidstar without much healing on the other team: Wasnt even BM then. No guard, no premade. I find 800k realistic with massive heal and guard, but without massive imp heal. Even more if Imps roflheal. (Voidstar) Never got that much myself, but I run only random. Huttball & Alderaan 450k/100k is about normal, if both sides try to fight. The key, as I am repeating since MC in Vanilla WoW, is to NEVER EVER STOP CASTING. (I ran as MS Warrior) Do ANYTHING, even if it is the wrong thing to do, HIT THAT KEY. If in doubt: PEBBELS! If no enemy in range: Shield! Shield already up? : Shield your TEAMMATES! Shield on cooldown: AT LEAST REBUFF! You even can HEAL! Waiting for someone to open the bridge and no enemies in sight? Heal him up, you can shield him while running. From what I have seen, if I never go oom, while having every force regen skill there is, I do not go over 600k. (Well I shield extremly often for a DD) PS. I go for objectives all the time. Planted the the bomb two times in that Voidstar form the screenshot. Also: Get rid of Alacrity (or whatever it is called "haste") Power>Surge>Crit>anything else>haste Pull out those champion enhancments and putt them into your Battlemaster gear (save the BM gear enhancment for later use, you never know). 80%-90%+ Surge are a must have! The diminishing returns are hard around 90%. But before 80% it is the best secondary stat there is. 30% crit are plenty. Ideal stats shoud be around 85% surge 33% crit. Those are numbers to aim for. I have 87% surge 35% crit right now with 700+damage and around 550 expertise (full buffed). Expertise has huge diminishing returns. If you have PvE items with better ItemLvL USE THEM. Anything after 500 expertise is more cosmetics then damage gain. I see people running around with 700expertise full BM geared, doing 350k damage in Voidstar. The best option is always a mix of pvp/pve. Oh, and the datacrons: GET THEM! The matrix cube you can make: USE IT! Its 50 Willpower! That's better then any pvp trinket. Your best choice for trinkets: matrix cube and +damage pvp trinket. Pro tip: use some melodic but fast music X japan - I ' ll kill you PS. II: Have a sentinel running around with you, keeping those meeles of you and buffing 15%+damage all the time.
  15. I pull out champ mods with surge and replace the BM ones. There is no point to run around with useless stats. There are no ilvl 140 surge/crit pve items.
  16. You can twist it as much as you like. There is no magic 9k shield, like many claim. Expect the shield to be lower for dps Sorcs/Sages. I would gladly test it, but we almost never get Huttball. I always asumed around 3k. Now we have the first hard numbers. Nice work.
  17. Because you do not need it anymore for the max stats buffs. While other stuff still gives you around 30+ on your main stat.
  18. People wo say it is not confusing have not biochem. Rakata is = lvl 48 reusable lvl 48 reusable goes away at death, rakata does not. This is the only upside of rakata, wich is plain stupid. Neither rakata nor lvl 48 reusables can be used by others (afaik) Exotech are hardmode raid stims/adrenals which now have the old rakata stats, but get consumed. Those can be used by anyone. As for buffs, there is no upside for having biochem anymore. Everyone can use the max stats Exotech stuff. Never ending heal pots are still only usable by biochemists, but heal for less then blues.
  19. Btw the rakata are already nerfed. The tooltips are old but look at your stats. The problem is not that rakata is inferior to exotech now. The problem is, that you will have to raid for PvP. It looks more and more like wow vanilla. Bla bla bla, reusable, bla bla. You always have to go for max stats. Especially in pvp. 2h does not get cancelled upon death? Need, if there is even a hint of better stats.
  20. 300k is very good damage. Anything above 180k I consider ok. Depending on the groups and enemy I land 400k-600k per WZ. And guess what? I almost never get votes. BTW I go hard for objectives and try to single out healers. There are those who run around guarded with pocket heal and just farm damage, but it does not mean everyone obove 500k does it. Oh, and to show that we are not all Sages and Sorcs, a pretty good mix of classes: http://img36.imageshack.us/img36/5146/600ks.jpg Notice how the JK did 450k? That was random group after the last patch. So lvl 50 only with biochem nerfed.
  21. I give my MVP to people defending nodes. Their damage/heal looking crap but they are essential to wins. Especialy door guards on Voidstar, if they stay on their side all the time. That is what MVP is intended for. All those with 10-12 medals do not realy need a MVP.
  22. Nope. Saw enough Voidstar where Imps won with zero doors down, attacking first. Back to topic. It's random. Like everything on Voidstar.
  23. Not at all, I just got my first 2 BM items from bags. Just never stop casting. Never, ever stop doing things. Way to often, while I try to plant a bomb, I see 2-4 guys standing there looking at me, doing NOTHING. That's the reason why their numbers are low. You can run to the spawn and CC/AoE/knockbak/slow do ANYTHING. At least REBUFF! Every GCD you do nothing is a wasted gcd.
  24. The only real problem with Sorc/Sages is, that there are specs which cannot go OOM. Other classes can burst better then us. Other classes have more cc then us. Other classes have way bigger crits then us. But we do not go oom. Never. Ever. We cast, and cast, and cast, and cast, and cast. There is no such thing as a filler cast. Our filler casts do good damage. The only time I use my hp to mana spell, is when I am defending a node and am bored, so I push for that 5k heal with adrenal and trinkets. That is the main reason why our damage/heal stats are massive, not because of our insane 3,5k crits with our best 3sec cast nuke. Or even bigger 4,2k heal crits with our 3sec heal. There is less AoE going around then you think. 90% of the time I nuke single targets, if 1 or 2 other targets get in the way of my AoE that's nice, but not realy the point. 450k damage/150k heal is the norm right now for me. 650k damage/200k heal if imps huddle. That's solo random without guard or heal. I know tactics troopers who make 400k damage/100k guard, easy. I think the difference is just right for a pure ranged dps and a pvp tank. So, sorcs/sages are not op, other people are just lazy.
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