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Dungeon Finder Needed Badly.


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I know this has likely been said, but could we at least have a global chat for looking for a group? The current /who LFG comments doesn't seem to be widely utilized, and by far most groups are being formed by people hanging around their main hub.
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If Bioware would be so stupid doing a LFG with auto invite and teleport.


Then some will focus all theire effort into dual specc instead by crying : '

Not enough tank and healers



so you just know that then Dual specc is the next .'


After that not enough people takes to long time we need X server


And after that you end up grouping with idiots that do just take Tank and healer because it have shorter que and AFK theire way into the group because you cant kick them.



Welcome to WoW 2.0


Lfg user friendly wndow sure but leave Auto join and teleport out from it


You hit the nail on the head there. WOW had way too many good ideas. We should be careful. If we have good ideas just like WOW did, we might become just like them. Why stop at just LFG tool and Duel Spec? WOW had dungeons...flashpoints seem an aweful lot like dungeons. Let's get rid of them. WOW had PVP too, I guess that's got to go. Oh! Let's toss out raiding too, a ton of people in WOW raided. I know! Let's turn it into a racing game. Crap! WOW had flying mounts.


I have no idea how to fix this problem... : (

Edited by Moricthian
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You hit the nail on the head there. WOW had way too many good ideas. We should be careful. If we have good ideas just like WOW did, we might become just like them. Why stop at just LFG tool and Duel Spec? WOW had dungeons...flashpoints seem an aweful lot like dungeons. Let's get rid of them. WOW had PVP too, I guess that's got to go. Oh! Let's toss out raiding too, a ton of people in WOW raided. I know! Let's turn it into a racing game. Crap! WOW had flying mounts.


I have no idea how to fix this problem... : (


Actually WoW had some good ideas but late TBC it turned itself into a MMOFPS instead of an MMORPG mainly by automating the LFG and x-server.


And last time i did check SWTOR is its own game if people want everything WOW has then WoW have it all allready so why bother with this?

Edited by Varghjerta
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What this game really needs at this point...is a Dungeon Finder. It was a huge success in other MMO's, no reason for it not to be in this game.




1. Can continue questing while waiting for group to form.

2. Prevents trolls from sitting there ruining General Chat while they are bored trying to fill a group.

3. Proves that BioWare can do something like this. Buys street creds.




1. Some people think it ruins the community...but I think they are wrong. They obviously have not sat for an hour trying to fill a Flashpoint group.

2. People who think like that are probably in a huge guild and have no trouble filling groups. We're usually filling 2-3 of 4 and just need that last role.


i like you...can we be friends?

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You hit the nail on the head there. WOW had way too many good ideas. We should be careful. If we have good ideas just like WOW did, we might become just like them. Why stop at just LFG tool and Duel Spec? WOW had dungeons...flashpoints seem an aweful lot like dungeons. Let's get rid of them. WOW had PVP too, I guess that's got to go. Oh! Let's toss out raiding too, a ton of people in WOW raided. I know! Let's turn it into a racing game. Crap! WOW had flying mounts.


I have no idea how to fix this problem... : (


Looks like you hit the nail aswell. Many of the things wow did has turned out to be a succes to many. Dual spec is great as you don't have to find a trainer everytime you want to be something else in a group. Dungeon finder is great as you don't have to make any pauses in your adventure through the lands.. Except when you hit cap then you are pretty much stuck in the cities anyway.


Through my adventures in swtor I have often myself eager to do a flashpoint, but meanwhile I've also been too excited to leave my current destination, which has often resulted in my continual journey on my quest rather than doing the flashpoint.


My computer isn't the fastest one so the loading times is rather long and just the thought of getting through all those loading screens is enough for me to stay away from the fleet unless the fleet pass is off cooldown. With a "flashpoint finder", at my disposal, I for one would do more of them and enjoy the game even more.


I am just not a fan of the cross server feature as I've stated once before.


Bare in mind this is just my opinion and I respect those who does not share the same.

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I would be ok with a Dungeon finder but I would want it server only that way you can still build community but you dont ahve to spam like crazy to find people. Plus I know when I say LFG for this or this i dont get near as much response as LFM. I think some people are just shy and a afraid to talk to a complete stranger on the internet. That and some people are lazy and dont want to look for people and clicking a button is eazier. But cross server no way please no cross server LFD.
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Actually WoW had some good ideas but late TBC it turned itself into a MMOFPS instead of an MMORPG mainly by automating the LFG and x-server.


And last time i did check SWTOR is its own game if people want everything WOW has then WoW have it all allready so why bother with this?


I think the reason why people put up suggestions like these is because they think highly of the game and want to make it better. There's no guarantee this suggestion will ever make it to the drawing board and then again perhaps it will.


As you say. Swtor is one game WoW another, so we don't know how this feature would work out in this game before we try it. If the feature were implemented then we could start talking about it ruining the community or what ever, but untill then everything is just speculation of worst case scenarios.

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You hit the nail on the head there. WOW had way too many good ideas. We should be careful. If we have good ideas just like WOW did, we might become just like them. Why stop at just LFG tool and Duel Spec? WOW had dungeons...flashpoints seem an aweful lot like dungeons. Let's get rid of them. WOW had PVP too, I guess that's got to go. Oh! Let's toss out raiding too, a ton of people in WOW raided. I know! Let's turn it into a racing game. Crap! WOW had flying mounts.


I have no idea how to fix this problem... : (


Which is funny, because ever since WoW instituted these absolute necessities into the game, because that's what the people wanted, their subs began to fall. Now I'm not going to say that LFD (or dual spec) was the cause of that decline, but you would think that such wonderful additions to the game would only improve it and get more subs.

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Which is funny, because ever since WoW instituted these absolute necessities into the game, because that's what the people wanted, their subs began to fall. Now I'm not going to say that LFD (or dual spec) was the cause of that decline, but you would think that such wonderful additions to the game would only improve it and get more subs.


the problem was 5 man dungeons were fun. 25 man raiding is not. grouping is fun. not grouping because it's hard to get 25 people on the same schedule AND competence level is not


now 4 and 8 is a good start for this game


EDIT kara was fun but after that is wasnt

Edited by Baracca
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Which is funny, because ever since WoW instituted these absolute necessities into the game, because that's what the people wanted, their subs began to fall. Now I'm not going to say that LFD (or dual spec) was the cause of that decline, but you would think that such wonderful additions to the game would only improve it and get more subs.


Flawed logic is so much fun to read.


1. WOW implemented great ideas like duel spec and dungeon finder

2. Some point after that, WOW Sub's went down.

3. ????



4. Therefore Duel Spec and Dungeon Finder are no longer great ideas.

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You can already do all of that by flagging yourself as LFG and then changing your comment, specifying which flashpoint you want. Also, speaking in General chat on the planet you are leveling on has been a great way for me to find groups for a flashpoint at the level I was at.


You are apparently one of the very very few special flowers that play SWTOR. Because for most of us flagging and spamming simply isn't working enough of the time.


The story for the rest of us? To do the content that we want to see at an appropriate level we have to stand around fleet for hours on end hoping to finally get a group. Otherwise we have to resign ourselves to only seeing it on an alt, or having a high level run us through, which holds very little fun.

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Merge all the servers and we all play in 1 servers... problem solve


Perhaps for a game such as EVE Online this might work, but we're talking about millions upon millions of players playing the game at the same time -- if not right now, in the very near future. Not only would the lag be immense, but the game would just be absolutely crammed.


Now, reducing it to five or six servers? I could see that.

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Horrible idea.


You could do something called being social.


I take no responsibility for the anxiety attack of the OP that just occurred.

People keep throwing this chestnut out there, but not once have I seen anyone actually be able to explain how spamming LFG messages in chat is "being social".
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Dungeon finder? No, that has hurt WoW and other games that implemented it more than it helped.


Please post evidence that it hurt WoW and other games that implemented it. A documented decline in subscription numbers after said feature was implemented would be a good start. Edited by Umbral
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People keep throwing this chestnut out there, but not once have I seen anyone actually be able to explain how spamming LFG messages in chat is "being social".


It holds players responsible but it also builds relationships. I played WOW for nearly 6 years, I don't remember a single person I grouped up with. Why bother? Yet today I saw a agent and I realized he/she had healed my group recently. That is the big difference. One system makes an MMO into a call of duty style game. The other builds communities, something SWTOR needs desperately.


Is it a greater inconvenience to look for a group in trade? Absolutely. But if the tradeoff is WOW where I sit in my capital city all day and no one gives a %*^& about their fellow man, you can go back to WOW and farm your "epics." I joined SWTOR for the community, not so you can have faster gear.

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