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Dungeon Finder Needed Badly.


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Where do you get the number "large" from? All i see is a couple of trolls on this forum being silly, and fanboi's who don't want it because "they" think it did ruin WoW, something it did not. The WoW community was gone beyond the rim long before the system they use now came about.


On Sith'Ari as it is now it is close to no 50 FP's going on, so most of the people who are 50 do pvp or they started a new char. And it is not only because there is not that many 50's, because there is quite a few on the republic side, problem is that everyone is not in fleet 24/7 looking for a group spamming /1. They out pvping, farming mats, helping friends/guildies who is not 50 yet etc etc. And the same is it on a friends server too, and they are even more people, so everyone does pvp insted of pve because it is easyer that way. And of this people complain there is not a system for finding groups.


I am 45 atm, and have done the first FP, that one i did 2 man with a friend i level with, and we have after that tried to get groups to all FP up the levels and never found a group. And i am not looking forward to level 50 at all if this is how it is going to be, i have better stuff to do in my life then spamming /1 for hours and maybe get a group.


Fair enough. Large may be an exaggeration. I was assuming, possibly incorrectly, that the fact that what appears to be a significant portion of the posts in this thread are people objecting to the Dungeon Finder and they may be representative of a larger number of people who are not reading the forums but are also staunchly opposed to a DF.


That being said, I think we could address many of your issues simply by creating a LFG channel that is not planet specific. Or a tool that is more accessible than the current Social window would be better, but avoiding the "failings" of the WoW DF system could assuage the concerns of the "trolls" and "fanbois" as well. Also, we're back to these ad hominem attacks that you condemned others for but seem to believe are perfectly acceptable coming from you. I understand your frustration with the current state of group-finding, but that doesn't make the concerns of others regarding a straight porting over of the DF from WoW any less valuable or reasonable than your concerns.

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I don't see how spamming in general chat builds the game's community but pressing a button to enter a queue for a dungeon destroys it.


There is no mystical voodoo that prevents people from socializing and building friendships in a dungeon-finder group.


Bad communities kill bad communities.


A lot of people use WoW as some sort of grand example that an LFD tool destroys a game.


WoW's community was awful LONG BEFORE the LFD tool came out.


agreed ive play wow since launch, I didnt socalize when i had to spam hunter LFG Stratholme and I dont socalize now when i type LFD

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As I said before, I had quite some fun social contacts with the group finder in WOW.

I don't see why it is so bad.


But, but, thats not the RIGHT kind of social interaction! :rolleyes: /sarcasm


I agree with ya, I had far more good experiences than bad, people were generally very polite and asked to roll on offspec pieces. (except the stupid black knight heart >_<)

Edited by Basiliscus
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I don't see what a dungeon finder has to do with the destruction of community. Can you elaborate on your strange comment?


If it's cross-server this is easy. Your group will only by as social as any group of people would be when they realize they will only see each other this once and for about an hour. Namely nobody's trying to get to know people better, make lasting friendships, or anything like that. Your friends list remains empty of anyone you don't meet in a guild or already know in real life.


If not than I guess the argument would be that you can't build your group with certain preferences in mind (I.E. specific class preferences, playstyle preferences, etc...) which could cause more arguments and squabbling in the group. I'm not entirely sold on this one though. I've run into a few jerks here and there in groups, but I did before automated grouping as well.


Regardless, this game does need a better way to find groups than filling up general with a very non-general request or looking through /who at user generated comments that may or may not (typically the latter) even say what they want to do or what role they'll fill.


Ultimately, guilds and friends lists are the depth of socializing a game should always be aiming for, but to build either with people you actually get along well with you have to start by getting to know random people. I like that they have the dialog addition to recommend adding group members to your friends, but having a tool that makes it easy to find that group from the start would help also.

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But, but, thats not the RIGHT kind of social interaction! :rolleyes: /sarcasm


I agree with ya, I had far more good experiences than bad, people were generally very polite and asked to roll on offspec pieces. (except the stupid black knight heart >_<)


Pretty much that, sure the stories that stick with me where with the 'special' people that where rude.

But if I am perfectly honest I usually ended up in nice groups.


Quite some times I ended up doing heroics for a couple of hours with people and had a good laugh.

But I guess people are talking about a different kind of social contacts.

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As I said before, I had quite some fun social contacts with the group finder in WOW.

I don't see why it is so bad.


I wasn't saying it doesn't happen but which would you rather have. A possibility of fun social contacts and then never seeing the person again or a possibility of sun social contacts, genuinely enjoying the peoples company and having people that you enjoy being around that you can run more Flash Points with later?

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I wasn't saying it doesn't happen but which would you rather have. A possibility of fun social contacts and then never seeing the person again or a possibility of sun social contacts, genuinely enjoying the peoples company and having people that you enjoy being around that you can run more Flash Points with later?


I generally use my guild for the latter. That's just me though. Chatting with people in general usually leads to a dark place, like the Barrens of Elwyn Forest.

Edited by Basiliscus
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What this game really needs at this point...is a Dungeon Finder. It was a huge success in other MMO's, no reason for it not to be in this game.




1. Can continue questing while waiting for group to form.

2. Prevents trolls from sitting there ruining General Chat while they are bored trying to fill a group.

3. Proves that BioWare can do something like this. Buys street creds.




1. Some people think it ruins the community...but I think they are wrong. They obviously have not sat for an hour trying to fill a Flashpoint group.

2. People who think like that are probably in a huge guild and have no trouble filling groups. We're usually filling 2-3 of 4 and just need that last role.


I'm sorry, but this post fails big time by using terms that do not relate to this game.


Whatever mythical Dungeons and Dragons type world game you came from, go back there. This is Star Wars and the only Dungeons I amn aware of are the ones where they keep the Rancor!

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I wasn't saying it doesn't happen but which would you rather have. A possibility of fun social contacts and then never seeing the person again or a possibility of sun social contacts, genuinely enjoying the peoples company and having people that you enjoy being around that you can run more Flash Points with later?


I think both are nice, I don't call one nicer than the other.

Some people I meet in RL I chat with have a laugh with or drink a beer with and never see them again, others become friends.

I don't consider the first one to be bad, it's just socializing.


Though I would personally settle for a LFG tool that is realm only so I can add them, though if I could add xrealm people and queue with them I would not mind a Xrealm tool either.


Usually I join a guild so I have a selected group of people I play frequently with as well.

Edited by TheHauntingBard
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Fair enough. Large may be an exaggeration. I was assuming, possibly incorrectly, that the fact that what appears to be a significant portion of the posts in this thread are people objecting to the Dungeon Finder and they may be representative of a larger number of people who are not reading the forums but are also staunchly opposed to a DF.


That being said, I think we could address many of your issues simply by creating a LFG channel that is not planet specific. Or a tool that is more accessible than the current Social window would be better, but avoiding the "failings" of the WoW DF system could assuage the concerns of the "trolls" and "fanbois" as well. Also, we're back to these ad hominem attacks that you condemned others for but seem to believe are perfectly acceptable coming from you. I understand your frustration with the current state of group-finding, but that doesn't make the concerns of others regarding a straight porting over of the DF from WoW any less valuable or reasonable than your concerns.


Please tell me how the DF system in wow was a fail? I would really like to hear a good one on it.


I have not said anything but trolls and fanbois, i have not been personal like many of them are. What i have done is stated a fact that you can observe if you look on this forums, trolls posting in peoples post just to be trolls, fanbois raging against posts like this on a large scale. And also something that should be easy to spot is that the people who wants this system is much more polite about it.

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I think both are nice, I don't call one nicer than the other.

Though I would personally settle for a LFG tool that is realm only so I can add them, though if I could add xrealm people and queue with them I would not mind a Xrealm tool either.


Usually I join a guild so I have a selected group of people I play frequently with as well.


I'm fine with a same realm FP finder. My complaints are only with a cross server FP finder. I'm not sure why you would choose having a good time with someone and never seeing them again over being able to have a good time with them again though.


As for the "guild" argument, how do you people find new guild members? Do you never get new members? Do you randomly invite people? Running Flash points with people is a great way to find new guild members, something you can't do with a cross server setup.

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Dungeon Finder Needed Badly.



And btw: there ARE enough people that left games like wow for not having a LFG tool because they were tired of sitting in cities waiting all day long to find a group! The 'get a guild' argument is mute because not everyone has time at that exact same moment when your guild decides to run dungeon X.


I'm all for x-shard LFG tools!

Edited by karcyon
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Personally I'd be VERY happy with a system that somehow gave you a channel to people around your level, regardless of current world, which could only be used for LFG and not for spamming rubbish.


Though so far I've not spent longer than 10 minutes getting any group together.


The trouble with any LFG tool is they only work well if everyone uses them, and for the group sizes in this game, especially with companions picking up most of the slack, they are barely needed.


The main issue I have with an LFG tool is that they by their nature are horribly limited, and the more functionality they gain, the more clumbersome and easily exploted.

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I'm fine with a same realm FP finder. My complaints are only with a cross server FP finder. I'm not sure why you would choose having a good time with someone and never seeing them again over being able to have a good time with them again though.


As for the "guild" argument, how do you people find new guild members? Do you never get new members? Do you randomly invite people? Running Flash points with people is a great way to find new guild members, something you can't do with a cross server setup.


I know alot of people use forums to search for guilds. It's a bit harder here since there are no server forums to recruit on.


I actually dont think ive seen 1 guildless person post coruscant actually, especially with the whole guild importing thing that bioware did.

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Yeah, this game spent so much time on voiceovers (which are circular and get to the same outcome regardless of what you choose anyways) and not enough on the polish. My gf won't even play the game cause there's no colorblind mode (like Aion and WoW have), and no Dungeon Finders, no Guild Bank, only 16-man raids. Plus nobody knows what the endgame will evolve into. With WoW, at least you know what you're getting (even if the mechanics change every patch lol)
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Having read most posts on this thread I find myself amazed that people think a cross realm LFD tool will improve this game. The ammount of time I have had to waste cause people quit instance cause it isnt one they like then have to wait about, the times we have had healers/tanks when they in short supply demanding payment before they go. The ammount of gear ninja'd by ***** etc...


This tool causes far more problems than it solves.


Now we go to community aspect. I know for a fact that I am no way a big talker in instances but if I find a good player they get added to my friends lits and /w after the run. I have since built up a huge friends list on my server of players I enjoyed doing a run with and tbh this is my LFG tool. All these guys now know me, and if they are free for a run they jump at the chance cause lets face they in the same situation as me.


You people out there that think those that dont want LFD tool as it "doesnt help community grow" automatically think we wants to make our next new bum chum on the game, far from it we want a solid player base we know and trust to do instances with. This whole concept is instantly removed by any introduction of a cross realm dungeon finder as no one then builds a list of players they will play with again. Just sit about spamming a button to get insta ported to an instance and interacting with noone at all other than their limited guildies.


If a LFD tool has to be implemented in SW:ToR then FFS at least make it a server based one so some form of server comunity may be preserved.

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I'm fine with a same realm FP finder. My complaints are only with a cross server FP finder. I'm not sure why you would choose having a good time with someone and never seeing them again over being able to have a good time with them again though.


As for the "guild" argument, how do you people find new guild members? Do you never get new members? Do you randomly invite people? Running Flash points with people is a great way to find new guild members, something you can't do with a cross server setup.


Best way to explain it is not every one uses the same social standards.

Just that not every one wants these contacts, even while they play a MMO.

Who knows you are the guy/girl that asks for the mobile phone or want to keep contact with every one you chat with in the buss or train, not every one likes that.



Socializing in a MMO has a down side as well, the moment you log you have a lot of people that start a conversation with you.

Bit like having a lot of friends in RL you need to maintain these relationship, not every one wants that.

especially not when you have like 30 people in your list.


Same goes for the MMO sometimes you just don't want it, so getting all social with every one isn't always desired.


That's exactly why I don't mind a LFG tool with just a bit of random talks.

It's nice and social with not being forced to maintain the contacts.


Just like in RL not every one you like and talk with is automatically your friend.

Edited by TheHauntingBard
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What this game really needs at this point...is a Dungeon Finder. It was a huge success in other MMO's, no reason for it not to be in this game.




1. Can continue questing while waiting for group to form.

2. Prevents trolls from sitting there ruining General Chat while they are bored trying to fill a group.

3. Proves that BioWare can do something like this. Buys street creds.




1. Some people think it ruins the community...but I think they are wrong. They obviously have not sat for an hour trying to fill a Flashpoint group.

2. People who think like that are probably in a huge guild and have no trouble filling groups. We're usually filling 2-3 of 4 and just need that last role.


No it isn't needed.


I waste so much time in garbage matches because of finders.


It isn't needed.

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Does that argument work with you? Seriously?!


Its just like, guns arent bad people are. Wich is true, but how did this discussion ever started? Oh yeah, someone got a gun!


No im not gonna give a gun to a bunch of trigger happy people tyvm.


And yes, it totally ruins the community. Your actions have no consequence, you dont build social relationships because you wont ever see those people again, and you sit your *** in town all day. YES, IT DOES RUIN COMMUNITIES! You presented no evidance or logic to the contrary.


.....really? if you dont give the killer a gun hell kill you with an axe or w/e tool he happens to find. The point is with or without the tool the ******s will still be *** hats. Why do we all have to sacrifice convenience. When u only have an hour to play most peope dont want to spend 45 minutes of that trying to put a group together.

Edited by sordidmagi
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Yeah, this game spent so much time on voiceovers (which are circular and get to the same outcome regardless of what you choose anyways) and not enough on the polish. My gf won't even play the game cause there's no colorblind mode (like Aion and WoW have), and no Dungeon Finders, no Guild Bank, only 16-man raids. Plus nobody knows what the endgame will evolve into. With WoW, at least you know what you're getting (even if the mechanics change every patch lol)


Sounds like your Gf is a spoiled brat. (Much like so many of the newer MMO generation players.)


10 years dev compared to a few weeks. Is it even possible to compare? NOPE! Try again.

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World of Warcraft, Lord of the Rings Online, RIFT, and Aion.


Four of the most easiest (mash 1 button over and over) games to play ever produced because of their macro systems and the single reason why I stopped playing each of those. I really hope this game does not use macro's ever, because it is way more fun clicking buttons and knowing what they do instead of chaining them all together in one.


What is the point of making different skills? We could have one button called DPS, one called Heal and another Called Threat. Tada

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Okay forgive me if i repeat previous points as I read the original post but none of the feedback.


All though I think a dungeon finder would be a great addition, I can't honestly say I see the need for it. Lets face it the only benefit it would offer is to be able to continue questing while you wait which in most respects you can already do.


I am lvl 35 and have sunk many many hours into this game. I spent the entire last week of my in game time doing mostly flashpoints and I didn't have any problem what so ever finding a group.


Unfortunately most of my game time isn't logged during peak hours. I am often playing at probably the lowest traffic times. I am talking like 4am to 6am. And its harder to find a group then but still totally doable. That's typically when I turn to my friends list or guild chat. Both of which are filled with people Iv been in good flashpoint groups with.


So like I said.... Would a dungeon finder be cool?.... Sure, I guess. Is it necessary?..... Not at all. Maybe further down the road when there are more flashpoints. A lot more.


Again sorry if I am repeating anyone's already made points.


Happy hunting gang.

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I understand that people have strong feelings about this subject. However, there isn't any progress being made in these discussions.


One group feels strongly that a LFD tool is harmful to the server community. They feel that giving tools to people to encourage them to be antisocial will lead to an increase in antisocial behaviour.


One group feels strongly that server community doesn't matter to them, and/or won't be harmed by a LFD tool. They feel that many or most or perhaps all people are innately antisocial anyhow, and thus it doesn't matter if these tools exist, because people will be jerks to each other anyhow.


There isn't any middle ground there, folks. Neither group is going to change their minds about the topic. That's why, with SO MANY OF THE SAME THREADS POSTED ALREADY, people just keep repeating the same couple of points over and over and over and over and over and over and over.


To put it bluntly, either you are concerned that a LFD tool will hurt the server community, or you aren't. And either way, you're incredibly unlikely to change your mind about the topic, because your feelings here are linked to your feelings about people and society in general.


Oh, wait, I know. I should make a new thread about this... :p

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