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Everything posted by Wahrend

  1. I just thought it would be nice if we had a place where suggestions threads could be posted instead of this mess. I've seen such rooms, taps or what ever they are called (English isn't my native language so I do hope you get my point) on alot of similar websites. Would make a things a bit easier in my opinion ^_^
  2. I think the reason why people put up suggestions like these is because they think highly of the game and want to make it better. There's no guarantee this suggestion will ever make it to the drawing board and then again perhaps it will. As you say. Swtor is one game WoW another, so we don't know how this feature would work out in this game before we try it. If the feature were implemented then we could start talking about it ruining the community or what ever, but untill then everything is just speculation of worst case scenarios.
  3. Looks like you hit the nail aswell. Many of the things wow did has turned out to be a succes to many. Dual spec is great as you don't have to find a trainer everytime you want to be something else in a group. Dungeon finder is great as you don't have to make any pauses in your adventure through the lands.. Except when you hit cap then you are pretty much stuck in the cities anyway. Through my adventures in swtor I have often myself eager to do a flashpoint, but meanwhile I've also been too excited to leave my current destination, which has often resulted in my continual journey on my quest rather than doing the flashpoint. My computer isn't the fastest one so the loading times is rather long and just the thought of getting through all those loading screens is enough for me to stay away from the fleet unless the fleet pass is off cooldown. With a "flashpoint finder", at my disposal, I for one would do more of them and enjoy the game even more. I am just not a fan of the cross server feature as I've stated once before. Bare in mind this is just my opinion and I respect those who does not share the same.
  4. I too support the idea of having a system that puts you in a group under certain criterias regarding which flash point you want to do and what role you'll be playing. I fail to see what harm it will do since it works very similar to the game current condition. You don't know who you are dealing with just because you write them in a chatbox. It's just as random as if you were put into a group with them. If you enjoyed the run with your group then put them on your friendlist the same way as if you had invited them yourself. If you want to make a custom built group then there's nothing preventing you from doing so if such a group finder system existed. People can still ninja loot as things are right now so thats not really an argument against having a system as the OP suggested. I do not support cross realm group finding though. That almost engourages ninja looting and an antisocial behavior, but a cool little serverside group finding tool would be great in my opinion.
  5. Everyone has the right to speak thier mind and this comment is just beyond imature. How much respect do you think you'll get by throwing this kind of crap around? Anyway I completely agree with you that there should be some way of changing a character name, a legacy name or a guild name, but I am also sure it will come and some point.
  6. And in my opinion thats not ideal. You hit the button and the character respons instant. Not a sec later not 0,5 or 0,3 sec later. No. Instant.
  7. People wants the skills to execute the moment they hit the button not a sec later. Thats what people wants and how it should be. I don't want to be able to fire 2 skills at once. I want my controls to be responsive just like the OP has pointed out from the beginning.
  8. You are probably right that everyone is experiencing the same problem so in theory that makes everyone even, but is that now competely true? No. Try playing a smuggler in a warzone and wait for the cover ability to trigger. Before you have pushed the button and rolled into the perfect spot for your sneak attack your enemy is already out of range because it takes roughly 1 sec before your character actually does something. Imagine your car did that stunt everytime you went out driving? "Oh I need to make a turn at the next corner so I need to start turning then wheels beforehand otherwise I won't make it." That wouldn't be a nice situation to be in would it now?
  9. I completely agree with OP. These things must get fixed as it completely ruins the experience. I've had alot of trouble using my skills in warzones with my gunslinger. No matter how much I pust the buttons there's always a long pause before anything happens. Taking cover is probably the most frustrating thing since it takes a good while from I push my button to the character actually starts doing the command. I can't sit around waiting 1 sec before something happens and thats more or less what it takes, for me in anycase, before my charatcer starts rolling to cover. It's not too bad with my other skills, but the cover command is really unresponsive. Odd thing is, when I'm in the pve enviroment I don't have any problems with my cover button. Perhaps it's because I always use it before entering combat so I don't pay attention to it. It's probably still there, but it's not a major problem in pve compared to pvp.
  10. That certainly depends who you are speaking to. If it's some one about 60+ then he or she probably only speaks the native language, but if you meet some one 30+ he certainly speaks English, perhaps German and perhaps spanish depending on educational choice.
  11. Hehe I ended up making another character and it seems rather difficult to get a clean light sided character
  12. So I've been running around the game for a couble of hours and had the experience of encountering the light and dark side point system. Right now my character has 150 lightside points and 50 darkside points. My plan was to be a good guy, but I unfortunetly pressed the wrong button in a conversation. Will it be possible, at some point, to get rid of the dark side points by any chance or am I either bound to live with it or make a new character? I'm only lvl 9 so it shouldn't take long to make a new toon if that was the case ^_^
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