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Dungeon Finder Needed Badly.


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The two most succesful MMOs around since 2004 are WoW and Rift. They both have LFD. You decide.


Initially I was hardcore against dungeon finder, because I didnt like the idea of someone being ported to the dungeon, which kills real world experience, immersion and what I like most real world pvp...if everyone is just parked waiting for their dungeon to pop.


Then i realized all of the dungeons are in a centralized zone to begin with, so to LFM you would have to be parked in imperial fleet anyways.



So at this point im like meh...ill take it or leave it. What Bioware NEEDS to do is keep creating content outside in the real world that will keep people out and about and make incentives for real world pvp.

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I would prefer a better designed LFG tool than WOW has but that aside.


I usually skip instances/Heroics simply because I can't find groups or simply don't want to travel to 3 type of planets for them.

I add some people to my friend list but they aren't always ,same goes for the guild.


Most of the time general is spammed with LFG or LFG healer and the tool that is currently there is ignored.

Even if it is not ignored it doesn't give enough space to type things in it.



I don't enjoy this LFG system SWTOR has, it's unsocial and time consuming.

I rather not do the quests/flash points that bother with it which isn't a good sign.

I play MMO's because I enjoy playing with other people, but BW made sure that isn't something easy and comfortable.




While I am leveling on Voss , the same guy has been spamming for 45 minutes for a tank and a healer for a heroic.

I bet he would invite a tank even if the guy would be unsocial or straight out rude.

Edited by TheHauntingBard
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I would prefer a better designed LFG tool than WOW has but that aside.


I usually skip instances/Heroics simply because I can't find groups or simply don't want to travel to 3 type of planets for them.

I add some people to my friend list but they aren't always ,same goes for the guild.


Most of the time general is spammed with LFG or LFG healer and the tool that is currently there is ignored.

Even if it is not ignored it doesn't give enough space to type things in it.



I don't enjoy this LFG system SWTOR has, it's unsocial and time consuming.

I rather not do the quests/flash points that bother with it which isn't a good sign.

I play MMO's because I enjoy playing with other people, but BW made sure that isn't something easy and comfortable.




While I am leveling on Voss , the same guy has been spamming for 45 minutes for a tank and a healer for a heroic.

I bet he would invite a tank even if the guy would be unsocial or straight out rude.



Or like you mentioned make a better "pool" where you can put yourself in; have it sectioned off by role type. Then if you want to create a group, grab someone who is flagged in that pool and take them.

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DF is the bane of MMORPG's, and I'll tell you why. The community is obviously divided between those that want instant gratification, and those that want to actually partake in the "RPG" in "MMORPG", meaning that the journey can easily be as rewarding as the end.


Where is the "RPG" in meeting with complete random strangers in what amounts to a parallel universe (aka, alternate server)? You'll never probably see these people again.


Furthermore, it allows those to be carried by others that actually work for what they do. I have ran into COUNTLESS experiences as a healer in "that other game", with DF, that DPS just does NOT know what they are doing about 60% of the time...you tell them they are doing something wrong, and they refuse to fix. These are the instant gratification folks, and they have NO BUSINESS in MMORPG's in the first place when they are obviously just in it to be carried and the free loot. When you get the 1% chance to actually have a group that knows what it is doing, suddenly you have an enjoyable time.


DF is actually a BANE, simply because it is much easier to weed out bad people on your server, then the entire populace, and your reputation is mostly earned by how WELL you do....meaning, you will have invitations lined up regardless because you are that good.


DF? It's like Russian roulette, and my odds were about 1/100 in getting a group worth their salt in that game. I think I'll better my chances by actually trying, thanks.

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Or like you mentioned make a better "pool" where you can put yourself in; have it sectioned off by role type. Then if you want to create a group, grab someone who is flagged in that pool and take them.


I think I would be happy if they would make the current tool like this.



A: Let people 'queue' for flashpoints/heroics , don't restrict this to planets.


B: Force people to pick a roll


C: Allow people to write comments


D: Make a LFG channel and have brackets for them.


I would still prefer a better worked out dungeon tool like WOW but this alternative is a bit more clear and social.

The current tool how ever is not social ,it's obnoxious it's one of the worst tools I've seen.


SR stated that they didn't want the LFG tool because the current tool stimulates social behaviour.

That's just not true.

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The two most succesful MMOs around since 2004 are WoW and Rift. They both have LFD. You decide.


WoW was successful long long before it had a Dungeon Finder. It didn't implement it until the third major content patch of the second expansion. I'm not sure if Rift qualifies as one of the most successful MMOs since 2004. I'm sure there are others like Eve that have done better. I don't have numbers to back me up though so i'll let that one lie.


I didn't read the whole thread so sorry if some of this has been brought up before but the biggest problems with CROSS SERVER dungeon finders are


1.) No consequences. People can act like jerks and ninja gear and you'll never see them again. In WoW before the Dungeon Finder this behavior was rather limited because people who did it often were blacklisted and had a hellofa time finding a group.


2.) No socialization. I did read the first 40 posts or so and I saw a lot of " There's no socialization in spamming LFG" but what they don't realize or think about is that the socialization of a hand made group doesn't begin and end with the forming of a group like it does with the dungeon finder.


In Cata WoW socialization 90% of the time during dungeons is "Hi" at the beginning and "TFTG" at the end. That's it, because there's no reason to have more. You're never going to see these people again.


With a hand made group you're more likely to socialize because if you like the people and you have fun then you can add them to your friends list and next time you need a group instead of "spamming general" you can whisper your friends. Guilds and spamming weren't the only way to form groups pre 3.3 and the dungeon finder. People had extensive friends lists.

Edited by Dasffion
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World of Warcraft, Lord of the Rings Online, RIFT, and Aion.


Worth bearing in mind that the LOTRO was only introduced in December 2011, is considered beta by the developers, and is very buggy, as those people thrown into groups against Red monsters they can barely hit will attest.

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Actually I met quite some groups I socialized with in WOW through the LFG tool.

My friends list also became quite big because I had quite some people added that where from the same server.


The biggest issue was the xrealm.

If you can't socialize with people because you never see them again it says something about you not the tool.


Personally I had friendly chats with people in the buss/train and on my travels to other countries ,about all of them I will never see again.

Just like well with the LFG tool, few times I did log on their server had a chat with them or added them to my friend list.


Doesn't take away I can't enjoy talking with people.

I am looking for a group to finish an instance not a long bonding friendship , but there is a middle road as well.

Edited by TheHauntingBard
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WoW was successful long long before it had a Dungeon Finder. It didn't implement it until it's third patch.
I didn't say it was due to dungeon finder. It was a counter argument to the utterly irrational point that keeps being raised that dungeon finder somehow "destroyed" WoW, while its numbers grew further after LFDs implementation.


I'm not sure if Rift qualifies as one of the most successful MMOs since 2004. I'm sure there are others like Eve that have done better. I don't have numbers to back me up though so i'll let that one lie.


Rift made a big deal about how they reached 1 million users (sound familiar? alarm bells ringing?) and were the second biggest MMO on the western market. According to Wikipedia, Eve online subscription base _reached_ 360k users in early 2011. Eve is a nobody, a back alley game for people that like the no holds barred masochism of the early free-for-all mmo genre.


Ultimately Rift didn't have the chops to maintain growth, but it had nothing to do with LFD. It is still the top contender outside of WoW, and it is too early to consider SWTOR in that equation; it is running on new game fumes right now.

Edited by Delekii
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What this game really needs at this point...is a Dungeon Finder. It was a huge success in other MMO's, no reason for it not to be in this game.




1. Can continue questing while waiting for group to form.

2. Prevents trolls from sitting there ruining General Chat while they are bored trying to fill a group.

3. Proves that BioWare can do something like this. Buys street creds.




1. Some people think it ruins the community...but I think they are wrong. They obviously have not sat for an hour trying to fill a Flashpoint group.

2. People who think like that are probably in a huge guild and have no trouble filling groups. We're usually filling 2-3 of 4 and just need that last role.


I really cannot understand why people keep bleeting about this, its not needed, at most a seperate chat for instances is needed. IF you are struggling to group find/join a guils that activley does what you like........I found no issues like this in SWG, instances daily, heroics and pretty much anything we needed to be done. This just reflects on the players......no community spirit any more, just gimme gimme gimme, if thats what u want, WoW is that way =====>

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....no community spirit any more, just gimme gimme gimme, if thats what u want, WoW is that way =====>


So why are you still here?

You have no community spirit, your post is rude and obnoxious and tells people to >beep< off.

Are you resembling the social anti LFG tool crowd?

Edited by TheHauntingBard
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What this game really needs at this point...is a Dungeon Finder. It was a huge success in other MMO's, no reason for it not to be in this game.




1. Can continue questing while waiting for group to form.


You can do that without a dungeon finder


2. Prevents trolls from sitting there ruining General Chat while they are bored trying to fill a group.


No it won't


3. Proves that BioWare can do something like this. Buys street creds.


Is that the best you can come up with for a 'pro'?




1. Some people think it ruins the community...but I think they are wrong. They obviously have not sat for an hour trying to fill a Flashpoint group.


Anyone that just sits in one place waiting to do a FP has only themselves to blame, keep questing, there is no reason not to.


2. People who think like that are probably in a huge guild and have no trouble filling groups. We're usually filling 2-3 of 4 and just need that last role.


Then get someone in the guild to play that role, the classes are 'versatile' as it is



My thoughts.

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It's little to do with insecurity. By the way, I love the chastising people for ad hominem attacks and then engaging in one in the very next sentence. Priceless! But I think that what we're seeing is a large number of people who have had negative experiences with Dungeon Finders in other games. I know that is the same for me. I'm opposed simply because despite occasionally not finding groups easily before Dungeon Finder, it was typically far better than the consistent fail and selling runs that people began engaging in once Dungeon Finder was introduced in WoW.


Where do you get the number "large" from? All i see is a couple of trolls on this forum being silly, and fanboi's who don't want it because "they" think it did ruin WoW, something it did not. The WoW community was gone beyond the rim long before the system they use now came about.


On Sith'Ari as it is now it is close to no 50 FP's going on, so most of the people who are 50 do pvp or they started a new char. And it is not only because there is not that many 50's, because there is quite a few on the republic side, problem is that everyone is not in fleet 24/7 looking for a group spamming /1. They out pvping, farming mats, helping friends/guildies who is not 50 yet etc etc. And the same is it on a friends server too, and they are even more people, so everyone does pvp insted of pve because it is easyer that way. And of this people complain there is not a system for finding groups.


I am 45 atm, and have done the first FP, that one i did 2 man with a friend i level with, and we have after that tried to get groups to all FP up the levels and never found a group. And i am not looking forward to level 50 at all if this is how it is going to be, i have better stuff to do in my life then spamming /1 for hours and maybe get a group.

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I HATE dungeon finders. In fact, the one they just put into LOTRO (yes I said JUST so that's a major title that didin't have one for 4 years) completely blows *** and is one of the main reasons I play that game so little anymore. They are unnecessary and stupid. You can find a group for anything you'd like if you just use your fingers and type things out ..it only takes a few minutes.


short: Dungeon Finders suck donkies.

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I didn't say it was due to dungeon finder. It was a counter argument to the utterly irrational point that keeps being raised that dungeon finder somehow "destroyed" WoW, while its numbers grew further after LFDs implementation.


You said it like it was successful because of the dungeon finder.


Rift made a big deal about how they reached 1 million users (sound familiar? alarm bells ringing?) and were the second biggest MMO on the western market. According to Wikipedia, Eve online subscription base _reached_ 360k users in early 2011. Eve is a nobody, a back alley game for people that like the no holds barred masochism of the early free-for-all mmo genre.


Ultimately Rift didn't have the chops to maintain growth, but it had nothing to do with LFD. It is still the top contender outside of WoW, and it is too early to consider SWTOR in that equation; it is running on new game fumes right now.


Rift might have reached 1 million users while running on new game fumes but even that is questionable. According to this article, the 1 million number was only the number of pre-launch accounts. That's not the number of subscriptions, nor even the number of people that bought the game. 360k Eve Users though is nothing to scoff at and is a very decent number if you ignore the amazing numbers that WoW pulls, Eve is probably one of the most successful games in a long time.

Edited by Dasffion
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People who want to play a single player game in an MMO and wouldn't care if their group members were players or NPC bots as long as the mission got completed: go away.


What is the point of an MMO if you never see any of the players you meet again? They might as well be bots in such a situation. Alliances and rivalries are what make an MMO great, and LFG tools directly hinder that. You dont need to coordinate with anyone. You dont need to talk to anyone. You just click a button. Join. Do the phase. Leave. You dont even need to look at their names.


Its a social game. Its not about getting the most stats or the best gear. Its about doing stuff with people.


Don't let this game turn into another WoW, where the entire game world is empty except for 2 cities and nobody every talks unless it is to troll or be trolled. Dont allow the game play experience to devolve into clicking the queue button and then alt tabbing out until the queue pops. Make people interact with each other. Make it so that people need to talk and have conversations and actually achieve things through coordination.


Its much more satisfying to say "i ran an instance and I searched out and assembled a team of the best players i could find personally. After, i added them all to my friends list and now i have a group of people i can rely on" than it is to say "i clicked the button."

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