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10 Good
  1. Shame we cannot summon the Foot of Gork to stomp him and the rest of his kind.
  2. Isn't that what they are for? To assist you in combat? Other than all the wonderful things BioWare gave them?
  3. Crafting only has one thing that relates to WoW's, you can still find materials in the field to gather but that's it. The system is innovative because it does not waste your precious time! Can trolls be reasoned? I intend to test that theory this instant! All MMO's feed off one another's ideas in order to succeed. It is a little thing called COMPETITION!!!
  4. I am forced to agree with your huge wall of text that BioWare did not really innovate all that much on game-play compared to other games but the story part in your post is very easy to explain. People who have no interest in story will find this game is not for them and therefore they will say it sucks. Almost the entire game is built on the foundation of story-telling in a vast world with other people and if you don't like it then your $60-$150 is not coming back to you.
  5. Disagree, it is honestly quite shameful to call SWTOR a WoW clone because of its similar playstyle. About Guild Wars 2 though, that game is not going to have much of an effect on the game. Why? Because GW2 is a free-to-play game. Both games are not very comparable because one has a subscription fee and the other does not. A player's attitude towards a game that is FTP is VERY different compared to a sub-based game. When you are paying for content per you expect a lot more from a game. If it is free then it doesn't matter to the player. In fact anyone can play both games at the same time but you must accept the fact that SWTOR has the best story out of any MMO ever created, this cannot be argued. If there is any determining factor on who plays what is because of either money or time but between these two MMOs it is mostly about time rather than money because seriously who would pay $30 a month for 2 MMOs that eat up time most people do not possess?
  6. What I want fixed: 1. Ability response times- They drive me insane! 2. Warzone lag- It cannot be my machine that's causing the problem because I see people teleporting place to place while the environment stutters. Then again it could be my graphics being set too high.
  7. Then you were a fool for buying the CE in the first place. What is with these people thinking that they are entitled to everything. Go ahead and leave for all I care, you will just take up space where more patient people will take your place.
  8. Well Inquisitors don't wear pants because it would ruin their image. Inquisitors tend to wear large robes as a symbol of authority they have over other people in the Empire, even in real life I want to wear them. If you dislike the Sith Inquisitor's fashion then maybe this isn't the class for you. If you want a stealth class that wears pants then play an Imperial Agent.
  9. I am going to Ilum now to see if this is true. If I do get banned then out comes my subscription. This is really ridiculous. Oh by the way, Level 23 Assassin here.
  10. Hello friends of the Old Republic. I am here tonight as of this posting to give feedback and my stance on RDF. The Issue: So I was playing my Sith Assassin Tank and I decide to form a group for the Mandalorian Raiders Flashpoint. I successfully found two good DPS but no healer. I spammed chat on the Imperial Fleet for over 20 minutes (possibly more) just to recruit a healer. Now this struck me as I didn't think the queues would be this bad for flashpoints and worst of all I am in the biggest guild on Empress Teta and about 67 members were online and none of them volunteered to heal (excluding the too low ones). We had a group of 3 people and we sat down in a queue for over 20 minutes trying to find a healer and it was frustrating! In the end there was no luck and we had to take an Sniper with us and no healer. We never got passed the first boss..... Background With RDF: When I first started getting involved with MMO's more intensely, my first game was WoW and joined in the middle of patch 3.2 Trial of the Crusader. My first dungeon was done through RDF and that was all before the community grew very scummy because of this tool. In Cataclysm that's when all hell broke lose when the community was too used to straightforward dungeons and sustained a shock of difficulty and the WoW community was scarred from RDF. The problem here is it went cross-server and people could get away with almost any bad behaviour. I had nothing against this system before Cataclysm because of how effective it was. Queue times were completely cut at the time and not often did I suffer from other people's vile attitude. When I read stories about how it was back in WoW when all the queue times were very long without RDF, it was countered by having a rather good community for if you screwed up bad then your rep with the server would plunge (and I hear the Legacy system is going to reinforce that policy). So after playing the Old Republic without the use of RDF to get into Flashpoints, my stance completely changed and wanted the system back but not like Blizzard's for it had irreversible consequences that crippled the community over time. What I Think: There is plenty of debate across the internet about the use of RDF and how we can make it better without disrupting the harmony on servers and the rest of the community because let's face it, the game was designed with the Trinity System in mind and it is NOT going anywhere in the game (Trinity System is Tank, Heal and DPS). We should do this carefully and systematically by first introducing Dual-Talent Specialization which would allow people to switch between roles for whatever a group requires to complete a Flashpoint. We should also not forget that most of the gear in the game is static and almost everyone can fulfill 2 roles without suffering statistically (meaning if a piece of gear has Aim then a BH can take it and not suck in healing or DPS). There are plenty of hybrid classes in the game that should fulfill this purpose just fine. If things do not pick up from there then we will have to implement RDF but with a twist. Many people agree that a server-only RDF system would promote the community within a server while keeping queues/waiting low. I think it is a brilliant idea and we should improve what both WoW and RIFT failed to fix. The only time when the system should go cross-server is if a certain server is very low on people (though the debate on "payed server transfer is a whole different story). To conclude my huge wall of text, I am hoping BioWare takes this decision into deep consideration for the greater good of the game and please fix those ability delays while your at it.
  11. I made a Bounty Hunter and levelled him to late 15 then I knew it wasn't for me since it didn't represent me well enough so I decided to play as an Inquisitor Assassin and almost level 12 and haven't even landed on Dromund Kaas yet. I go at my pace while others go at their own. This is still week 2 of release and we should not be in a hurry to hit level 50. Enjoy the game for what it's worth and you will feel more comfortable.
  12. I read it and it was very helpful. Keep up the good work BioWare!
  13. I agree, we should have dual-spec in this game since I want to be a DPS and Healer at different points (not sure about BH healing gear).
  14. Don't know about you but my camera works just fine the way you describe it. I just hold down the left-mouse button then turn my camera around while moving forward.
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