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There's a valid reason why people are upset...


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I just wished I had known they were only going to do the 5 waves per day thing. I assumed it would keep going until all had been allocated into game.


While I'm stuck waiting while my friends are playing, I can understand going gentle early on.


Can you imagine the waaaah if they did open things up full throttle and servers were crashing left right and center? Not only would you have the people that missed out getting in on the first day complaining, you'd also have the people that got in, got a taste and got kicked out.


I tend to agree with the OP's sentiments but it's about managing perception and expectation. You send out an email saying "You'll be able to get in around 10am on the 13th, give ofr take" and you don't get in for a couple of hours due to issues? It creates a expectation and when they can't deliver, they get irate customers.


Of course, they could have been more up front about their wave strategy first (again, managing expectation) prior to go live.

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I hope you all realize the reason for letting people in in waves like this is because each tiny zone of the game can only handle 2 or 3 players or it becomes impossible to complete a quest without having to wait for respawns, etc. BW would rather have poeple wait and be angry a little longer than have anyone report on what a horrible experience it is to play in a crowded zone.


So instead we have hundreds of thousands of people just waiting and checking their emails like little children. That is a poor way of running a business.

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You dont know what they are doing, and there isnt a valid reason to be upset, it was up to 5 days early start and now its 7. People are just whining for no good reason, its a couple of days for gods sake, suck it up.


Like I said I'm not really upset, I have exams until the 16th anyway. Just pointing out WHY people are upset. I mean I'm certainly not impressed, I'll admit that.

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I hope you all realize the reason for letting people in in waves like this is because each tiny zone of the game can only handle 2 or 3 players or it becomes impossible to complete a quest without having to wait for respawns, etc. BW would rather have poeple wait and be angry a little longer than have anyone report on what a horrible experience it is to play in a crowded zone.


lol this has some merit to it unfortunately.

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Back a while ago, there was dev discussion (don't have link) that one of their big concerns was overcrowding starting areas. They wanted to spread out levels so everyone wasn't camping the same mobs/bosses. I can remember when Rift started and how bad it was to find mobs to quest kill to level at first. It was a complete zoo. Dozens of people crowding quest givers. People fighting over mobs.


I can see their point. I do agree that they could have set up a schedule and sent emails out to everyone on Monday telling them their start date. For a disclaimer, they could state that it's subject to change though. At least people could have planned their sick days.

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It's only 6:00 PST people. Not everyone who got their invite is even home from work yet...


I'd rather have them ease into this like they are doing then unleash the hounds, crash the servers and have 1 million people talking smack.


Everyone breathe. If you still aren't in after the 15th then you can start complaining - though I still think you need to get a life if you are...


Honest, today it seemed every time a thread came up with something not so great like this, they took it away, so it just feels like our first post each time.

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People mentioned that but I believe Bioware essentially said that it would cause too much of an uproar if the estimated date didn't meet your actual date. Yeah, you get complainers either way, but frankly I think they would have been better off taking that route.


To be honest I'm also a little confused why they thought this would be the better way. Some information, even if it's an estimate, is better than none at all. At least for most people :p


They could certainly have split people into waves, and sent out emails saying which wave an individual is in. Then regardless of what day it is, at least we'd have some indication, and no time frames would have been given.


The problem is that we heard from them for months that more information would be coming. Then when it came down to it, the information we got was that they would not be releasing any information. Instead of reasons we have been provided with excuses.

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Bioware finished their fifth wave of invites at 2pm today. Not only is this obscenely early, but none of the servers are even close to being near any sort of 'stress test' point. 95% of them are light and standard.


Early access isn't meant to be a stress test. Someone from BioWare even made a post not long ago specifically saying that.

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It's not just about server capacity. It's also about level distribution. That's why they left a lot of room on each server. This way, people don't crowd a single zone.


This game has a railroaded progression. Unlike WoW, there are no alternate levelling zones per level band in TOR. We all go to Coruscant when we finish our origin worlds, then to Taris, then to Nar Shadaa, so on. If they let all the servers get to HEAVY or even FULL on the first day, each zone will be constantly congested until the difference in playing time naturally sifts the population. That takes more than a few days.


IMO, this is the first launch scheme that makes sense.

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The people who are playing aren't here whining, although they might have a valid reason if the servers are too dead to participate in aspects of the game that require multiple people.


The people who are complaining because people who paid BioWare and registered their account sooner also get access sooner don't have valid concerns. I'm perfectly fine with not being in right now. As long as I get in a few days early I'll get what I paid for (especially considering the original announcement was 15th would be the earliest I believe).

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No see, that's just it:


There's no valid reason for anyone to be complaining. None. You're all just kids with entitlement complexes.


You're getting exactly what you were promised and what you agreed to in advance. Now you're moving the goalposts after the agreement.


You're a kid.

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While I'm stuck waiting while my friends are playing, I can understand going gentle early on.


Can you imagine the waaaah if they did open things up full throttle and servers were crashing left right and center? Not only would you have the people that missed out getting in on the first day complaining, you'd also have the people that got in, got a taste and got kicked out.


I tend to agree with the OP's sentiments but it's about managing perception and expectation. You send out an email saying "You'll be able to get in around 10am on the 13th, give ofr take" and you don't get in for a couple of hours due to issues? It creates a expectation and when they can't deliver, they get irate customers.


Of course, they could have been more up front about their wave strategy first (again, managing expectation) prior to go live.


the servers won't crash, they have already been stress tested.

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It's not because of staggered access. We all knew it was going to be like this. We just didn't know how. And now that we're seeing how it's playing out, it's not surprising people are angry.


Bioware finished their fifth wave of invites at 2pm today. Not only is this obscenely early, but none of the servers are even close to being near any sort of 'stress test' point. 95% of them are light and standard.


THIS is why people are mad. Again, not because it's staggered access - um hello, we knew that already. It's because Bioware simply did not do enough to bring in as many people as they could. Instead they've pussyfooted around and are playing it WAY too safe in my opinion. The servers right now are practically DEAD because there's not enough people there. I'm honestly not surprised this doesn't rub people the right way. There's no reason it should


I agree to a point. But what they should do is just let everyone in tomorrow. Be done with it, let the servers crash at least we would all be in.

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It's not because of staggered access. We all knew it was going to be like this. We just didn't know how. And now that we're seeing how it's playing out, it's not surprising people are angry.


Bioware finished their fifth wave of invites at 2pm today. Not only is this obscenely early, but none of the servers are even close to being near any sort of 'stress test' point. 95% of them are light and standard.


THIS is why people are mad. Again, not because it's staggered access - um hello, we knew that already. It's because Bioware simply did not do enough to bring in as many people as they could. Instead they've pussyfooted around and are playing it WAY too safe in my opinion. The servers right now are practically DEAD because there's not enough people there. I'm honestly not surprised this doesn't rub people the right way. There's no reason it should



People have no business being upset right now.


However we should be very pissed if BW doesn't look at the server load stats and lets the same amount of people in tomorrow.

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I'm seeing a lot of medium servers.


Certainly more medium than light anyways, and take into account that today is the FIRST day they're letting people in. It's going to get heavier.


What your argument amounts to as I see it is this: I didn't get in to early access today, that's not fair! Wah wah wah... grow up, man.


Ah damn, so based on your assesment of the OP they've released all servers and they'll be full by tomorrow no doubt and the rest of us are screwed?


Or did I take a huge leap across a bunch of assumptions?

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No see, that's just it:


There's no valid reason for anyone to be complaining. None. You're all just kids with entitlement complexes.


You're getting exactly what you were promised and what you agreed to in advance. Now you're moving the goalposts after the agreement.


You're a kid.


So your point is we are acting like children? *LOOKS UP*


am not!

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none of what you said is valid, they could of let just one person in today.


your not entitled to a thing you whiny, stuck up snobs.


wait in line with everyone else your needs will get attended too.


you whining qq's are the same people that think its ok to mace people in a walmart inorder to get the last game or toy for your self.

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While I'm stuck waiting while my friends are playing, I can understand going gentle early on.


Can you imagine the waaaah if they did open things up full throttle and servers were crashing left right and center? Not only would you have the people that missed out getting in on the first day complaining, you'd also have the people that got in, got a taste and got kicked out.


I tend to agree with the OP's sentiments but it's about managing perception and expectation. You send out an email saying "You'll be able to get in around 10am on the 13th, give ofr take" and you don't get in for a couple of hours due to issues? It creates a expectation and when they can't deliver, they get irate customers.


Of course, they could have been more up front about their wave strategy first (again, managing expectation) prior to go live.


not going full throttle is 1 thing .. but 6 hours with no invites and another 14 hours until more invites go out means a lot of starter areas devoid of exactly what everyone wants.


laziness? stupidity? bad planning? pride?


I cant figure out why they would stop sending invites for such an extended period of time.


I can understand not sending invites past 2:30 ... and on to about 10pm ... but send out another 10k at 10pm ... ffs ... those that took off work can use that time to level out of the starting areas so they are fresh in the AM.

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I'm seeing a lot of medium servers.


Certainly more medium than light anyways, and take into account that today is the FIRST day they're letting people in. It's going to get heavier.


What your argument amounts to as I see it is this: I didn't get in to early access today, that's not fair! Wah wah wah... grow up, man.


Honestly you should be the one to grow up. They could let more people in now, so less people wait later.

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It's really easy to get all upset because we don't get what we want when we want. It's also very easy to point out how the person/people not giving us what are dead wrong and messing up. What's not so easy is stopping long enough to think that we don't always have all the details and can't possibly put ourselves in the shoes of the guys we're so mad at.


Most servers are not light, they're standard. Standard is called that for a reason and I would hope standard also means optimal. Too light, boring waste land...too heavy, annoying cluster. The server load indicates the entire server population which for the first and only time is level 1 - 10...all on the starter worlds. Aside from not wanting people to have problems questing due to a finite number of mobs and quest objectives, we have to consider that the hardware being used and game requirements are optimized for normal play load and dispersant.


Maybe they're playing it safe. The decision makers have the fate of the game as well as an obscene amount of money for two very large and successful companies riding on them. That means these guys careers could be jeopardized if they go a little too cowboy and try to please the fans at the expense of practicality. Anyone who's a decision maker in their career knows that when making decisions for high stakes situations at work, balance is key.


"How many people am I going to rile up if I go this way or that? What's the worst case scenario?"


In this case, worst case scenario is letting in everyone who thinks they deserve to be in or who think they know better then the professionals getting paid to do their job and then crashing servers/creating an unplayable experience for the masses.


Finally, lets all try to remember this is 2 days early then even what we were told early access would be (pretty stand up thing to do if you ask me) not to mention, every single one of us who pre-ordered and read the product description of what we were ordering were in no uncertain terms told that we would get UP TO 5 days.

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No see, that's just it:


There's no valid reason for anyone to be complaining. None. You're all just kids with entitlement complexes.


You're getting exactly what you were promised and what you agreed to in advance. Now you're moving the goalposts after the agreement.


You're a kid.


Okay I accept that. Now just let me know where or rather when is my goalpost. I surely would not attempt to move such a thing if I knew where it was.


(these analogies can get out of hand can't they?)

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