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Everything posted by DarthKerz

  1. In beta I had an armor piece called "Force Sentinel Headgear". It was my favorite piece of armor. Has anyone seen it since the game was officially released?
  2. It's really easy to get all upset because we don't get what we want when we want. It's also very easy to point out how the person/people not giving us what are dead wrong and messing up. What's not so easy is stopping long enough to think that we don't always have all the details and can't possibly put ourselves in the shoes of the guys we're so mad at. Most servers are not light, they're standard. Standard is called that for a reason and I would hope standard also means optimal. Too light, boring waste land...too heavy, annoying cluster. The server load indicates the entire server population which for the first and only time is level 1 - 10...all on the starter worlds. Aside from not wanting people to have problems questing due to a finite number of mobs and quest objectives, we have to consider that the hardware being used and game requirements are optimized for normal play load and dispersant. Maybe they're playing it safe. The decision makers have the fate of the game as well as an obscene amount of money for two very large and successful companies riding on them. That means these guys careers could be jeopardized if they go a little too cowboy and try to please the fans at the expense of practicality. Anyone who's a decision maker in their career knows that when making decisions for high stakes situations at work, balance is key. "How many people am I going to rile up if I go this way or that? What's the worst case scenario?" In this case, worst case scenario is letting in everyone who thinks they deserve to be in or who think they know better then the professionals getting paid to do their job and then crashing servers/creating an unplayable experience for the masses. Finally, lets all try to remember this is 2 days early then even what we were told early access would be (pretty stand up thing to do if you ask me) not to mention, every single one of us who pre-ordered and read the product description of what we were ordering were in no uncertain terms told that we would get UP TO 5 days.
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