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Everything posted by pmaura

  1. can any one tell me if I revert back to the older drivers. What will that effect. I dont want to revert back just for one game
  2. Man this sucks I just resubbed. Windows 10gtx 980 ti. play for about 30 minutes to an hour and then boom, I get this error. Its only this game. Fall out 4 is fine, Starcitizen is Fine, XCOM 2 no problems. All drivers updated .
  3. Looking For a easy going Guild on NA server, just got back to playing again, subd up for 3 months, currently playing jedi shadow, looking for pve, pvp etc.
  4. was wondering if anyone had a decent Scounrdrel DPS build and an attack roation or just any help or suggestions you can give for this.
  5. they need to allow people to switch asap. but on other news, my server peaked at 325 last night, its slowly growing.
  6. How? once one side becomes dominant the other side get the bonus.
  7. you know its going to swing the other way eventually people will go let me try an Empire Toon. Or a Republic Toon. The only thing they can do on illium is to give the side thats on the field with a disadvante some damage and AC buff. but before they do that they need to shore up illium to such a state that its lag free I will say this at the end of this month they should allow people on servers to transfer there character to other servers. the fall off from subscriptions is inevitable also playing times reduce and become normalized. they should of never added so many to begin with just make people wait or released the game not during a holiday when everyone one had so much free time.
  8. If I could hug you I would. I love this game as well. I Mass Effect 3. though oh boy I imagine that will be 2-3 weeks of not playing this.
  9. OP hence why I say Bioware cant win. Also its not just MMO its all games. You also forgot people want to some how merge it with hello kitty, gods of war and pacman
  10. Not sure if I am thinking of this right but illium is a lag fest at times becuase theres to many people seems and say what you want but 100 v 100 fights are pretty tough for mmo's to pull off 200v200 even more so etc. Eve to date I think has the largest scale battles I was in one that was well over 2000 v 4000 and the 2000 won. and that was a lag fest to hell, but Eve can some how reinforce the systems there in to accomodate more. is this possible with Swtor.
  11. the truth is though, they need to do this fast, first allow everyone to move servers once, then next month close the dead servers and merger them the last thing you want are custumers in a light server. this is all part of mmo's though after release, its also my theory on why you shouldnt release at holiday times when people can dedicate and stupid amount of time to them. a march release would of been great.
  12. well mayb it used to do a lot more then whats happening to you know
  13. nevermind this is an I loved SWG why is this SWG sand park you lied to me
  14. sounds like you havent playes swtor you can fly off in your ship go to other worlds find quests explore etc. and the worlds are not tiny. the only games not like this are eve, darkfall, uo and mortal online.
  15. and if I do a seach yours is the only one that comes up. You have a new computer you said, I would look at your parts and think its something wrong with your computer. New computers do not been bug free by any definition
  16. define a lot, this is the first I have seen about it
  17. from launch of course, people are back at school, people are not longer in a rush to play 12 hrs a day, I do kow my server has seem to grown, had almost 300 in fleet the other day
  18. It should of been released during halloween, its awesome. Love it keep up the good work.
  19. I dont demand anything. And sorry your q times are more then 30 seconds
  20. pmaura

    PVP imbalance

    so ban all groups communitaction and voip. also in case players are actually good gimp them so there bad, the easiest way to do this would be if bioware came over to there house and cut off there dominant hand.
  21. this has to be your first MMO. grind and swtor dont go together. Its there but its not that bad.
  22. this is a great game I think I post about once a week now becuase the rest of the time I am playing
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