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Shae Vizla Launch Updates


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Only 2 mil per character? Wow, that is way too low IMHO. I was hoping it would be enough to at least cover re-making all my outfits and Stronghold reactivation fees. :(

It is nice that they are offering free/discounted transfers, though. 

Edited by Gwena
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Just now, Leanest said:

welp, I hope that gets amended soon

The worst part is once again posting on a Friday before they go for the weekend, in this case where we are feeling like second rate players on our own server, its not going to help them, rather the opposite, people have the whole weekend to stew on it and see other leaving, if the rest of the weekend goes the way it has in the first 90 minutes there is going to be a lot more, by the time they get back on Monday and realise how monumentally stupid this was it may already be too late.
I am just sitting here annoyed and quite upset by our treatment to be honest, so much to say and don't know where to start. 
It reminds me of old WoW, "this is our game, and what we are doing and you WILL like it"

To BS, My *** people "read the room"

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miss the free transfer cut off by 2 days..... wth regardless 2m per toon is not enough to even do outfits again let alone all strongholds again before i even think about raiding... people have only been doing heroics to fund repairs and playing as a stopgap measure until transfers now many including myself have unsubbed. 

you have now killed any raiding apart from story modes and ev/kp hm on SV 

please reconsider and make the only APAC server unrestricted just like every other regional server and make a fresh start server in NA for all those who want it or even just a second APAC server without restrictions and let us take our stuff there leaving SV for the fresh start heorics grinders


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1 hour ago, commanderpaul said:

miss the free transfer cut off by 2 days..... wth regardless 2m per toon is not enough to even do outfits again let alone all strongholds again before i even think about raiding... people have only been doing heroics to fund repairs and playing as a stopgap measure until transfers now many including myself have unsubbed. 

you have now killed any raiding apart from story modes and ev/kp hm on SV 

please reconsider and make the only APAC server unrestricted just like every other regional server and make a fresh start server in NA for all those who want it or even just a second APAC server without restrictions and let us take our stuff there leaving SV for the fresh start heorics grinders


You've seen sm runs? I've joined 4 chat channels and pubside especially rarely has any ops going, and even EV and KP were so bad I stopped doing them because I was tired of bad groups and high repair bills for easy content.

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12 minutes ago, commanderpaul said:

@JackieKo @KeithKannegi played on the original APAC servers and when they closed all of my toons were transfered to a US server with all of my stuff now that an APAC server exists again how is fair that i can't have all of my stuff again? even just a decent %.....

It isn't, and TBH I don't think they care.

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i played on the original APAC servers and when they closed all of my toons were transfered to a US server with all of my stuff now that an APAC server exists again how is fair that i can't have all of my stuff again? even just a decent %.....

And unless your account meets certain strict requirements, they expect you to pay them for the privilege as well ... 

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I'm going to go deeper on my last posts. The raiding community on Shae Vizla was already small. Those selling things like augments on the GTN were raiders. Who is going to buy the mats others sell now that they are gone? I was the only person selling some tank augs, and now unless the raid team I joined the server for somehow survives with 2 people, a tank and healer, already in short supply, already quitting the game over this news.

I did not plan to transfer characters, I planned to use the influx of credits on the GTN to help fund raiding. I have been running heroics and dailies every free moment for weeks. I have less than 1 million credits between the 500k per night I spend raiding and the rest goes to crafting. I have enough legacy unlocks to be okay but I still have most ship upgrades still needed, that I simply don't have the credits for. Keep in mind when I say every free moment, I am disabled. I can't work, so I play SWTOR to help fill time. I have been doing every daily area besides like Iokath and enough heroics to do most of the weeklies. Every day, for weeks. Just to raid. Now the team is already falling apart, and I'm burned out running heroics just to survive. This post just made all my work useless.

At this point a major reversal on this decision is needed, but unfortunately, the damage is done. Many subs who have now cancelled due to this awful decision will not come back. The server may be in trouble because of it. I don't need to play on SV, and I'm really sorry for those that do. But I put in a lot of hard work, including a full set of 344 Rakata gear with blue augments. I'm now hoping to transfer a character with that gear off the server. I just can't fathom how BS thought this would be a good idea. They see the numbers. They know the server is losing population due to not having enough credits. This is not only tone deaf, but this feels like they didn't even do the research to see how hard it is. They obviously aren't raiding.

I have been looking for a raid team that does what this raid team was doing for months, if not years. Now I have to find another, and probably at a time not as ideal for me. I've been playing this game since almost launch, I missed the founder title by a few months. I have seen some dumb decisions but nothing like this since Ben Irving was removed for doing this kind of thing too much. I don't know who is responsible for this decision but I get the feeling Keith was not it.

I know running a game server is expensive, which is why you tried to test a fresh start and have an APAC server at the same time, but you just effectively ruined any chance of learning anything because all of the people that would have let you test it just decided to either quit the game or move to another server. I have not seen a single person give positive feedback on this. Any hope you had of testing a fresh start server just died along with the APAC server. The server was already suffering with the announcement of transfers, this was the final nail in the coffin. At least now you can write the book on how to kill a server and piss off a continent of players at the same time.

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Just a quick stat here. A player wanting to transfer a character and their stronghold(s) over to Shae Vizla would have to transfer at least 2 characters to reactivate with credits any of the following strongholds: Tatooine (2.5m), Yavin 4 (2.5m), Manaan (2.5m), Rishi (3m), and Alderaan (4m). If you have all of these strongholds and want to reactivate all of them with credits, you'd need 14.5m credits, or over 7 characters transferred with 2m credits each. That's just Strongholds alone.


It should have been stated clearly, from the start, that this server was a fresh start server first and foremost. Dangling the carrot that this was an APAC server for APAC players and then doing this is genuinely awful, but I suppose that's why it was announced at the end of business on a Friday.

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8 minutes ago, The-Kaitou-Kid said:

It should have been stated clearly, from the start, that this server was a fresh start server first and foremost. Dangling the carrot that this was an APAC server for APAC players and then doing this is genuinely awful, but I suppose that's why it was announced at the end of business on a Friday.

I am out of reactions today LOL, but this 100% 
Its now obvious that it was never an APAC server first and foremost, once again treating the APAC players like second class players, and stupid as well for believing they actually did have our interests at heart.

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  • Shae Vizla's PVP has already died.
  • Shae Vizla's PVE is likely going to now die due to this horrible decision.
  • It's a fresh start server with HYPERINFLATION FEES AND TAXES.


And for all those people who are rejoicing at the low credits, know this: all of the endgame community are leaving, you lose access to people who put up items on the GTN, people who have skill and experience to run Operations and more, and you will fizzle and dry out running your heroics daily when there's nothing to buy on the GTN , with only 5 other people on the fleet.


@JackieKo  I know there's basically no chance of this, but the only thing you can do now is to reduce repair bills and endgame costs before the mass unsubbing continues. 



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20 minutes ago, The-Kaitou-Kid said:

Just a quick stat here. A player wanting to transfer a character and their stronghold(s) over to Shae Vizla would have to transfer at least 2 characters to reactivate with credits any of the following strongholds: Tatooine (2.5m), Yavin 4 (2.5m), Manaan (2.5m), Rishi (3m), and Alderaan (4m). If you have all of these strongholds and want to reactivate all of them with credits, you'd need 14.5m credits, or over 7 characters transferred with 2m credits each. That's just Strongholds alone.


It should have been stated clearly, from the start, that this server was a fresh start server first and foremost. Dangling the carrot that this was an APAC server for APAC players and then doing this is genuinely awful, but I suppose that's why it was announced at the end of business on a Friday.

And to open up rooms on guild ships is 5mill each.

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9 minutes ago, ufion said:

And for all those people who are rejoicing at the low credits, know this: all of the endgame community are leaving, you lose access to people who put up items on the GTN, people who have skill and experience to run Operations and more, and you will fizzle and dry out running your heroics daily when there's nothing to buy on the GTN , with only 5 other people on the fleet.

1000000000000% this. Already struggling endgame, and with this news most if not all the people actually selling things on the GTN are leaving until a change is made.

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So because I didn't receive the email about the APAC server re-opening until December and didn't subscribe until then, I am not eligible for free character transfers? This really is just a Fresh Start server that happens to be located in APAC.

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Oh well. No reason to hang around there then. There won't be any endgame with that limit. 

A wipe for a geared player costs approximitely 35k. The group wipes 10 times, it's 350k, 20 wipes is 700k per evening. Multiply that with 3 raid days per week. You can raid 2-3 weeks with 2 million credits, that's not sustainable.

Want to unlock strongholds and character perks too? Yeah, forget it. Maybe in a year or two, unless you can convince enough friends to become your mule and bring over your credits on your behalf. 

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If you drop the costs, of repairs, gearing, decos/ships/strongholds and crafting  by 90%, I'm OK with this. If you actually think 2 million per toon (32 million total) is going cover basic expenses to play the game then you developers are completely out of touch with your own game. Just placing an augment in it's slot costs 100 K, a single tactical costs 1 million credits, every time I die it costs me 30,000 credits, that 32 million will evaporate quicker than I can count, on nothing more than in game credit sinks and I won't be spending my downtime farming heroics just to play.

Edited by MuskyBoy
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2 hours ago, Skyzin said:

So because I didn't receive the email about the APAC server re-opening until December and didn't subscribe until then, I am not eligible for free character transfers? This really is just a Fresh Start server that happens to be located in APAC.

people dropping sub is insane

it says 90 days , and since APAC launch (unless im understanding this wrong), so if u subed after this date you will be fine as long as you are at 90 days during the first 30days of free transfers!!  (i think they trying to say you been subed since server launch , not 90 days of sub before it then lapse and resub this month etc) 

currently we are 85 days since launch and by time update hits it prob will be  about 95 days or so 



given we can expect update to hit prob end of month  that will make it over 90 days plus another 30 will cover those who sub in December  


if update is the 20th feb then 30 days after brings us to march 21st and 90 consecutive days is December 22nd


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1 hour ago, TalLura said:

if update is the 20th feb then 30 days after brings us to march 21st and 90 consecutive days is December 22nd



  • Have been a Subscriber since APAC launch (November 17, 2023) for at least 90 consecutive days. "

    Basically, you are correct, however it also means those of us that were 3 weeks behind will also still be three weeks before we can freely transfer unless we pay for it.

    There are those of us, (like myself) that cancelled their subs after the last announcement he made and will not have a 90 continuous anyway, even after literally spending thousands of $$ over the full term of the game as a beta player, with the odd gap for a break.
    It's a ridiculous and completely unfair clause and shouldn't even be considered.
    A simple need to be subbed and an APAC region player would have been more than enough, I doubt there is anyone that can see that as unfair.
    Alternatively, and not as unfair, the player should have an active 90-day sub as another option. Still annoying but at least feasible.

    We are left with a choice where ALL answers suck. 
    *Transfer without a decent number of credits and in some cases more characters than we actually wanted to just to get a few more credits, and have to pay in some cases, even though its discounted.
    Basically, BS saying, yeah, we don't care what you already paid or earned. you can't have it on your own regional server (and I use that term lightly now as its obviously not).

    *Continue to play on US servers and suffer that same things we have been for ages, with high ping a region that's spread out everywhere constant disconnects etc.

    *Leave the transfers alone and just re-build on the server, which people are getting sick of, and then leaving behind things we paid real money and time for, or finally just stop playing, or paying.

    There are even cases where people want to bring all of their characters, what are they supposed to do, give away their stuff? or just make a level one character to hold on to it in case they ever change or want it back?
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7 hours ago, The-Kaitou-Kid said:

It should have been stated clearly, from the start, that this server was a fresh start server first and foremost. Dangling the carrot that this was an APAC server for APAC players and then doing this is genuinely awful, but I suppose that's why it was announced at the end of business on a Friday.

They always said that it was but yes also APAC.

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2 minutes ago, Savyl said:

They always said that it was but yes also APAC.

No they did not, they said it was an APAC regional server they were also keeping A close eye on the economy, they never once said it was a fresh start server.

Here is the announcement. I must be missing where they said fresh start in that email?

Greetings from Keith Kanneg,
Executive Producer of Star Wars™: The Old Republic
I am pleased to announce that we have returned to the Asia-Pacific (APAC) region and opened a new server called Shae Vizla!
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